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Searched for all terms: sediment in "Best_Match"

Records 1 thru 20 of 170

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 01.Title: Concentrations of Nutrients, Pesticides, and Suspended Sediment in the Karst Terrane of the Sinking Creek Basin, Kentucky, 2004
Author(s): Crain, A. S.
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality/ pesticides/ sediment deposition/ nitrates/ phosphorus/
Date: 2006-04-01
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 02.Title: Incidence and Severity of Sediment Contamination in Surface Waters of the United States: National Sediment Quality Survey, Second Edition
Author(s): Standards and Health Protection Division
Publisher: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: sediment contamination/ sediments/ surface water/ water quality analysis/
Date: 2004-04-08
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 03.Title: Diversity of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp Isolates from Playa Waters and Sediments
Author(s): Rice, W. C.; Purdy, C. W.
Publisher: North Carolina State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: concentrated animal feeding operations/ playas/ beef cattle/ Escherichia coli/ Salmonella/ Enterobacteriaceae/
Date: 2005-02-08
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 04.Title: Methods of Phosphorus Analysis for Soils, Sediments, Residuals, and Waters
Author(s): Pierzynski, G. M.
Publisher: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, SERA-17
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: phosphorus/ soil analysis/ water analysis/ analytical methods/
Date: 2000-09-06
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 05.Title: Economic benefits of reducing fire-related sediment in southwestern fire-prone ecosystems.
Author(s): Loomis, J.; Wohlgemuth, P.; Gonzalez-Caban, A.; English, D.
Publisher: U. S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: prescribed burning/ wildfire management/ soil erosion/ watersheds/ economic analysis/
Date: 2003-09-18
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 06.Title: Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: #17 Land-Use Characterization for Nutrient and Sediment Risk Assessment
Author(s): van der Valk, A.
Publisher: U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: wetlands/ environmental assessment/ risk assessment/ land use/ nutrients/ pollution load/ sediments/ methodology/ sampling/ environmental monitoring/ geographic information systems/ cartography/ data collection/ data analysis/ case studies/ ecosystem management/ watershed management/ environmental policy/ United States/ Iowa/
Date: 2002-03-00
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 07.Title: Proceedings: National Sediment Bioaccumulation Conference, September 11-13, 1996, Bethesda, Maryland
Author(s): U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water
Publisher: U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: bioaccumulation/ sediment contamination/ pollutants/ methodology/ sampling/ aquatic organisms/ invertebrates/ toxicology/ tissue analysis/ food chain/ risk assessment/ human health and safety/ animal health/ natural resource management/ decision making/ United States/
Date: 1998-02-00
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 08.Title: Pesticides in Stream Sediment and Aquatic Biota: Current Understanding of Distribution and Major Influences
Author(s): U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Publisher: U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: organochlorine pesticides/ pesticide residues/ pesticide persistence/ sediments/ aquatic organisms/ rivers/ streams/ water pollution/ environmental fate/ hydrologic cycle/ bioaccumulation/ geographical distribution/ animal health/ human health and safety/ water quality standards/ National Water Quality Assessment Program/ United States/
Date: 2000-00-00
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 09.Title: Bioavailability of Contaminants in Soils and Sediments
Author(s): National Research Council, Water Science and Technology Board (WSTB)
Publisher: National Academies Press
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: pollution control/ contaminants/ bioavailability/ soil toxicity/ sediment contamination/ remediation/
Date: 2003-00-00
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 10.Title: Incidence and Severity of Sediment Contamination in Surface Waters of the United States: National Sediment Quality Survey, Volume 1
Author(s): U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Science and Technology
Publisher: U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: sediment contamination/ pollutants/ databases/ environmental assessment/ aquatic organisms/ human health/ sampling/ physicochemical properties/ watershed management/ land use/ environmental protection/ United States/
Date: 1997-09-00
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 11.Title: Changes in Sediment and Nutrient Storage in Three Reservoirs in the Lower Susquehanna River Basin and Implications for the Chesapeake Bay
Author(s): Langland, M. J.
Publisher: U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: reservoirs/ pollution load/ sediment yield/ sediment transport/ water pollution/ eutrophication/ floods/ Chesapeake Bay/ Maryland/ Pennsylvania/
Date: 1998-03-00
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 12.Title: Method for Measuring Sediment Production from Forest Roads
Author(s): Kahklen, K.
Publisher: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: forest roads/ soil erosion/ sediment transport/ sediment yield/ field experimentation/ methodology/ topography/ measuring devices/ rain gauges/ counters/ sampling/ data collection/ construction materials/ surfaces/ statistical analysis/
Date: 2001-04-00
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 13.Title: EPA's Contaminated Sediment Management Strategy
Author(s): U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Sediment Steering Committee
Publisher: U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: sediment contamination/ pollution load/ cost analysis/ risk assessment/ governmental programs and projects/ environmental programs/ environmental policy/ environmental management/ environmental protection/ pollution control/ remediation/ marine sediments/dredged materials/ testing/ environmental monitoring/ research methods/ soil quality/ standards and grades/ innovation adoption/ case studies/ United States/
Date: 1998-04-00
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 14.Title: Selected Organic Compounds and Trace Elements in Water, Bed Sediment, and Aquatic Organisms, Upper Snake River Basin, Idaho and Western Wyoming, 1992-94
Author(s): Ott, D.S
Publisher: U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: organic compounds/ organochlorine pesticides/ trace elements/ aquatic organisms/ tissue analysis/ bioaccumulation/ sediment contamination/ soil analysis/ water pollution/ water analysis/ National Water Quality Assessment Program/ Idaho/ Wyoming/
Date: 1997-00-00
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 15.Title: Water-Quality Assessment of the Hudson River Basin in New York and Adjacent States: Analysis of Available Nutrient, Pesticide, Volatile Organic Compound and Suspended-Sediment Data, 1970-90
Author(s): Phillips, P. J.; Hanchar, D. W.
Publisher: U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality/ land use/ geomorphology/ hydrogeology/ surface water/ groundwater/ pesticide application/ data collection/ sampling/ water quality analysis/ nitrate nitrogen/ phosphorus/ nutrient enrichment/ sediment transport/ total suspended solids/ volatile organic compounds/ National Water Quality Assessment Program/ New York/ Vermont/ New Jersey/ Massachusetts/ Connecticut/ Hudson River/
Date: 1996-06-15
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 16.Title: Understanding Sediments: Problems and Solutions
Author(s): Robertson, L. S.; Pierce, F. J.
Publisher: Michigan State University
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: sediments/ sediment transport/ soil properties/ soil erosion/ Universal Soil Loss Equation/ erosion control/ conservation practices/ conservation tillage/ cropping systems/ strip cropping/ contour farming/ green manures/ cover crops/ irrigation management/ drainage systems/ drainage basins/ terraces/ drainage channels/ vegetated waterways/ filter strips/ Michigan/
Date: 1997-11-28
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 17.Title: Lake and Stream Bottom Sediment Sampling Manual
Author(s): British Columbia, Resources Inventory Committee
Publisher: British Columbia, Resources Inventory Committee
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality analysis/ data collection/ sampling/ field experimentation/ methodology/ quality control/ samplers/ sediments/ benthic zone/ lakes/ streams/ rivers/ environmental monitoring/ guidelines/ Canada/ British Columbia/
Date: 1998-03-00
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 18.Title: Status Yields and Trends of Nutrients and Sediment and Methods of Analysis for the Nontidal Data-Collection Programs, Chesapeake Bay Basin, 1985-96
Author(s): Langland, M.; Edwards, R.; Darrell, L.
Publisher: U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality/ eutrophication/ nutrient enrichment/ total suspended solids/ nitrate nitrogen/ phosphorus/ pollution load/ sediment yield/ freshwater/ data collection/ hydrologic models/ stream flow/ Chesapeake Bay/ Pennsylvania/ Maryland/ Virginia/
Date: 1998-00-00
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 19.Title: Organic Compounds and Trace Elements in Freshwater Streambed Sediment and Fish from the Puget Sound Basin
Author(s): MacCoy, D. E.; Black, R. W.
Publisher: U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: sediment contamination/ water pollution/ organochlorine compounds/ polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons/ trace elements/ environmental fate/ fish/ tissue analysis/ sampling/ streams/ National Water Quality Assessment Program/ Washington/
Date: 1998-09-00
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 20.Title: Protocol for Developing Sediment TMDLs
Author(s): Sediment Protocol Development Team
Publisher: U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: total maximum daily load/ water quality standards/ water quality criteria/ water pollution/ pollution load/ sediment yield/ sediment transport/ Clean Water Act/ laws and regulations/ governmental programs and projects/ guidelines/ methodology/ data collection/ data analysis/ monitoring/ case studies/ United States/
Date: 1999-10-00
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