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Research Project: Hastening the Development of Speciality Spring Wheats with Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight Project Number: 0500-00053-001-93
Project Type: Grant

Start Date: May 05, 2004
End Date: May 04, 2009

Use marker assisted selection (MAS) and the production of double-haploid (DH) plants to rapidly pyramid different genetic sources of FHB resistance into Alsen spring wheat. Accelerate the development of FHB resistant specialty wheat germplasm and cultivars for the Northern Plains.

Pollinate BC(4)F(1) plants with maize to produce DH plants. Use Xgwm533 and Xgwm2 markers to detect the Sumai 3 and T. dicoccoides QTL in the DH plants. Select plants with only the Sumai 3 QTL and plant with both the Sumai 3 and Ofhs.ndsu-3AS QTL and test for FHB resistance to spread within the head. Test if the pyramiding of both QTL results in a higher level of resistance that is expressed in Alsen. Develop backcross reciprocal monosomic lines produced from crosses between 'Frontana' and 'Chris' spring wheat monosomic lines. Compare and evaluate these lines to determine which chromosome or chromosomes carry a major gene or genes for FHB resistance in 'Frontana'. For critical chromosome lines expressing resistance, hybridize to backcross-derived lines of Alsen, which are being developed to pyramid different sources of FHB resistance from Triticum dicoccoides and the hexaploid wheat, 'CM-82036'. FY06 Title: Pyramiding Sources of Scab Resistance in Spring Wheat


Project Team
Simmons, M Kay
Related National Programs
  Plant Diseases (303)
Last Modified: 01/16/2009
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