#...USDA/FSA-7 #...System name: Employee Resources Master File, USDA/FSA-7. System location: Kansas City Management Office, 8930 Ward Parkway, PO Box 419205, Kansas City, Missouri 64141-0205. Categories of individuals covered by the system: Federal Employees (career, career conditional, temporary, general schedule, and wage board) who are presently employed in the Management Office. Categories of records in the system: Contains names of all individuals identified in the preceding paragraph and such information as social security number, date of birth service date (for retirement and annual leave) pay plan, grade, step, occupational series, and annual salary, daily salary rate, hourly salary rate, overtime hourly rate, training course number, course sponsor, course title, hour credit, and completion date. Authority for maintenance of the system: 5 U.S.C. 301. Purpose(s): This system of records is maintained to retain necessary personnel records of FSA employees at the Kansas City Management Office to facilitate the processing of personnel matters. Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories of users and the purposes of such uses: None. Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, and disposing of records in the system: Storage: The records are maintained in the Department's computer system at the Kansas City Computer Center, 8930 Ward Parkway, PO 419205, Kansas City, Missouri 64141-0205. Retrievability: The records are indexed by employee name. Safeguards: The records are kept in secured Government buildings. Access is limited to authorized FSA representatives. Computer files are protected by authorization codes, passwords and other safeguard technology. Retention and disposal: The records are retained indefinitely on a currently updated basis. System manager(s) and address: Director, Kansas City Management Office, 8930 Ward Parkway, PO Box 419205, Kansas City, Missouri 64141-0205. Notification procedure: An individual may request information regarding this system of records, or information as to whether this system contains records pertaining to such individual from the System Manager listed above. Record access procedures: An individual may obtain information about a record in the system which pertains to such individual by submitting a written request to the above listed System Manager. The envelope and letter should be marked ``Privacy Act Request.'' A request for information should contain: Name, address, ZIP code, name of the system of records, year of records in question, and any other pertinent information to help identify the file. Contesting record procedures: Individuals desiring to contest or amend information maintained in the system should direct their request to the above listed System Manager, and should include the reason for contesting it and the proposed amendment to the information with supporting information to show how the record is inaccurate. A request for contesting records should contain: Name, address, ZIP code, name of the system of records, year of records in question, and any other pertinent information to help identify the file. Record source categories: Summary of data maintained in the Official Personnel Folder.