Food Irradiation Bibliographic Database

Principal investigator: Ari Brynjolfsson, Ph.D.

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The database consists of reports, articles, books, and book chapters relevant to research and development of irradiated food from 1947 to 1997. The material was given to National Agricultural Library in the years 1986 to 1997 from the private libraries of Dr. Edward S. Josephson, Dr. Eugene Wierbicki, Dr. Walter M. Urbain, and Dr. Ari Brynjolfsson.

The overall focus was to record all factual information and results of experiments sponsored by the US Government, with special emphasis on unpublished or difficult to obtain research reports. Much of the research work was done under specific project numbers, and contract numbers listed in the field called "Sponsors". These numbers are used to group the material into subgroups. For example, all progress and final reports under a specific contract are listed under that contract number together with all related scientific journal articles based on the specific contract studies. This facilitates thorough evaluation of each of the studies. This sub-grouping is useful for perusing the findings, and for discovering hidden parameters often not explicitly mentioned in the scientific journal articles.
For example, a search under: DA-49-007-MD-543 (or simply MD-543) will give a listing of all progress and final reports under this contract as well as scientific journal articles based on studies under this contract. These listings will often point to related articles. The comments at the end of each wholesomeness report will facilitate evaluation of the work and the research findings.

The material is grouped into four main groups.

  1. Database Record Numbers 1 to 2999 are used for reports and articles on food technology, radiation chemistry, microbiology, entomology, parasites, packaging, radiation sources, dosimetry, irradiation technology, and economics.
  2. Record Numbers 3000 to 3999 are for reports sponsored by Atomic Energy Commission's (AEC now Department of Energy). These include both wholesomeness studies and food technology contracts.
  3. Record numbers 5000 to 6999 are for wholesomeness studies (such as all animal feeding studies contracts sponsored by the National Food Irradiation Program and the US Army Surgeon General).
  4. Record Numbers 7000 to 8999 are for proceedings of important national and international meetings, symposia, and conferences on food irradiation.
In some cases there may be an overlap. For example, nutrition and radiation chemistry reports are often relevant to both wholesomeness and to food technology.

Nine fields are used to characterize each record.

Field 1. Number: Each record has a number which is unique.

Field 2. Format: R stands for report; B for book or book chapter; P for proceedings; J for scientific journal; M for magazine; Oa for pre-publication; Ob for correspondence about research results; Oc for research plan; and O for miscellaneous. In the notation Rn.m, the number n after R gives the report number, m the number of copies that exist at NAL. For example, R6.2 means that the record is a 6th progress report and that it exists in two copies. Rf.1 means that it is a final report in one copy, which usually gives a authors' summary of the findings. The records of proceedings are usually numbered P1.1, P2.1, P3.1 etc. meaning the first, second, third, etc. report presented at the meeting.

Field 3. Subjects: Subjects field lists the main objects of the studies. For example, food technology, microbiology, packaging, entomology etc.; and when possible the specific food (beef, pork, fish, wheat, corn, etc.), microbes (clostridia, salm onella, viruses, etc.) and specific insects studied are listed. If the study is about vitamins the field will list the vitamins studied. In animal feeding studies it will list the foods and animals used

Field 4. Sponsors: This field lists the institution, the country, or the contract number. When the contract number is given, usually a US Government contract number, the institution performing the study is listed under field "Publisher".

Field 5. Authors: This field lists the principal authors on the report or on the article.

Field 6. Year: This field lists the year of publication.

Field 7. Title: This field lists the title of the report or the article.

Field 8. Publisher: This field lists the name of the institution issuing the report; and in case of an article the name of the scientific journal or magazine with volume and page number. In case of a book or book chapter the field lists the name of the book and its publisher. In case of a proceeding of a meeting, it gives the name of the corresponding conference and/or publisher of the proceedings.

Field 9. Comments: This field is used for any comments. It is usually completed only in case of wholesomeness studies. It lists the main results and conclusions by authors, by Dr. Ari Brynjolfsson, or by Prof. Elwood Reber who has published an annotated bibliography on many of the studies.