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HSR&D Study

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IAB 05-297
Adapting Tools to Implement Stroke Risk Management to Veterans
Teresa M. Damush PhD
Roudebush VA Medical Center Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN
Funding Period: March 2007 - August 2010

The purpose of this study is to help us understand how a stroke prevention program can help improve control of medical conditions that increase the risk of having a stroke. A stroke prevention program is a collection of materials including written materials like pamphlets and brochures, videotapes and training guides for stroke survivors and for the doctors that provide care for them. Other tools that may be used in a stroke prevention program include things that help patients monitor medical symptoms at home like home blood pressure machines or blood sugar monitors and messaging devices that allow reporting symptoms from home to a health care provider.

Study start: January 2008; Expected completion: March 2010
Stroke affects at least 15,000 veterans each year, and this number will likely increase as the veteran population ages. According to the AHA, the prevalence of stroke is expected to double by 2020 with the increased proportion of older adults nationwide. Our preliminary QUERI work indicates that stroke risk factors are often undermanaged in VHS.
This proposed study of a stroke risk factor management program may benefit the VHS in several ways. First, it offers VHS a systematic program for reduction in stroke risk factors leading to better health for our veterans and a reduction in inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation and home health services for these events. Second, the VSPP takes into account the varied resources and services offered in VAMCs across the nation, allowing the program to be tailored both to a given facility and to the individual veteran's needs and readiness to change. Importantly, the program could allow all VA facilities to offer guideline-concurrent stroke risk reduction programs and therefore increase compliance with VA/DoD, AHA, and JCAHO stroke care guidelines and improve their quality of stroke care.
Comparison(s): Other regionally matched facilities to compare rate of compliance with the various measures during the course if the study at the intervention site.
Ages Eligible for Study: 18 Years and above, Genders Eligible for Study: Both
Inclusion Criteria:
Veterans 18 years or older hospitalized with stroke or TIA at Indianapolis VAMC and Houston VAMC; willing to participate, access to telephone; speaks and understands English; no severe cognitive impairments; life expectancy of at last 6 mos; willingness to follow-up in VA outpatient care.
Exclusion Criteria:
Severe aphasia or cognitive impairment; active alcohol or substance abuse; cannot or unwilling to participate; does not speak or understand English;life expectancy less than 6 mos; no access to telephone; no VA outpatient follow-up

We are currently in the start up phase and coordinating the Study to begin in January, 2008.

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DRA: Aging and Age-Related Changes, Chronic Diseases, Health Services and Systems
DRE: Prevention, Quality of Care, Communication and Decision Making
Keywords: Decision support, Risk factors, Stroke
MeSH Terms: none