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Old Faithful
Area Tour

List of

South Section
Interactive Map

North Section
Interactive Map

Beehive Geyser erupts to heights of 130 to 190 feet. Old Faithful erupts Morning Glory Pool resembles its namesake flower, the Morning Glory. Castle Geyser has the largest cone of any of the geysers in the basin. This image map depicts four areas on the Old Faithful Area online tour.

Welcome to the Old Faithful area, also known as the Upper Geyser Basin. Following the links below will take you on our web-tour of the Old Faithful area. To navigate the tour, simply click 'Next Stop' at the bottom of each page. If you prefer you may select features from the 'List of Stops' or from the 'Interactive Map'.

The largest concentration of geysers in the world is in the Upper Geyser Basin. Several of the more prominent geysers and hot springs are included on this tour with information concerning their eruption patterns, names, and relationships with other geothermal features.

Old Faithful Area Tour
List of Stops | Next Stop

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Last Updated: Wednesday, 22-Dec-2004 10:11:27 Eastern Standard Time /archive/yell/tours/oldfaithful/index.htm