

The Institute is in the process of formatting for the Web existing databases of the information contained in its collections and publications. Through the databases, we hope to offer the global community greater access to our information. Please note that the database introductions contain descriptions of the database fields and valuable search tips.


Cyrus Guernsey Pringle (1838–1911) and his assistant Filemon Lozano (ca.1910) and Pringle with his herbarium (1911), in the south wing of the top floor of Williams Science Hall at the University of Vermont. Photographs by B. F. Lutman. The original glass negatives are in the Department of Botany at the University of Vermont. HI Archives portrait nos. 4 and 5.

BPH Online
BPH Online is a fully indexed and searchable database documenting (as comprehensively as possible) periodicals published between 1665 and the present, which routinely address the plant sciences. BPH Online is composed of the datasets used to create the print editions of Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum, its supplement, and BPH-2. BHP Online is essentially a Web-based version of BPH-2, with some corrections, and searching and browsing options intended to make it more interrogable. The scope of the database encompasses the larger disciplines of botanical literature (agriculture, agronomy, bacteriology, biology, ecology, floriculture, forestry, fruit growing, genetics and plant breeding, geography, horticulture, hydrobiology and limnology, microbiology and microscopy, palaeontology, pharmacology and pharmacognosy, plant pathology and vegetable crops), and includes over 33,000 title entries. BPH Online is a living document that will be updated and revised continually.
Please note: BPH Online operates using the supplied buttons for all functions.

Your computer's Return or Enter keys will not initiate searches.
Your browser's Back button will not return you to a previous page.

Catalogue of the Botanical Art Collection at the Hunt Institute
The collection of botanical art and illustration in the Department of Art at the Hunt Institute is one of the world's largest and most broadly representative. Users can search this database by artist's name and nationality, taxon and artwork title.

Catalogue of the Hunt Institute's Library

Cameo, the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries' online catalogue, contains records from all of the Carnegie Mellon campus libraries, including those of Hunt Institute, and can be accessed at In Cameo, items tagged with HIBD indicate that the item is in the Institute's Library. Items tagged HUNT are in Carnegie Mellon's Hunt Library.

Categorical Glossary for the Flora of North America Project
Originally published as the Categorical Glossary for the Flora of North America Project (2001), the database covers a high proportion of the total complement of structures, characters, and character states pertinent to detailed conventional description of the morphology and higher-level anatomy of plants other than algae. The database contains 2,627 terms with their synonyms, categories, limitations and definitions, and can be searched by one or more of these fields.

Comprehensive Scheme for Standardized Abbreviation of Usable Plant-Family Names and Type-Based Suprafamilial Names
This database lists a scheme of four-character abbreviations for all properly usable plant-family names known to have been published to date, and of two-character rank suffixes for coordinated abbreviation of type-based names at standard suprafamilial ranks.

Index to Binomials Cited in the First Edition of Linnaeus' Species Plantarum
This index lists the binomials cited in the first edition of Carolus Linnaeus' Species Plantarum. The records in the database include fields for Genus, Epithet and Page Number. The Genus and Epithet are searchable fields.

Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations
Originally published as part of the Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations together with a Synoptic Bibliography of the Dissertations and a Concordance for Selected Editions (1999), the database of the Index to Scientific Names is a reference resource on these dissertations and the scientific names that appear in them. We have digitized these dissertations for Web access. See our Original Linnaean Dissertations database below for PDFs.

Original Linnaean Dissertations
Originally published as part of the Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations together with a Synoptic Bibliography of the Dissertations and a Concordance for Selected Editions, the database of the Original Linnaean Dissertations includes in each entry the Lidén number, respondent, title, date of defense, pagination, short title, Lidén title, Soulsby title, Drake title and notes. (The Lidén, Soulsby and Drake information refers to published reference works that contain bibliographic information about the Linnaean dissertations.)

We have digitized these original dissertations in the form of PDF files and added them to the database. For Web access, we are posting PDFs at a medium resolution that provides a compromise between readability and ease of access (taking into account such issues as download time and server space). We have archived higher resolution 300 dpi JPEG images of these dissertations, and so if you need a better image of a particular page, please contact us for assistance.

Register of Original Botanical Art
This preliminary guide attempts to record the location of original botanical paintings and drawings from any time period done in traditional media such as watercolor, pastel, ink or pencil mostly in public collections. The database contains information about scientific illustrations of plants, and any artworks that accurately depict plants as their main subjects and may be of taxonomic importance. We hope this register will be valuable to those seeking to know the whereabouts of illustrations by particular artists or of specific plants and the contents of collections in particular cities or museums.

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