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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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U.S. Food and Drug Administration · Department of Homeland Security · U.S. Department of Agriculture · Federal Bureau of Investigation

Strategic Partnership Program Agroterrorism (SPPA) Initiative

August 2005

A Joint Effort of the FBI, DHS, USDA, and FDA
to Help Secure the Nation's Food Supply

Executive Summary


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will collaborate with private industry and the States in a joint initiative, the Strategic Partnership Program Agroterrorism (SPPA) Initiative. The SPPA Initiative will be a true partnership program, where an industry member or trade association or State may volunteer to participate. To volunteer, the industry or State member must submit a completed response form.


The federal government members in partnership with industry and State volunteers, plan to:


To facilitate this work, a series of site visits will be conducted at multiple food and agriculture and production facilities. Every Food and Agriculture Sector sub-sector will be studied (i.e. production, processing, retail, warehousing, and transportation) in order to assess the farm-to-table continuum. The primary purpose of the visit is to work with industry to validate or identify vulnerabilities at the specific site and the sector as a whole. These visits will be built upon the work done by the SSAs in order to assist in developing the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP), Federal Sector Specific Plans (SSP) and state SPP. All of the visits will be conducted on a volunteer basis.

The target start date for the SPPA program is September 1st, 2005. Two sites visits will be conducted each month - approximately one FDA and one USDA facility.

Teams comprised of knowledgeable personnel from the SSA, FBI, DHS, local and state officials, and industry will be formed to conduct the surveys.


The desired results of the SPPA Initiative are:


After receiving an application from an industry or State volunteer, the SSA will work through the Food and Agriculture Sector Coordinating Councils to establish contact initially. After the site selection and initial contact has been made by the SSA, the following serves as an example of how to approach the visit:

4 weeks prior to the visit:
The contractor will contact the participant to set up administrative and logistical arrangements.

1 week prior to the visit:
The contractor will confirm all arrangements for the site visit and send a read ahead packet to the industry participants. The contents will likely include objectives and agenda for the visit and any supporting or relevant documents.

Site visit:
The total visit will take 2-5 days to complete depending on complexity.

Proposed Agenda:

  1. Introductions (all agencies represented and industry)
  2. Threat brief and/or case studies
  3. CARVER + Shock review by Lead SSA
  4. Design flow diagram of subject food, animal or plant production/process
  5. Documents/references
    1. Template
    2. Agents
    3. Technical information
  6. Conduct Assessment of vulnerabilities
  7. Review results (including implications of an attack, investigative leads)
  8. Identify mitigation strategies
  9. Identify gaps to serve as research questions
  10. Close

4 weeks after the visit:
The final report will be distributed to the USG representatives and the participants.

Strategic Partnership Program Agroterrorism Initiative - Key Criteria for Site Visits August 2005

Strategic Partnership Program Agroterrorism Initiative - CARVER Assessments September 2005-December 2006 Response Form August 2005

FDA Joins Other Feds, States, Private Industry to Protect Against Agroterrorism July 26, 2005

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