Updated: 16.04.2008

Aquatic Animal Health Code


Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals

... crucial reading for anybody involved in aquatic animal health certification, diagnosis, quarantine, risk analysis or movement issues... These publications will be indispensable for veterinary administrators... should serve as useful reference books to all fish/shellfish disease specialists. Australian Veterinary Journal

... the concise and accurate description of diagnostic techniques contained in this Manual is indispensable for anyone involved in the control of aquatic animal diseases. Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift

The health measures in the Aquatic Code (in the form of standards, guidelines and recommendations) have been formally adopted by the OIE International Committee. The 9th edition incorporates the modifications to the Aquatic Code agreed during the 74th General Session in May 2006. These include revised chapters on the following subjects: definitions, disease listing criteria, diseases listed by the OIE, epizootic haematopoietic necrosis, infectious haematopoietic necrosis, spring viraemia of carp, viral haemorrhagic septicaemia, infectious salmon anaemia, epizootic ulcerative syndrome, red sea bream iridoviral disease, infection with Bonamia ostreae, infection with Bonamia exitiosa, infection with Haplosporidium nelsoni, infection with Marteilia refringens, infection with Mikrocytos mackini, infection with Perkinsus marinus, infection with Perkinsus olseni and infection with Xenohaliotis californiensis. Chapters on three mollusc diseases, i.e. infection with Mikrocytos roughleyi, infection with Haplosporidium costale and infection with Marteilia sydneyi, have been deleted from this edition.

The development of these standards, guidelines and recommendations is the result of the continuous work of one of the OIE's Specialist Commissions, the OIE Aquatic Animal Health Standards Commission (in brief 'Aquatic Animals Commission'). This Commission, which comprises five elected members and two observers experienced in the fields of methods for surveillance, diagnosis, control and prevention of infectious aquatic animal diseases, meets twice yearly to address its work programme. The Commission also draws upon the expertise of internationally renowned specialists to prepare draft texts for new chapters of the Aquatic Code or revise existing chapters in light of advances in veterinary science. The views of the Delegates of Member Countries are systematically sought through the circulation of draft and revised texts. As well, the Aquatic Animals Commission collaborates closely with the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission on issues needing a harmonised approach, and with the Biological Standards and Scientific Commissions to ensure the Aquatic Animals Commission is using the latest scientific information in its work.

The value of the Aquatic Code is twofold: that the measures published in it are the result of consensus among the veterinary authorities of OIE Member Countries, and that it constitutes a reference within the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement) as an international standard for animal health and zoonoses.

The OIE Aquatic Code is a reference document for use by Competent Authorities, import/export services, epidemiologists and all those involved in international trade.

Part 1 presents definitions of the key terms or expressions used, criteria for listing aquatic animal diseases, diseases listed by the OIE, procedures for international reporting of diseases, ethical rules for international trade and certification, the principles of import risk analysis, the organisation of import and export procedures, guidelines for contingency planning and guidelines for fallowing in aquaculture.

The recommendations in each of the chapters in Part 2 of the Aquatic Code are designed to prevent the disease in question being introduced into the importing country, taking into account the nature of the commodity and the aquatic animal health status of the exporting country. This means that, correctly applied, the recommendations ensure that the intended importation can take place with an optimal level of animal health security, incorporating the latest scientific findings and available techniques.

The appendices of the Aquatic Code provide a series of recommendations, particularly those devoted to health control and hygiene.

In addition, a series of model international aquatic animal health certificates is presented, to assist in harmonisation.

A users' guide is available.

The purpose of the Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals (referred to hereafter as the Aquatic Manual) is to provide a uniform approach to the diagnosis of the diseases listed in the Aquatic Code, and of other diseases of importance to trade, so that the requirements for health certification in connection with trade in aquatic animals and aquatic animal products, can be met.

Although many publications exist on the diagnosis and control of aquatic animal diseases, the Aquatic Manual is a key document describing the methods that can be applied to OIE-listed diseases, and certain other diseases that may be of importance to trade, in aquatic animal health laboratories all over the world, thus increasing efficiency and promoting improvements in aquatic animal health world-wide. The requirements published in the Aquatic Manual are recognised as international standards by the World Trade Organization.

The task of compiling the Aquatic Manual was assigned to the OIE Aquatic Animals Commission, and all the chapters were circulated to OIE Member Countries for comment and revision. The Aquatic Manual will be continually revised and updated as new information on aquatic animal diseases in general, and new emerging diseases in particular, becomes available. It is intended to publish a new edition approximately every two years; intermittent changes will be available on the OIE Web site.

The Aquatic Code and the Aquatic Manual are available in two separate volumes.

The Aquatic Code is available in English, French and Spanish, and the Aquatic Manual is available in English and Spanish.

The Aquatic Code  and Aquatic Manual are available online and free of charge.

Aquatic Code
9th Edition, 2006
Format: 29.7 x 21 cm
ISBN 92-9044-675-7

Price: 40 euros
Ref.: A145

Aquatic Manual
5th Edition, 2006
Format: 29.7 x 21 cm
ISBN 92-9044-682-X

Price: 40 euros
Ref.: A147




Contact : publications.dept@oie.int