
Results 161 - 180 of 184

Collection Management/Building Collections
The Suggested Core Collection List is a list of publication titles suggested for selection by academic, public, and law libraries. Large depository libraries (over 600,000 volumes) would select most of the titles indicated for their type of library as a matter of course. Smaller depository libraries (up to 150,000 volumes) and medium depository libraries (150,000 - 600,000 volumes) should review the list, and select any titles that seem pertinent to the institution mission and the information needs of the community. In an attempt to present a broad range of selections, the core list errs toward the inclusive. It can be used as a benchmark for startup collections, but should also be consulted when evaluating existing collections. See the Suggested Core Collections page.
Monday, 24 November 2008 | 3 hits
Collection Management/Building Collections
Publications included in the Basic Collection are vital sources of information that support the public's right to know about the workings and essential activities of their Federal Government. The Basic Collection serves as a good resource when developing and maintaining a depository collection.
Monday, 24 November 2008 | 5 hits | Read more
Collection Management/Selection Profile
The List of Classes is the official listing of publications available for selection by depository libraries participating in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). The list is arranged by the Superintendent of Documents classification numbering system and is designed to group together publications by the same government author. Libraries use the List of Classes to work with and identify item numbers that they may want to select or deselect from their item selection profile.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008 | 26 hits | Read more
Collection Management/Selection Profile
The Amendment of Item Selections form is used by depository libraries to update their item selection profiles. Libraries may drop item numbers from their item selection profile at any time. Drops become effective within 3 days. Libraries may only add item numbers to their item selection profile during the annual item selection update cycle, which usually runs June 1 through July 31 of each year. Adds become effective on October 1st, or, the beginning of the new Federal fiscal year. You must use your library's internal password in order to make changes to your item selection profile. If you do not know your internal password, submit a question through askGPO. See also: Item Lister List of Classes
Tuesday, 25 November 2008 | 25 hits
Outreach/Promotional Resources
The U.S. Government Printing Office provides promotional materials at no charge to Federal Depository Libraries to increase public awareness of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP).
Thursday, 04 December 2008 | 2 hits | Read more
Outreach/Promotional Resources
The services provided by Federal depository libraries (FDLs) and administered by the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) are unique and essential to the American public, and together, GPO and FDLs can spread the excitement of utilizing FDLs to the fullest. Many critical calls for help with marketing the services and benefits of FDLs and the FDLP have been made by the Depository Library Council and depository librarians throughout the country. In response to these calls, GPO is proposing a variety of marketing strategies and activities.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008 | 12 hits | Read more
Outreach/Promotional Resources
Using our theme, "Easy As FDL: Free Information, Dedicated Service, and Limitless Possibilities", this video demonstrates what makes Federal depository libraries so unique and essential to the American public. People who are dedicated to and knowledgeable about the FDLP were interviewed and asked to express their opinions about Federal depository libraries and how the FDLP benefits the American public.
Thursday, 13 November 2008 | 4 hits | Read more
Outreach/Promotional Resources
Depository Anniversaries - A Time for Reflection and Celebration Be it for one year or one hundred years, anniversaries provide excellent opportunities to promote your library and the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) with public displays and events. They are a time to celebrate and a time to reflect past achievements, recognize present achievements, and announce or re-emphasize future plans.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008 | 3 hits | Read more
Outreach/Promotional Resources
FDLP logo graphics are provided for use on your Web site or for use in printed educational and public relations materials you develop. The graphics are available in a variety of formats, depending on whether the images are needed for print or electronic format. Files have been compressed in zip format for easier download.
Thursday, 13 November 2008 | 3 hits | Read more
Depository Administration/Public Access Assessments
The Public Access Assessments program fulfills GPO’s responsibility to conduct “firsthand investigations of conditions” at individual depository libraries. (44USC§1909) Scheduled assessments for individual depository libraries are being planned for winter, 2009. GPO may conduct individual library assessments at any time upon request or as need is determined. Please see Request for GPO Participation to make a request. Public Access Assessments emphasize how Federal depository libraries serve the general public Federal government information needs by reviewing how they provide access to and services for their Federal Government information products. Public Access Assessments have a different focus than the library operations review conducted through inspections, Self-Studies and Biennial Survey submissions in the past. Designed to be a more concise review, Public Access Assessments are directed towards FDLP legal and program requirements and have a special emphasis on 44 USC §1911, which states that “depository libraries shall make Government publications available for the free use of the general public”. Federal depository libraries following the requirements shall be successful in a Public Access Assessment. In the upcoming months, GPO will provide libraries with a self-assessment resource for voluntary self-educational or strategic planning use. Resources Council Session - Public Access Assessments (Spring 2008) Council Session - Public Access Assessments (Fall 2007)
Friday, 14 November 2008 | 2 hits
Tutorials/FDLP Desktop
What kinds of content is included in the FDLP Desktop? The FDLP Desktop was created to disseminate FDLP-related content, services, and news to the Federal depository library community.  It includes: Dynanamic news featuring the latest innovations, developments, and releases for the FDLP; Informational content about the FDLP, LSCM projects, and depository libraries; Processing tools that allow Federal depository libraries to manage their participation in the FDLP, the development of their collections, and services to the public. What is the difference between the various versions of the FDLP Desktop? On January 12, 2009, the beta version of the FDLP Desktop was replaced by the new design.  At the same time, the homepage for the legacy FDLP Desktop began redirecting users to fdlp.gov.  Content from the legacy FDLP Desktop continues to be migrated to the re-launched site. Important differences between the beta and the re-launched version include: URLs to content may have changed. Please update your bookmarks. The navigation scheme has changed. Individual accounts are no longer active on the FDLP Desktop. Social networking tools (e.g., blogs, forum) are consolidated under the FDLP Community site. Users are encouraged to sign up and participate. What is new with the re-launched FDLP Desktop? The re-launched FDLP Desktop streamlines GPO's dissemination of Program-related news, content, and tools. Highlights include: Homepage news organized by categories Change the display of this page to meet your needs. Organize news categories according to your personal interests Set the number of news stories displayed under each category Changes maintained according to your browser's cookie Easy login using your depository number and internal password Access to depository-only services (e.g., promotional ordering) Ability to bookmark Desktop pages within your library's login Where are news items located? In order to make it easy to keep up with what is new and important in the FDLP, all news items are available from the Desktop homepage.  Stories are divided by topic (e.g. general, cataloging, distribution, events, etc.), and the top stories in each category are highlighted.  Desktop users can now customize the layout of this page to better serve their depository's needs. Users looking for specific news item or those wanting to browse stories on a topic can also take advantage of the search feature in the news directory. Who can access the FDLP Desktop? While the FDLP Desktop serves as an information resource for Federal depository libraries, the vast majority of the materials disseminated on the FDLP Desktop are accessible to the public. There are a few resources, however, that are only provided to Federal depository libraries. These services either gather feedback that is specific to Federal depository libraries (e.g., the Biennial Survey of Depository Libraries) or are restricted due to funding requirements (e.g., ordering promotional materials). To access these services, Federal depository library staff can log in with their library number and GPO-issued internal password. Each Federal depository library is granted one login. Who is eligible to get Desktop login accounts? Each Federal depository library is given a single Desktop login account.  Depository library staff can log in with their library number and GPO-issued internal password. If you do not know your institution's login information, please contact your library's coordinator. If you are the library coordinator, inquiries should be directed to askGPO. Accounts are no longer based on individuals on the FDLP Desktop.  Individual accounts created on the beta version of the FDLP Desktop are no longer active. However, individual accounts are utilized in askGPO and the FDLP Community site. What is the difference between the FDLP Desktop and FDLP Community? The FDLP Desktop: Is an information hub for the FDLP; Contains FDLP-related content and management tool; Contains content created and maintained by GPO staff; With 1 account granted per depository library. The FDLP Community site: Facilitates the exchange of ideas among members of the Federal depository library community; Contains social networking tools such as blogs and discussion forums; Is open to all members of the Federal depository library community.
Friday, 09 January 2009 | 9 hits
Tutorials/FDLP Desktop
The FDLP Desktop features categories that display news regarding the Federal Depository Library Program. All news regarding the Program is categorized into one of five categories: General Announcements Cataloging Distribution Events Partnerships Each of these categories appears on the homepage in its own container and loads articles as they are released. Articles appear on the homepage in date descending order and drop off based on the viewing preferences of the user, based on a Web brower's cookies. There are two ways to customize the displayed news based on each user's personal use of the data: Reorder the Categories: At the top right of each category container is a move icon. Click and drag the icon to move the container up or down in the list. Change the Number of Viewable Articles: At the top of each category container, there is an option to view 0, 5, 10, or 15 articles. Select a number to change the number of articles displayed for that category. After an article moves off the homepage, it can be found via the "News Directory", which can be found under "Home".
Saturday, 10 January 2009 | 7 hits
Tutorials/FDLP Desktop
One of the features opened to depository libraries is the ability to bookmark frequently-accessed or important pages within the FDLP Desktop. This bookmarking feature is customizable based on each library's use of the Desktop. Once logged in, libraries will see a "My Bookmarks" section on the righthand column. How to Add Bookmarks Navigate to a page that you want to bookmark. Once on the page, click on the star icon in the "My Bookmarks" module. A pop-up box will appear asking if you want to enter notes for the bookmark. This is optional. Notes appear when you mouse-over a bookmarked link. Hit "Okay". How to Delete Bookmarks Click and drag a bookmark link in the "My Bookmarks" module to the trash can icon.
Saturday, 10 January 2009 | 3 hits
Collection Management/Collection Maintenance
The Superseded List - U.S. Documents That May Be Discarded By Depository Libraries, Annotated for Retention By Regional Depositories, or as it is more commonly known as "The Superseded List", is used to determine which depository publications may be withdrawn from library collections prior to the five year retention rule. Additional guidance is provided for Regional libraries in determining what publications they may withdraw as their collection retention requirements are stricter.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008 | 5 hits | Read more
Collection Management/Collection Maintenance
Needs and Offers (N&O) is what libraries use to ensure proper procedures are being followed for the disposition or withdrawal of depository publications from library collections. The list facilitates "offers", or the offering out of publications that are no longer needed in depository collections. It also provides a place for libraries that are seeking "needs", or needed publications from the FDLP community. Libraries may claim publications that they see being offered out, and alternatively may fulfill another library's "need" if applicable withdrawal rules are followed. Libraries use N&O to develop their depository collections as well as to ensure the appropriateness of the collections for their library user needs.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008 | 6 hits | Read more
Collection Management/Collection Maintenance
The Government Printing Office publishes the Administrative Notes Technical Supplement, or, ANTs for Federal depository libraries. The series addresses libraries entering and leaving the FDLP, classification and cataloging changes, and updates to the List of Classes. Depository libraries use ANTs primarily to identify call number and item number changes in cataloging records. Libraries frequently scan the publication to identify issues that effect their collection and materials, and they make the changes to the publications and associated catalog records as appropriate. It is distributed bi-monthly to all Federal Depository Libraries in their normal shipment boxes.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008 | 4 hits
Collection Management/Collection Maintenance
The WEBTech Notes database is a compilation of cataloging change notifications that have been distributed through the Administrative Notes Technical Supplement. Libraries use this database to identify changes in call number, item numbers, and other catalog record issues. NOTE: The database application has failed and an as an interim to the restoration of a searchable WEBTech Notes application, an Excel file containing the WEBTech Notes dataset has been made available. The full dataset from January 1994 through the present, and selected data from 1991 to 1994, is now available in this Excel file.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008 | 4 hits
Collection Management/Collection Maintenance
These guidelines may be used to help depository coordinators determine if tangible depository publications may be substituted with online versions.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008 | 2 hits | Read more
Collection Management/Shipping Lists
Shipping lists are a list of publications that are mailed to libraries in their depository distribution boxes. Libraries should use the shipping lists to determine if they received everything that they should have received per their library's item selection profile. They should also identify any publications that they received in error. The lists are not tailored to individual libraries' item selection profiles, and as a consequence there are publications on the shipping list that may not have been shipped out to the library. Several shipping lists may be found in a depository shipment box. Shipping Lists - Available on the Federal Bulletin Board Files (FBB). This lists all shipping lists in .dbf files. Shipping Lister - allows for the searching of shipping lists and lists corrected shipping lists in .pdf format. NOTE: Microfiche shipping lists are not accessible from Shipping Lister.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008 | 9 hits | Read more
Collection Management/Claims
Claims may no longer be made against the following shipping lists as the 60 day claims period has expired.
Friday, 05 December 2008 | 8 hits | Read more

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