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Planning Information

This site contains links to some of the most commonly requested information regarding planning for outdoor recreation in Indiana.

IDNR Outdoor Recreation’s Community Planning Staff is now accepting electronic file master plan submissions.  Any major electronic file format is acceptable, such as: PDF, Word, WordPerfect, etc.  Electronic submissions for review may be submitted via e-mail attachment or by mailing a CD-ROM.  The e-mail address to submit to is:  The master plan submission due dates are still January 15th for a plan draft and April 15th for a final approved plan.  Please verify that we successfully received your e-mail or CD once you send it.

Anytown, Indiana Example 5-Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan

The IDNR Outdoor Recreation Community Planning staff has made an “example” plan available online as a planning tool for those creating their own park and recreation master plans in-house.   The “Anytown, Indiana Example 5-Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan” provides an example for comparison that follows and expands on the 1999 IDNR-OR Planning Guidelines for five-year parks and recreation master plans.  This example plan is intended to make it easier for local planners to create their own plans, and to help speed them through the approval process.

2006 Indiana State Trails, Greenways and Bikeways Plan

The Trails Plan is broken down into separate chapters for easier viewing and downloading.

2006-2010 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan

The SCORP is a document produced every 5 years that assists recreation providers and users. SCORP 2006-2010 contains information about the status of outdoor recreation in Indiana and establishes priorities for recreation grant programs administered by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Outdoor Recreation.

IDNR Planning Guidelines for Five Year Parks and Recreation Master Plans

This guide is for municipal corporations and local park and recreation boards who intend to complete a five-year park and recreation master plan. Park and recreation master plans are a requirement for participation in many of the Division of Outdoor Recreation grant programs.

IDNR First Draft Submission Guidelines for Five Year Parks and Recreation Master Plans

This guideline explains the minimum standards for first draft submissions of Five Year Parks and Recreation Master Plans from municipal corporations and local park and recreation boards.  These guidelines detail what portion of the plan must be completed prior to submission to IDNR for the first draft plan review and comments.

Indiana Facility Inventory Form

The IDNR-OR planning staff asks that park and recreation providers complete the Indiana Facility Inventory form for each facility in their park and recreation system.  The IDNR-OR planning staff compile the data into the statewide facility inventory databases, and use this information in our planning efforts and the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP). You can obtain a fillable electronic copy as a WORD document by contacting Carman Jackson at

Relevant Documents

Forming a Park and Recreation Board

County Park Boards

Municipal Park Boards

Township Park Boards

Inventory of the recreational trails in Indiana

Contact Information

For SCORP or Trails Plan Questions contact:

Carman Jackson
State & Community Outdoor Recreation Planner
IDNR, Division Of Outdoor Recreation
402 W. Washington St, W271
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2782
Phone: (317) 232-4069 

For Park Planning and Master Plans contact:

Greg Beilfuss
State & Community Outdoor Recreation Planner
IDNR, Division Of Outdoor Recreation
402 W. Washington St, W271
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2782
Phone: (317) 232-4071