USDA Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Forest Inventory and Analysis

US Forest Service
Pacific Northwest
Research Station
Region 6
Evaluate Our Service
Your comments and suggestions are very important to our service improvement.

Pacific Northwest Forest Inventory and Analysis
620 SW Main, Suite 400
Portland, OR 97205

P. O. Box 3890
Portland, OR 97208-3890

(503) 808-2000

US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station Pacific Northwest Forest Inventory and Analysis

Oregon Inventory Results




Volume, Sawtimber
(Scribner rule):

Net Growth of growing stock
(Current Annual):

Removals of Growing Stock:
(Average Annual)

Mortality of Growing Stock
(Average Annual):

    Data Source:

Most Recent Periodic Inventories:
1998 - 1999 (Eastern Oregon, non National Forest System land)
1995 - 1997 (Western Oregon, non National Forest System land)
1993 - 1997 (National Forest System land)
Annual Inventories - Every year beginning 2001
Field Manuals
For More Information, Contact:
Analysis and Research - Dave Azuma, dazuma
Data Collection - Marc Lapine (OR/WA Field Coordinator), mlapine
Information Management - George Breazeale, gbreazeale
Inventory Analysis Reporting - Joe Donnegan, jdonnegan

US Forest Service - Pacific Northwest Forest Inventory and Analysis
Last Modified: Friday, 14 March 2008 at 13:25:18 EDT

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