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first Certified Green RestaurantTM in the state of Missouri



logoSassafras Hours
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Lunch served from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m
Closed New Year's Day and Jan. 5–17. Terrace Cafe at the Kemper Center will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m during this time.

Learn more:
Going Green at Sassafras
Going Green in Your Own Life

Sassafras Greening Fact Sheet (PDF)

This August, the Garden's restaurant Sassafras became the first Certified Green RestaurantTM in the state of Missouri. The official designation was made by the Green Restaurant Association (GRA), a national non-profit organization whose mission is “to create an ecologically sustainable restaurant industry.”

What does it mean to be "Green" or "Sustainable"?
Going Green involves practices and product choices that conserve energy, water, and other limited natural resources. Going Green reduces waste through reuse, recycling, composting and more! Sustainable living places great value on meeting the needs of the current generation without comprimising the ability of future generations to live happy, healthy, and successful lives.

Read more: Going Green at Sassafras