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HSR&D Study

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DHI 07-054
Veterans Telemedicine Outreach for PTSD Services
Zia Agha MD MS
VA San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego
San Diego, CA
Funding Period: May 2008 - April 2012

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is considered a major public health
problem in the U.S. due to its high prevalence and high rates of disability associated with the disorder. For thousands of veterans, PTSD is a chronic disorder, resulting directly from military service that causes substantial psychological suffering and social disability. Barriers to PTSD care include poor access, mistrust, and lack of benefit from traditional treatments.

However, recently developed evidenced based treatments like CPT are very effective. Unfortunately, these treatments are not widely available, as a large proportion of veterans live in rural communities and have poor access to specialized mental health care. The VA hospital system currently supports sophisticated telemedicine technology that can provide CPT to veterans in their home communities. The proposed project will assess the quality of CPT provided via telemedicine and its impact on outcomes, and is therefore, directly related to the VA's mission to provide advanced, accessible, and high quality health care to all eligible veterans regardless of place of residence: "Right care in the right place, at the right time".

The objective of the proposed study is to conduct a systematic comparison of PTSD outcomes for veterans receiving cognitive processing therapy via telemedicine vs. in-person care. The patienttherapist relationship is central in establishing an effective therapeutic relationship and is strongly influenced by
communication. Consequently, this project will also compare provider-patient communication during telemedicine consultations vs. in-person consultations.

We propose a randomized clinical trial of 254 patients receiving cognitive processing therapy either via telemedicine or by in-person care. Telemedicine visits will occur at La Jolla VA in San Diego and inperson visits will occur at the Mission Valley VA Clinic in San Diego. Veterans with PTSD will be enrolled from
the primary care and mental health clinics at the above sites. Clinical services will be provided by 10 participating providers with specialized training in CPT. Therapy will be provided over 12 weekly sessions lasting 60 minutes each. Previously validated and widely used measures of PTSD symptom severity (Clinician- Administered PTSD Scale, PTSD Checklist ) and health related quality of life (SF-36) will be measured at baseline, at completion of therapy, and at 6 months follow-up. In addition, we will measure and compare the quality of verbal and non-verbal patient-provider communication for in-person and telemedicine visits via video recordings of visits, which will be analyzed using the Roter Interaction Analyses System. Patient and provider satisfaction will be measured post therapy with previously validated questionnaires. Statistical methods will
include descriptive analyses, reliability analyses, and hypothesis testing using linear mixed models.

None at this time

This project addresses two very important and timely questions related to the VHA's mission to provide state of the art care to OEF and OIF veterans. First, can telemedicine be used as a tool to extend effective, specialized mental health services such as, cognitive processing therapy (CPT), to veterans with poor access to care? Second, does therapy delivered by telemedicine effect the quality
of care in terms of clinical outcomes (PTSD severity, Quality of Life), and the quality of patient-therapist interaction (patient satisfaction & communication)? By answering these questions, this study will provide valuable knowledge for VA researchers, clinicians, and policy makers. The study findings will have direct
implications related to making specific recommendations regarding telemedicine utilization to deliver specialized mental health services for veterans suffering from PTSD.

None at this time.

DRA: Military and Environmental Exposures
DRE: none
Keywords: none
MeSH Terms: none