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U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness is responsible for coordinating the federal response to homelessness across twenty Federal departments and agencies and providing leadership for activities to assist homeless families and individuals with the goal of preventing and ending homelessness in the nation. Some agencies include:

  • Department of Housing and Urban Development
    The Department of Housing and Urban Development funds a range of programs managed by local organizations to help the homeless, including shelter, food, counseling, and jobs skills programs.
  • Department of Veterans Affairs
    The Department of Veterans Affairs offers a wide array of special programs and initiatives specifically designed to help homeless veterans live as self-sufficiently and independently as possible.
  • Department of Labor
    The Department of Labor administers programs providing employment and training services that are crucial components in the comprehensive efforts to address the cycle of homelessness.
  • Department of Education
    The Department of Education supports a program that supports the coordination of the education of homeless children and youths in each state and gathers comprehensive information about homeless children and youths and the impediments they must overcome to regularly attend school.
  • Social Security Administration
    The Social Security Administration's mission is to advance the economic security of the nation’s people through compassionate and vigilant leadership in shaping and managing America's Social Security programs.