Advisory Council

The Southern Wildland-Urban Interface Council (SWUIC) serves as the advisory council for the Center. The Council is composed of members from State Forestry Agencies, the USDA Forest Service, Academia, Cooperative Extension, and non-government organizations.

To support the leadership role of the Southern Group of State Foresters (SGSF) in identifying and addressing WUI issues; to serve as a liaison between the SGSF, U.S. Forest Service (USFS), Cooperative Extension Service, Universities and other stakeholders and the Centers for Urban and Interface Forestry; and to help guide the technology transfer activities of the Center and assist in identifying research needs.


  • Assist the Center by identifying emerging WUI issues and by advising the Center on research and information needs;
  • Serve as a liaison to the States for the delivery of tech transfer products;
  • Assist the Center in planning education and tech transfer activities;
  • Identify and communicate the needs of other stakeholders.

Tom Boggus, Chair
Texas Forest Service
(979) 458-6600