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Depository Administration/FDLP Handbook
Explains preservation policy and establishing a written preservation policy, recommends establishing preservation priorities, defines and identifies rare and endangered publications, suggests preservation review and preservation processes, and includes additional preservation resources at the end of the chapter 8.1 What’s New or Important Strongly encourages your depository library to develop and maintain a written preservation policy Upholds the Principle of Comparable Treatment for the care and maintenance of government information resources; preservation is strongly encouraged 8.2 Preservation Policy Your depository library is entrusted with the custody of depository materials and MUST ensure they are properly maintained. As a minimum standard for the care and maintenance of depository property, their maintenance should be no less than that given to commercially purchased publications. However, active preservation is strongly encouraged to keep the publications in useful condition. While preservation of tangible material is a responsibility of the regional Federal depository libraries, your depository library should consider developing policies and practices that provide for the maintenance and continued accessibility of their depository collections. To assist in this process, your library is strongly encouraged to prepare a written preservation policy. While the specific elements of the policy will vary according to the age, extent of the collection, and the library’s collection development policy, it should include, at minimum: An articulation of preservation priorities; and Methods for a systematic review of preservation needs. 8.3 Establishing Preservation Priorities Since libraries have limited funds and staff, the priorities for preservation should be established to allocate available monetary and personnel resources to the various tasks associated with preservation. Preservation priorities balance the importance of the material to an individual collection, the risk factors inherent to particular types of material and their use. Some of the factors that you should consider in assigning priorities are the: Artifactual value of the information resource; Past and potential use of the material; Availability of the item in other libraries; Physical condition of the publication; Suitability and availability of the publication in alternative formats; and Cost effectiveness of preservation activities. Preservation priorities should be consistent with the broader collection development priorities, as outlined in the larger library’s written collection development policy. See chapter 5 in this Handbook for more information. It may be that no preservation treatment (planned deterioration) is the most realistic option. 8.4 Defining Rare and Endangered Government Publications Rare and endangered publications are defined as those government information resources that are determined to be rare, valuable, and at-risk. A particularly important consideration for rare and endangered government publications is the artifactual value of material. Some publications are rare as defined below, some are valuable, and some are both rare and valuable. It is a challenge to you to identify the materials and to preserve them from damage and loss. Identification of valuable publications takes time and effort. While there are no quick lists for you to use, there are several starting places. First, give special consideration to materials pertaining to your own state or locale. If you can encapsulate only a few maps, select those of your own state. Select reports and other volumes on the same basis; and don't forget small circulars, etc. as they are the most likely to be lost over the years. Second, the Library of Congress designates anything published prior to 1801 as material to be cataloged as rare books. Consider placing material published prior to that date in your rare book or special collections. The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Rare Books and Manuscripts (RBMS) Ad Hoc Committee for Developing Transfer Guidelines published their recommendations in "Guidelines on the Selection of General Collection Materials for Transfer to Special Collections," College and Research Libraries News, no. 46, July/August 1985, pages 349-352. These are helpful in determining what should be removed from the regular collection and preserved. Third, publications that appear in the 1909 Checklist (Checklist of United States Public Documents, 1789-1909. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1911) are also worthy of consideration for preservation. This recommendation is made for several reasons. The National Archives does not own those publications indicated in the Checklist by an asterisk (* not in the Public Documents Library). If your library owns such a publication, you are strongly encouraged to protect it. Also a commercial vendor searching for copies of non-U.S. Congressional Serial Set materials in the 1909 Checklist for a microfiche project has been unable to locate copies of many publications, particularly leaflets, regulations, and circulars. If you have any, they may be rare. Lastly, the material in the latter half of the Checklist, from the 1860's on, was published during a period when the paper manufacturing process left residual acids, causing the paper to become brittle and disintegrate, a condition contributing to the increasing scarcity of these publications. The cost of replacement with microform products is very high and the reproduction may not always be as legible as the original. Fourth, consider the inherent or intrinsic value of these publications as primary records of the history of your nation and governmental processes. Intrinsic value refers to the qualities or characteristics that make the original record have permanent value. These can be described as: Age; Aesthetic or artistic quality (having maps, plates, photographs, etc.); Value for use in exhibits (in some way the original has greater impact than a copy); General and substantial public interest because of direct association with significant people, places, things, issues or events; and Significance as documentation for the legal basis of institutions or formulation of policy at the highest executive level. Fifth, several Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) classification numbers in the Checklist can be immediately targeted for special consideration, either as transfer items or conservation projects that might place them in special boxes, etc. Anything in the Z section covering the first fourteen Congresses should be considered rare and valuable. Other sections considered rare are: N 1.8: Explorations and surveys; S 6: International exhibitions and expositions; W 7.5: Explorations and surveys; and W 7.14: Explorations and surveys for the railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Sixth, many of these reports also appear in the U.S. Congressional Serial Set. Several bibliographies compiled by Adelaide R. Hasse covering these and other SuDocs numbers can be very helpful and are listed in the bibliography at the end of this chapter. Seventh, the subject matter of the material is another consideration. Scientific and technical reports, such as patent papers and reports of expeditions are good examples. The patent papers of Thomas Edison, the Manhattan Project, and nuclear energy publications in the 1950's will require preservation for future generations. U.S. Geological Survey publications describing the discovery of natural resources or phenomena such as major earthquakes within the continental U.S. are important. Political events such as the McCarthy hearings and controversial reports such as the Kennedy assassination are candidates for preservation. Eighth, another approach to evaluate your collection for preservation purposes is to examine the categories of publications that libraries are requesting be printed on permanent/alkaline paper. Under the ANSI standard, government-sponsored research studies, almanacs, census data, and survey maps qualify. Ninth, because of legal importance, additional categories were recommended as at-risk and rare in an article, "Why GPO should use alkaline paper," Documents to the People, vol. 16, no. 1, March 1988, pp. 38-41. This article includes publications mandated by law, annual reports, legislative history sources (House and Senate hearings, reports and documents), permanent cumulations of judicial, legislative or administrative decisions, orders and opinions, rules and regulations; yearbooks and annual statistical reports, treaty series, advisory committee reports, proceedings of conferences, institutes and advisory boards; and reports, decisions, and conferences concerning domestic and international arbitration. 8.5 Preservation Review Your depository library or the larger library of which you are a part should have a preservation review program to identify at-risk materials and to ensure that that these materials remain available to the public. This is best accomplished by making preservation assessment part of the life cycle of a library’s depository collection. 8.6 Evaluating At-Risk Publications The earliest opportunity for the evaluation of at-risk materials is upon receipt, or during initial processing or cataloging. Materials can also be assessed following use, at circulation and reserve service points, and as part of the re-shelving process. Finally, for those collections that emphasize currency over historical scope, assessment can occur as part of the weeding and disposal process. See chapter 12 in this Handbook for more information. Integrating a preservation review into your established library processes allows you to identify fragile materials and to stabilize them before damage occurs; those already damaged should be evaluated further for possible treatment(s). 8.7 Preservation Processes Preservation processes include activities related to the storage and handling of particular types of materials, and the treatment of materials found to be at-risk. Treatment options include: Preservation of materials in their original format; Preservation of the intellectual content of material by reformatting; and No preservation treatment (planned deterioration). The approach taken will depend upon the preservation priorities established in the written preservation policy, and the risk factors associated with particular types of material. For information on storage, handling and treatment of various types of depository materials, see chapter 9 in this Handbook. 8.8 Additional Resources 8.8.A Tools for Identifying Rare and Valuable Government Publications Haskell, Daniel Carl. The United States Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842, and Its Publications, 1838-1874: A Bibliography. New York: New York Public Library, 1942. Hasse, Adelaide R. Bibliography of United States Public Documents Relating to Interoceanic Communications, Nicaragua, Isthmus of Panama, Isthmus of Tehuantepic, etc. Washington, D.C.: G.P.O., 1899. Hasse, Adelaide R. Index to United States Documents Relating to Foreign Affairs, 1828-1861 (Publication 185, pts. 1-3). Carnegie Institution of Washington. Hasse, Adelaide R., comp. Reports of Explorations Printed in the Documents of the United States Government: A Contribution Toward a Bibliography. Washington, D.C.: G.P.O., 1899. Heisser, David. “Federal Documents as Rare Books.” Documents to the People 16, no. 4, (1988): 176-178. Moffett, William A., ed. The Shinn Lists. Oberlin, Ohio: Oberlin College, 1982. (This is the list of materials prepared from the accumulated card file of an accomplished book thief.) Pestana, Harold R. Bibliography of Congressional Geology. New York: Hafner, 1972. Poore, Benjamin Perley. Descriptive Catalogue of the Government Publications of the United States, Sept. 5, 1774-March 4, 1881. Washington, D.C.: G.P.O., 1885. (48th Congress, 2nd Session, Senate Miscellaneous Document 67) (Serial Set vol. 2268). Also reprinted editions. Seavey, Charles A. “Bibliographic Addendum to Carl Wheat's Mapping the Transmississippi West.” Special Library Association, Geography and Map Division. Bulletin 105 (Sept. 1976) : 12-19. Seavey, Charles A. “Locating Illustrated Federal Publications from the Pre-GPO Period Using the 1909 Checklist.” Documents to the People 17, no. 3 (September 1989) : 130. Seavey, Charles A. “Maps of the American State Papers.” Special Libraries Association, Geography and Map Division. Bulletin 107 (Mar. 1977) : 28-33, and 110 (Dec. 1977) : 3-11. Seavey, Charles A. “Wheat to Serial Set Conversion.” Special Libraries Association, Geography and Map Division. Bulletin 108 (June 1977) : 37-40. Shaw, Ralph R. American Bibliography, a Preliminary Checklist for 1801-1819. New York: Scarecrow, 1958-66. Shoemaker, Richard H. A Checklist of American Imprints 1820-1829. New York: Scarecrow, 1964-71. Title index for 1820-1928 by Cooper, M. Frances... Followed by 1830, Cooper, Gayle; 1831, Bruentjen, Scott and Carol Bruntjen; and 1830-1839, Rinderknecht, Carol (also title index). United States. Dept. of the Interior. Division of Documents. Comprehensive Index to the Publications of the United States Government, 1881-1893, by John G. Ames. Washington, D.C. : G.P.O., 1905. Wagner, Henry Raup. The Plains and the Rockies: A Critical Bibliography of Exploration, Adventure, and Travel in the American West, 1800-1865. Various editions. Wheat, Carl. Mapping the Trans-Mississippi West, 1540-1861. San Francisco: Institute of Historical Cartography, 1957-1963. Wondriska, Rebecca. “Women and the American Dream, 1900-1925.” Government Publications Review 17, no. 2 (March/April 1990) : 143-157. Although this goes beyond the 1909 Checklist, it is an approach to be followed developing a list for a special interest subject. 8.8.B Preservation of Tangible Material The Northeast Documents Conservation Center has many resources on the care and preservation of tangible publications. 8.8.C Preservation of Tangible Electronic Material Byers, Fred R. “ Care and Handling of CDs and DVDs: A Guide for Librarians and Archivists” Council on Library and Information Resources, 2003. Federal Depository Library Program, “ Depository Library Public Service Guidelines for Government Information in Electronic Formats.”, (Washington, D.C.: FDLP, n.d.), (accessed 22 August 2005). Federal Depository Library Program. “2005 Minimum Technical Requirements for Public Access Workstations in Federal Depository Libraries.” (Washington, D.C.: FDLP, n.d.), (accessed 22 August 2005). Herter, Nancy K. “CD-ROM in Libraries.” Online, May/June 1995, 109. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Landau, Herbert B. “Microform vs. CD-ROM: Is There a Difference?” The Forum, Library Journal, 1 October 1990, 56. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Manns, Basil and Chandru J. Shahani. “Longevity of CD Media. Research at the Library of Congress.” (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 2003), (accessed 22 August 2005). Poor, Alfred. “Hardware.” PC Magazine, 16 May 1995, 293. MasterFILE Premier. EBSCO. 8.9 Tips, Practical Advice, and Lessons Learned By integrating a preservation review into established library processes, you allow fragile materials to be identified and stabilized before damage occurs, and damaged materials to be rapidly evaluated for possible treatment. Preservation plans should dovetail with your larger library’s collection development policy and the disaster recovery plan. See chapter 5 and chapter 14 in this Handbook for more information. Your preservation policy should be realistic and practical. It should focus on steps that you can accomplish with existing or obtainable resources. If your library is unable to preserve or care for at-risk or rare materials, you may want to consider donating them to another library with an active preservation program. Work with the larger library’s rare book or special collections department to safeguard and preserve any rare and valuable government publications. There are some practical steps that will help you to extend the life of depository material without a budget increase. Train staff and users in the care and proper handling of government information resources; Carry out systematic stack maintenance; Prepare a disaster plan (see chapter 14 in this Handbook for more information); Follow preservation criteria when purchasing storage furniture and supplies; and Work with the larger library’s facilities management staff to stabilize temperature and humidity levels. 8.10 Did You Realize That You Don't Have to... ? Preserve everything in perpetuity if your library is a selective depository. Preservation priorities in your depository should be consistent with the larger library’s preservation activities, library resources and broader collection development priorities. It may be that no preservation treatment (planned deterioration or de-accession) is the most realistic option for your depository. 8.11 Important for Library Administrators Depository libraries are REQUIRED to maintain depository material at the same level as commercially purchased publications. Preservation of tangible U.S. Government publications distributed through the FDLP is one of the responsibilities of a regional depository library. A written preservation policy is the key to an effective preservation program.
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Depository Administration/FDLP Handbook
Describes the physical facilities required for tangible depository materials, the equipment needed for accessing the collection, proper handling of the depository materials, and housing arrangements for offsite storage or selective housing agreements 9.1 What’s New or Important Your depository library MUST meet the minimum technical requirements for public access workstations. Your depository library MUST maintain publications distributed through the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) in conditions that are comparable to those of commercially purchased publications. Your depository library may house parts of the depository collection either in offsite storage or at another facility through a selective housing agreement. 9.2 Physical Facilities Required for Tangible Depository Materials Your depository library has the following REQUIREMENTS for the physical facilities that house tangible depository materials. Your depository operation MUST be entirely situated in an environment that provides access to and usage of depository resources. Under the Principle of Comparable Treatment, the depository collection and depository operations should be housed in a space comparable to or better than the quality of other areas of the library. The space for depository operations should be functional, flexible, and expandable. Your depository operations area should be well-lighted, comfortable, attractive, clean, and have sufficient workspace and seating for depository users. The space should contain well planned areas for services provided, such as research, reference, circulation, interlibrary loan, and other public service activities. Adequate space away from public service areas should be allocated for processing new depository materials and other operations. Your depository coordinator and depository staff should also have nonpublic work areas. You MUST allot adequate space to properly house and protect the collection, regardless of format. All parts of the collection should be readily accessible. Sufficient reader tables or carrels should be provided for in-library use of depository materials. If your depository materials are maintained in a separate division of the library, the space provided should be conveniently located for user access to encourage use of the materials. The depository library should establish a policy for reasonable retrieval times for publications not directly accessible to library users. Material stored in closed stacks within the library and at nearby facilities MUST be retrievable generally within 24 hours but should be as soon as feasible given the distance between the library and the offsite storage facility. Depository publications should be protected from unlawful removal. Your depository facilities that house Federal depository library materials should meet the standards set by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). You can find more information about library REQUIREMENTS under the ADA can be found at DisabilityInfo.gov, Department of Justice ADA page, and ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities. You should examine the signage and other physical facilities of the library and parent institution to ensure the language does not inhibit public access. Instead, signage should be employed to facilitate access to depository materials. For more information on public access, see Chapter 4 in this handbook. Your depository library MUST post the depository emblem in a prominent location, preferably visible from the exterior of the library, indicating the library is a Federal depository and that government information products can be used by the general public without charge. You may order free decals via the Free Depository Library Promotional Materials Order Page. 9.3 Equipment Needed for Accessing the Collection Your depository library MUST have adequate equipment for the public and staff to view and use government information in all formats. The capability to download, copy, and print government information MUST be provided. Microfiche readers and reader-printers MUST be available to the public if that format is available in your depository collection. To help you make informed equipment purchases that best achieve the goal of providing public access to Federal Government information in a variety of electronic formats, the Government Printing Office issues the “Recommended Specifications for Public Access Workstations in Federal Depository Libraries” which becomes minimum technical requirements (MTR). The latest specifications and minimum technical requirements are available at Workstation Specifications. Your Federal depository library's public access workstations MUST meet the MTR to keep pace with technological change and be knowledgeable about Federal agency information delivery practices in order to fulfill their Title 44 obligation to provide access to Government information products. You will find these guidelines are aimed at providing reasonably robust workstations that should provide years of service before they become obsolete; however, GPO encourages the purchase of equipment that exceeds these specifications, if economically feasible. Not all public workstations at your depository library must meet the MTR. Your depository will NEED an appropriate number of workstations to meet or exceed user demand for public access to government information; the number of workstations is determined by size of your library and the amount of onsite usage. However, a personal computer that meets or exceeds the latest MTR is highly recommended for use by your depository staff to ensure effective depository administration. Microform equipment can be expensive, and the amount of equipment required to service a given microform collection will vary depending on usage and your library’s resources. It is important that your depository have extra projection lamps, microform glassware, and other spare parts for maintaining and servicing the equipment. Your depository library should designate a staff member to be in charge of the library’s microform equipment, become familiar with it, and be available to perform basic repairs and maintenance. It is strongly encouraged that your depository has at least one reader-printer capable of making clear, legible paper copies from microfiche publications. Additional microfiche readers are recommended as needed to accommodate increased levels of use. Your will find cleaning the readers weekly for fingerprints and dusk produces the best image possible for users; spare light bulbs should be kept near the reader so that used bulbs can be quickly and easily replaced. Equipment that scans microforms and allows for printing, saving to disk, or e-mailing can provide more flexibility for your users. Regionals should be able to provide microfiche copies, or otherwise have the means to provide the microfiche content, to selectives upon request. 9.4 Proper Handling of the Depository Materials Your depository library receives Federal Government publications in a wide variety of formats and media. The government publications collection, by virtue of its importance as a primary research resource, REQUIRES protection from environmental abuse, physical mishandling by staff and users, and theft. While depository materials may be housed separately from other library collections, they NEED to be given the same level of care as commercially published and purchased collections elsewhere in the library.If your depository library does not properly maintain the publications in its custodial care, the library can lose its depository status 44 United States Code 1909. Proper handling of depository materials begins with the depository shipment. Your depository will receive shipments of government publications based upon its item selection profile. Upon receipt of shipments, you should remove the publications from their packaging and organize them in a staging area for processing. This location should be secure from theft and environmental hazards. After publications are fully processed but still awaiting shelving, they can be arranged in a manner appropriate to the library, such as by location, priority, call number, or format. An additional benefit from a well-organized processing area is that your library staff can browse and familiarize themselves with recently received government publications. 9.5 Supplies Necessary for the Proper Handling of Depository Materials Your depository library NEEDS to purchase a variety of supplies in order to properly house the tangible collection. Because some depository materials are not shelf-ready when they arrive, your library needs to purchase supplies for housing them. Examples of supplies include assorted binders, jewel cases, and file boxes. Additionally, many Federal Government agencies find it necessary to issue publications unbound or in paper covers. Your library will want to include these publications in your binding program for books, periodicals, and other privately purchased materials. Binders are not furnished for loose-leaf material unless the issuing agency includes them as part of its publication. Loose-leaf materials MUST be updated in a timely manner or should be deselected. To properly mark each publication, your library also NEEDS a variety of stamps and labels. If your library uses security devices for commercially purchased collections, apply security strips or devices to depository publications whenever the format permits. See the individual media types below for more specific suggestions. Also see Chapter 6 in this Handbook for additional information on Technical Services. In handling depository materials, remember that poor housing environments threaten publications in all formats. Therefore, overcrowded shelves and files damage publications and could also lead to the material being mishandled by users of the collection. Your depository library should track the growth of the collection and available storage space for all formats in order to identify portions of the collection that need shifting. Additional shelving, shifting or weeding projects, new cabinets, and offsite storage are much better planned before a crisis emerges. Humidity and temperature also affect the deterioration of the collection. Your depository collection should be housed in a stable environment subject to no abrupt temperature or humidity changes. For storage and stacks areas, permanently installed smoke and heat detectors which should be operating at all times to warn of fire. You will also want dry chemical and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers available. See the individual media types below for more specific housing and handling issues. For information on developing a preservation policy, see Chapter 8 in this Handbook. 9.6 Handling Specific Media Types of Depository Materials The following provides a brief discussion of the proper handling of various media types of depository materials. 9.6.A Paper Publications Paper depository materials NEEDS to be stored in a proper storage environment with year-round temperature and humidity control, proper air circulation, and limited exposure to ultraviolet light. High temperature and humidity encourage pests and mildew, while too little humidity causes paper to dry out and become brittle. The recommended temperature for paper is in the 65 to 70 °F range, and relative humidity for paper should be maintained at 40 to 55 percent. You may choose to turn off lights in the stacks when they are not needed as light can damage materials. Dust and dirt damage materials also, so good housekeeping practices are important. The stacks should be clean with no food, drink, or tobacco allowed. Your depository library will want to be sure to clean books and shelves on a regular schedule and inspect for mildew and mold. Improper shelving practices also cause damage, particularly jamming books into a tight space or letting them flop without a bookend. For ribbed shelving, you can create a flat surface by lining with acid-freeboard. Your depository library is strongly encouraged to develop and document policies for the proper use and handling of materials by both staff and users. These policies can be as simple as how to remove books from the shelves and how to replace them properly, or how to photocopy without damaging the material. Your paper depository collection should be maintained in a comparable physical condition as commercially purchased library materials through the use of proper preservation practices including binding when desirable. As with other collections in the library, binding together older issues of depository serials will lengthen their life. Heavily used publications are good candidates for binding, especially volumes of local or regional interest. For recent publications, you will want to balance the need for providing timely user access with the desire to bind because the publication will be inaccessible while at the bindery. Some government publications arrive as loose, unbound pages, and binding may not always be appropriate. Your depository NEEDS to purchase a variety of binders to house these publications. Suggested sizes to have on hand are three-ring binders in both one-inch and three-inch thicknesses, and metal pronged report covers. Some paper publications such as bookmarks, pamphlets, and one- or two-page newsletters should be housed in acid-free protective envelopes to avoid being crushed or lost among the books, or other pamphlets housed in a vertical file. Periodicals and other sets of thin publications that sit together on the shelf can benefit from being housed in file boxes which will keep them neat, upright and prevent them flopping over nearby materials or bookends. Folio shelving or flat drawers should be provided for oversized publications. You will want to consider protecting oversized publications lying on folio shelves with acid-free folders to keep out dust and prevent mishandling. 9.6.B Posters Your will want to house posters flat in a sturdy acid-free case that supports the posters while protecting them from dust, light, and other environmental damage. Alternative housing includes rolling them or housing them vertically in files. Do not fold a poster that arrives flat or rolled. It is preferable to flatten any posters that are shipped folded. The preservation and proper housing of posters need not prevent them from being viewed by the public. Your depository should display posters whenever possible, circulate them, or selectively house individual posters or a series of posters at other libraries, schools, or other institutions where they might be seen and used. 9.6.C Maps If your depository selects and receives maps, they are subject to the same processing procedures as other depository materials. Whether the maps are housed directly in the library or housed off-site, it is your library's responsibility to ensure that maps which arrive through the FDLP are handled according to the practices established in this Handbook. You can house sheet maps and charts in sturdy, acid-free map cases. The best method of storing maps is flat in map cabinets or vertically in plain files. Rolling maps is acceptable but makes access and use more difficult. Only those maps pre-folded by the publisher may be stored folded. As with any paper materials, maps need year-round temperature and humidity control with proper air circulation and limited exposure to ultraviolet light. Clearly labeled and well-arranged maps can be identified and selected from map cabinets with the least wear and tear. In most situations, your will want to keep map indexes near the maps. In situations where the maps are not directly accessible to the user, you might want to house the map indexes along with other reference materials. Map drawers that are too full increase the weight on each map as they are pulled out, filed, and re-filed increasing the chances that maps may be torn or damaged. Maps will receive better care by making sizeable workspaces available to users using the maps, as well as providing sufficient space for staff to re-file the maps. You should take care not to obscure important images or information when labeling and stamping maps. Also avoid applying adhesive labels, security strips, or stamps on the back of a map where it can bleed through and obscure information on the front of the map. The lower edge is an ideal place to record call numbers. Searching through a stack of maps labeled at the bottom edge is more efficient and distresses maps the least. Your depository maps are sometimes housed in a different location some distance from the rest of the depository collection. If the location of the map collection is not under the administrative control of your depository library, a selective housing memorandum of understanding MUST be initiated between your depository and the selective housing site. See HYPERLINK \l "_Appendix_D._" Appendix D in this Handbook for more information. 9.6.D Microfiche You should house microfiche in a climate-controlled area with minimal variation in temperature and relative humidity. Standard guidelines for the recommended storage temperature for microform collections are 68 °F with a constant humidity level of 40 percent plus or minus 5 percent. The most important factor to consider is constancy. The temperature and humidity range should not fluctuate often and should not go above 75 °F or 50 percent humidity. Temperatures and humidity higher than the recommended levels can encourage fungal growth, blemishes, and chemical deterioration of the microfiche. Temperatures lower than recommended can cause brittleness. Proper air-conditioning generally provides these conditions. However, you should check the temperature and humidity periodically to insure that proper storage conditions remain constant. When possible, to help control the climate, microfiche should not be stored against outer walls, nor on the ground or top floors of a building. Microfiche should be kept away from air vents, radiators, and direct sunlight. Do not store microfiche near photocopiers, chemical duplicators, fresh paint, or other chemicals that may cause reaction. All microforms are extremely photosensitive and should never be exposed to direct light except when in use on a microform reader. They can also be damaged by electric light. You will want to designate a place where there is not an excessive amount of light for staff and users to return microfiche; this should preferably be in a closed lidded box. Steel cabinets made with baked-on inert enamel finishes, stainless steel, or aluminum are recommended as microfiche storage facilities. They should have a fire rating of at least one hour. Plastic boxes, unless constructed of non-deteriorating plastic, can adversely affect microfiche. When using cabinets, your library staff should be aware of the weight-bearing capacity of the library area in which the collection is located. Storage containers should not be tightly packed; room should be allowed for growth and expansion. Microfiche MUST be stored vertically, sitting on their bottom edge and upright, in acid-free containers. The envelopes in which the GPO microfiche are shipped are acid-free, as are the inserted dividers. All paper products used in the storage of microforms (boxes, dividers, labels, and envelopes) should have a pH factor of 7.0 or above. You will want to stamp envelopes with acid-free ink, but it is not necessary to remove the microfiche when stamping the envelopes if normal force is used. Microfiche cards measure approximately 100 cards per inch if housed “nude” or 70 cards per inch if housed in acid free sleeves such as the ones GPO provides in their shipments. Microfiche storage containers should not be tightly packed; room should be allowed for growth and expansion. None of the variant forms of microfilm (silver halide, diazo, vesicular, Ilfochrome) should be stored in the same drawer as other forms. Because close contact between the differing forms can result in chemical reactions which, while not dangerous to your library itself (unlike some forms of microfilm created through the 1950s which could in extreme cases prove flammable if improperly stored) will reduce or destroy the usefulness of the film itself. Microfiche cards are rarely labeled by type (i.e., a card or shipping list will not say “diazo” or “vesicular”). Essentially all government publications distributed on microfiche by GPO are diazo, though reprints from private vendors may vary. A general rule you can follow is that if a microfiche card is of an observably different style from other microfiche in a drawer, it is best to remove it to its own drawer. For example, the emulsion side of silver halide microfiche is matte and the non-emulsion side is glossy, while diazo microfiche is glossy on both sides. Your will want to avoid using devices to bind the fiche together, such as paper clips which can cause scratches or other damage. Rubber bands used to keep the microfiche together during depository shipments can cause decomposition and should be removed before filing. Rubber bands often contain sulfur and are particularly damaging to microfiche over extended periods of time. Microfiche should be examined periodically for signs of deterioration. Although an examination of each microfiche in large collections would be impossible, your library staff should inspect a representative sample on a regular basis, at least once per year. Should problems such as fungal growth, blemishes, or chemical deterioration of the fiche be detected, your will want to make note of them and attempt to determine the cause and how much of the collection is affected. Information about these periodic inspections should be included in the depository’s preservation plan. For more information on preservation, see chapter 8 in this Handbook. To maintain optimum conditions, the library staff who process or handle the microfiche on a regular basis may want to consider using soft cotton gloves to avoid getting fingerprints on the microfiche. Your staff should always wear clean, cotton gloves when handling silver halide microfiche. If the microfiche does become dirty or difficult to read, you can clean them using a dry, soft, lint-free cloth or use a microfiche cleaning solvent with the cloth. You will want to be sure that the cleaning solvent can be used with the type of microfiche to be cleaned. 9.6.E Tangible Electronic Products As a minimum standard, the maintenance of tangible electronic media distributed through the FDLP should be comparable to maintenance standards established for tangible electronic media acquired by the library through commercial sources. GPO has distributed a variety of tangible electronic materials. Currently, CD-ROMs and DVDs make up the majority of tangible electronic products distributed. However, floppy disks, videos, and other formats have also been distributed over the years. Owing to the delicate nature of tangible electronic materials, you should house them in an environment that protects them from bending, scratching, or crushing. Exposure to dust, temperature extremes, and magnetic fields (such as telephones, security strip desensitizers, etc.) should be avoided. Even though the longevity of optical media is still being studied, practical measures can be taken to extend the life of CD-ROMs and DVDs. Soil from inks, solvents or other pollutants may influence the effectiveness of a disc. Cleaning discs to remove such contaminates is recommended. Commercial disc cleaning kits are available, or a soft, lint-free, cotton cloth may be used. Avoid using lint-filled, paper cloths that may scratch the disc. The disc should be wiped from the center out to the edge, avoiding a circular motion. In general, tangible electronic products should not be shelved alongside other materials on the regular shelves unless first placed in containers designed to prevent damage to electronic products. Because CDs and DVDs distributed through FDLP arrive in a variety of protective covers, your library should purchase a supply of CD cases and make provisions for labeling CDs, DVDs, and their cases which may include additional labeling supplies. These containers MUST clearly indicate that a tangible electronic product is inside to warn your library staff not to desensitize the publications for circulation. Your library’s magnetic desensitizer will damage the products. In addition to fully labeling protective cases, your library may consider labeling the disk itself. Many inks, if put on a disk, can shorten its life; so be sure to use archival markers instead. Small CD labels designed for library use are available printed with your library’s identifying information. These small, donut-shaped labels cover only the clear center of the disk. Your depository library should purchase furniture and equipment that is designed for using and housing tangible electronic products. The preferred solution is an arrangement that both protects the product and allows it to be readily accessible through local area networks. Cabinets for CDs and DVDs are available, both small multi-drawer tabletop units and full height floor units. CDs and DVDs can often also be stored in conventional microfiche cabinets. Because CD cabinets designed to hold traditional single cases might not accommodate double cases, albums, or the taller DVD cases, your library will NEED either repackage the products or purchase appropriate cabinets for the various media in its collection. If a floppy disk is received, make a backup copy, and store the original in a separate location. Rather than circulate any floppy disks, the library should encourage users to create their own copy of the disk. If your depository library collection contains publications on floppy disk, you should offer users the ability to copy floppies. Indiana University, in partnership with GPO, has also made data from 200 floppy disks available online through the Floppy Disk Project. Some depository data files and software may be appropriate for loading on computer hard drives and local area networks. Your depository library should decide which products are used frequently enough to warrant hard-disk storage. When loading data files to hard disks for public access, precautions MUST be taken to prevent users from altering the contents of the files. Whether tangible electronic products are allowed to circulate or not is at the discretion of your depository library. CDs and DVDs may be circulated without undue concern for their physical condition. If your library does not have the resources to support some tangible electronic products, an alternative to circulation is to provide selective housing for tangible electronic materials offsite, such as in a branch library that can support the products. Some tangible electronic products have paper documentation that describes the product, provides instructions on setting up the product, or provides instructions on how to use the product's software. Such documentation is critical for managing the information product. If documentation is housed separately from the tangible electronic product, a method MUST be established to direct users to the paper documentation. Conversely, documentation shelved in the stacks should be annotated to direct users to the specially housed tangible electronic products. 9.7 Various Types of Housing Arrangements In addition to housing all materials in the main depository library building, your library has several options for housing a government publications collection. It is possible to use offsite storage and to make arrangements with other facilities for selective housing of material. 9.7.A Offsite Storage Your depository library may consider using an offsite storage facility for a variety of reasons. When shelving in the regular library approaches capacity, the transfer of some materials to an offsite storage facility can provide the room needed to safely shelve and provide access to the most frequently used portions of the collection. Furthermore, the climate and security in a storage facility may make it more desirable for older, fragile, or valuable publications. With many publications available in microfiche or in digital formats, your library may want to retain its paper originals in an offsite facility while providing day-to-day access via the duplicate copy. Offsite storage facilities MUST meet the requirements for storage and handling of U.S. Government publications. Your depository library remains responsible for ensuring that the offsite storage environment meets the climate, security, physical and bibliographic access REQUIREMENTS for depository libraries as described in this handbook. If the offsite storage facility is not under the same administrative control as your depository library, a formal memorandum of agreement (MOA) between the two libraries MUST be signed. Your depository library should establish a policy for reasonable retrieval times for publications not directly accessible to users. Just like publications stored in closed stacks within the library, publications stored at offsite storage facilities MUST be retrievable and available to users within a certain time frame. Retrieval time should generally be within 24 hours but should be as soon as feasible given the distance between the library and the offsite storage facility. If your library does not normally retrieve library publications from offsite storage facilities on the weekends, retrieval may be limited to Monday through Friday. If your offsite housing facilities are open to the public and have reading rooms, the facility should have sufficient seating, lighting, and workspace for users. If appropriate, microfiche readers, printers, and photocopiers should also be available. Your depository MUST fully catalog all material in offsite storage so that it remains accessible. It is important that your depository library's records clearly indicate the location of those publications located in offsite storage. 9.7.B Selective Housing Arrangements Your depository library, whether a regional or a selective, may also transfer current or retrospective materials to another library, institution, or agency through an arrangement called shared or selective housing. A participating alternate site receiving depository materials from a depository library may be a branch library of the same institution as the depository library, another depository library, a public or academic library, a special library, or an agency. A formal agreement between the parties MUST be signed if the host site is not under the same administrative control as your depository that is offering the material for selective housing. However, your designated depository library remains legally responsible for these materials including their receipt, initial processing, and disposition. Selective housing agreements have several advantages: Selective housing agreements can place publications in areas that allow for wider usage and greater accessibility; It increases the scope of the available collection, thereby providing a larger number of publications and a greater level of public service; It enhances the capabilities of participating libraries to develop retrospective or current subject, series, or agency collections; and It may help to alleviate space problems at participating institutions. Remember the selective housing site MUST abide by all of the standards and legal requirements that govern the FDLP. Your depository library should furnish selective house sites with copies or links to appropriate instructions for the housing of and free public access to depository materials. Depository materials placed in a selective housing site remain the property of the U.S. Government and are governed by all public access, custody, maintenance, and public service requirements. Selective housing sites MUST post the depository emblem in a prominent location, preferably visible from the exterior of the library, indicating that government information products can be used by the general public without charge. Your depository library should provide the selective housing site with the free decals. Memorandums of Agreement If your depository library director is not the administrator of the site of the selectively housed collection, a memorandum of agreement (MOA) MUST be drawn up outlining the host institution's responsibilities to provide for free public access, and to maintain the records and materials in the government publications collection. See HYPERLINK \l "_Appendix_D._" Appendix D in this Handbook for a model selective housing MOA. An MOA for a selective housing agreement should specify: The justification for the transfer; The duration of the agreement; Conditions for the termination of the agreement; The manner in which the collection will be maintained and organized; Guarantees of free access by the general public; Arrangements for interlibrary loan cooperation; and The procedure to be followed in the event the agreement is dissolved. Selective housing agreements and MOAs MUST be signed by the directors of both organizations involved, with copies sent to the appropriate regional depository library and to: Office of Library Planning and Development, Library Services U.S. Government Printing Office 732 North Capitol Street, NW Mail Stop IDLP 
Washington, DC 20401 The agreement may also be faxed to (202) 512-2300 or emailed if digital signatures are included to LPPlanning@GPO.gov. The Office of Planning and Development, Library Services should be notified anytime a portion of the depository collection is housed outside of the designated depository. Depository materials located in selective housing sites are subject to the full range of depository standards contained in this Handbook and the materials remain the responsibility of your depository library. Ownership of the material and the responsibility for meeting FDLP standards remain the same, whether the publications are routed through your depository library or mailed directly to the selective housing site, as can be the case with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maps. It is important that your depository library's records clearly indicate the location of the publications covered by the selective housing program. The receiving institution MUST also keep records indicating the source of the materials, and your depository materials should be clearly identified. These records MUST be kept at the piece level, that is, all depository maps, slip laws, slip opinions, etc., MUST be individually recorded. It is not necessary, however, for your depository to maintain the official holdings record for material selectively housed elsewhere. The official holdings record may be kept at the selective housing site if it saves your staff time and can be done in accordance with the instructions in this Handbook. If your depository library participates in a selective housing arrangement, you should bring new item numbers to the attention of the staff of the receiving institution and assist them in selecting items. A schedule should be developed for adjusting the selection of items covered by the selective housing agreement. The schedule should coincide with the FDLP annual item selection update. 9.8 Tips, Practical Advice, and Lessons Learned Packaging for tangible electronic products MUST clearly indicate that a diskette or other tangible electronic product is contained within to warn your library staff not to desensitize the materials for circulation. A magnetic desensitizer will damage the material. You will want to communicate with your library systems or information technology department about the recommended specifications and suggested minimum technical requirements for public access workstations. 9.9 Did you realize that you don't have to... ? Have a memorandum of agreement to house publications in other parts of your larger library or even in other buildings administered by your library’s administration. House all depository material in the official depository library. If the host location is not under the administrative control as your depository offering the material, a formal agreement MUST be signed between the parties. All offsite storage and selective housing facilities MUST conform to the same preservation and access standards required of any depository library. 9.10 Important for Library Administrators Because all Government publications supplied to your depository library under the FDLP remain the property of the U.S. Government, publications MUST be housed in a manner that facilitates access, preservation, and protection from theft. Your depository library MUST, at a minimum, provide the same care and maintenance of depository materials as it gives to commercially purchased publications. Your depository library MUST post the depository emblem in a prominent location, preferably visible from the exterior of the library, indicating the library is a Federal depository and Government information products are available for use by the general public without charge. All facilities housing depository materials should meet the standards set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Friday, 21 November 2008 | 2 hits
Depository Administration/FDLP Handbook
Defines the responsible officials and their roles in the depository library program, staffing level recommendations, staff responsibilities, and training opportunities made available to staff in Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) participant libraries 10.1 What’s New or Important There is no longer a set formula for determining the number of staff necessary to support your depository collections and services. Instead, your depository staff numbers and skills MUST be sufficient to meet the functional requirements of the FDLP and the unique requirements in each depository library. In some depositories, the larger library’s current staff members are more involved in reference services and processing government documents while in other depositories, the larger library staff is developing new skills to leverage electronic government information resources. As a result, some depository libraries find that their staff is augmented and complimented by the staff of the larger library. 10.2 Responsible Officials and their Roles in the Federal Depository Library Program The director of the larger library in which your Federal depository is located is the official responsible for ensuring that the depository operation conforms to the legal requirements of the FDLP. Most library directors will designate a staff member as the Federal Depository Library Program Coordinator (depository coordinator), although the director can serve in that role in small libraries. A depository coordinator is responsible for the coordination of all depository activities within the library and for acting as liaison to the Superintendent of Documents in all matters relating to depository libraries. Depository activities include public and technical services, collection development and management, maintenance, preservation (if applicable), and administrative responsibilities. While several staff members may be responsible for different areas of depository operations such as technical services or public services, it is still important to have one staff member designated as the depository coordinator. The depository coordinator should be a librarian. If the library position that includes responsibility for depository coordination is vacant, your library MUST designate another point of contact to serve until the position is filled. A depository coordinator should be responsible to the library administration, either directly or through an intermediate supervisor. Any depository collection and/or operation outside the jurisdiction of the director of the designated library MUST be covered by a selective housing memorandum of agreement (MOA) (see appendix D in this Handbook for more information) and should also have a depository coordinator. These selective housing locations are responsible for adhering to the same guidelines as depository libraries, in consultation with your designated depository. The library director and the depository coordinator should ensure that all appropriate employees are aware of the free public access requirements of Federal depository libraries. 10.3 Staffing Level Recommendations You should have both professional and paraprofessional staff working with your depository operations (exceptions may occur in small libraries with minimal personnel). Staffing MUST be at levels sufficient to meet depository responsibilities detailed in this handbook. This requirement means that your library MUST assign staff with appropriate professional and technical skills to maintain depository collections and provide programs in a timely manner, consistent with staffing of other library operations. Public service staffing MUST be adequate to serve your library’s primary user community as well as users from the general public. Comparable public service, in terms of hours of service, degree of assistance, and professional expertise of staff, should be extended to members of the general public using depository resources just as those services are made available to the library's primary users. The number of staff will depend on the size and scope of your library and depository collections, as well as the methods of organization of the depository collection. Your depository staff may be in a separate Government Documents unit or part of other library units such as Technical Services or Reference Services. Access to staff with technical skills is of particular importance as depository collections include a growing number and variety of electronic government information resources and as more government information is digitized and made available electronically. With the reduction of tangible materials and the increase in available electronic resources, a different level of staffing and expertise is desirable. The special skills needed for a variety of new tasks might include: Identifying electronic resources and integrating electronic records into the catalog; Integrating electronic government resources into Web pages and user education tools; Providing training for staff and users; and Providing public service in an increasingly complex electronic environment. 10.4 Staff Responsibilities As more tangible and online government publications become integrated into library collections, catalogs, and services, shared staffing responsibilities and knowledge of government information become more important. All of your library staff should be informed of and trained in depository functions and resources, thus ensuring and improving access to government information. Cross-training should be provided for staff involved in all areas of depository library work, including public services, technical services, and technical support. Though many library staff may participate in depository operations, your depository coordinator in most depositories has the ultimate responsibility for: Acting as liaison to the Superintendent of Documents, including replying to correspondence and surveys such as the Biennial Survey of Depository Libraries and participating in the item selection update cycle; Interpreting the FDLP to the administrative levels of the library and assuring that changes in library procedures and policies take into account the requirements of the FDLP; Fulfilling administrative duties such as preparing budgets and submitting reports; and Performing or training staff to perform the depository functions outlined in this handbook, such as: Public services, including providing reference and instruction services for in-person and remote users; Promotion, including promoting the depository collection to library staff, the library’s primary users, and the general public through outreach programs and ongoing communication, and integrating FDLP resources into library Web and training activities; Collections, including collection development, identifying user needs, and carrying out selection and disposal procedures; Bibliographic control, including processing, managing catalog records for both tangible and electronic publications, and maintaining statistics; Preservation and housing, including collection maintenance for tangible materials, computer software and hardware to support access to electronic products and, for some libraries, preservation of electronic products; Formal partnerships, including communicating and collaborating with other depository libraries, the regional depository, and the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO); and Regional services, including providing consultative and other services to selectives in their region (applies only to regional depositories). 10.5 Training Opportunities Your library is responsible for providing training related to the depository responsibilities of all of the staff involved in depository operations. Opportunities and resources should be provided for the initial and continuing education of both professional and paraprofessional staff. Staff within the depository and throughout the larger library should be sufficiently trained and knowledgeable to provide depository services to the general public. Additionally, training and mentoring could be offered to staff at neighboring or related non-depository libraries to promote the depository as a resource and improve access to government information to the public. In order to ensure an efficient and effective depository operation, staff who have depository responsibilities should also keep up-to-date on new developments through participation in professional organizations, e-mail discussion groups, attendance at workshops, and professional reading. Depository staff should also attend local and national meetings devoted to depository-related issues. 10.6 Tips, Practical Advice, and Lessons Learned 10.6.A Resources to Consult You can keep up-to-date with policies, procedures, and guidelines with the following GPO and FDLP resources and communications: The FDLP Desktop Federal Depository Library Handbook askGPO You can share ideas and questions with colleagues through e-mail discussion lists such as: GOVDOC-L DOCTECH-L MAPS-L Your state or regional e-mail discussion group. Check with your regional librarian for information. 10.6.B Organizations and Learning Opportunities Enhance your knowledge and share your experience by participating in professional organizations and interest groups. Look for local groups and e-mail discussion groups through your regional library and state associations. If there are no local interest groups, consider initiating one. Some national professional groups related to government information include: American Library Association’s (ALA) Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) ALA’s Map and Geography Round Table (MAGERT) Special Libraries Association’s Government Information Division GPO sponsors three free continuing education events annually: The Interagency Depository Seminar, held each summer in Washington, D.C. is designed for depository staff who are new or returning to government documents. Check this web page for more information. The Fall Depository Library Conference, with many programs related to depository issues, is held in conjunction with the fall Depository Library Council meeting in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Information about past conference and proceedings is available at this web page. A small number of depository-related programs are held in conjunction with the spring Depository Library Council meeting, held at a site outside Washington, DC. For more information, check the archive available on this web page. State library associations, regional libraries and state documents groups may sponsor local meetings. 10.6.C Suggestions for New Staff If you are a new depository coordinator, you should contact their regional depository coordinator for assistance and information, including information about the state plan. You can consult examples of Virginia's State plan, a compilation of state plans from the Library of Michigan’s Regional Federal depository library Web site, or see Chapter 11 in this Handbook. New staff working with depository operations may want to attend an orientation at their regional or another depository library. Find your regional library, and other depositories of your type or in your state, city, zip code, or area code, on the GPO’s Federal Depository Library Directory page, and update information about your depository library. Be sure your library's information is up-to-date in the FDLP directory. Review your library's files, especially past inspection reports, self-studies, and biennial surveys. Learn your depository number and your GPO passwords in your library's files or from other staff members. If you need help with these items, contact the askGPO staff from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays) at: Toll-Free: 866-512-1800 DC Area: 202-512-1800 Fax: 202-512-2104 Contact your neighboring depository libraries to identify potential experts and/or mentors to assist with basic information and to become familiar with local resources. Look at the guides created by other libraries on the GODORT Government Information Clearinghouse and Handout Exchange and Browse Topics. Find the list of E-Competencies compiled by GODORT and determine the skills you and other library staff might need to improve. Additional tools for new staff can be found in GPO’s “Top 10 List for New Documents Librarians”. 10.7 Did you realize that you don't have to....? Determine staffing needs for a depository collection by using an arbitrary standard or measure. Current guidelines simply require that professional and paraprofessional staffing levels MUST be sufficient to meet your depository responsibilities. The number of staff will depend on the size and scope of your larger library and depository collections, as well as the methods of organization of the depository collection. Do it all by yourself, or reinvent the wheel. Collaborate with other depositories on cataloging, collection development, or outreach; consult and seek help from your regional; recruit other staff in the larger library to help with reference services or technical processing; and network with staff in other depositories in every way you can. 10.8 Important for Library Administrators Your depository library MUST have one staff member designated as the depository coordinator. This staff member’s responsibilities are detailed above in the section on Staff Responsibilities. Keep your regional librarian and GPO informed of any changes in depository responsibilities and operations within your library. Despite the fact that depository libraries are receiving fewer tangible publications, the need for staff is not decreasing. Staff are NEEDed for many important tasks: To integrate electronic records into library catalogs; To integrate government information into library Web resources and user education; To train all library staff to use government information resources effectively; and To provide public service in person and remotely, as finding government information becomes more complex in the electronic environment. Staff with depository responsibilities should receive library support for attendance at appropriate local and national meetings. Equally, you, as a library administrator, are encouraged to attend the annual Federal Depository Library Conference to learn about the FDLP.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008 | 2 hits
Depository Administration/FDLP Handbook
Discusses partnering with GPO, the types of partnerships, who can form a partnership with the Government Printing Office (GPO), benefits of partnering with GPO, partnership requirements. It also describes collaboration among Federal depository libraries and state plans. 11.1 What’s New or Important Your Federal depository library may wish to establish a formal partnership with Library Services and Content Management (LSCM) to increase access to or to provide service in the use of government information resources. To help you to understand and to consider formal partnerships with LSCM, partnership web pages have been created on the new Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) Desktop. There are many benefits to formal partnering with LSCM to include demonstrating to your administration the value of your depository collection and your expertise in providing content and services. Your Federal depository library, including other entities, may formally partner with LSCM when you have a project or service that would benefit the depository community. All formal partnerships MUST be documented as written proposals to LSCM; LSCM, management, in turn, reviews each proposal based on a set of criteria and makes a determination regarding acceptance. Accepted proposals are documented as Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) or other appropriate agreement format between the various parties. The FDLP is a system of collaborating libraries dedicated to public access to and services in their use of Federal Government information resources; depository libraries are expected to cooperate with LSCM, their regional library, and neighboring depositories. 11.2 Partnering with LSCM The increasing shift toward a more electronic environment has resulted in a possible new role for your depository library: that of partnering with LSCM to increase permanent public access to electronic materials. Formal partnerships can benefit each depository library, the depository community, and LSCM by offering services to help librarians navigate the electronic environment or providing server space to help store electronic materials. Partnerships can develop along various lines, with varying degrees of formality, and at various points in the information life cycle. Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) partnerships are official agreements between LSCM and one or more parties that may include government, corporate, educational, and other institutions in joint projects that benefit the FDLP. 11.3 Types of Partnerships While FDLP partnerships will vary based on the type of project, to date partnerships have fallen into 3 categories. However, partnerships are not limited to these categories, and LSCM will consider partnership proposals that fall outside of these categories. 11.3.A Content Partnerships In content partnerships, partners host part of the FDLP Electronic Collection for the free use of the general public. Agencies and depository libraries enter into LSCM-brokered agreements to provide the environment and resources for permanent access to agency products not previously managed via GPO Access. In general, a content partnership REQUIRES that an institution or organization provide storage capacity and cooperate with the agency and LSCM in providing user access to the product or products. LSCM acts as broker of the agreement and agrees to receive custody of data and software in the event that the partner institution withdraws from the arrangement. Other provisions may be negotiated into individual agreements. When considering a content partnership, remember that the core of legislative and regulatory information managed on GPO's servers will remain with GPO permanently, while partner institutions will provide storage capacity and free public access to a wide variety of executive and judicial information. 11.3.B Service Partnerships In service partnerships, partners offer services that assist LSCM and depository libraries with the administration of FDLP collections. Your depository library may develop services that enhance the use of FDLP government information. After determining that a service developed for depository operations or administration has a broad appeal and utility, LSCM enters into an understanding with the creating library to offer the service across the FDLP. Examples of service partnerships include Enhanced Shipping List Service which gives depositories the ability to produce labels for publications, and Browse Topics which provides a subject-oriented approach to electronic Federal agency information. 11.3.C Hybrid Partnerships In hybrid partnerships, partners offer a mixture of content and service partnerships, for example, hosting part of the Electronic Collection and also offering a service important to the administration of the FDLP collection. Assisting LSCM to develop a more comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) through cooperative cataloging would be a hybrid partnership. An example of a current hybrid partnership is the Clemson University Pilot Light Project to facilitate the migration of tangible publications distribution to electronic (EL) dissemination for Federal depository libraries while also assessing the operational and service implications of a regional Federal depository library with a primarily electronic collection. 11.4 Who Can Form a Partnership? Institutions that have a project or a resource that would benefit the depository community as whole may be eligible to form a partnership with LSCM. Partner institutions may include individual depository libraries, library consortia, or other institutions, such as Federal agencies. Partnerships may also include more than two parties. For examples, LSCM formed a partnership with both Case Western Reserve University and the Census Bureau to create a mirror site for certain files from the 2000 Census. Look for additional ideas on possible partnership agreements with LSCM. There are variables to weigh in deciding if your library wants to become an official partner. Your library may have paid for proprietary software and cannot promise that software to LSCM if the project ceases. The library might wish to maintain total control over content and not be subject to LSCM in matters of performance or alterations to the project. The library might have an idea that will mix depository content with other kinds of materials. If your institution has an idea for a digital or other project, first be sure that you are not repeating another institution’s work by: Posting your idea to GOVDOC-L and ask for comments from your depository librarian colleagues; Doing a thorough search of the Web; and Checking the Registry of U.S. Government Publication Digitization Projects. Then ask yourself these questions: Do you have an ongoing program in your library that could be shared with other depository libraries? Does your library have a digitization effort? Does your staff have time to devote to a special program? Does your library have fugitive publications? Providing access to these electronically would benefit all depositories. Would your library administration support your participation in a nationwide effort? Would participation on a national level such as this help to justify your continuing as a depository library to your director? Do you have a realistic idea as to the financial and technical resources necessary to maintain the partnership? 11.5 Benefits of Partnering with LSCM The benefits to participating in a partnership with LSCM include: Making a contribution to the depository community; Strengthening LSCM’s outreach and collection use by contributing additional staff time, expertise, and server space; Receiving national recognition of your institution as a leader in the depository community; Demonstrating to your administration the value of your collection and your expertise in handling and providing services in the use of Federal Government information which, in turn, helps you to justify continued participation in the depository program; Developing and growing professionally through innovative use of online resources; Answering a need of the general public by creating a resource and linking from GPO’s national pages; Committing a library to a project that is not subject to participation by specific individuals. The partnership may help to ensure the project’s continuation should a staff member be promoted, retire, or otherwise leave an institution; and Being involved in a project that has direct impact upon citizens’ access and use of government information. 11.6 Partnership Requirements In general, partnerships share the common element of being formalized through an agreement between LSCM and the library or agency. The following points from LSCM are important considerations for partnership arrangements: Access is paramount. The purpose of the partnership is to provide the public with unrestricted, no-fee access to specific Federal Government information products and services. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) or other appropriate partnership agreement between the participating library and LSCM will formalize the partnership. The formal agreement will require LSCM to agree to receive custody of data and software in the event that the partner can no longer support permanent public access. The partnership agreement should also include wording concerning software and server requirements for the participating library, specific duties required of the library staff, and other requirements. Partner sites may be able to indicate that the site is an official source for the product content. In the case of partnership agreements that include the originating agency, the partnership agreement may specify that the site be recognized as an official source. It is critical to include a stipulation in the partnership agreement that the partner will impose no restrictions on re-dissemination that might impede the public's ability to use the information. Locators and bibliographic control are necessary. LSCM will provide pointers and bibliographic access to in-scope products held by the partner. The partnership agreement MUST recognize that the content of the information products in the collection is in the public domain, and that a copy of any software developed as an integral part of the collection must accompany the content if the product is transferred back to LSCM. However, the partnership agreement should recognize that the partner retains the intellectual property rights associated with any value-added software the partner develops for the project. An important Web page to consult for copyright considerations in any digital project involving government publications is Frequently Asked Questions About Copyright maintained by CENDI. The partnership agreement should specify the performance measures for the number of simultaneous users and the percentage of time that the service MUST be available. This may take the form of a regular report to LSCM on statistics or status of the partnership. Security MUST be addressed. The partnership agreement MUST address system security issues such as providing adequate backup procedures and firewalls. Consultation with LSCM is necessary. It is critical in any partnership to keep the lines of communication open. The partnership agreement should provide for regular consultation between the partners on a number of issues pertaining to the electronic products such as utilization rates, operational details, or any significant alterations in the way in which the collection is organized or accessed. Remember that any significant changes made to the project appearance or function MUST be approved by LSCM. Both LSCM and the partner will publicize and promote the partnership. For more information on partnerships, contact the Office of Planning and Development, Library Services. 11.7 Other Types of Collaboration with LSCM If your depository library is unable to enter into a formal partnership with LSCM, there are other opportunities to work with LSCM to improve the FDLP by assisting with special and ongoing projects and tasks and fulfilling the requirements of the FDLP. Recent examples include: Updating your depository’s information in the Federal Depository Library Directory (a requirement of Federal depository libraries); Working with LSCM staff to develop a Web-based training session Promote programs at your depository via the FDLP Desktop; Testing LSCM’s new Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC); Participating in the updating of the new Federal Depository Library Handbook; Evaluating the GPO Access disaster recovery site; Submitting fugitive publications to LostDocs using the “Fugitive Publications/Lostdocs” category on askGPO; and Having at least one staff member at the depository library subscribe to the Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed from the FDLP Desktop News and Updates to keep current on news and issues in the FDLP program. Your depository is required to complete the Biennial Survey. This is an important resource for LSCM. The Biennial Survey serves to: Provide LSCM with information about conditions in individual depository libraries; Identifies trends; and Assists LSCM with planning for the FDLP. 11.8 Collaboration among Federal Depository Libraries The FDLP functions best as a system of cooperating libraries. No single depository can meet all potential community needs. Frequent communication among neighboring depositories is strongly encouraged. Depository collection development, promotional activities, and continuing education activities should be accomplished in conjunction with neighboring depositories. LSCM encourages depositories to collaborate on projects such as digitization, retrospective cataloging, and storage of tangible collections. A variety of depositories have pursed projects that enhance the FDLP. Here are a few of those efforts: Five Colleges of Ohio: The Five Colleges Documents group (Denison, Kenyon, Oberlin, Ohio Wesleyan, and Wooster) have worked together to provide current and retrospective cataloging of U.S. Government publications. Government Information Online (GIO): Over 30 depositories participated in this pilot project to establish a model for virtual reference for government information. Various depository libraries have provided copies of Web sites and handouts to the GODORT Handout Exchange. There are many innovative projects underway in the depository library community. GPO’s Registry of U.S. Government Publication Digitization Projects is a good place to start a search for digitization projects. If your library is unable to take on a project, consider contacting a depository managing a project and offer to contribute. The opportunity for contributions is unlimited. 11.9 State Plans The effectiveness of the FDLP depends on close cooperation between selective Federal depositories and their regional Federal depository. To assist in developing and coordinating this cooperation, LSCM encourages each state to draft a state plan. State plans should be used to: Develop a comprehensive government publications collection in the state; Assist in cooperative collection development by providing a framework for determining what is acquired by whom; Facilitate interlibrary loan between depositories especially for rarely used items; Foster accurate referrals; Provide depository staff with knowledge of the resources of neighboring depositories; and Address the implications of substituting electronic-only versions of depository publications still available for selection in a tangible format. Remember that an individual depository library's collection is only one part of a much larger information bank known as the FDLP. Cooperation, communication, and coordination among the custodians of government information are essential to the efficiency and effectiveness of the FDLP. Your depository library should take into account its collection and expertise strengths and weaknesses regarding retrospective and current materials as compared to nearby depositories, and incorporate this information into its collection development policy. For an example, the collection of a public library Federal depository close to a university library that has been a depository since 1895 will be quite different from that of a single Federal depository library in an isolated small town. Your depository is strongly encouraged to be aware of neighboring collections and to actively coordinate item number selection to provide the best coverage of government information within the Congressional district. Such cooperative arrangements should be delineated in the collection development policy. Many states have also developed a written state plan for government publications that can provide overall guidance on collection development issues. Copies of existing state plans are available from either LSCM or your regional library. Many states have already created state plans and have made them available online. For example, in 2004 Michigan revised its state plan, and Texas created a new one. They may provide useful background on some of the issues currently being discussed by LSCM and depository libraries. Additional plans are linked from the Library of Michigan’s Regional Federal depository library Web site. A program conducted by Stephen Henson and Paula Kaczmarek at the 7th Annual Federal Depository Library Conference, entitled “How to Draft a State Plan” will provide additional information if your depository is beginning to develop a state plan. 11.10 Tips, Practical Advice, and Lessons Learned When partnering with LSCM: Begin with a business proposal. Before approaching LSCM about a partnership, the best first step is to create a formal business proposal. This proposal should explain why your library can make a difference in the government information arena and why you can be an effective partner. Include a realistic “game plan” that includes your vision of financial responsibility, staff time involved, server space, and any financial or other gain for your parent institution or community and LSCM. Make sure the mission statement of the partnership is clear. Obtain the approval of your library administration. Remember that a partnership with LSCM will REQUIRE approval from your library or parent institution’s administration. Make sure that you have obtained this approval before you contact LSCM and begin negotiations. Enlist the cooperation of the Systems or Information Technology department that services your larger library to get approval for server space and technical support for your project. Consider the timeframe for completing and obtaining approvals of a partnership agreement. To form a partnership, the participating library and LSCM will have to sign a partnership agreement. Remember that your library administration and parent institution’s legal counsel will most likely require time to examine the partnership agreement before approval. Equally, LSCM MUST also have the partnership agreement reviewed by legal counsel. Several months should be allowed to send the documents back and forth before both parties approve it. Network with other partnership institutions to get advice. If you are interested in forming a partnership, contact other institutions that have ongoing partnerships with LSCM to get advice on such things as amount of time required to formulate the partnership agreement, staff time required, server space required, available grants to support the program, and anything else you might not have considered. For a list of current partnerships click here. The partnership site design is a consideration. Your partnership site may be designed or redesigned by LSCM to coordinate with the rest of GPO’s Web pages. LSCM will need to map your partnership site appropriately from its site, so that users will be able to easily locate your partnership’s material. Site maintenance is your responsibility. In a service partnership, most of the maintenance for the partnership site will be up to the partnering institution, and not LSCM. If you wish to make changes to the characteristics of the service, you will NEED to get approval from LSCM. You will also be required to give up some control of the editorial service that you provide. Remember that in the spirit of cooperation, depository libraries are responsible for periodically updating your depository information through the FDLP Desktop. Complete the Biennial Survey. The survey provides LSCM with valuable data that is used to plan for the future of the FDLP. If you are interested in partnering, contact information is available. If you have an idea for a new partnership project, contact the Office of Planning and Development, Library Services. Collaboration among Federal Depository Libraries Remember the FDLP works best when depositories work together. Share resources by submitting and fulfilling interlibrary loan requests. Local depositories can work together to share collection development responsibilities. Make other near-by depositories aware of your collections strengths. This will help facilitate referrals. State Plans Each state is unique so there is no right or wrong way to develop a state plan. The number of regional depositories and selective depositories in each state will influence the way the state plan is created and organized. For example, California has one regional depository and 90 selective depositories while New Mexico has two regional depositories and nine selective depositories. Some states, such as South Carolina, have shared regional depositories, while other regional depositories are responsible for more than one state. If you are developing a state plan for the first time, review the plans of other states to find out if there is one that you could use as a guide. Include state documents groups, such as a state chapter of GODORT in the state plan process. The regional librarian or librarians should take an active role in creating or revising a state plan. They should serve as the coordinator for the process, can be chair of the committee, can ask interested persons to volunteer, can appoint committee members, can serve in an advisory capacity, etc. Writing a state plan is an opportunity to involve the depository library directors in the state and to further educate them about the FDLP and LSCM. For example, the director of the regional depository at the University of Georgia hosted a daylong seminar in Athens for depository library directors and depository coordinators. The director also invited a staff member from the FDLP to participate in the seminar and give the keynote address. This seminar provided the directors an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about LSCM and the FDLP from a LSCM official. The state plan process gives depository coordinators a chance to promote the FDLP to the depository library director and to other library staff members. An approval process and procedure should be included in state plan. The type of approval process may differ between states. Include a timetable in the text of the plan for future revisions. The revision process should also provide an opportunity for the depository libraries to review general library policy in regards to its U.S. Government publications collection. The state plan should be placed on a Web site so that it is easily available. 11.11 Did you realize that you don't have to....? Go it alone. Working with other depositories in your region will enhance your ability to develop the depository collection, promote the depository, and hold education activities. 11.12 Important for Library Administrators Partnering with LSCM If your staff is considering a partnership with LSCM, the administration of the larger library or parent institution MUST give specific approval. You may be asked to write a letter on behalf of your depository indicating that you are aware of the staff and financial commitments involved and the benefit that this collaboration has for your library and library community. You will be consulting with your depository coordinator during all phases of planning. An effective business plan will be REQUIRED and will demonstrate the support and understanding for the partnership by the library administration. State Plans The state plan provides guidance and procedures concerning the FDLP that are specific to the state. The state plan is an agreement between the regional depository library’s administration and the selective depository libraries in the state. Selective housing agreements or collection development agreements between or among depositories can also be incorporated into the state plan. Your depository library staff is encouraged to network with staff at neighboring depositories. Collaboration between depository libraries can facilitate the sharing of resources, collaborative collection development, referrals, and efficiencies.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008 | 3 hits
Depository Administration/FDLP Handbook
Describes the general responsibilities of Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) members designated as regional Federal depository libraries, the specific responsibilities of a regional depository library and coordinator, the legal requirements of regional libraries and coordinators, and how to locate a regional depository library 12.1 What’s New or Important Library Services and Content Management (LSCM) developed and released its guidelines for shared regional depositories for public comment in Spring 2007. Since that time, LSCM has received comments and revised the guidelines with the incorporations reflecting GPO’s Strategic Vision and the Depository library Council’s vision for a more flexible model for the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). Additionally, the guidelines reflect the existing structure built in statute that prescribes regional and selective depositories; likewise it reflects the different models of sharing resources that have also been practiced over the years, with LSCM approval. Recently, technological innovations and the digital information environment have made it possible to develop different models for sharing resources and responsibilities between regional depositories in different states and the selective depositories they serve. Therefore, the guidelines serve to assist libraries planning to develop single state or inter-state shared regional depositories. Specific guidelines and more information about shared regional depositories are available on the FDLP Desktop. (http://www.fdlp.gov/regionals/guidelines.html) If your library has been designated as a regional depository, you have important responsibilities. The most important ones are covered in this chapter; these responsibilities are to: Uphold minimum service requirements established in 44 U.S.C. 19; Authorize the discard of depository material by selective depositories; Take a leadership role in organizing workshops and meetings related to government information; Create and coordinate a plan for inter-depository cooperation within the purview of the regional; Know collection development requirements and policies of your depository, region, and the FDLP as a whole; Maintain certain types of records for the selective depositories you serve (more detailed information appears later in this chapter); Be aware of the policies for the designation of selective depositories and monitor Congressional district vacancies; Watch for signs that a selective might be considering reconsidering depository status and discuss various options to facilitate keeping the selective in the FDLP; and Guide selective depositories through the process of relinquishment including the de-accessioning of depository materials. 12.2 Regional Depository Designation Authorization If your library is designated as a regional depository, it MUST have already been a Federal depository library and expressed an interest in being designated as a regional. Designation as a regional depository library requires prior approval by the library authority of the state or Commonwealth in which the library is located. A U.S. Senator or Resident Commissioner MUST make the designation. No more than two regional depositories may be designated for each state or commonwealth. A regional depository is responsible for fulfilling a range of regional-specific responsibilities, including providing support to the selective depository libraries in its region, in accordance with 44 U.S.C. § 1912. Responsibilities and legal requirements for regional depository libraries are explained below. 12.3 General Responsibilities of a Regional Depository In addition to fulfilling the requirements of selective depositories, regional depositories perform specific functions within the FDLP. Some of these functions are legally mandated and some of them are mandated by LSCM. These functions are broadly outlined below: 12.4 Retention Regional depository libraries MUST receive and retain at least one copy of all government publications made available under the FDLP in print, microfiche, or locally held electronic copy. Regional depositories may discard depository materials that have been authorized for regional discard by the Superintendent of Documents, such as superseded items and those later issued in bound form. 12.5 Collection Development and Integrity The principal responsibility of a regional depository library is to ensure the comprehensiveness and integrity of Federal depository resources in the state or region. The regional can accomplish this in two ways: Purposeful collection development aimed at developing a comprehensive government documents collection within the purview of the regional library; and Oversee and authorize the discarding of depository material in the state or relevant region to ensure that useful documents are retained or offered to other libraries within the regional depository’s area of responsibility. Development of a comprehensive government documents collection can be greatly aided by developing a state plan for federal documents. For more information on collaborative efforts see chapter 11 in this Handbook. 12.6 Preservation Your depository library is entrusted with the custody of depository materials and MUST ensure they are properly maintained. As a minimum standard for the care and maintenance of depository property, their maintenance should be no less than that given to commercially purchased publications. However, active preservation is strongly encouraged. While preservation of tangible material is a responsibility of the regional Federal depository libraries, even selective depository libraries should consider developing policies and practices that provide for the maintenance and continued accessibility of their depository collections. To assist in this process, your library is strongly encouraged to prepare a written preservation policy. While the specific elements of the policy will vary according to the age, extent of the collection, and the library’s collection development policy, it should include, at minimum: An articulation of preservation priorities; and Methods for a systematic review of preservation needs. Complete details on preservation can be found in chapter 8 of this Handbook. 12.7 Housing Collections While building and preserving the comprehensive depository collection is the responsibility of regional libraries, the entire collection does not necessarily have to be housed solely at the regional libraries. It may make sense to permanently house certain materials at another library or in a remote storage facility. A distributed regional collection is acceptable provided appropriate selective housing agreements are in place; the regional library’s shelflist indicates the location and that the materials are the designated regional copies of record; users can identify the location of depository resources; and the materials accessible for use. 12.8 Interlibrary Loan and Reference Services By law, in accordance with 44 U.S.C. § 1912, designated regional depositories MUST provide interlibrary loan, except for high use publications, and reference service to both depository and non-depository libraries within the region they serve. Regional libraries should be able to provide microfiche copies, or otherwise have the means to provide the microfiche content, to selectives upon request. 12.9 Collaborative Efforts Regional depositories are strongly encouraged to engage in collaborative efforts for a broad range of activities including, but not limited to, collection development, training, housing, public and technical services, and marketing. In particular, development of a comprehensive government documents collection can be greatly aided by developing a state plan for federal documents. State plans can also include elements such as shared reference services, visits, transfer of material, and disposal. Helpful hints for developing such a plan can be found in the presentation "How to Draft a State Plan" from the Proceedings of the 7th Federal Depository Library Conference (April 20-23, 1998). For more detailed information, see further information in this chapter and in chapter 11 of this Handbook. 12.10 Disposal Process Regional depository libraries are authorized by 44 U.S.C. § 1912, to permit selective depository libraries for which they have responsibility to dispose of government publications that have been retained for at least five years. The regional should ensure that at least one copy of all government publications made available through the FDLP, either in paper, microfiche, or locally held electronic format, (except those authorized to be discarded by the Superintendent of Documents) is retained by a depository within the state or region. Discarding is a privilege granted by the regional and not a right of the selective. The regional library may refuse to grant permission for disposal of any publication that it feels should be kept by one of its depositories for a longer period of time. The regional library should issue detailed written discard procedures (instructions) to its selective depositories to keep selective depositories well informed of the regional depository library's prescribed discard procedures. Upon the request of a selective to discard publications, the regional library may ask the selective depository to prepare a list of the publications. This list should include current item number, series title, SuDocs classification number, extent of holdings to be disposed of, and other relevant information needed by the regional librarian. Other discard approval options the regional depositories may consider are: A personal review by the regional librarian of the publications to be discarded; and/or Requiring selective depositories to check discards against the regional or a national "needs" list. A regional may also exempt specific categories or formats from the listing requirement; Materials that have been severely damaged through a natural or man-made disaster may no longer be in usable condition and preparing a discard list is of such magnitude that it is impractical to do so. The discard instructions should deal only with procedures deemed necessary for the efficient operation of depositories within their jurisdiction and enable the libraries to better serve the needs of the community. Ideally, such instructions are part of a state plan and have been negotiated between the regional and the selective libraries. If a discard list is required, the regional coordinator will check the disposal lists for any publications that may be missing from the regional government publications collection. In reviewing the materials to be discarded, the regional coordinator should keep in mind that the intent of the law is not simply to ensure that the regional itself should have a comprehensive collection, but that discarding does not significantly erode the effectiveness of the state's Federal depository library resources. It is acceptable for a regional to refuse a selective library's request to discard materials if the publications offered for discard should be made available in that part of the state, or that the state as a whole should have more than one (regional) copy of that particular publication, or for any other justifiable reason. Regional depositories may find it helpful to retain discard lists from the selective depositories, or any other requests for disposal for a length of time, as they deem appropriate. A state plan for collection development should address discards within the region and provide a framework for determining what is acquired by whom during the discard process. The state plan should also address statewide implications of substituting electronic-only versions of depository publications for heretofore tangible versions. As noted above, the regional depository MUST ensure a tangible version is maintained within the state or region. Regional depositories MUST instruct selective depository libraries that disposition of unwanted Federal Government publications should be made in the following prescribed manner: Publications should first be offered to other depository libraries in the state or states served by the regional. Selective depositories are then encouraged to post the materials to the national Needs and Offers list maintained by the Government Printing Office (GPO). Regional depositories may permit selective depository libraries to offer any remaining publications to a non-depository library or educational institution in the region that would be able to make them available to the public. If no discard list was compiled by the selective depository, a written description of the methods used to offer materials to other institutions should be submitted to the applicable regional depository. Selective depositories MUST follow the direction of the regional coordinator when discarding depository materials. LSCM allows libraries that have suffered disasters to highlight their needs on the national Needs and Offers list, adding emphasis to collection re-building in the affected area. All regional Federal depository libraries are strongly encouraged to share major disposal lists with LSCM. As Federal depository library publications remain Federal property, LSCM may exert its authority to acquire publications being de-accessioned from depositories after regional depositories have acquired publications needed in the state or region. Regional libraries may share disposal lists with LSCM by submitting them through askGPO under the category “Federal Depository Libraries” and sub-category “Digitization" and sub-category “Publications to offer GPO.” LSCM would like to see lists from libraries relinquishing status. After making a reasonable effort to find a recipient, publications may be disposed of in any appropriate manner. However, if such disposition takes the form of a sale, either as second-hand books or waste paper, the proceeds, along with a letter of explanation, MUST be sent to the Superintendent of Documents, since all depository publications remain the property of the United States Government. Libraries may not profit from the sale of discarded government publications. If a depository library relinquishes its status, the regional will instruct the library regarding the disposition of its depository collection. This disposition should be made as noted above. However, after the regional depository has authorized final disposal of the depository material to other depositories, LSCM and the regional may authorize the library to retain any remaining portion of its depository collection. 12.11 Administrative Responsibilities of a Regional Depository Regional depository libraries also perform administrative responsibilities to include: 12.11.A Records Maintenance Regional libraries should maintain a file for each of the selective depositories they serve. Each file should include copies of any self-studies, Self-Study Evaluations, Biennial Surveys, inspection reports, selective housing agreements, and official correspondence, as well as disposal requests and other relevant or historical information that the regional may find useful. While LSCM maintains the official records of depository designations and relinquishments, regional depositories are strongly encouraged to keep support documentation, copies of letters, and any correspondence between the new or relinquishing depository. Regional depository libraries have administrative responsibilities over depository libraries in the various agencies of the Federal Government or the highest appellate court in the state. For more information on Federal libraries as depositories, see chapter 15 of this Handbook. 12.11.B Regional Coordinator Responsibilities If you are a regional coordinator, you play a vital role in shaping the FDLP through your involvement in designations and relinquishments. Before a library formally applies for status as a depository, the coordinator applying for status is urged by the GPO to contact and consult with the regional coordinator. You are then responsible for providing new depositories with any information necessary regarding the requirements of being a Federal depository library, such as volume requirements, public access, bibliographic control, and services in the use of Federal Government publications. You are also strongly encouraged to provide the new depository with information concerning interlibrary loan, reference, and any other services you provide as the regional depository. The continuing education of all depository coordinators in the state or region is in the self-interest of the regional library. Regional libraries should take a leadership role in organizing workshops and meetings related to government information. You should be encouraged by your administration to attend group or consortium meetings in their region. You should initiate regular region-wide meetings for all selective depository librarians. The regional coordinator should also be familiar with each depository's operation and be able to assess the needs of the selective libraries they serve. This can be achieved through periodic visits, regular communication, consulting historical files, and by asking selective depositories to provide a narrative self-review of operations and offering feedback. 12.12 Legal Requirements for Regional Libraries and Coordinators General Responsibilities The responsibilities of Federal regional depository libraries are defined in 44 U.S.C. § 1912: Fulfill all legal requirements of selective depositories; Provide interlibrary loan and reference service to depositories and residents within the region; Assist selectives with the disposal of unwanted Government publications; and Retain permanently at least one copy of all Government publications in printed or microfacsimile, unless they are superseded or the discards are authorized by the Superintendent of Documents. These standards were enacted in 1962. They have since been augmented by LSCM requirements, by best practices adopted by mutual agreement among regional depository coordinators, by responses to the changing expectations of selective depositories and their users, and by mechanisms to cope with the evolution of U.S. government information dissemination from tangible formats to electronic distribution via GPO Access. Regional libraries and coordinators today have two overarching functions from which any discussion of minimum service standards and performance proceeds: A regional ensures the integrity of its region’s depository resources. These resources include not only obvious ones, such as tangible collections of Federal publications, but they also include more subtle—but still vitally important—resources, such as (1) the awareness, by residents of the region, of the importance of government information, (2) the quality of government information reference service in the region, and (3) the expertise of selective depository coordinators. A regional serves as a leader, not only within its region, but nationally as well. Regional depository coordinators keep abreast of changes in both government information dissemination and in the expectations and information-seeking behavior of depository users, as documented in professional literature and other sources. Regional coordinators should also know and be able to interpret all FDLP rules and instructions to the selective depositories. They communicate this information, as well as suggestions for best practices to cope with these changes, to selective depository coordinators in their regions. They stay in close contact with their selective depositories to learn the successes, challenges, and setbacks experienced by those who work directly with the public. They then use this knowledge gathered from the field to work cooperatively with other Regional depositories and with LSCM to influence the direction of government information dissemination, with the goal of ensuring that the Federal information needs of the public continue to be satisfied in an era of rapid technological change. Because these two over-arching principles have become increasingly more essential since regional depositories were first authorized in 1962, there are numerous performance standards for regional depositories that have become mandatory (i.e., essential professional practices), even if they are not legally-required. 12.13 Mandatory or Essentially Professional Requirements for Regional Depositories and Regional Coordinators Regional depository libraries MUST have a collection development plan, provide public access and assist other libraries in acquiring or relinquishing status as depository libraries. Additionally, regional depositories are strongly encouraged to provide and to coordinate training, outreach, promotion and communication. 12.14 Collection Development If you are in a regional depository, you MUST yourself have a collection development plan that is comprehensive, current, and regionally-focused. Selecting nearly every item in the List of Classes, is only the beginning. You MUST tailor your tangible and virtual collection development not only to the needs of your own primary users, but also to the needs of every selective depository and every resident of your respective state(s) or region(s). When necessary, you should retain the same document content in multiple formats if, by so doing, you can satisfy specialized needs within your region(s). You should obtain multiple copies of frequently used Federal publications, either through (1) purchase, (2) claims from the discard lists of their selective depositories, or (3) the Needs and Offers list. You should monitor the tangible collection for missing or damaged publications and attempt to replace them. If you maintain repositories of digital Federal publications, you should make reasonable effort to ensure the integrity and authenticity of repository digital content. You should purchase specialized commercial databases, indexes, and other publications to augment Federal holdings. In short, you MUST view collection development and maintenance from a holistic statewide or regional perspective. In addition to your own collection development plans, regional depositories should help coordinate collection development planning throughout their regions. Some ways to accomplish this are: Coordinate the development and periodic review of state or regional plans (for more information, see chapter 11 of this Handbook). Encourage selective depositories to develop and periodically review their own individual collection development plans, including the selection of electronic-only items that best suit both their primary clientele and the general public. Explore cooperative sharing of collection-development activities among regional consortia or nearby depositories. Encourage selective depositories, when appropriate, to negotiate selective housing agreements with non-depositories who could benefit from such agreements; this is particularly important in Congressional districts where there are no current depository vacancies and in areas where a non-depository library does not have the resources to fulfill depository requirements but could benefit from depository materials not currently selected by the host depository. Develop comprehensive document disposal procedures and make sure all selective depositories know about and follow these procedures; a regional should develop these procedures so that all selective depositories in the region(s) can make the best and most efficient use of discarded publications not claimed by the regional depository. 12.15 Collection Access Even though a depository can legally meet the access requirement of Title 44 by providing no-fee, equal access to a physical depository collection, the spirit of the law will not be met, in the era of electronic dissemination, if depositories simply open the doors of a physical building. Depositories may have to take a more active role in helping users navigate online resources. Regional depository libraries, in particular, should be instrumental in encouraging selective depositories to expand their definition of “access” by assisting and encouraging online users to use electronic resources. Regional depositories should also strongly encourage selective depositories to obtain cataloging for every title selected, especially for those titles that are distributed solely online. Cataloging vendors can deliver cataloging records containing PURLs to selective depositories based on their item selection, enabling all users of their catalogs to discover and download government information from any computer with Internet access. Regional depositories should strongly encourage selective depositories to display prominently, on their libraries’ home pages, a link to Federal Government information Web pages, and also to develop meaningful Web content tailored to the needs of their users. They should also encourage selective depositories to display the FDLP logo on their Web page so users know the library is an official depository for Federal Government information resources. Regional depositories should strongly encourage selective depositories to actively promote their depository programs to their communities. This can be done through community training sessions, online newsletters, selective targeting of interest groups (e.g., business owners who might need help finding census or trade data; students whose reports might benefit from the kind of primary source material often found in government information sources, or senior citizens who may need access to information concerning benefits, housing, health, taxation, etc.). In short, as a regional depository, you should communicate to selective depositories that true equal access in the electronic age can be achieved only through outreach, enhanced bibliographic description, and the creative use of new technologies. Changes in government publishing and information dissemination methods, as well as changes in user needs and expectations require a nimble response on the part of coordinators in both regional and selective depositories to make sure that not only the letter, but also the spirit, of Title 44 is met. 12.16 Depository Designation As a regional depository, you are an essential participant in selective depository designation. You should monitor Congressional district vacancies, especially after decennial redistricting. If a Congressional district is under-represented in terms of depositories, you should consider identifying viable candidates for designation and should explain to those libraries the advantages of depository designation. This is especially important today, since many library directors may be unaware that it is now possible to have an increasingly electronic depository, thus altering traditional depository requirements for operations. If a library expresses interest in becoming a depository, you should work with that library to explain the benefits and the responsibilities of being a depository. You should also assist that library in applying for depository status. For a complete description of the regional depository’s role in the designation process, as well as sample letters and forms that can be used as models during the designation process, consult the Designation Handbook for Federal Depository Libraries. 12.17 Depository Termination or Relinquishment Elsewhere in this chapter is an explanation of the role of a regional when a selective depository officially relinquishes or voluntarily terminates depository status. As the regional depository, however, you can play a vital role in termination or relinquishment by counseling libraries that are considering relinquishment so they make an informed final decision for themselves, the region(s), and the FDLP. As a regional coordinator, you should attempt to communicate regularly with selective depositories. By so doing, you can often find out, early on, when a selective depository is having difficulties and determine if these difficulties are only temporary or of a long-term nature. Even if the depository coordinator does not directly communicate difficulties to you, there are signs that a selective may be at risk. Some of these signs you can look for are: When a longtime depository coordinator in a small- or medium-sized depository retires or resigns; often, smaller depositories have only one professional coordinator and cross-training has not occurred; when that coordinator leaves, staffing problems may arise which lead administrators to reassess depository status. When a new library director, unfamiliar with Federal depository libraries takes over a small- or medium-sized depository, the library’s depository status may be questioned. When a depository that has regularly sent disposal lists to its regional depository suddenly stops, this may indicate a change in operations or another disruption. When a depository that has regularly participated in regional conferences or electronic discussion list communications suddenly fails to attend or falls silent, this may indicate a problem. When a depository has a low percentage of item selections, they may not understand, or be taking full advantage of the publications available to them to satisfy the needs of their users. When a local tax levy fails or other budget problems become apparent. By keeping a watchful eye for these signs, you can often intervene and explain the FDLP and its benefits. A good resource you might use during intervention is available on the FDLP Desktop page The Value of a Federal Depository Library. Even the most proactive regional coordinator will be confronted either by a surprise request for termination, or by a depository administration that pursues termination, despite retention efforts. Make sure that the depository library has complete information so an informed decision can be made. Regional depositories should strongly consider developing a written set of procedures that must be followed when a library relinquishes status. These could be incorporated in the state plan or in an amendment to the state plan. Regional librarians should involve LSCM’s Office of Library Planning and Development whenever a selective seems serious about relinquishing depository status. You are obligated to explain the benefits for remaining a depository and to explain the process of relinquishment. In rare instances, libraries that are designated as regional depositories may decide that it is no longer feasible for them to fulfill that responsibility, or perhaps to participate in the FDLP at all. In such cases, it is critical that discussions begin early among all stakeholders, including the administration of the regional's parent institution, the regional coordinator, the State Librarian, the Superintendent of Documents and the staff of LSCM's Office of Planning and Development, Library Services. The selective depository libraries in the region, the clientele of the regional depository, and the congressional delegation should also be informed and consulted, as the decision to relinquish regional status will have substantial impact on those constituencies. 12.18 Coordination of Training, Outreach, Promotion, and Communication The future direction of the FDLP will emphasize facilitation of access rather than collections. Inherent in this change will be an expanded need for professional training and promotion of the value of depositories as facilitators of access to official government information. As a regional coordinator, you should encourage selective coordinators in your region(s) to pursue continuing educational opportunities, to attend depository conferences, and to develop marketing/promotion skills. You should position yourself as consultative resource for selective depositories by: Attending local meetings of selective depository staff; Organizing state- or region-wide conferences; Facilitating state and regional training opportunities; Investigating ways of using technology to facilitate greater communication among selective depositories (e.g., regional electronic lists, RSS feeds, teleconferencing); Communicating ways selective depositories can promote their services to their primary user groups and to the general public; Communicating ways depository coordinators can promote depository value to the libraries that employ them (e.g., integrating some or all of the tangible Federal collection into the regular collection; holding training sessions for non-government information librarians; tracking the number of times users link-out from the library’s OPAC to online government information, etc.); and Regularly sharing information obtained at conferences and meetings with those selective depositories unable to attend; these summaries can be posted on the regional depository’s Web site, ensuring that all interested selective depositories can learn the details of important developments. 12.19 Procedural Consultation As mentioned, regional depository libraries should maintain both paper and electronic files about each selective they serve. These files ensure that the regional depository has a complete documentary history about selective depositories in the region(s). At a minimum, these files should contain depository designation documents, copies of self-studies and self-study evaluations, inspection reports, discard lists, and copies of important communications. As a regional coordinator, you should be prepared to answer questions and to troubleshoot difficulties that selective depositories may experience with biennial surveys and other performance measurements. You should also attempt to make site visits to depositories that are experiencing procedural or technical difficulties. Administrators of regional depositories should make every effort to provide reasonable levels of support to enable these activities. Regional coordinators are strongly encouraged to be members of Regional-L, a closed electronic discussion list especially for regional coordinators that allows regional coordinators to consult one another on issues, events, and other matters pertinent to regional depositories. Instructions for subscribing to this list as well as other valuable information about being a regional depository, including contact information for other regional coordinators can be found at Regional Federal Depository Libraries: A Composite Manual of Best Practices. 12.20 Finding a Regional Depository Library LSCM's directory of regional libraries, the areas they serve, and the library contacts for each may be found by referring to the latest Regional Depository Librarians listing. Changes in regional coordinators should be promptly reported to LSCM by submitting the changes on the Federal Depository Library Directory web page. 12.21 Tips, Practical Advice, and Lessons Learned Be familiar with the legal and mandatory responsibilities of regional depository libraries. Create a state plan that will be beneficial to the other depositories in the area of your purview. Coordinate with additional regional depositories if possible. Review existing state plans for good ideas. The regional coordinator should initiate the process of creating or revising the state plan. Use the state plan process to educate the depository library directors and depository library staff members about the FDLP and LSCM by conducting seminars and workshops. Place the state plan on a Web site so that it is easily accessible. Collaborate when possible with regional depositories in adjoining states to organize systematic and periodic training sessions or workshops for depository coordinators and depository staff members. Consider not requiring selective depositories to list publications in microfiche on their needs and offers lists. A decision about listing microfiche should be made by the regional in each state or region. Include appropriate dates (for example: discard date) in any correspondence with selective depositories concerning their needs and offers lists. Contact LSCM after state or region needs have been satisfied for review of major disposal lists from selective depositories and lists from libraries relinquishing status. Display the Depository Library logo on the library’s home Web page. 12.22 Did you realize that you don't have to....? Review all items on discard lists. In fact there are several categories that require no submission: Microfiche; and Items on the Superseded list. These are "automatic discards. However, you do NEED to provide clear instructions to selective depositories on the categories for submissions that are not required to be included in discard lists should you require one. Have selective depositories prepare disposal lists: Regionals are permitted to authorize discard of materials by visiting the library and "eyeballing" the items offered rather than requiring lists. Regionals can develop a list of publications that (a) must always be listed and (b) should never be listed on disposal lists. Review the disposition of any non-depository materials, such as items received before the selective was designated. Approve a request for discard. You can say no. Keep everything: regional depositories may discard materials from the superseded list that have been authorized for regional discard. Require deposal lists from libraries relinquishing depository status. Regional depositories have great latitude in this process, although some uniformity is advised. Process requests for materials outside of the normal Interlibrary Loan (ILL) procedures. Historical government publications departments have worked around traditional ILL to speed delivery of materials. This is not required and with improved resource sharing over the last decade this strategy seems unnecessary and may in fact be detrimental to FDLP collections. House all your collection in the same facility. You may share your collection out to another library and mark it “regional depository copy of record.” 12.23 Important for Library Administrators Regional designation is a special designation by a U. S. Senator or Resident Commission. Participation in the FDLP is voluntary. However, the FDLP is a statutorily-mandated program with legal requirements for regional depository libraries as well as for selective depository libraries. Over the years, professional practices have also created some mandatory or professionally essential responsibilities that are expected of regional depositories by LSCM. Regional depository libraries MUST have a collection development plan, provide public access and assist other libraries in acquiring or relinquishing status as depository libraries. Additionally, regional depositories are strongly encouraged to provide and to coordinate training, outreach, promotion and communication. Ongoing communication between you and your regional depository coordinator is important to the success of the depository operation. All government information is not available online. This makes the tangible collections of regional depository libraries all the more important for permanent public access. Decisions you make to house a regional depository collection have ramifications for the entire region. Communication with the selective depositories in the region is important. The state plan, developed by your regional depository coordinator in coordination with other depositories in the region or state, provides guidance and procedures concerning the FDLP that are specific to the state or region. Once a state plan is signed and approved, this becomes an agreement between your library, the GPO, and selective depository libraries in the state or region. Selective housing agreements or collection development agreements between or among depositories can be incorporated into the state plan. Encourage your regional depository library staff to initiate or participate in inter-regional depository training, outreach promotion, and other programs.
Friday, 21 November 2008 | 1 hit
Depository Administration/FDLP Handbook
Presents the state of depositories transitioning collections and services, shares tips to effectively transition to a more online Federal depository collection, describes the continuing transition and provides a list of resources that impact the transitions in depository libraries. 13.1 What’s New or Important This chapter provides a history of the transitions in depository library collections and services during the late 20th century; it provides a list of policies impacting those transitions in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). The chapter also identifies areas where change is imminent, and reports on collaborative efforts to enhance the ability of the FDLP to serve users of government information. 13.2 Resources for Transition in the late 20th Century While not comprehensive, you will find a list of documents impacting the transition in FDLP collections and services at the end of this chapter. These documents include public laws, studies and reports by and for Congress, Federal Government memoranda and issuances, Government Printing Office (GPO) and Depository Library Council (DLC) vision statements, and FDLP guidance. 13.3 Current State of Transitioning Collections & Services As directed by Congress, Federal agencies currently publish approximately 92% of new government publications in electronic format. According to the 2005 Biennial Survey, depository library respondents indicate: 61% substitute at least one official online publication for the exact equivalent in tangible format 99% include U.S. depository publications in the library catalog 79% include current depository receipts in the library catalog 82% facilitate active hyperlinking to electronic resources from the library catalog Depository libraries, in increasing numbers, continue to build collections to emphasize access points to electronic government information resources. Statistics indicate a trend in depository libraries to build more electronic collections. The 1997 biennial survey results revealed only 18% of respondents were supporting active hyperlinks from their library catalogs, whereas in 2005 82% of respondent libraries supported this functionality and linked patrons to full-text electronic government publications. For this reason links to GPO Access, the FDLP Desktop, the Catalog of Government Publications (CGP) and other appropriate links to Federal Government information resources should be prominently displayed on your library’s web site and in your library’s Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). Public services for users of electronic resources REQUIRE efficient and effective internet access and functional printing and downloading for users to package the information in their preferred format. This capability includes REQUIREMENTS to have accessible USB ports and CD-burning for ease of downloading and the ability to incorporate other formats as they develop. Users of the depository should have the ability to download, copy, and/or print electronic Federal Government information. You may charge fees for these services; however, the fees MUST not exceed charges imposed for similar services when duplicating non-depository materials. You should be aware of and plan for an increased demand on your library's infrastructure when making materials available electronically. The web pages of your depository library and your library catalog are the entry points to the electronic collection, both tangible and online electronic resources. Most depository libraries include bibliographic records of FDLP electronic resources in their online catalogs with accurate, active hyperlinks to items. In addition to loading bibliographic records, many depositories have a mechanism in place to report incorrect PURLs, broken links, or other needed corrections; your depository library should also. LSCM continues to publish the New Electronic Titles (NET) list to provide depositories with links to online titles and bibliographic records as part of the CGP. The CGP is updated with new bibliographic records daily and allows users to download up to 20 bibliographic records at a time for import into a local catalog. Your depository library may use a bibliographic records vendor to tailor cataloging service to your item selection profile. Even if your depository profile does not include item numbers for EL only publications, vendors can supply these records to you. LSCM continues to reexamine and evaluate the item selection mechanisms in order to unbundle electronic only items from tangible items and allow depositories to select more EL only items. Keep informed of the briefing papers and changes to item selections at FDLP Selection Mechanisms web page. Your depository staff should have adequate technical training to effectively use all necessary computer equipment and FDLP electronic resources. Reference assistance is available both in-person and electronically, for example “Ask a Librarian” services and e-mail reference services, so users can remain in the electronic environment if desired. Qualified reference staff can explain the organization of government information, assist users in navigating the electronic world, intermediate between the institution and the information, and continue to enhance the collection by constantly improving access for your users. You may be keenly aware that some users are less skilled and require more assistance with electronic resources. Therefore, all staff in the depository and the larger library is trained to provide this assistance. You might identify core competencies for all library staff and develop a plan to ensure that these competencies are met to improve customer service. Collaboration with the other depository libraries is important to ensure electronic access to publications not in your depository collection. When the library serves a population of users who prefer to have materials sent to them electronically, your depository library may offer a document delivery service through the use of fax machines or e-mail. 13.4 Tips to Effectively Transition to a More Online Federal Depository Collection The Tips to Effectively Transition was released at the Fall 2005 Depository Library conference. In recognition that more and more government information is migrating to the web, the current reality is that all depository libraries are, to one degree or another, transitioning to a more electronic collection. Reviewed and approved by the Depository Library Council, the tips offer ways to assist you as you continue to incorporate online government publications into your services and collections. You'll also want to review the Council Briefing Topic from 2006, Transition to a Mostly Electronic FDLP Collection. Remember that choosing to transition to a more or primarily online Federal depository collection means purposeful de-selection of item numbers associated with tangible formats, selection of online electronic formats or otherwise providing access to the online equivalent(s), and documentation of publication format preferences in an updated collection development policy which outlines the current Federal Government information needs of the community. The tips are as follows: Examine your Federal depository collection and its usage. Analyze formats, subjects and trends in usage of your depository collection. Examine your library profile to select an electronic format for items you currently receive in tangible format, and then deselect the tangible item if the electronic version satisfies user needs. Analyze resources available to provide access to the electronic collection and evaluate any savings or trade offs of “going more electronic”. Analyze how your library is currently managing and providing access and services to online depository and non-depository resources. What changes in the workflow would have to be made? Are there any tasks (like processing) that can be reduced or eliminated? Are there any personnel and/or training needs for reference service, cataloging, or technical support in an online information environment? Review existing equipment and workstations used to provide public service/access to online depository and non-depository materials. Are there enough workstations to accommodate more users as your online collection grows? Is there a plan in place to regularly upgrade or replace equipment as necessary Revisit Your Collection Development Policy. The acquisition of electronic resources for government information MUST reflect the analysis of your library collection and its usage. Weed tangible copies according to the substitution and superseded guidelines. Recognize that your institution may desire to retain, maintain, and provide access to a tangible collection. Consider off-site selective housing agreements. You are encouraged to seek input for selections. Suggestions should be solicited from depository staff, other library personnel (reference staff, collection development staff, etc.), and users. Cooperative collection development and interlibrary loan can also provide access within a local area to tangible copies of rarely used items. Consider starting with a small electronic collection. It is often easier to start with a small change that proves successful and gains acceptance than to begin with a major undertaking. Modify your profile. All depositories should select or provide access to titles from the "Basic Collection" found on the FDLP Desktop. Depositories may also choose to provide commercial equivalents in tangible format. Work with your regional coordinator. Your regional coordinator can assist with discards, substitutions, and superseded titles. They can also help you balance local, state and program needs. Network. Pursue contact with those who have built electronic depository collections and have provided quality services in their use. Enlist the support of your library administrator and other staff in the transition process. A successful transition requires the support of administrators, librarians, and support staff to make it happen. Promote the newer electronic formats to your users and library staff. They offer instantaneous access to a broader spectrum of users, are easier to use in some cases, and are available 24/7/365. Building a more online federal electronic depository collection in no way lessens the importance of the tangible materials your library chooses to retain. Your library administrator, other depository staff, or you may initiate the transition of depository collections or services. It is important, in any case, to gain the cooperation of stakeholder groups in the library. Communication is especially important in the transition process. Keep all of your potential partners well informed. In particular, work with your regional library to make sure that you are complying with all legal requirements and FDLP guidelines, as well as the state plan, if one is in place. Working with electronic publications requires different skills than does checking in tangible publications. Some of these new duties might include checking New Electronic Titles (NET), Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), or agency Web sites to find electronic records; downloading bibliographic records from these sources into the integrated library system (ILS); and determining if a tangible publication has an electronic equivalent. You should include an event timeline, detail how changes in format impacts public service, and specify the physical location of remaining tangible items. You should consider including reference librarians, bibliographers, or others with responsibility for collection development in the review of the collection development policy for government information in all formats. Reference staff should also be included in training sessions for using particular publications or databases. When transitioning services or collections, coordination MUST be accomplished across units to ensure all units are following the same plan of action. When making decisions about replacing or substituting formats, a well thought out list of steps to follow will ensure everyone operates under the same assumptions. It is a good idea to consult the regional coordinator when developing such a list of steps to ensure all considerations have been included in the process. The regional depository can act as a backup in the instances when you might need a copy of a particular publication. Regional depositories will also want to make sure that you are following all standards and guidelines in offering services and making decisions regarding the collection (weeding, substituting formats, etc.). The regional coordinator can require the depository maintain some tangible titles. Your switch to a more online electronic collection will affect other depository libraries in your region. They may see an increase in demand for tangible items deselected by your institution, they may want to accept offers of your discarded items to fill collection gaps, and they will have a vested interest in the success of your transition, particularly in the case of overlapping user populations. Be sure to involve them in your planning. Their questions and helpful suggestions will allow you to consider important factors that may improve your transition, your depository library, and the depository libraries in your region. 13.5 Continuing the Transition The theme of the 2007 Annual Spring Depository Library Council Meeting was partnerships as stated in the remarks of the acting Superintendent of Documents, Richard Davis. As LSCM builds upon partnership activities, these collaborative efforts will leverage the efforts of LSCM and depository institutions to make new digital content and services in the use of such content available to FDL participants. The expansion of education and outreach services to the FDL participants will provide more online training opportunities through OPAL and other web-based training modules. The FDLP Desktop includes links to new electronic services and content such as Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds and podcasts. Expansion of content and services includes: Web based Training Currently, the FDLP employs software to deliver and archive content. The new FDLP Desktop links Federal depository libraries to GPO's Online Programming for All Libraries (OPAL) web page. Software such as this allows GPO to create and deliver content to Federal depository libraries and the public as well as to collaborate with Federal depository libraries to create content. LSCM will also have the ability to host events such as the online discussion soon to be beta tested as an enhancement to National Needs & Offers. LSCM continues to explore the use of various web-based instructional tools with enhanced capabilities to facilitate distance learning. Online Referral Service The recent enhancements for the CGP include a "Locate in a Library" functionality to provide online referral services to online seekers of government information resources directing them to depository libraries in their local area for personalized service. Users that search the CGP for any publication are asked to enter their zip code and are referred to depositories that hold the publication. Slides are available from a recent OPAL presentation on the CGP "Locate in a Library" functionality. Virtual Reference Service Recent discussion at the 2007 Spring Depository Library Council meeting included "Serving the Public in the Next Century: Models of Virtual FDLP Cooperative Public Service". Beginning with a pilot project for a national virtual reference service in October 2004, the project now moves into a more formal phase with 13 major academic institutions committed to the Government Information Online concept. Currently, there is a partnership with LSCM under consideration to proliferate this service. Collaborative Digitization Efforts Progress made by LSCM toward digitizing material for the FDLP is recounted in the Council Session on Digitization held at the 2007 Spring Depository Library Council meeting. Partnerships Through content partnerships, such as with the Central University Libraries of Southern Methodist University, permanent public access to digitized copies of U. S. Government publications distributed by GPO during World War II will be reformatted to extend usage to users in the electronic environment. Cooperative Cataloging Projects How two depositories are contributing to cooperative cataloging of FDLP materials is recounted in the 2006 Fall Depository Library Conference and Council Meeting presentation, "Increasing Access to Electronic Documents as well as Older Print Materials - A Tale of Two Projects". 13.6 Tips, Practical Advice, and Lessons Learned You will want to check with other depository libraries that are going through the process of transitioning collections or services. Cooperative collection development and interlibrary loan can also provide access within a local area to rarely used items. Documents Data Miner 2, state plans, and consortia members can provide assistance with these activities. Be ready for change! Remember that unlike tangible publications that are received, shelved, and remain static and predictable, an electronic collection is an “organic” one. Persistent identifiers, such as Persistent Uniform Locators (PURLs) or Handles, will prolong access but the publications themselves may change over time. Embrace change, and use a positive attitude to help your users and stakeholders accept change. Today's internet-savvy consumers expect immediate and continuous access to online resources and services to meet their needs. Cataloging the library's EL "selections" assists researchers with identification of publications of most interest to them and uses the library's primary publication finding tool, the OPAC, and treats depository publications comparably with other publications in your OPAC. 13.7 Did you realize that you don't have to....? Create call numbers for non-depository electronic full-text publications in your OPAC. It is important to include a current link and bibliographic information but not necessary to add a call number. Create paper copies of your bibliographies and pathfinders. You can create all of these as part of your government publications Web page. 13.8 Important for Library Administrators No single depository can meet all potential community needs, especially in a digital environment. Frequent communication among neighboring depositories is strongly encouraged. Depository collection development, promotional activities, and continuing education activities should be accomplished in conjunction with neighboring depositories. In transitioning to electronic, it is fundamentally important to consider access to and services in the use of electronic depository collections. Remember that electronic materials do not lessen the importance of tangible materials. 13.9 List of Resources for Transition in the late 20th Century GPO Electronic Information Access Enhancement Act of 1993 passed as P.L. 103-40 ushered GPO into the online information environment by requiring the Superintendent of Documents to develop mechanisms to enhance public access to a wide range of Federal electronic information products: Maintain an electronic directory of Federal electronic information; Provide a system of online access to the Congressional Record, the Federal Register, and other appropriate publications, as determined by the Superintendent of Documents; and Operate an electronic storage facility for Federal electronic Information. Collectively, these elements constitute GPO Access. Senate Report 103-27 incorporated the Federal Bulletin Board, which existed prior to P. L. 103-40, into GPO Access. The Federal Bulletin Board (FBB) is a free electronic bulletin board service of the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office that: Enables Federal Agencies to provide to the public self-service access to Federal information in electronic form; Serves as a means to distribute electronic files in various file formats to the public; Allows documents to be downloaded free of charge. FDLP Guidelines for Determining Superseded Materials provided a list of superseded materials in 1996 along with criteria for determining superseded materials. Study to Identify Measures Necessary for a Successful Transition to a More Electronic Federal Depository Library Program published in 1996 to provide overarching guidance for how the FDLP would transition in the 21st century from print to electronic media. The basis of the Essential Titles for Public Use in Paper or Other Tangible Format to see which items will continue be distributed in tangible format was derived from this study. Managing the FDLP Electronic Collection: A Policy and Planning Document published in 1998 to define the FDLP Electronic collection as composed of core legislative and regulatory publications; products directly managed for other agencies and available through GPO Access; publications identified, described, and linked to through GPO services, but which remain under the control of originating agencies, with access through GPO's locator tools and services; and tangible electronic products (such as CD/ROM, DVD, or others) distributed to Federal depository libraries. Depository Library Public Service Guidelines for Government Information in Electronic Formats published in 1998 provided Federal depository libraries with guidelines to assist them in developing a plan for enhancing services where necessary and training staff in order to provide such services. The GPO General Counsel stated that "any library selecting items in electronic formats must maintain a capability to allow for unimpeded use of those documents by its public patrons". FDLP Guidelines on Substituting Electronic for Tangible Versions of Depository Publications published in 1999 provided instructions for substituting electronic formats for tangible materials and included criteria stating, "A depository is permitted to replace tangible versions with electronic equivalents provided the electronic version is complete, official, and permanently accessible". It was reiterated that the GPO guidelines for weeding including the 5-year retention rule still applied as well as the REQUIREMENT that approval MUST be obtained from the regional depository. FDLP Internet Use Policy Guidelines published in 1999 provided guidance for internet access for users seeking electronic resources at public access workstations President's Management Agenda Fiscal Year 2002 aimed for reforming government to be citizen-centered. The goal was established "to champion citizen-centered electronic government that will result in a major improvement in the Federal Government's value to the citizen". As part of that goal, agencies were tasked to continue to "create easy-to-find single points of access to government services for individuals". Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum M-06-02, “Improving Public Access to and Dissemination of Government Information and Using the Federal Enterprise Architecture Data Reference Model” was implemented as an e-government initiative to promote greater access to government information through the use of technology, including agencies publishing directly to their Web sites. Considerations in Selecting Online Publications published in AdNotes in 2003 provided answer on locating online publications designated in the List of Classes as (EL) or bundled with tangible formats, especially in agency general publications categories; advantages to libraries of selecting item numbers for EL publications; advantage to users when libraries select item numbers for EL publications; and implications for collection development. A Strategic Vision for the 21st Century published in December 2004 envisions a new model for the FDLP which increases partner flexibility, a flexible digital information content system for Federal documents, and increased access to and usefulness of federal information to serve the public's needs. Knowledge will Forever Govern issued by the Depository Library Council in 2006 as their Vision Statement for Federal Depository Libraries in the 21st Century. The Federal Government Information Environment of the 21st Century: Towards a Vision Statement and Plan of Action for Federal Depository Libraries discussion paper along with the DLC Vision: Future Scenarios initiated a discussion with depository library staff to envision the FDLP of the future including such elements as collections(physical and electronic), services of all types, collaboration with a variety of partners, relationship with Federal Government and governance, structure of the FDLP system, and finding aids such as bibliographic information.
Tuesday, 18 November 2008 | 2 hits
Depository Administration/FDLP Handbook
Describes disaster preparedness, disaster plans, disaster response, and replacing Federal publications damaged or destroyed in a disaster 14.1 What's New or Important This entirely new chapter discusses disaster recovery issues that are specific to Federal depository libraries. While many excellent books, articles, and Web resources concerning disaster preparedness and recovery are available, as a depository coordinator, you NEED to know what to do in the immediate aftermath, how to handle treatment and replacement issues, and how to maintain processing and public service after a disaster affects the depository collection. The information presented is based upon the actual experiences of depository libraries that have been through many different kinds of disasters. Specifically, this chapter includes a general discussion of disaster preparedness, strongly encourages the development and documentation of a disaster plan, and provides instructions for a disaster response. The chapter also discusses the replacement of Federal documents damaged or destroyed in a Disaster and provides additional resources for more information concerning disaster preparedness and recovery. All U.S. Government publications supplied to depository libraries through the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) remain the property of the United States Government; your depository is responsible for their replacement or repair if this property is lost or damaged. The following are some basic questions you should ask yourself about disaster preparedness and recovery. Does your library have a disaster plan? Does your library have supplies? Does your library have up-to-date lists of emergency contacts? Does your library have an easily accessible list of staff contacts to call first? What if your primary contact is unavailable? Does your cleaning staff have this important contact information? Does your library have an evacuation plan and maps? Does your library have salvage priorities? Does your library have an easy to understand information tree, for steps to take when an emergency arises? 14.2 Disaster Preparedness In General Disaster Preparedness begins with a threat assessment and subsequently taking some common preventive measures to avoid loss. 14.2.A Threat Assessment Often, you can avoid or minimize the damage caused by a disaster by proactively examining the possible threats or risks to your library collection and building. Think about common disasters that may occur in your occur in your area. Water is the most common destructive force affecting libraries. Is the area prone to hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods? If the library is in an earthquake zone, are the shelves bolted and reinforced? What is the condition of the library building? Are there structural defects or other problems in the facility? Is the electrical wiring in good working order? Are there changes in temperature and humidity that encourage the growth of mold and mildew? Does the building have plumbing or drainage problems? Realistically assess the condition of the library’s building and immediate area. Should a disaster occur in the future, what actions can you take in advance to lessen the damage? 14.2.B Prevention There are common preventive measures that your depository can take to help avoid the loss of materials. Materials should be shelved at least six inches above the floor. No valuable materials should be stored in areas prone to flooding. Keep rare or valuable materials away from windows. Hang fire extinguishers in accessible areas and train staff how to use them. Include their location in the depository floor plan. Include fire exits and fire alarm pulls on the floor plan. Keep storage areas uncluttered and store materials off the floor. Do not block aisles or exits. Maintain a temperature of less than 70 degrees and a humidity level of less than 50 percent to discourage the formation of mold and mildew. Restrict food to certain areas of the library building, and empty trash cans daily. Install water-sensing alarms in areas susceptible to flooding. Install a sprinkler system, if appropriate. A sprinkler system may not be appropriate for some collections but should be considered when planning renovations or new buildings. 14.2.C Other Preventive Measures Other preventive measures you can take include: An important preventive measure is electronic backup of digital data. If your library has a regularly scheduled server backup with a backup-and-recovery service, bibliographic records for depository materials in the library’s electronic files should be included and duplicated offsite. Personal computer files, account numbers and passwords, processing procedures, the depository disaster plan, electronic shelf lists, and other items that are essential to depository operation NEED to be saved on CD-ROMs, zip drives, or external hard drives and stored away from the library building. If possible, rare or important depository materials that exist only in tangible format should be digitized. They can then be saved and backed up on electronic media. Additionally, identify rare depository materials and consider housing those in the rare books or special collections departments in the library. Insurance companies may want to know exactly which titles or how many publications were destroyed. In many depositories, only selected holdings are reflected in the online catalog. Ideally, Kardex files, shelf list files, and other important paper files should be digitized or duplicated. If these files were to be destroyed, it would be difficult to determine which materials were in the collection. High priority publications are items that are of great importance to the depository collection. These publications should to be considered first when developing preventative measures. If it is not possible to put preventative measures into place to avoid their damage, then these materials should be salvaged first and should be included along with a description and the call numbers on the depository emergency floor plan. Make sure the emergency floor plan and the location of those high priority publications are available to your fire department. They will usually make an effort to save what you consider most important. Here's a checklist to help you identify high priority publications: Is the publication a rare or important item? Is the publication needed to continue service to patrons at a temporary location? Is the material available in another format, such as online? Is the publication accessible at another depository library in your local service area? Does the item require immediate attention? Would replacement cost more or less than restoration? Does the printing or paper coating of the publication require special handling? 14.2.D Insurance Insuring the value of the Government documents collection against loss is imperative to successful disaster recovery. According to the Principle of Comparable Treatment, your depository collection should be given the same level of insurance protection as the rest of the larger library’s collections. Keep in mind that insurance companies have a variety of methods for valuing collections, and you should be consulted when valuing Government publications, including depository items housed at other locations. The ownership of the Federal publications and the library’s responsibility for replacing them NEEDS to be made clear in discussions concerning insurance. It is incumbent on your library’s administration to make certain the policy covers materials entrusted to the care of the library as well as materials owned by the library. Often, replacements for historical collections such as the Congressional Serial Set will necessitate a large outlay of funds for digital or microfiche replacement. Large runs of statistical publications may also require much more than the average price per publication allowed under the insurance policy. Plans range from very sophisticated valuation schemes taking into account price per unit by date published and processing costs, to simple valuations of a more minimal average price per item. When negotiating the insurance coverage, consulting with the depository coordinator will improve the library’s chances for adequate replacements of core and high priority publications in the collection. In keeping statistics of holdings, be as detailed as possible. Statistics may be categorized by format of the publication and whether the items were received on deposit, received as gifts, or purchased. Consider listing rare or valuable material separately. The more detailed the collection statistics are, the easier it will be for you to calculate insurance valuation or replacement costs in the event of a disaster. Photo documentation of the depository collection prior to a disaster is essential in documenting the quantity and condition of the collection, furniture, and equipment. Insurance companies may require this sort of documentation. 14.3 Disaster Plan Your library disaster plan is a guide that is used to assist in preparing for and recovering from a disaster. Disasters can range from minor incidents such as broken water pipes to major damage caused by floods, fires, or earthquakes. Your library should have a disaster plan in place to prioritize salvaging library materials and to resume public service as quickly as possible when a disaster occurs. If your library does not currently have a disaster plan, it should begin developing one immediately. Federal Government publications should be specifically addressed in the disaster plan. Resources for writing a disaster plan are listed at the end of this chapter. It is acceptable for your depository’s disaster plan to be included in an overall plan for the entire library. Your library disaster plan should mark the location of high priority publications and disaster recovery supplies on a depository emergency floor plan so that they can be easily located. Each emergency is a unique event; your library disaster plan should be adaptable to the situation at hand. The goal in disaster planning is to recover the materials that have value, plan for replacement of lost items, and resume service to users as soon as possible. Your library disaster plan should consist of a master copy and multiple working copies and include preservation and recovery procedures. There are procedures that can be followed by your library staff as well as procedures that an outside disaster recovery company will follow, taking into consideration that a company may have little or no experience with damaged library materials or Government publications. 14.3.A Master Copy The master copy of your library disaster plan includes information not found in the working copies, such as an introduction, previous disaster reports, and an annual review and update schedule. Review the disaster plan annually, and date any revisions. Suggestions for your master copy of the disaster plan include: Introduction statement Emergency telephone numbers and email addresses including disaster response team coordinators and members, nearby depositories and regional depositories, and Government Printing Office (GPO) Threat assessment Prevention (mitigation) Backup plan for digital data High priority publications list Recovery methods Floor maps, charts and graphs (including location of disaster response supplies, high priority publications, exits, and fire-alarm pulls) List of vendors and service providers Disaster response and recovery reports Annual review and revision schedule (all revisions should be dated) List of disaster recovery companies to contact 14.3.B Working Copy The working copies of your library disaster plan are a scaled-down version of the master copy. They should include concise directions, lists, tables, charts, diagrams, and the depository emergency floor plan. The working copies will include little text, because first responders will not have time to read long passages. The working copies, placed in plastic page protectors and bound in a three-ring binder, should be distributed to key personnel and service points for use by first responders at a disaster site. Suggestions for your working copy of the disaster plan include: Emergency telephone numbers and email addresses Telephone numbers and email addresses for all staff members, including a contact such as a family member who could confirm their whereabouts in the event of an evacuation Steps to establish a Web site to track information in the event of a disaster Depository emergency floor plan High priority publications list Recovery instructions and procedures Resources listing disaster supplies and describing recovery methods are included at the end of this chapter. 14.4 Disaster Response This section provides basic information regarding your response to a disaster. While the environment following a disaster is often chaotic, a response MUST occur swiftly to minimize damage and to maximize recovery efforts. To help you respond in a more logical and swift manner, consider the following points. Know when to safely re-enter the damaged building and start an initial damage assessment. Be familiar with the tips on recovering government materials and develop a disaster recovery report that provides the details of the disaster and loss you experienced. Remember to contact Library Services and Content Management (LSCM) to cease shipments in the event that your library cannot receive shipments. Resume public services as soon as practical and communicate with other depository libraries about your situation. Evaluate the damage and assess the losses, prioritize treatment and/or replacement. Process new or replacement material as soon as possible to meet your user needs. 14.4.A Entering the Library Building and Initial Assessment of Damages You should not enter a damaged library building until appropriate authorities have declared the building safe for entry. Upon entry into the building, locate the area of the Government publications collection and begin an initial assessment of the damage including writing an assessment of the damage as documentation of your loss. Documentation of the damage is very important and should include photos or videos of the damage. Recovery commences with the stabilization of the area in which the government documents collection was housed, followed by the actual recovery of the materials. 14.4.B Documentation of Damage A photographer should be assigned to document each stage of the disaster and recovery activities. The photographer will record the damaged areas and materials before any recovery efforts take place. Photo documentation should continue throughout the recovery period with the time and date of each photo or video recorded. As depository coordinator, you should document all response and recovery efforts in writing and prepare a detailed report of the disaster for future reference. A report of the damage and recovery efforts should also be posted on e-mail discussion groups such as GOVDOC-L and any local or statewide groups. Other libraries may want to help. 14.4.C Stabilization and Recovery Below find information regarding stabilization and initial recovery efforts as well as tips for recovering government materials. After documentation photos or videos have been made, you will want to work to stabilize the area. Clean up standing water and remove soggy carpet. Try to bring temperature and humidity to recommended levels (65 to 70 degrees and 40 to 50 percent humidity) to deter the formation of mold and mildew. If electricity is available in the building, fans and dehumidifiers are useful for this purpose. Familiarity with Federal Government publications (the collection, SuDocs numbers, recordkeeping, etc.) is essential in keeping track of the disposition of the publications that were damaged. You will want to train all library staff on Government publications in advance to ensure that everyone is able to assist with recovery efforts. You can locate the items on the high priority publications list, and determine the method of recovery that should be used. There are many salvage options available, but some are very expensive. Find out what your library will allow and plan accordingly. If a recovery service will be used, they may require specific handling instructions. Check with the head of the disaster response team for specific treatment instructions. 14.5 Tips for Recovering Government Materials Some good tips for recovery of damaged materials include the following. Note that in order to process damaged materials quickly after a disaster, your depository library may want to stock some supplies just in case. Label boxes with waterproof markers or plastic tags. If items are being moved to a recovery facility, begin with the most water-soaked items. If your library has decided to air-dry items, choose the least damaged items first for a faster recovery. Mold and mildew can develop on wet materials within 48 hours. If possible, damaged material should be frozen to stop further water damage and mold growth. When freezing publications, pack them in vented plastic crates such as milk crates that have holes for air circulation. Materials with only minor water damage can be packed in cardboard boxes for shipping. Wet microfiche/microfilm and photographic negatives should be placed in clean water and transported to a recovery facility to be air or freeze dried within 48 hours. If they are muddy, rinse them first. Compact disks can be rinsed and dried with a sponge or a blow dryer on the “cool” setting. If asbestos has contaminated materials, hazardous materials experts should be consulted regarding handling. Undamaged publications may have to be removed from the building. Place these materials in stackable containers for easy transportation. Keep a list and photos of the materials that have been salvaged, thrown away, or stored. Keep careful records of where materials have been sent, and update the list when materials are moved or returned. 14.6 Disaster Recovery Report After each disaster, no matter how minor, you will want to write a disaster recovery report detailing the event and the recovery. the date and time of the disaster; a description of the disaster; an approximate number of documents affected; immediate response taken; long-term actions taken; amount of time spent on the recovery; results or impact of the disaster; a description and number of pieces discarded, if any; recovery budget and amount spent; and photographs or videos made by the photographer. You should send a copy of this report to your library administrator, the regional depository library, LSCM, and the disaster response team leader. Keep a copy filed in the Master Plan notebook. 14.6.A Notification to Library Services and Content Management (LSCM) when your Depository Library cannot Receive Depository Shipments If damage to the building where the depository shipments from LSCM are received is extensive and interrupts the normal delivery of mail, you should notify Depository Distribution in the Office of Collection Management and Preservation as soon as possible to make appropriate arrangements. These arrangements may include LSCM holding your depository shipments. Contact askGPO regarding shipments. You should also contact your local United States Postal Service office, other delivery services (for example, United Parcel Service (UPS)), and the mail delivery system at your institution to make temporary arrangements to hold shipments or deliver them to an alternate location. 14.6.B Resumption of Public Service Public services, including access to and service in the use of Federal Government information resources, should be resumed as soon as possible after a disaster. If the public service points for the Federal publications have been extensively damaged, temporary service points should be established within the building or in another library or building on campus or in the community. The public should be kept informed of the status of the depository through available media sources as well as the depository’s Web page. If your depository cannot provide public service, arrangements for providing public service should be made with a nearby depository or with the regional depository library. In any case, the information about the temporary public service location and contact information should be communicated to LSCM, the other depositories in the state, and other libraries that may rely on your services. 14.6.C Communicating about the Availability of Government Publications The Federal Government information resources should be made accessible to the public as soon as the building has been declared safe for occupancy and public use. If the resources are located in areas that are heavily damaged and that will require extensive repairs or renovations, you should make arrangements to retrieve publications for public use from these damaged areas or from an offsite facility if one is established. Referrals to nearby depository libraries and the regional depository library can also be made in order to provide the public access to Government information. 14.6.D More Information for Evaluating the Damages and Assessing the Losses in your Depository Library Federal publications are distributed by LSCM in a variety of formats: tangible, microfiche, tangible electronic (audio, video, CD-ROMs, DVDs, floppy diskettes), and maps. In some depository libraries, all Government publications, regardless of format, are housed together in one location. In other depositories, the format determines where the material is located. Some depository libraries choose to integrate their Federal publications into the main collection using a cataloging and classification system other than the Superintendent of Documents system. Determining the extent of the damage or loss of publications in this case would be part of the evaluation of the damaged materials in that location in the library. The condition of the damaged publications will be assessed following the established procedures in your library’s disaster plan. If the damage is extensive and experts determine that the collection is a total loss, there would be no reason for further assessment of the condition of the material. If the damage is not extensive, publications should be examined on an individual basis to determine their condition. For example, publications damaged in a fire may be evaluated and categorized as: Unsalvageable/To be replaced; or Salvageable/To be rebound; or Salvageable/To be cleaned. Ideally, staff performing the evaluation should be familiar with Federal publications. In any case, guidelines for the evaluation process should be written and retained for future reference. Training should be provided to staff who will be evaluating the material. When evaluating individual publications, be aware that the damage may not be as extensive as it appears. Some depositories place small brochures (for example, National Park Service brochures) in manila envelopes to help in stack maintenance. In a fire, the envelope may be partially destroyed, while the brochure itself has survived. Bindings that appear completely charred on the outside may have contents that were only slightly damaged in a fire. Carefully examine and evaluate older publications (such as Serial Set volumes) that contain brittle paper and folded leaves before the final assessment is made. In assessing losses, you should consider that even if a publication has been rebound or cleaned, this does not preclude further damage to the material. In a fire, the high heat and smoke shortens the life expectancy of the damaged documents. Deterioration will be evident in the black staining that appears on the text edge of newly rebound books, audible cracking of damaged adhesive when volumes are opened and heavy soot deposits remaining on page edges and along fold out creases. This rate of deterioration cannot be predicted but is something that NEEDS be monitored on a regular basis. When depository library materials are badly damaged or decomposed as the result of a natural or man-made disaster, regional librarians may authorize the bulk disposal of such materials and bypass the Needs & Offers lists. Considering the state of decomposition of those items, LSCM does not require damaged materials be offered to other depositories. 14.6.E Prioritizing Treatment/Replacement After the damaged publications have been evaluated and categorized, the method of treatment outlined in your library’s disaster plan should be followed or a process should be established to fit the specific circumstances of the situation. Some questions that NEED to be considered in the treatment process: Who is doing the treatment (library staff or members of the disaster recovery service)?; Where will the treatment be done (on-site or off-site)?; What timetables need to be followed?; and What outside factors may influence the process (institutional or insurance company requirements)? Establishing the priority for replacing material that cannot be salvaged should follow your depository’s collection development policy for U.S. Government publications and the priorities established in the library’s disaster plan. 14.6.F Bibliographic Control Records of the disposition of the publications MUST be kept. Notations should include information that will assist the public in determining the status or location of a publication. The status or location might read, for example,: destroyed; sent to bindery (date sent); or sent for treatment at an offsite facility (date sent). These notes could be entered in the cataloging records in your depository’s online catalog so that the status of a publication can be determined. In depositories that have paper or electronic shelf list records for some of the documents in their collections, the status notes should be entered in the shelf list. A spreadsheet listing those publications that were destroyed will probably prove useful. This record could be used to provide easy access to the status information of a publication not listed in the depository’s catalog and would be useful when searching for replacements in disposal lists or through the Needs and Offers List. 14.7 Replacing Federal Publications Damaged Or Destroyed In A Disaster When disaster strikes your depository, many decisions MUST be made about replacing damaged or destroyed publications. If only a few publications have been damaged, it may be relatively easy to replace them. However, if the disaster damaged or destroyed a large portion of your depository collection, you MUST plan for replacement or treatment of damaged publications in consultation with your parent institution, the insurance company or other funding agencies, the regional depository, and LSCM. 14.8 Responsibilities of Regional and Selective Depositories Regional depositories are REQUIRED to retain at least one copy of all Government publications made available under the FDLP in printed form, microform, or tangible electronic format. A regional is therefore obligated to attempt to replace or restore all FDLP publications that were damaged in a disaster. Selective depositories MUST make every reasonable effort to replace or repair the Federal Government property that has been lost or damaged. In many cases, electronic versions of publications are acceptable replacements for damaged or destroyed tangible publications. For more information, please visit the web page on the FDLP Guidelines on Substituting Electronic and Tangible Versions of Depository Publications. Your library director should be aware that a disaster does not absolve the library of responsibility in continuing to fulfill the duties of a Federal depository library. Furthermore, the depository collection MUST be replaced to the same extent as non-depository collections in the library affected by a disaster. For example, your library cannot use the disaster as an opportunity to drastically reduce the size of the Government publications collection or to circumvent the withdrawal process. However, material that would have been targeted for withdrawal under normal circumstances need not be replaced. 14.9 Treatment and Replacement If damaged publications are to be treated, they should be restored to a usable condition. For example, traces of mud or soot should be removed from each publication. Some damaged publications may be restored to a usable condition by being bound or rebound by a binding company. If it is not possible to restore the documents or if replacement is deemed more appropriate, your depository may obtain replacement copies by reviewing the disposal lists distributed by the regional depository, by reviewing publications on the national Needs & Offers List which includes a special section for disaster recovery efforts, by contacting Federal agencies, or by purchasing through commercial book vendors. Publications available electronically through the FDLP may be considered replacements as well. Refer to FDLP Guidelines on Substituting Electronic for Tangible Versions of Depository Publications for guidance. 14.10 Resumption of Processing Processing of new depository material should resume as soon as possible. If the processing cannot physically be done in the designated department or unit, you should make arrangements to do the processing in a temporary location either inside or outside of the library, and may involve sharing processing space and equipment with another department or unit of the library. If your depository loads vendor records into its integrated library system (ILS), appropriate arrangements should be made with the vendor to ensure that this procedure will not be affected by the depository’s processing delays or disruptions. If the depository shipments are being received but cannot be completely processed, your staff should try to complete the basics, such as unpacking shipments, checking shipping lists for receipt and claiming purposes, affixing property and date received stamps, etc. Partially processed publications may be shelved in a nonpublic area where staff could retrieve them. 14.11 Sources Of Replacement Documents Although LSCM does not maintain retrospective stock of publications disseminated through the FDLP, there are several immediate sources for obtaining replacement copies of Government publications. These include: U.S. Government Printing Office You can contact LSCM using the claims process to replace recent shipping list boxes that were destroyed. Bear in mind that LSCM may not be able to provide free replacement copies of Government property destroyed in a disaster; it is the responsibility of your depository to obtain replacements. The GPO Bookstore sells copies of many recent and popular publications. Other Depository Libraries You should compile a list of publications that need to be replaced. This list may be distributed to the regional and to other depository libraries through LSCM’s Needs & Offers List. The regional depository library may cull duplicates from its collection and may request that other selective depository libraries in the region also cull duplicates for the affected library. Libraries providing replacement publications should expect reimbursement for shipping costs from the requesting library. When possible, the regional depository should provide assistance to the selective, such as providing storage space for publications being collected or requesting material from other libraries. Publications may be replaced in formats other than those of the damaged publications. For example, tangible material may be replaced with microforms or electronic versions. Photocopies or other types of reproductions may be requested from the regional or from other depositories, which should supply them at cost to the requesting library. Library of Congress The Library of Congress maintains microfiche masters for all microfiche distributed through the FDLP. Some depositories also offer microfiche duplication services and would be able to provide duplicate microfiche to other depositories for a fee. When replacing microfiche publications, the type of microfiche NEEDS to be specified. LSCM has distributed publications in both silver halide and diazo formats. Silver halide is considered the archival format. However, silver halide microfiche should not be stored in the same cabinets as diazo or vesicular microfiche. Also, according to some experts, even though the silver halide fiche is archival, it is more easily damaged by heat and smoke. Federal Agencies Federal agencies may provide free copies of recently published publications. Federal agencies also have publications catalogs available on their Web sites. The National Technical Information Service sells many Government publications, particularly technical reports. Commercial Vendors There are many commercial vendors that sell Government publications and could be used for replacing damaged items. 14.12 Additional Resources The Northeast Document Conservation Center is a leading resource in disaster recovery efforts. 14.12.A Books Kahn, Miriam B. 2003. Disaster response and planning for libraries. Chicago: American Library Association. Alire, Camila (ed.). 2000. Library disaster planning and recovery handbook. New York: Neal-Schuman. Fortson, Judith. 1992. Disaster planning and recovery: a how-to-do-it manual for librarians and archivists. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers. Myers, M. J. (ed.). 1991. SPEC kit 178: insuring library collections and buildings. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries. Special Libraries Association. 1989. Disaster planning and recovery: an SLA information kit. Washington, DC: Special Libraries Association 14.12.B Web Sites Proceedings of the 10th Annual FDLP Oct. 14-17, 2001, “Effective Disaster Plans: Response, Mitigation, and Continuity” Proceedings of the 9th Annual FDLP Oct. 22-25, 2000, “Writing the Disaster Response Plan: Going Beyond Shouting “Help! Help!” Proceedings of the 6th Annual Federal Depository Library Conference, April 14-17, 1997, “Emergency Preparedness and Recovery” Heritage Emergency National Task Force These tools are the result of the Task Force's "Lessons Applied" initiative to develop practical applications for the lessons from Hurricane Katrina. Disaster preparedness and response (Preservation Department of Stanford University Libraries) Disaster recovery (University of Hawai`i at Manoa Library Preservation Department) Disaster Resources: A Selected Annotated Bibliography (ALA) Disaster Planning for Libraries: Selected Resources (California State University - Northridge) CLRC Preservation Resources Page (Central New York Library Resources Council) Collection Preservation and Disaster Response Planning for Louisiana Libraries (LALINC Task Force on Preservation and Disaster Planning) Emergency Preparedness and Response (Library of Congress) Disaster Plans on the Internet (SEFLIN Preservation and Conservation Committee) Disaster Mitigation & Recovery Resources (Solinet) Disaster Prevention & Response Information Kit (Special Libraries Association) Salvage At A Glance (Western Association for Art Conservation) 14.12.C Disaster Plans Amigos Library Services, Inc., Disaster Plan Template Baltimore Academic Libraries Consortium, Disaster Preparedness Plan Michigan State University Libraries, Disaster Manual New York University, Bobst Library, Preservation Department, Disaster Plan Workbook University of Iowa Libraries, Government Publications Department, Disaster and Recovery Plan for Government Publications Wake Forest University, Z. Smith Reynolds Library, 2002 ZSR Library Manual (includes Gov Docs, High Priority Docs) Michigan State University Resources for Preparing Disaster Plans Western New York Library Resources Council, Western New York Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Manual for Libraries and Archives 14.13 Tips, Practical Advice, and Lessons Learned Often, treatment or replacement decisions are directed by the parent institution or the funding agency, such as an insurance company or the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Do not assume that, as depository coordinator, you will control the process. It is important to communicate to funding agencies the issues specific to being a Federal depository library. Contact vendors to get competitive quotes for replacement publications. If you are making a large purchase, vendors may offer substantial discounts. Keep written documentation when discussing replacement costs with vendors or publishers. Estimates of replacement costs can change dramatically as more detailed information about the extent of the damage or losses are compiled. Insurance claims based on a lower figure may not cover the actual replacement cost. Contact Depository Distribution in the Office of Collection Management and Preservation as soon as possible if mail service has been interrupted to make appropriate arrangements for your depository shipments. Publicize the disaster and your needs. Tell everyone you know. You’ll be amazed at how many people come forward to help. Keep LSCM informed of the recovery process to assist with needs and offers and the resumption of depository shipments. The procedure for coping with disasters may be incorporated in the state plan with emphasis on depository coordination and communication. Maintain copies of depository designations or agreements in a remote location. Copies may be required by funding agencies. Your decision on whether to use an outside disaster recovery service or library staff and management can depend upon the extent of the damage and the disaster. For example, if staff are dealing with losses at home and come to the workplace to deal with the same type of losses, it can be overwhelming for employees. If a disaster recovery service is responsible for the recovery process, you and your library management team NEED to be aware that some of its recovery methods and processes may not be suitable for your library materials. For example, there are several processes and products available for removing smoke odors that would actually damage library materials. Working with a disaster recovery service or temporary workers is different from working with regular library staff, and adjustments may need to be made in a variety of procedures. 14.14 Did you realize that you don't have to....? Waste time when a disaster occurs. Your disaster planning should include creating a list or map to alert rescue workers about materials you would like them to save first. Your secondary copies of the disaster plan should be available offsite in multiple locations so that rapid response can occur at the first sign of an incident. Wait for an incident to occur before acting to protect the collection. There are multiple common preventive measures that your depository can take to help avoid the loss of materials. 14.15 Important for Library Administrators It is important for you to communicate with the staff as soon as possible after a disaster about the status of their workplace. This communication should continue on a regular basis throughout the recovery process. Publications received through the Federal Depository Library Program remain the property of the Federal Government. However, your library is responsible for the treatment and replacement of all publications damaged or destroyed in a disaster and should keep LSCM informed about the extent of the losses and the replacement efforts being made. You will also have to work with insurance companies and adjustors who may have little experience working with libraries and/or Government publications. Your decision on whether to use an outside disaster recovery service or library staff and management can depend on the extent of the disaster. For example, if staff are dealing with losses at home and come to the workplace to deal with the same type of losses, it can be demoralizing to the employees. If a disaster recovery service is responsible for the recovery process, your library NEEDS to be aware that some of its recovery methods and processes may not be suitable for library materials. For example, there are several processes and products available for removing smoke odors that would actually damage library materials. Working with a disaster recovery service or temporary workers is different from working with regular library staff, and adjustments will NEED to be made in a variety of procedures.
Monday, 17 November 2008 | 2 hits
Depository Administration/FDLP Handbook
Discusses Federal agency libraries as depositories, public access to depository collections in Federal Libraries, their relationship to regional depository libraries and non-Federal depository libraries, and the discard process 15.1 What's New or Important This entirely new chapter brings together information regarding the responsibilities of Federal libraries that have been designated Federal depository libraries. 15.2 Depositories in Federal Libraries If your depository is a library of a Federal agency, it may have been designated as a Federal depository "by law" under the provisions of 44 U.S.C. §1907. This section of the law permits the libraries of executive departments, military service academies and independent agencies. The phrase, “independent agencies”, is broadly interpreted so that many different types of libraries in all three branches of Government are eligible for participation in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). Examples of Federal libraries are National libraries, Federal Court libraries, academic libraries on military bases, as well as libraries in Federal agencies. The libraries of Boards, commissions, committees, and quasi-official agencies are not eligible under Title 44 for depository status. 15.3 Public Access to Depository Collections in Federal Libraries Since security in most Federal buildings is restricted in some manner, unplanned or unescorted access may be difficult to accommodate immediately. However, free public access is still a REQUIREMENT for all depository libraries. Therefore, depositories in Federal libraries may require the public to make arrangements in advance as well as to show identification, and/or to have an escort. Your depository library MUST still grant access to the general public to use depository materials, both physical and electronic. If your depository is in a Federal library, you are expected to work with your security office to make acceptable arrangements to ensure that the REQUIREMENT for public access to depository materials is met to the best of your organization’s ability. Because facility access restrictions are well beyond the control of the agency library, latitude is given to Federal libraries, but public access to Federal Government information MUST still be provided in accordance with 44 U.S.C. §1911. Should physical access to your library building be denied temporarily because of the national threat level or other security issues, your library MUST still assist depository patrons by phone, e-mail, or other form of remote communication. In such circumstances, libraries may fax materials, scan resources and deliver them electronically, or route requests for depository resources through interlibrary loan. Referring users to another nearby depository library where access is open to the public is also acceptable. You may clarify the information needs of the person seeking entrance to the building to ensure that the person has a need that will be met by the depository materials housed in your library. Depositories in Federal libraries are strongly encouraged to provide access to commercial resources that are available to agency employees if these resources are required to adequately meet the information needs of depository users. Public users MUST be provided access to depository materials but may be restricted from accessing other non-depository materials even though they may have been created by a Federal agency. If your Federal library maintains public Web sites, you are REQUIRED to ensure access to the electronic depository materials and should develop Web pages that help users understand which materials are available to them. You are also strongly encouraged to catalog your depository publications and provide access to a publicly accessible online catalog. For those with limited physical access, it is recommended that information regarding how to contact the library for assistance via phone, e-mail, or other services are included on the Web site. The Web site should also include an explanation of how to locate other Federal Depository Libraries in the area at Locate a Federal Depository Library. It is also strongly encouraged that you share your access limitations for public use with your regional and other selective depositories in the state to ensure appropriate referrals are made. For example, if a patron needs to call ahead for an appointment at a particular Federal library, other depositories should be aware of that requirement before sending someone to a specialized collection located in a Federal facility. 15.4 Regional Depository Libraries Regional depository libraries have no jurisdiction over depository libraries in the various agencies of the Federal Government or the highest appellate court in the state. Federal agency depository libraries are designated by Title 44 and are responsible only to the Superintendent of Documents and their parent agency. However, in the spirit of cooperation, Federal agency libraries are strongly encouraged to participate in local meetings and other depository-related activities at the invitation of regional depository libraries. 15.5 Discards by Federal Libraries Depository discard procedures are different for Federal agency libraries. Your Federal depository library is not required to maintain depository titles for five years. Materials may be withdrawn at any time and disposed of after they have been offered to the Library of Congress and the Archivist of the United States. Federal libraries should be judicious in their item selections for the collection development process; they should not select too many materials that will not be added to their library’s collection. It is important that depository coordinators make selections responsibly and be good stewards of the appropriated funds that are spent to provide these materials, which can be very expensive. The Library of Congress accepts surplus paperbound and hardbound books. Guidance on material accepted may be found here. Contact information at the Library of Congress is as follows: Anglo-American Acquisitions Division (LS/ACQ/ANAD) Library of Congress 101 Independence Avenue, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20540-4170 (202) 707-9524 Though not required, your Federal depository library is encouraged to offer withdrawn materials to your regional depository library, and to other depository libraries in their area if your agency regulations allow such practices. All materials distributed through the depository library program remain the property of the U.S. Government Printing Office. If your library is leaving the FDLP and wishes to keep certain publications that were received under the FDLP, you may request to retain them by submitting to Library Services and Content Management (LSCM) a list of the depository publications you wish to keep. 15.6 Tips, Practical Advice, and Lessons Learned Work with your security office to make arrangements to ensure that the requirement for public access to depository materials is met to the best of you organization’s ability. Share any access limitations for public use with your regional and other depositories in the state so that any referrals are made appropriately. Offer withdrawn materials to your regional library and to other depository libraries in their area if your agency regulations allow such practices so that other depositories can fill gaps in their collections. Participate in local meetings and other depository-related activities. 15.7 Did you realize that you don't have to....? Maintain depository titles for five years. Offer withdrawn materials to your regional library. Provide access to non-depository materials even though they may have been created by a Federal agency. 15.8 Important for Library Administrators Federal libraries MUST still grant access to the general public to use depository materials, both physical and electronic. In the spirit of cooperation, Federal libraries are encouraged to participate in local meetings and other depository-related activities. All materials distributed through the depository library program remain the property of the U.S. Government Printing Office.
Monday, 17 November 2008 | 2 hits
Depository Administration/FDLP Handbook
Offers an explanation of suggested core collections, describes how suggested core collections fit into the scope of collection development, and provides lists of titles for the core collections in academic, public, and law libraries designated as Federal depository libraries. Appendix A: Suggested Core Collections by Library Type This list, first disseminated in the Federal Depository Library Manual in 1993, has been reviewed and updated to indicate if item numbers are no longer active. The suggested core collection lists consist of recommended titles in all subject areas for academic, public, and law libraries acting as depository libraries. The lists are provided to address core collections in the majority of types of depository libraries participating in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). For a full discussion of collection development for depository libraries, see Chapter 5 in this Handbook. For titles on the suggested core collection list, depositories should work with other depository libraries both locally and nationally to retain material essential to users and for possible digital preservation. Many libraries participating in the FDLP have significant holdings in particular subject areas, consisting of government documents and other types of works, or are located near and/or working with other libraries with specific strengths. Providing ways for users to learn of collection strengths and for the libraries to not only foster research but a variety of other cooperative services will increase the value of collecting these materials. When selecting items from the suggested core list, libraries may find it helpful to look at comparable libraries’ holdings. Provisions may be made for acquiring or locating audio, Braille, large print and foreign language editions of a range of works, noting also the availability of video, film, photograph, map and other non-print archives. Some suggested core collection items are available in only one format, however, if a library wishes to purchase alternative formats, either through the Government Printing Office Bookstore or commercial sources, there are no restrictions on doing so. Depository libraries need not: Select all the items on the suggested core collection list since this is not a mandatory list. Select a certain percentage of items from the suggested core collection list. It is expected that most large academic and public libraries would select most items listed for their library type, and smaller libraries would be more selective, choosing items only most pertinent to their mission and community. Libraries may be selective, based on such criteria as their own collection development policies and items held in nearby depositories, and other collections. However, it is important to remember that the suggested core collection is a list of important resources and as such, serious consideration should be given to selecting as many titles as reasonable within the libraries' collection development plan as possible. Select suggested core collection items in specific formats since libraries can choose the format that best meets users needs, whether it is tangible or electronic. Keep suggested core collection items indefinitely. Suggested core collection items can be discarded following FDLP procedures for discarding depository materials and the local library's collection development policies. Shelve suggested core collection items separately. Suggested core collection items can be treated the same way as other FDLP materials. Provide access to the official version of titles listed on the suggested core collection list. Libraries can provide access to commercial versions of the titles listed on the suggested core collection lists rather than the official/depository version, providing that the effort is made to allow for ease of access to the databases for all library patrons. Keep your profile of selected items on the suggested core collection list the same every year. Libraries can change their selection of suggested core collection items according to the needs of the library. The decision to host a government documents collection is an important one. The investment of personnel, time, and space provides users access to the varied resources which our government makes available. The FDLP offers coordination and some degree of standardization of these required and recommended collections so that users throughout the country and citizens elsewhere may access a consistent, basic foundation collection, augmented by resources of local and regional interest. The suggested core collection lists offers guidance to managers of these collections without unduly burdening the library with unnecessary materials. Note: Items on the suggested core collection lists are marked with a symbol (^) and highlighted in yellow if the items numbers are inactive as of July, 2007. These items can no longer be selected by depository libraries.   ^ indicates this item number is no longer active as of July, 2007 Suggested Core Collection for Academic Libraries Active and Inactive Items 0001 A 1.47: Agricultural Statistics 0006 A 1.1: Annual Report. Agriculture Dept. 0013-A-01 A 1.38/2: Facts about U.S. Agriculture ^ 0017 A 1.10: Yearbook ^ 0021-H A 93.16/3: Food Review ^ 0042-W A 93.21: ERS (Economic Research Service) Series ^ 0074-A-03 A 98.11: Food & Nutrition 0076 A 67.7/3: AgExporter ^ 0088-B A 77.245: Family Economics Review ^ 0125-A-03 AC 1.2: General Publications. Arms Control & Disarmament Agency ^ 0125-A-06 AC 1.13: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications ^ 0125-A-08 AC 1.16: World Military Expenditures 0126 C 1.1: Annual Report. Commerce Dept 0126 C 1.83: Appendix, Budget of the U.S. Government, Dept. of Commerce Chapter 0126-A C 1.54: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications ^ 0126-D-13 C 61.31/2: Franchising in the Economy 0127-A C 61.18: Business America 0128 C 1.2: General Publications. Commerce Dept. 0128-L C 1.88: National Trade Data Bank (CD) ^ 0128-N C 1.88/2: National Economic, Social & Environmental Data Bank (CD) 0130-D-01 C 59.2: General Publications. Economic Analysis Bureau 0130-D-02 C 59.8: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides ^ 0130-D-03 C 59.17: OBERS, BEA Regional Projections 0130-D-04 C 59.18: Local Area Personal Income 0130-D-06 C 59.20/2: U.S. Direct Investment Abroad 0130-D-07 C 59.20: Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. 0130-K C 46.18: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. EDA 0130-U C 59.24: Regional Economic Information System (CD) ^ 0131-F C 3.252: Factfinder for the Nation 0131-H C 3.253: Economic Censuses: Reference Series ^ 0132 C 3.250: Women-Owned Businesses ^ 0132-A-(nos.) C 3.255/2: Census of Retail Trade: Geographic Area Series ^ 0132-A-(nos.) C 3.255/5: Census of Retail Trade: Major Retail Centers Statistics ^ 0132-B-(nos.) C 3.256/2: Census of Wholesale Trade: Geographic Area Series 0132-C-(nos.) C 3.257/2: Census of Service Industries: Geographic Area Series 0133-A-(nos.) C 3.204/3-(nos.): County Business Patterns [States] 0133-E C 3.204/4: County Business Patterns (CD) 0134-A C 3.24/9-6: Annual Survey of Manufactures, Value of Product Shipments 0134-A C 3.24/9-7: Annual Survey of Manufactures, Statistics for Industry Groups & Industries 0134-A C 3.24/9-9: Annual Survey of Manufactures, Geographic Area Statistics 0136 C 3.24/4: Census of Manufactures: Industry Series 0137-A-(nos.) C 3.24/3: Census of Manufactures: Geographic Area Series ^ 0138 C 3.163/3: Census Catalog & Guide 0138 C 3.163/4: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. Census Bureau 0138 C 3.163/7: Monthly Product Announcements ^ 0138 C 3.163/8: Product Primers ^ 0138 C 3.163/9: College Curriculum Support Project Updates 0140-A-06 C 3.215/9: Construction Reports: New One-Family Homes Sold & for Sale 0140-A-06 C 3.215/9-3: Characteristics of New Housing 0140-A-06 C 3.224/3-8: 1990 Housing Highlights ^ 0140-B C 3.62/5: Congressional District Atlas 0141-A C 3.215/16: Annual Housing Survey, Supplementary Report, No. 1, Summary of Housing Characteristics for Selected Metropolitan Areas 0141-A C 3.215: Current Housing Reports 0142-C C 3.186: Current Population Reports 0142-C-01 C 3.186/10: Fertility of American Women: Current Population Reports 0142-C-01 C 3.186/12: School Enrollment Social & Economic Characteristics 0142-C-01 C 3.186/12-2: School Enrollment Social & Economic Characteristics of Students (Advance Report) 0142-C-01 C 3.186/14: The Hispanic Population in the U.S. (Advance Report) 0142-C-01 C 3.186/14-2: The Hispanic Population in the U.S. 0142-C-01 C 3.186/17: Household & Family Characteristics 0142-C-01 C 3.186/18: Geographical Mobility 0142-C-01 C 3.186/3: Voting & Registration in the Election of... Advance Report 0142-C-01 C 3.186/3-2: Voting & Registration in the Election of... 0142-C-01 C 3.186/6: Marital Status & Living Arrangements 0142-C-01 C 3.186/9: Households, Families, Marital Status, & Living Arrangements 0142-C-01 C 3.186:P-20/ Current Population Reports, Population Characteristics 0142-C-02 C 3.186/4: Child Support & Alimony 0142-C-02 C 3.186/5: Household After-Tax Income 0142-C-02 C 3.186/8: Population Profile of the U.S., Current Population Reports 0142-C-02 C 3.186:P-23/ Current Population Reports, Special Studies, Series P-23 0142-C-03 C 3.186/15: Projections of the Number of Households & Families 0142-C-03 C 3.186/21: State Population & Household Estimates, with Age, Sex, & Components of Change 0142-C-03 C 3.186/26: Projections of the Population of Voting Age, for States 0142-C-03 C 3.186/7: Estimates of the Population of the U.S. 0142-C-03 C 3.186/7-2: Estimates of the Population of the U.S. by Age, Sex & Race 0142-C-03 C 3.186/7-3: Estimates of the Population of the U.S. & Components of Change 0142-C-03 C 3.186:P-25/ Current Population Reports, Population Estimates & Projections 0142-C-04 C 3.186/20: Provisional Estimates of the Population of Counties 0142-C-04 C 3.186/20-2: County Population Estimates 0142-C-04 C 3.186:P-26/ Current Population Reports, Federal-State Cooperative Programs for Population Estimates ^ 0142-C-05 C 3.186/25: Farm Population of the U.S. ^ 0142-C-05 C 3.186:P-27/ Current Population Reports, Farm Population 0142-C-07 C 3.186/11: Money Income & Poverty Status of Families & Persons.. 0142-C-07 C 3.186/13: Receipt of Selected Noncash Benefits 0142-C-07 C 3.186/16: Characteristics of the Population below the Poverty Level 0142-C-07 C 3.186/2: Money Income of Households, Families, & Persons in the U.S. 0142-C-07 C 3.186/22: Poverty in the U.S. 0142-C-07 C 3.186:P-60/ Current Population Reports, Consumer Income 0142-C-10 C 3.186/23: Educational Attainment in the U.S. ^ 0142-C-11 through 0142-C-15 C 3.186/27-(nos).: [Region] Population & Per Capita Income Estimates for Counties & Incorporated Places ^ 0145-A C 3.261: Special Demographic Analyses 0146 C 3.2: General Publications. Census Bureau 0146-K C 3.62/4: U.S. Maps, GE-50 series 0146-K C 3.62/8: U.S. Maps, GE 70 series 0148-A C 3.140/2: Government Employment 0148-A C 3.140/2-3: City Employment in ... 0148-A C 3.140/2-4: Public Employment in ... 0148-A C 3.140/2-5: County Government Employment 0148-A C 3.140/2-6: Local Government Employment in Major County Areas 0148-A C 3.145/4: Census of Governments 0148-A C 3.145/5: Census of Governments: Preliminary Reports ^ 0148-C C 3.238/4: National Clearinghouse for Census Data Services Address List 0148-C C 3.238/5: Telephone Contacts for Data Users 0148-C C 3.238/7: Data Developments 0148-C C 3.238: Census & You 0150 C 3.134/5: State & Metropolitan Area Data Book 0150 C 3.134: Statistical Abstracts of the U.S. 0150-B C 3.134: Statistical Abstract of the U.S. (CD) ^ 0150-B-01 C 3.134/6: USA Counties (CD) 0151 C 3.134/2: County & City Data Book 0151 C 3.134/2-2: USA Statistics in Brief 0151-D C 3.134/2: County & City Data Book (CD) ^ 0152-A-(nos.) C 3.31/4: Census of Agriculture: State & Area Reports ^ 0152-B-(nos.) C 3.31/7: Census of Agriculture, Preliminary &/or Advance Reports [States] 0154 C 3.223/12: Census of Population: Supplementary Reports 0154 C 3.223/16: Census of Population: Evaluation & Research Reports 0154 C 3.223/22:90-R 2 Census of Population & Housing: History 0154 C 3.223/22:90-R 3 Census of Population & Housing: Alphabetical Index of Industries & Occupations 0154 C 3.223/22:90-R 4 Census of Population & Housing: Classified Index of Industries & Occupations 0154 C 3.223/22:90-R 5 Census of Population & Housing: Geographic Identification Code Scheme 0154 C 3.223/22:90-R Census of Population & Housing: Reference Reports 0154 C 3.223/7-5: 1990 Census Profile (numbered) 0154 C 3.223: Census of Population: General Publications ^ 0154-A-01 C 3.223/6-2: Census of Population: General Population Characteristics for American Indian & Alaska Native Areas ^ 0154-A-01 C 3.223/7-2: Census of Population: Social & Economic Characteristics for American Indian & Alaska Native Areas ^ 0154-A-02 C 3.223/6-3: Census of Population: General Population Characteristics for Metropolitan Statistical Areas ^ 0154-A-02 C 3.223/7-3: Census of Population: Social & Economic Characteristics for Metropolitan Statistical Areas ^ 0154-A-03 C 3.223/6-4: Census of Population: General Population Characteristics for Urbanized Areas ^ 0154-A-03 C 3.223/7-4: Census of Population: Social & Economic Characteristics for Urbanized Areas 0154-B-01 C 3.275: Electronic Products 0154-B-01 C 3.281: Census of Population & Housing, PL 94-171 Data 0154-C C 3.277: Economic and Agruculture Censuses (CD) 0154-D C 3.278: Foreign Trade Data (CD) 0154-E C 3.279: TIGER/Line Files, 1990 Census (CD) 0154-F C 3.282: Summary Tape Files - STF 1 (CD) 0154-F-01 C 3.282/2: Summary Tape Files - STF 3 (CD) 0154-F-02 C 3.283: Census/Equal Employment Opportunity Special File (CD) 0154-F-03 C 3.284: County-to-County Migration File (CD) 0154-F-04 C 3.285: Public Use Microdata Files (PUMS) (CD) 0154-G C 3.286: Subject Reports (CD) 0155-A C 3.224/10: Census of Housing: Subject Reports 0155-A C 3.224/11: 1990 Census of Population & Housing Content Determination Reports 0155-A-01 C 3.224/3-2: Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics for American Indian & Alaska Native Areas 0155-A-01 C 3.224/3-5: Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics for American Indian & Alaska Native Areas 0155-A-02 C 3.224/3-3: Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics for Metropolitan Statistical Areas 0155-A-02 C 3.224/3-6: Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics for Metropolitan Statistical Areas 0155-A-03 C 3.224/3-4: Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics for Urbanized Areas 0155-A-03 C 3.224/3-7: Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics for Urbanized Areas 0155-C C 3.224/12: Current Population Survey (CD) 0156-B-(nos). C 3.224/3:90-CH-1 Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics [States] 0156-B-(nos.) C 3.224/3:90-CH-2 Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics [States] ^ 0156-K-(nos.) C 3.223/11: Census of Population & Housing: Population & Housing Characteristics for Census Tracts & Block Numbering Areas [States] 0156-M-(nos.) C 3.223/23: Census of Population & Housing: Summary Social, Economic & Housing Characteristics [States] 0156-P C 3.215/19: American Housing Survey (CD) 0159-B-(nos.) C 3.223/18: Census of Population & Housing: Summary Population & Housing Characteristics [States] 0159-B-(nos.) C 3.223/19: Census of Population & Housing: Advance Reports [States] 0159-C-(nos.) C 3.223/20: Census of Population & Housing: Population & Housing Characteristics for Congressional Districts of the 103rd Congress [States] 0159-C-(nos.) C 3.223/5: Census of Population & Housing: Population & Housing Unit Counts [States] 0159-C-(nos.) C 3.223/6: Census of Population: General Population Characteristics [States] 0159-C-(nos.) C 3.223/7: Census of Population: Social & Economic Characteristics [States] 0159-G C 3.223/10: Census of Population: Population Subject Reports ^ 0160-E C 3.258: Survey of Minority-Owned Business Enterprises ^ 0183-A C 31.249: Handbook of Airline Statistics 0188-A-01 C 51.11/8: NTIS Products & Services Catalog 0188-A-01 C 51.11: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. NTIS 0188-A-01 C 51.13/3: Foreign Technology Alert Bibliography ^ 0188-A-03 C 51.11/2: Directory of Computer Software ^ 0188-A-03 C 51.11/2-2: Directory of Computerized Data Files ^ 0188-A-05 C 51.11.4: General Catalog of Information Services ^ 0188-A-05 C 51.11/5: Directory of Computer Software Applications 0188-A-07 C 51.1: Annual Report. NTIS ^ 0188-A-09 C 51.15: Directory of Federal Statistical Data Files ^ 0191-A I 19.65: Earthquakes & Volcanoes ^ 0196 through 0199 C 55.421/(nos.): Tide Tables, High & Low Water Predictions [Regions] ^ 0208 I 19.65/2: U.S. Earthquakes ^ 0215-L C 61.34: U.S. Industrial Outlook ^ 0228 C 59.11/3: Business Statistics ^ 0228 C 59.11/4: Supplement (special) to Survey of Current Business 0228 C 59.11: Survey of Current Business. Economic Analysis Bureau 0228 C 59.11: Survey of Current Business. Economic Analysis Bureau ^ 0231-B C 61.12: Overseas Business Reports 0231-B-04 C 1.108/2: Franchise Opportunities Handbook ^ 0231-B-12 C 61.25/2: Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. ^ 0231-B-12 C 61.25: OPEC Direct Investment in the U.S. 0231-B-14 C 61.28/2: U.S. Foreign Trade Highlights 0231-B-14 C 61.28: US. Trade Performance in... & Outlook 0231-B-15 C 61.29: International Direct Investment, Global Trends & the U.S. Role ^ 0231-I C 61.11: Foreign Economic Trends & Their Implications for the U.S. ^ 0231-M-(nos.) C 61.30: State Export Series 0246-E C 13.22: Journal of Research. NIST 0251 C 21.1/2: Annual Report of Commissioner, Patent & Trademark Office 0254 C 21.2: General Publications. Patent & Trademark Office 0256-A-01 C 21.26: General Information Concerning Trademarks 0256-A-02 C 21.26/2: General Information Concerning Patents 0265-B TD 2.23/2: Highway Statistics, Summary to (year) ^ 0265-H TD 2.20: Fatal & Injury Accident Rates on Federal... Highway Systems ^ 0270 C 51.9/4: Government Reports Announcements & Index: Annual Index 0274-A-(nos.) C 55.216/(nos.): Hourly Precipitation Data: [States] ^ 0274-E-(nos.) C 55.286/6-(nos.): Local Climatological Data: [States] ^ 0277-A-(nos.) C 55.214/(nos.): Climatological Data ^ 0278-B C 55.111: Operations of the National Weather Service ^ 0283 CC 1.1: Annual Report. Federal Communications Commission 0288 CC 1.35: Statistics of Communication Common Carriers 0288-A CR 1.1: Annual Report. Civil Rights Commission 0288-A CR 1.2: General Publications. Civil Rights Commission 0288-A-01 CR 1.8: Hearings & Conferences before Civil Rights Commission 0288-A-02 CR 1.6/2: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides 0288-A-04 CR 1.9: Bibliographies, Lists of Publications 0288-A-05 CR 1.10: Clearinghouse Publications 0288-A-05 CR 1.15: Civil Rights Update 0290-A PM 1.8/3: Handbooks (numbered) Personnel Management 0290-F PM 1.9: Salary Tables, Executive Branch of the Government 0304-D D 1.33/4: Catalog of DIOR Reports 0304-D D 1.33/5-2: Index of DCAA Memorandums for Regional Directors A 0304-D D 1.33: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. Defense Dept. 0304-H D 1.7: Telephone Directory. Defense Dept. 0306-A-02 D 1.1/4: Your Defense Budget 0306-A-02 D 1.1: Dept. of Defense Annual Report 0306-A-05 D 1.74: Military Forces in Transition 0306-F D 1.98: U.S. Special Operations Forces Posture Statement 0310-E-07 D 1.61/3: World Manpower Distribution by Geographical Area ^ 0310-E-08 D 1.61/7: Reserve Manpower Statistics ^ 0310-E-08 D 1.61: Military Manpower Statistics ^ 0322-F D 101.74: Vietnam Studies 0327-J D 101.22: Pamphlets: 550-(nos.), Country Studies, Bibliographies, etc. ^ 0335-A-(nos.) D 103.35/(nos.): Water Resources Development in [States] 0344 D 114.2: General Publications. Military History Center 0344-B D 114.10: Publications of Office, Chief of Military History (list) 0344-C D 114.15: Dept. of the Army Historical Summary 0344-D D 114.14: U.S. Army Military History Institute Special Bibliography Series ^ 0344-E D 114.17: Special Studies 0344-F D 114.12: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides 0344-G D 114.11: Army Lineage Series 0344-G D 114.19/2: Historical Analysis Series 0344-G D 114.19/3: Historical Study 0344-G D 114.19: Army Historical Series 0344-G D 114.7/4: U.S. Army in Action 0344-G D 114.7/5: U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II 0344-G D 114.9: American Forces in Action Series 0345 D 114.7/3: U.S. Army in Vietnam 0345 D 114.7: U.S. Army in World War II 0345 D 114.8: World War I (1917-19) Publications ^ 0345-A D 114.18: Indochina Monographs 0345-B D 114.20: The Army Historian 0378-H D 5.409/2: National Affairs Issue Papers 0378-H D 5.409: National Security Affairs Monograph 0378-H-01 D 5.402: General Publications. National Defense University 0378-H-05 D 5.413/2: Armed Forces Staff College Essays on Command Issues 0378-H-05 D 5.413: National Security Essay Series 0378-H-05 D 5.416: McNair Papers 0383-B D 214.13: Historical Publications. Marine Corps 0394 D 213.8: Astronomical Almanac 0395 D 213.11: Nautical Almanac 0396-A D 213.8/3: Astronomical Phenomena 0399-A D 207.10: Dictionary of American Fighting Ships 0399-A-01 D 207.10/3: U.S. Navy & the Vietnam Conflict ^ 0399-A-02 D 207.10/2: Historical Publications ^ 0399-A-02 D 207.10/4: Contributions to Naval History 0399-B D 207.11: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. Naval Operations Office 0399-D D 207.12: Naval Documents of the American Revolution 0408-A-02 D 208.210: Historical Monograph Series. Naval War College 0408-A-03 D 208.209: Naval War College Review ^ 0421-F D 301.79: Soviet Military Thought Series 0421-G D 301.1: Air Force Report, Report to the Congress 0422-A D 301.26/24: Airpower Journal ^ 0422-I D 301.85: Studies in Communist Affairs 0422-J D 301.86/2: U.S. Air Force in Southeast Asia 0422-J D 301.86: USAF Southeast Asia Monograph Series 0422-L D 301.90: Encyclopedia of U.S. Air Force Aircraft & Missile Systems 0422-M D 301.82/2: U.S. Air Service in World War I A 0422-M D 301.82/3: The U.S. Air Force General Histories 0422-M D 301.82: The Army Air Forces in World War II 0424-I D 301.26/2: Air University Library Index to Military Periodicals ^ 0424-I D 301.26/20: Air University Abstracts of Research Reports 0424-I D 301.62/2: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. Air Force 0429-A-01 E 1.1: Annual Report. Energy Dept. 0429-F E 1.12/3: National Telephone Directory 0429-F E 1.12/4: Telephone Directory, Rockwell International, Rocky Flats Plant 0429-F E 1.12: Headquarters DOE Telephone Directory 0429-G E 1.13: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications 0429-J-01 E 3.1/2: Annual Energy Review ^ 0429-J-01 E 3.1/3: Synopsis of the Annual Energy Review & Outlook 0429-J-01 E 3.1/4: Annual Energy Outlook, with Projection to... 0429-J-01 E 3.1/4-3: Assumptions for the Annual Energy Outlook 0429-J-01 E 3.1: Energy Information Administration Annual Report to Congress 0429-J-01 E 3.22: Electric Sales and Revenue 0429-J-01 E 3.53: Energy Forecasts for... 0429-J-01 E 3.54/2: Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey: Changes in Energy Efficiency 0429-J-01 E 3.54/3: Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey: Fuel Switching 0429-J-01 E 3.54: Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey: Consumption of Energy 0429-K-01 E 3.31: Short-Term Energy Outlook ^ 0429-K-01 E 3.56: US. Energy Industry Financial Developments 0429-K-02 E 3.34: U.S. Crude Oil & Natural Gas Reserves, Annual Report 0429-K-03 E 3.11/2-2: Natural Gas Annual 0429-T-49 E 3.27/4: EIA Publications, New Releases 0429-T-49 E 3.27/6: Energy Education Resources, Kindergarten Through 12th Grade 0429-T-49 E 3.27: EIA Publications Directory 0431-C-14 TD 4.20: FAA Statistical Handbook of Aviation 0431-I-04 EP 1.1: Annual Report. Environmental Protection Agency 0431-I-09 EP 1.21: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications 0431-I-22 EP 1.12/3: Information Resources Directory ^ 0431-I-26 EP 1.42: Environmental Facts 0431-I-33 EP 1.43: Clean Water, Annual Report to Congress ^ 0431-I-66 EP 1.67: EPA Journal ^ 0431-J-01 EP 1.93: Environmental Outlook 0432 FA 1. Reports & Publications. Fine Arts Commission 0435-E-08 E 3.33: Energy Information Directory 0435-E-18 E 3.11/17-10: Electric Power Annual 0435-E-18 E 3.11/17-12: Electric Trade in the U.S. 0435-E-24 E 3.42/2: State Energy Overview 0435-E-24 E 3.42/3: State Energy Price & Expenditure Report 0435-E-24 E 3.42: State Energy Data Reports 0435-H E 3.11/20: International Energy Annual 0435-H E 3.11/20-3: International Energy Outlook, With Projections to... 0435-H E 3.11/20-4: International Oil & Gas Exploration & Development Activities ^ 0435-L-01 E 3.49: Energy Facts 0444-A HE 1.1015: Aging 0444-B HE 1.18/3: Catalog, DHHS Publications 0444-B HE 1.18: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. DHHS 0444-M-(nos.) HE 1.57: Financial Assistance by Geographic Area, Fiscal Year: ^ 0444-N ED 1.35: Financial Assistance by Geographic Area A 0445 HE 1.2: General Publications. DHHS 0445 HE 1.2: General Publications. DHHS 0445-L-01 HE 23.1210: National Center on Child Abuse & Neglect: Publications 0445-L-01 HE 23.1211: Child Abuse & Neglect Programs ^ 0445-L-05 HE 23.1210/2: Child Abuse & Neglect Research: Projects & Publications ^ 0447-A-16 HE 20.3862: Special Report on Aging ^ 0449 HE 23.12: Children Today 0452 HE 23.1202: General Publications. Children's Bureau ^ 0455 ED 1.1/2: Administration of Public Laws 81-874 & 81-815, Annual Report ^ 0455 ED 1.1: Annual Report. Education Dept. 0455-B-02 ED 1.1/3: National Education Goals Report 0455-B-02 ED 1.2: General Publications. Education Dept 0455-D ED 1.17/3: Vocational Instructional Materials... from Federal Agencies A 0455-D ED 1.17: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications A 0455-D ED 1.42: Higher Education Opportunities for Minorities & Women, Annotated Selection A 0455-F ED 1.38: Accredited Postsecondary Institutions & Programs PA ^ 0455-F-03 ED 1.132: Trends in Education PA ^ 0455-F-04 ED 1.132/2: Trends in Bachelors & Higher Degrees PA 0455-G-06 ED 1.317: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. ERIO A 0455-G-06 ED 1.317/2: Recent Publications of the Dept. of Education A 0455-G-06 ED 1.317/3: Perspectives in Reading Research A ^ 0455-J ED 1.41: Progress of Education in the U.S. of America PA 0455-K ED 1.24: Telephone Directory. Education Dept. A 0460-A-10 ED 1.120: Projection of Education Statistics PA ^ 0460-A-14 ED 1.36: Education Around the World PA ^ 0460-A-15 ED 1.122/3: Library Statistics of Colleges & Universities PA ^ 0460-A-15 ED 1.122: Library Statistics of Colleges & Universities, Institutional Data PA ^ 0460-A-22 ED 1.119: Revenues & Expenditures for Public Elementary & Secondary Education PA ^ 0460-A-52 ED 1.116/2: Institutions of Higher Education, Index by State & Congressional District A ^ 0460-A-52 ED 1.116/3: State Higher Education Profiles A ^ 0460-A-52 ED 1.116: Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education: Fiscal Year State Data A 0460-A-54 ED 1.117: Earned Degrees Conferred A 0460-A-54 ED 1.124: Fall Enrollment in Colleges & Universities A 0460-B-01 ED 1.111/2: Directory of Public Elementary & Secondary Education Agencies PA 0460-B-01 ED 1.112/2: Public Elementary & Secondary Education in the U.S. PA 0460-B-01 ED 1.112/3: Estimates of Local Public School System Finances PA 0460-B-01 ED 1.112/5: Preprimary Enrollment PA ^ 0460-B-02 ED 1.122/2: Statistics of Public Libraries PA ^ 0460-C-02 ED 1.18/4: Library Programs, HEA Title II-B PA ^ 0460-C-02 ED 1.18/5: Library Programs, HEA Title II-B PA ^ 0460-C-02 ED 1.18/6: Library Programs, Library Programs for the Handicapped PA ^ 0460-C-02 ED 1.18/7: Library Programs, Public Library Construction PA ^ 0460-C-02 ED 1.18/8: Library Programs, Library Services for Individuals with Limited English Proficiency PA ^ 0460-C-02 ED 1.18: Library Programs, HEA (Higher Education Act), Title 2-C PA ^ 0460-C-03 ED 1.18/2: Library Programs, Library Literacy Programs, Abstracts of Funded Projects PA 0461-A-01 ED 1.102: General Publications. National Center for Educational Statistics A 0461-A-12 ED 1.109/2: Education Indicators PA 0461-A-12 ED 1.109: The Condition of Education PA 0461-A-15 ED 1.121/3: College Costs, Basic Student Charges, 2- & 4-Year Institutions PA 0461-A-16 ED 1.111/3: Education Directory: State Education Agency Officials 0461-A-16 ED 1.111: Education Directory: Colleges & Universities PA 0461-A-17 ED 1.114: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. NCES ^ 0461-A-19 ED 1.129: Directory of Library Networks & Cooperative Library Organizations 0461-B ED 1.32/2: Higher Education & the Handicapped, Resource Directory 0461-B ED 1.32/4: Handicapped Children's Early Education Program 0461-B ED 1.32: Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Education of the Handicapped Act 0461-B-04 ED 1.45/4: Federal Student Financial Aid Handbook 0461-D-05 ED 1.302: General Publications. Educational Research & Improvement Office 0461-D-05 ED 1.324: Request for Proposal 0461-D-05 ED 1.327: Youth Indicators, Trends in the Well-Being of American Youth 0461-D-05 ED 1.329: Dropout Rates in the U.S. ^ 0461-D-09 ED 1.326: Digest of Education Statistics ^ 0466-A-01 ED 1.310/3: Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors ^ 0466-A-04 ED 1.323: The Best of ERIC ^ 0467-A-01 HE 20.8202: General Publications. NIDA 0467-A-03 HE 20.8211/2: Special Bibliographies. NIDA 0467-A-03 HE 20.8211: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. NIDA ^ 0467-A-05 HE 20.8214: Research Issues. NIDA ^ 0467-A-05 HE 20.8236: Technical Reports ^ 0467-A-06 HE 20.8212/10: Statistical Series, Series H, Topical Data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) ^ 0467-A-06 HE 20.8212/11: Statistical Series, Annual Data, Data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), Series I ^ 0467-A-06 HE 20.8212/7: Statistical Series, Semiannual Report: Series G, Data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) ^ 0467-A-11 HE 20.8219/2: Highlights from Student Drug Abuse in America ^ 0467-A-11 HE 20.8219: Drug Use Among American High School Seniors, College Students & Young Adults ^ 0467-A-20 HE 20.8228: Drug Abuse Prevention Monograph Series 0467-A-27 HE 20.8232: Office of Science Monograph Series ^ 0473-G EP 5.22: Toxic Release Inventory (CD) 0474 HE 20.4001: Annual Report. Food & Drug AdministrationSummary of Significant Accomplishment & Activities in Fiscal... 0474 HE 20.4001/2: PMS (Program Management System) Blue Book P 0474 HE 20.4046: Food & Drug Administration, 0475-H HE 20.4010: FDA Consumer 0481-A HE 20.11/2: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. Public Health Service 0481-A HE 20.11/3: ODPHP Publications List 0481-A HE 20.11: Bibliography Series. Public Health Service ^ 0483-A-08 HE 20.6223: Health U.S. ^ 0483-A-10 HE 20.23/4: Annual Report on Carcinogens ^ 0483-E-07 EP 4.16: Progress in Prevention & Control of Air Pollution ^ 0483-F-01 HE 20.8210: Marijuana & Health, Annual Report to Congress... 0483-L-05 HE 20.7019: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. CDC ^ 0483-L-06 HE 20.7614: Health Consequences of Smoking 0483-L-06 HE 20.7615: Reports of the Surgeon General 0485 HE 20.2: General Publications. Public Health Service 0485 HE 20.22: International Health Planning Methods Series 0488 HE 20.3161: Journal of the National Cancer Institute ^ 0491-B-16 HE 20.6513/2: National Health Care Expenditure Study ^ 0491-B-16 HE 20.6517: National Medical Expenditure Survey, Research Findings ^ 0491-B-16 HE 20.6513: National Health Care Expenditures Study Data Preview ^ 0491-B-16 HE 20.6517/2: AHCPR National Medical Expenditure Survey Data Summary ^ 0491-B-16 HE 20.6517/3: National Medical Expenditure Survey Methods ^ 0491-D-01 HE 20.7112/2: Subfile of the Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances ^ 0491-D-01 HE 20.7112/3: Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (Quarterly) ^ 0491-D-01 HE 20.7112/5: Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances, Cumulative Supplement ^ 0494-D-01 HE 20.7112: Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances ^ 0494-H-03 HE 20.25/3: State Legislation on Smoking & Health 0494-H-07 HE 20.7613: Smoking & Health, A National Status Report 0497 HE 20.30: Public Health Reports ^ 0498-C-06 HE 20.8313: Special Report to U.S. Congress on Alcohol & Health 0498-C-10 HE 20.8315: Research Monographs ^ 0498-C-12 HE 20.8317: Statistical Compendium on Alcohol & Health 0499-M HE 23.1011: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. Children, Youth & Families Administration 0500-E HE 20.6209/3: Advance Data from the Vital & Health Statistics 0500-E HE 20.6209/4: Current Estimates from the National Health Interview Survey 0500-E HE 20.6209/4-2: National Health Interview Survey, Computer Processing Procedures, Calendar Year 0500-E HE 20.6209/6: Surgical & Nonsurgical Procedures in Short-stay Hospitals, U.S. 0500-E HE 20.6209/7: National Hospital Discharge Survey: Annual Summary 0500-E HE 20.6209/8: Inpatient Utilization of Short-stay Hospitals by Diagnosis, U.S. 0500-E HE 20.6209/9: Detailed Diagnoses & Procedures for Patients Discharged from Short-stay Hospitals, U.S. 0500-E HE 20.6209: Vital & Health Statistics 0500-E HE 20.6215: Life Tables 0500-E-01 HE 20.6209/4-3: National Health Interview Survey (CD) ^ 0502-A-04 HE 23.3112/2: Statistical Reports on Older Americans A 0504-L HE 20.7035: Dear Colleague 0504-L HE 20.7040: Healthy People 2000, Statistics & Surveillance ^ 0504-P HE 20.7011/38: HIV/AIDS Surveillance ^ 0504-P HE 20.7011/39: NREVSS Monthly Report ^ 0504-P HE 20.7038/2: HIV/AIDS Prevention Newsletter ^ 0505-A-15 HE 20.7011/20: Abortion Surveillance ^ 0505-A-16 HE 20.7011/24: Nutrition Surveillance 0505-A-19 HE 20.7611: Suicide Surveillance Summary 0506-A HE 20.3009: NIH Publications List 0506-A HE 20.3012: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. NIH ^ 0506-C HE 20.8137: Mental Health, U.S. 0507-A-23 HE 20.3016: NIH Almanac 0507-B-09 HE 20.8113/3: Publications of the NIMH ^ 0507-B-09 HE 20.8113/5: Mental Health Service System Reports & Statistical Notes Publication Listing 0507-B-09 HE 20.8113/6: New Publications from the NIMH 0507-B-09 HE 20.8113: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. NIMH ^ 0507-B-13 HE 20.8114/3: Crime & Delinquency Issues 0507-B-19 HE 20.8309: Alcohol Health & Research World ^ 0507-B-25 HE 20.8122/2: New Dimensions in Mental Health 0507-B-32 HE 20.8131/2: Science Monograph 0507-B-32 HE 20.8131: Science Reports 0507-P-02 HE 20.3559: Environmental Health Perspectives 0508-A-06 HE 20.7009/5: MMWR, Reports on AIDS 0508-B HE 20.6217: Monthly Vital Statistics ^ 0508-F HE 20.3610/2: Bibliography of Medical Reviews ^ 0508-F HE 20.3614/6: Specialized Bibliography ^ 0508-F HE 20.3614/7: Reference Information Series 0508-F HE 20.3614: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. NLM ^ 0508-F HE 20.3615: Bibliography of the History of Medicine ^ 0508-F-02 HE 20.3615/3: AIDS Bibliography ^ 0508-G HE 20.6209/2: Current Listing & Topical Index to Vital Health Statistics Series ^ 0508-G HE 20.6216/3: Publication Notes 0508-G HE 20.6216/4: Catalog of Publications... National Center for Health Statistics 0508-G HE 20.6216/5: NCHS Health Interview Statistics, Publications from the National Health Interview Survey, Advance Data Reports 0508-G HE 20.6216: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. NCHS ^ 0508-G HE 20.6229: Reviews of News Reports 0508-H-01 HE 20.3615/2: Current Bibliographies in Medicine 0510 HE 20.6210: Vital Statistics of U.S. ^ 0512-A-10 HE 22.18: Health Care Financing Review 0516 HE 3.2: General Publications. Social Security Administration A 0516 HE 3.94: Fast Facts & Figures about Social Security ^ 0516-C-01 HE 3.6/8: Social Security Handbook 0516-M HE 3.75: Income of the Population 55 & Over 0533 FT 1.1: Annual Report. Federal Trade Commission 0535 FT 1.2: General Publications. Federal Trade Commission ^ 0535 FT 1.30: Annual Line of Business Reports 0535-A-01 FT 1.22/3: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications 0546-D GA 1.13: Reports to Congress by the Comptroller General of the U.S. 0546-E GA 1.16/3: Reports & Testimony. General Accounting Office 0546-E GA 1.16/3-2: Annual Index of Reports Issued in... 0546-E GA 1.16/3-3: Abstracts of Reports & Testimony 0548 GP 1.1: Annual Report. Government Printing Office 0548 GP 1.2: General Publications. Government Printing Office 0548 GP 1.23/4: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides 0551 GP 3.2: General Publications. Superintendent of Documents 0552-A GP 3.22/2: Subject Bibliographies ^ 0552-B GP 3.22/3: Publications Reference File ^ 0552-B GP 3.22/3-4: Cumulative Price & Status Change Reports ^ 0553-A GP 3.28: Final Cumulative Finding Aid, House & Senate Bills 0554 GP 3.9: U.S. Government Subscriptions ^ 0556-A GP 3.17/5: U.S. Government Books 0557-A (P) or 0557-B (MF)* GP 3.34: U.S. Congressional Serial Set Catalog: Numerical Lists & Schedule of Volumes ^ 0557-A (P) or 0557-B (MF)* GP 3.8/5: Monthly Catalog... Periodicals Supplement ^ 0557-A (P) or 0557-B (MF)* GP 3.8: Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications 0569 AE 1.113: General Information Leaflet Series. NARA 0569-B-02 AE 1.102: General Publications.. NARA 0569-G AE 1.101: Annual Report. NARA 0570-A AE 1.115: Special Lists 0572 AE 2.106/3-2: CFR Index & Finding Aids 0572-B (P) or 0572-C (MF)* AE 2.106/3: Code of Federal Regulations 0573-C AE 2.106/2-2: List of CFR Sections Affected (cumulative) 0574-A AE 2.114: Public Papers of the Presidents of the U.S. ^ 0574-A-01 AE 2.113: Codification of Presidential Proclamations & Executive Orders 0577 AE 2.108/2: U.S. Government Manual 0577-A AE 2.109: Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 0581 HH 1.1: Annual Report. Housing & Urban Development Dept. ^ 0581 HH 1.79/2: National Housing Production Report ^ 0581 HH 1.79: Annual Report on the National Housing Goal 0581-D HH 1.23: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications ^ 0581-E-25 HH 1.75: President's National Urban Policy Report ^ 0582-M HH 1.38: HUD Statistical Yearbook 0594-C-(nos.) FEM 1.209: Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) 0594-C-(nos.) FEM 1.210/(nos.): National Flood Insurance Program Community Status Book [States] ^ 0597-A-01 T 71.17: Savings & Home Financing Source Book 0600-C I 1.1/6: Interior Budget in Brief, Fiscal Year Highlights 0600-C I 1.1/7: Office of Inspector General, Semiannual Report 0600-C I 1.1/7-2: OIG Highlights ^ 0601-A I 1.95: Conservation 0603 I 1.2: General Publications. Interior Dept. 0619-B I 19.14/2: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. USGS 0619-E-(nos.) I 19.53/2: Water Resources Data 0619-H-(nos.) I 19.102: State Map Series [States] 0621-C I 19.1: Annual Report. USGS ^ 0622 I 19.14/4: New Publications of Geological Survey (List) ^ 0623 I 19.14: Publications of the Geological Survey 0627 I 20.2: General Publications. Indian Affairs Bureau 0627-A I 20.51/2: Indians (various subjects) 0627-A I 20.51: Indians of (various states) 0627-F I 20.48: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. Indian Affairs Bureau ^ 0627-J I 1.107: Kappler's Indian Affairs, Laws & Treaties ^ 0633-A-01 I 53.12/2: Managing the Nation's Public Lands 0633-C I 53.1/2: Public Land Statistics 0639 I 28.37: Minerals Yearbook ^ 0646-B I 29.66: National Parks & Landmarks 0648-D I 29.76/3: National Register of Historic Places Bulletins 0648-G I 29.103: Index, National Park System & Related Areas ^ 0672-M IA 1.1/3: Office of Inspector General, Semiannual Report to the Congress ^ 0672-M IA 1.29: Opportunities Abroad for Educators ^ 0717-C-17 J 1.14/18: Crime Laboratory Digest ^ 0717-C-17 J 1.14/22: Terrorism in the U.S. ^ 0717-Y-05 JU 10.12: U.S. Courts, A Pictorial Summary 0718-A-14 J 28.28: National Criminal Justice Thesaurus ^ 0718-A-17 J 32.16: Delinquency in the U.S> ^ 0718-A-17 J 32.17: OJJDP Annual Report on Missing Children ^ 0718-A-17 J 32.18: Juveniles Taken into Custody ^ 0718-A-18 J 28.3/3: AIDS Bulletin 0722 J 1.14/7: Uniform Crime Reports ^ 0722-A J 1.14/7-4: FBI Uniform Crime Reports 0722-A J 1.14/7-6: Law Enforcement Officers Killed & Assaulted 0722-A J 1.14/7-7: Uniform Crime Reports--Bomb Summary 0725-B J 21.2/10: Statistical Yearbook of the Immigration & Naturalization Service ^ 0725-B J 21.2/10-2: Quarterly Nonimmigrant Statistics 0740-A JU 6.8/B: Supreme Court Decisions (decisions in individual cases) 0740-B JU 6.8/A: Supreme Court Decisions: (preliminary prints-advance parts) 0741 JU 6.8: U.S. Reports 0744 L 1.1/3: Secretary's Semiannual Management Report 0744 L 1.1: Annual Report. Labor Dept. 0744-A L 1.34/6: Publications of the U.S. Dept. of Labor A 0745 L 1.2: General Publications. Labor Dept. 0744-A L 1.34: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications 0749-E L 29.16: Foreign Labor Trends 0766-C-09 PREX 9.10: National Trade Estimate, Report on Foreign Trade Barriers ^ 0768-A-01 L 2.3/18: Consumer Expenditure Survey: Interview Survey 0768-A-01 L 2.3: Bulletins. Labor Statistics Bureau 0768-A-06 L 2.3/12: Geographic Profile of Employment & Unemployment ^ 0768-A-07 L 2.3/13: National Survey of Professional, Administrative... & Clerical Pay ^ 0768-A-07 L 2.3/13-2: National Survey of Professional, Administrative... & Clerical Pay: Private Service Industries 0768-B L 2.41/2: Employment & Earnings 0768-B L 2.41/2-2: Supplement to Employment & Earnings 0768-B-(nos.) L 2.121/(nos.): Area Wage Survey [States] Occupational Compensation Survey: Pay & Benefits [States] 0768-B-(nos.) L 2.122/(nos.): Area Wage Survey [States] Occupational Compensation Survey: Pay & Benefits [States] (Summary) 0768-C-02 L 2.3/4: Occupational Outlook Handbook ^ 0768-C-03 L 2.3/5: Handbook of Labor Statistics ^ 0768-E L 2.131: BLS Update 0768-E L 2.132: Issues in Labor Statistics 0768-E L 2.34/2: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications 0768-F L 2.38/3: CPI Detailed Report 0768-F L 2.38/8: Consumer Price Index--Washington, D.C. Area ^ 0768-F L 2.38/10: Summary Data from the Consumer Price Index ^ 0769-R L 2.43/2: White-Collar Salaries ^ 0769-R L 2.43/3: National Survey of White-Collar Pay 0770 L 2.6: Monthly Labor Review 0770-A L 2.70/4: Occupational Outlook Quarterly 0771-B L 2.61/10-2: Summary Data from the Producer Price Index News Release 0771-B L 2.61: Producer Price Indexes 0781 L 36.103: Bulletins. Women's Bureau 0782 L 36.102: General Publications. Women's Bureau 0783-C-02 L 36.108: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides 0783-C-03 L 36.112: Pamphlets 0783-C-03 L 36.114/3: Facts on Working Women 0785 LC 1.1/2: Brief Summary of the Major Activities for Fiscal Year 0785 LC 1.1: Annual Report. Library of Congress 0785-A LC 1.12/2: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications ^ 0785-A LC 1.12/2-2: Library of Congress Selected Publications ^ 0785-A LC 1.12/2-3: Publications in Print 0785-B-02 LC 1.47: Annual Forum, Federal Information Policies 0785-C LC 1.18: Library of Congress Information Bulletin 0785-D LC 1.34: Letters of Delegates to Congress 1774-1789 0785-H LC 1.40: Library of Congress Directory 0785-H LC 1.40/2: Directories 0786 LC 1.2: General Publications. Library of Congress 0802-A LC 3.4/2: Explanatory Circulars. Copyright Office ^ 0807 LC 14.6: Digest of Public General Bills ^ 0807-A-01 LC 14.18: Major Legislation of the Congress ^ 0811-B LC 4.7: President's Papers Index Series 0818-A-02 LC 33.10: LC Science Tracer Bullet ^ 0818-G-07 LC 39.14: Folklife Annual 0830-A-01 NAS 1.1/4: Spinoff, Annual Report. NASA 0830-A-01 NAS 1.1/5: Annual Report to the Administrator, Office of Exploration 0830-A-01 NAS 1.1/6: Highlights of Earth Science & Applications Division 0830-A-01 NAS 1.85: NASA Budget Estimates 0830-J NAS 1.15/2: Bibliography of Lewis Research Center Technical Publications ... 0831-B-01 NF 3.21: Humanities in America 0831-B-01 NF 3: Reports & Publications. NEH ^ 0831-B-02 NF 2.14: Artifacts ^ 0831-B-02 NF 2.8/2-26: Inter-Arts, Artists' Projects: New Forms 0831-B-02 NF 2.2: Reports & Publications. National Endowment for the Arts 0831-B-08 NF 3.11: Humanities 0834-B NS 1.1: Annual Report. National Science Foundation 0834-C NS 1.2: General Publications. National Science Foundation ^ 0834-C-02 NS 1.40: Science & Technology Report & Outlook ^ 0834-F-01 NS 1.29: Mosaic ^ 0834-F-01 NS 1.54: NSF Directions 0834-H NS 1.13/5: Publications of the National Science Foundation ^ 0834-H NS 1.13/6: Publications List, Division of Resources Studies 0834-H NS 1.13: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications ^ 0840 P 4.10: Postage Stamps of U.S. ^ 0848 PR 42.9: Economic Report of the President ^ 0850 PR 42.2: General Publications. President of the U.S.A. 0851-J PR 42.8: Special Committees & Commissions 0853 PREX 2.31: Mid-Session Review of the Budget ^ 0853 PREX 2.8/11: Budget of the U.S. Government: Director's Introduction & Overview Tables 0853 PREX 2.8/7: Budget Revisions 0853 PREX 2.8/8: Historical Tables, Budget of the U.S. Government ^ 0853 PREX 2.8/9: Management of the U.S. Government, Fiscal Year 0853 PREX 2.8: Budget of the U.S. Government 0853-A-01 PREX 2.20: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance 0853-A-06 PREX 2.10/2: Federal Statistics A 0853-A-06 PREX 2.10/3: Statistical Programs of the U.S. Government 0854 PREX 2.2: General Publications. Management & Budget Office A 0854-D PREX 2.4: OMB Circulars ^ 0855-A PREX 2.8/10: Major Policy Initiatives ^ 0855-A PREX 2.8/2: Budget in Brief ^ 0855-A PREX 2.8/6: Budget Highlights 0855-B PREX 2.8/5: Special Analysis 0856-A-01 PREX 3.10/4: CIA Maps & Atlases 0856-A-05 PREX 3.11/2: Reference Aid: Chiefs of State & Cabinet Members... 0856-A-07 PREX 3.15: World Factbook ^ 0856-B-02 PREX 15.9: Report on National Growth 0856-D NAS 1.52: Aeronautic & Space Report of the President. Annual Activities 0856-E PREX 14.2: General Publications. Council on Environmental Quality ^ 0856-E-01 PREX 14.1: Annual Report. Council on Environmental Quality ^ 0857-B-01 PREX 20.1: Annual Report. Special Action Office for Drug Prevention ^ 0857-G-02 PREX 24.1: Annual Report. Drug Abuse Policy Office ^ 0862-A S 1.116: African Series 0862-B S 1.123/2: Background Notes Index 0862-B S 1.123: Background Notes 0863 S 1.1/4: Annual Report of Visa Office ^ 0863 S 1.1/6: Annual Report, Inspector General, State Dept. & Foreign Service ^ 0863 S 1.1/9: Secretary's Semiannual Management Report to the Congress 0863 S 1.3/4: Visa Bulletin 0863 S 1.69/2: Foreign Consular Offices in the U.S. 0863 S 1.69: Dept. & Foreign Service Series ^ 0864 S 1.3/5: Dispatch 0864-B-01 S 1.129/2: Implementation of Helsinki Final Act ^ 0864-B-07 S 1.1/7: World Refugee Report 0865 S 1.8: Diplomatic List 0868-B S 1.71/3: Economic Foreign Policy Series ^ 0868-C S 1.8/2: Employees of Diplomatic Missions ^ 0869 S 1.74: European & British Commonwealth Series 0869-C S 1.127: Post Reports (various countries) ^ 0870 S 1.38: East Asia & Pacific Series 0872-B (P) or 0872-C (MF)* S 1.1: Foreign Relations of the U.S. ^ 0875 S 1.71/2: American Foreign Policy, Current Documents ^ 0875 S 1.71/2-2: American Foreign Policy, Current Documents (supplement) 0875 S 1.71: General Foreign Policy Series 0876 S 1.146: International Narcotics Control Strategy Report 0876 S 1.2: General Publications. State Dept. 0876-A-01 S 1.131: Selected Documents ^ 0876-A-02 S 1.119/3: International Boundary Studies ^ 0876-A-02 S 1.119/4: Geographic Notes 0876-A-06 S 1.138: Patterns of Global Terrorism 0876-B-01 S 1.30/3: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications ^ 0876-B-01 S 1.30/3-2: Selected State Dept. Publications ^ 0876-B-01 S 1.30/5: Library of the Dept. of State, New Acquisitions for... 0876-C S 1.21: Telephone Directory, State Dept., AID, ACDA A ^ 0877-C S 1.71/6: Regional Brief 0878 S 1.67: International Informational Cultural Series 0882-B S 1.70/8: U.S. Participation in the United Nations ^ 0882-B S 1.70/9: U.S. Contributions to International Organizations ^ 0882-B S 1.70: International Organization & Conference Series ^ 0883 S 1.86: Near Middle Eastern Series 0883-A S 1.86/2: Near East & South Asian Series 0899 S 9.10: Treaties & Other International Acts Series ^ 0899-A S 9.12/2: Treaties & Other International Agreements... (1777-1949) 0899-A S 9.12: U.S. Treaties & Other International Agreements 0900-A S 9.14: Treaties in Force, List 0900-D PE 1.2: General Publications. Peace Corps 0903 SE 1.1: Annual Report. Securities & Exchange Commission ^ 0903-A SE 1.27: Directory of Companies Filing Annual Reports Under Securities Exchange Act ^ 0909 SI 1.1/4: Statement by the Secretary. Smithsonian Institution 0909 SI 1.1: Smithsonian Year 0909-C SI 1.17/2: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications ^ 0909-C SI 1.17/4: Smithsonian Institution Press, New Titles 0909-D-01 SI 1.20/2: Handbook of North American Indians 0910 SI 1.2: General Publications. Smithsonian Institution ^ 0910-T SI 1.43: Smithsonian Folklife Studies ^ 0915 SI 4.1: Annual Report. American Historical Association 0916 SI 6.2: General Publications. National Museum of American Art 0917 SI 8.2: General Publications. National Gallery of Art 0917 SI 8.8: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides 0921 SI 3.10: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides 0921 SI 3.2: General Publications. National Museum of American History/ National Museum of Natural History 0922-A-01 SI 9.2: General Publications. National Air & Space Museum 0922-B SI 11.2: General Publications. National Portrait Gallery 0922-B-01 SI 13.2: General Publications. Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden 0922-C SI 7.2: General Publications. Freer Gallery of Art 0922-D-02 SI 14.2: General Publications. National Museum of African Art ^ 0923 T 1.1/4: Annual Report, Treasury Executive Institute 0923 T 1.1/5: Semiannual Report to the Congress. Office of Inspector General ^ 0925-D T 1.40: Facts about U.S. Money 0926-A T 63.103/2: Treasury Bulletin ^ 0928-F T 63.101/2: U.S. Government Annual Report ^ 0928-F T 63.101/2-2: U.S. Government Annual Report, Appendix 0955 T 22.1: Annual Report. Internal Revenue Service 0964 T 22.35/5: Statistics of Income, Corporation Income Tax Returns 0964 T 22.35/5-2: Corporation Income Tax Returns, Source Book 0964 T 22.35/5-3: Source Book Sole Proprietorship Returns 0964 T 22.35/6: Partnership Returns 0964 T 22.35/7: Statistics of Income, Corporation Income Tax Returns Documentation Guide 0964 T 22.35/8: Individual Income Tax Returns 0964-B T 22.44/2: Tax Information, IRS Publications 0964-B T 22.44/3: Catalog & Index to Taxpayer Information Publications 0964-B T 22.44: Your Federal Income Tax 0964-B T 22.51/2: Tax Practitioner Reproducible Kit 0964-C T 22.35/4: SOI (Statistics of Income) Bulletin 0968-H-06 J 29.9/2: Criminal Victimization in the U.S. ^ 0968-H-06 J 29.9/3: Supplements to the State Court Model Statistical Dictionary ^ 0968-H-06 J 29.9/4: Prosecution of Felony Arrests 0968-H-06 J 29.9/6: Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 0968-H-13 J 29.11/10: Criminal Victimization 0968-H-13 J 29.11/11: Felony Sentences in State Courts 0968-H-13 J 29.11/14: Pretrial Release of Felony Defendants 0968-H-13 J 29.11/2: Justice Expenditure & Employment 0968-H-13 J 29.11/2-2: Justice Expenditure & Employment Extracts ^ 0968-H-13 J 29.11/2-3: Justice Expenditure & Employment in the U.S. 0968-H-13 J 29.11/3: Capital Punishment 0968-H-13 J 29.11/4: Telephone Contracts ^ 0968-H-13 J 29.11/5: Jail Inmates 0968-H-13 J 29.11/6: Probation & Parole 0968-H-13 J 29.11/7: Prisoners 0968-H-13 J 29.11/8: Crime in the Nation's Households ^ 0968-H-13 J 29.11/9: Tracking Offenders 0968-H-13 J 29.11: Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin ^ 0968-H-15 J 28.11: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. NIJ 0968-H-16 J 29.13: Justice Statistics Bureau, Special Reports A 0968-H-16 J 29.13/2: Profile of Jail Inmates 0968-H-16 J 29.13/3: Drugs and Jail Inmates 0968-H-16 J 29.20: Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics 0977 ITC 1.1: Annual Report. International Trade Commission 0980-J ITC 1.29: International Economic Review ^ 0980-J ITC 1.29/2: International Economic Review, Special Edition, Chartbook 0982-C TD 1.1: Annual Report. Transportation Dept. ^ 0982-G-36 TD 2.60: Cost of Owning & Operating Automobiles & Vans ^ 0982-K-01 TD 10.9: National Transportation Statistics, Annual Report 0983-A-09 VA 1.23/5: Agent Orange Review 0991-A (P) or 0991-B (CD) Y 1.2/5: United States Code 0992 Y 4.P 93/1:1/ Congressional Directory. Joint Committee on Printing 0993-A (MF)* X 1.1:: Congressional Record (Bound) 0993-B (P) or 0993-C (MF)* X: 1.1 Congressional Record (Bound), Index & Daily Digest 0994-B (P) or 0994-C (MF)* X/A: Congressional Record (Daily) 0996-A (P) or 0996-B (MF)* Y 1.1/3: Senate Documents 0996-A (P) or 0996-B (MF)* Y 1.1/4: Senate Treaty Documents 0996-A (P) or 0996-B (MF)* Y 1.1/7: House Documents 0996-B (MF) or 0996-C (P) Y 1.1/2: Serial Set (House & Senate Documents, Including Senate Treaty Documents) (dividers) 0997 Y 4.EC 7: EC 7 Economic Indicators Joint Economic Committee 0998 Y 1.2/6: List of Standing Committees ... House of Representatives 0998 Y 1.2/8: Cross-References Within the Internal Revenue Code 0998 Y 1.2: General Publications House of Representatives 0998-A Y 1.2/2: Calendar... House of Representatives & History of Legislation 0998-A-01 Y 1.3/9: List of Standing Committees. Senate 0998-A-01 Y 1.3: General Publications. Senate 1000-B (P) or 1000-C (MF) * Y 4.EC 7/10: Committee Publications & Policies Governing Their Distribution 1000-B (P) or 1000-C (MF) * Y 4.EC 7/11: Analysis of the Current Services Budget Contained in the President's Budget for Fiscal Year 1000-B (P) or 1000-C (MF) * Y 4.EC 7: Hearings, Prints & Miscellaneous Publications. Joint Economic Committee 1002-A (P) or 1002-B (MF)* Y 4.T 19/4: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Joint Committee on Taxation 1002-A (P) or 1002-B (MF)* Y 4.T 19/4-10: Estimates of Federal Tax Expenditures for Fiscal Year 1003-A (P) or 1003-B (MF)* Y 4.L 61/2: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Joint Committee on the Library 1004-C (P) or 1004-D (MF)* Y 4.P 93/1: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Joint Committee on Printing 1004-E Y 4.P 93/1-10: U.S. Government Depository Libraries Directory 1005-A Y 10.9: Background Papers. Congressional Budget Office 1005-C Y 10.2: General Publications. Congressional Budget Office 1005-D Y 10.11: Technical Analysis Papers 1005-E Y 10.12: Budget Issue Papers ^ 1005-E Y 10.18: Sequestration Report for Fiscal Year: Summary 1005-E Y 10.20: Responsibilities & Organization 1005-F Y 10.13: Report to the Senate & House Committees on the Budget... 1005-F Y 10.17: Economic & Budget Outlook: an Update 1005-G Y 10.14: List of Publications. CBO 1005-H Y 10.15: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. CBO 1005-K Y 10.19: Analysis of the President's Budgetary Proposals for Fiscal Year 1006-A Y 1.4/1: Senate Bills 1006-A Y 1.4/2: Senate Resolutions 1006-A Y 1.4/3: Senate Joint Resolutions 1006-A Y 1.4/4: Senate Concurrent Resolutions 1006-A Y 1.4/5: Senate Printed Amendments 1006-A Y 1.4/6: House Bills 1006-A Y 1.4/7: House Resolutions 1006-A Y 1.4/8: House Joint Resolutions 1006-A Y 1.4/9: House Concurrent Resolutions 1008-C (P) or 1008-D (MF)* Y 1.1/5: Senate Reports 1008-C (P) or 1008-D (MF)* Y 1.1/6: Senate Executive Reports 1008-C (P) or 1008-D (MF)* Y 1.1/8: House Reports ^ 1008-D (MF)* or 1008-E (P) Y 1.1/2: Serial Set (dividers) 1009-B-01 (P) or 1009-C-01 (MF)* Y 4.AG 4: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Special Committee on Aging (Senate) ^ 1009-B-02 (P) or 1009-C-02 (MF)* Y 4.AG 4/2: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Select Committee on Aging (House) ^ 1009-B-02 (P) or 1009-C-02 (MF)* Y 4.AG 4/2-10: Activities of the Aging Committee ^ 1009-B-02 (P) or 1009-C-02 (MF)* Y 4.AG 4/2-11: Federal Income Tax Guide for Older Americans ^ 1009-B-02 (P) or 1009-C-02 (MF)* Y 4.AG 4/2-12: Rules of Procedure 1009-B-04 (P) or 1009-C-04 (MF)* Y 4.ET 3/4: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Select Committee on Ethics (Senate) 1009-B-05 (P) or 1009-C-05 (MF)* Y 4.IN 2/11: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Select Committee on Indian Affairs (Senate) 1009-B-06 (P) or 1009-C-06 (MF)* Y 4.IN 8/18: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Select Committee on Intelligence (House) 1009-B-06 (P) or 1009-C-06 (MF)* Y 4.IN 8/18-10: Rules of Procedure... Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence 1009-B-07 (P) or 1009-C-07 (MF)* Y 4.IN 8/19: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Select Committee on Intelligence (Senate) ^ 1009-B-08 (P) or 1009-C-08 (MF)* Y 4.N 16/10: Rules ^ 1009-B-08 (P) or 1009-C-08 (MF)* Y 4.N 16: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse & Control (House) ^ 1009-B-10 (P) or 1009-C-10 (MF)* Y 4.C 43/2: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Select Committee on Children, Youth, & Families (House) ^ 1009-B-11 (P) or 1009-C-11 (MF)* Y 4.H 89/10: Rules ^ 1009-B-11 (P) or 1009-C-11 (MF)* Y 4.H 89: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Select Committee on Hunger (House) 1010-A (P) or 1010-B (MF)* Y 4.AG 8/1: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Agriculture (House) 1010-A (P) or 1010-B (MF)* Y 4.AG 8/1-11: Rules of the Committee on Agriculture 1010-A (P) or 1010-B (MF)* Y 4.AG 8/1-12: Legislative Calendar, Committee on Agriculture 1011 (P) or 1011-A (MF)* Y 4.AP 6/1: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Appropriations (House) 1012-A (P) or 1012-B (MF)* Y 4 AR 5/2 A: Committee on Armed Services: Papers 1012-A (P) or 1012-B (MF)* Y 4.AR 5/2: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Armed Services (House) ^ 1012-A (P) or 1012-B (MF)* Y 4.AR 5/2-12: Laws ^ 1012-A (P) or 1012-B (MF)* Y 4.AR 5/2-13: Report of the Activities of the Committee on Armed Services 1012-A (P) or 1012-B (MF)* Y 4.AR 5/2-15: Committee Rules & Rules for Investigative Hearings Conducted by Subcommittees of the Committee on Armed Services ^ 1012-A (P) or 1012-B (MF)* Y 4.AR 5/2-16: Review of Arms Control & Disarmament Activities 1012-A (P) or 1012-B (MF)* Y 4.AR 5/2-17: Legislative Calendar 1013-A (P) or 1013-B (MF)* Y 4.B 22/1: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Banking, Finance & Urban Affairs (House) ^ 1013-A (P) or 1013-B (MF)* Y 4.B 22/1-10: Legislative Calendar ^ 1014-A (P) or 1014-B (MF)* Y 4.D 63/1: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on District of Columbia (House) ^ 1014-A (P) or 1014-B (MF)* Y 4.D 63/1-10: Legislative Calendar ^ 1014-A (P) or 1014-B (MF)* Y 4.D 63/1-11: Rules 1015-A (P) or 1015-B (MF)* Y 4 ED 8/1-10: Legislative Calendar 1015-A (P) or 1015-B (MF)* Y 4.ED 8/1: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Education & Labor (House) 1015-A (P) or 1015-B (MF)* Y 4.ED 8/1-11: Views & Estimates of the Committee on Education & Labor Together with... Views on the Budget for the U.S. Government... 1015-A (P) or 1015-B (MF)* Y 4.ED 8/1-12: A Compilation of Federal Education Laws 1016-A(P) or 1016-B (MF)* Y 4.G 74/7: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Government Operations (House) 1016-A(P) or 1016-B (MF)* Y 4.G 74/7-10: Rules of the Committee on Government Operations 1016-A(P) or 1016-B (MF)* Y 4.G 74/7-11: Legislative Calendar 1016-A(P) or 1016-B (MF)* Y 4.G 74/7-12: Interim Report of the Activities A ^ 1017-A (P) or 1017-B (MF)* Y 4.F 76/1: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Foreign Affairs (House) ^ 1017-A (P) or 1017-B (MF)* Y 4 F 76/1-13: Congress & Foreign Policy ^ 1017-A (P) or 1017-B (MF)* Y 4.F 76/1-11: Meeting of the Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary Group ^ 1017-A (P) or 1017-B (MF)* Y 4.F 76/1-12: Science, Technology, & American Diplomacy ^ 1017-A (P) or 1017-B (MF)* Y 4.F 76/1-15: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices ^ 1017-A (P) or 1017-B (MF)* Y 4.F 76/1-16: U.S. Arms Control & Disarmament Agency, Annual Report ^ 1017-A (P) or 1017-B (MF)* Y 4.F 76/1-17: Legislative Calendar ^ 1017-A (P) or 1017-B (MF)* Y 4.F 76/1-18: Rules ^ 1017-A (P) or 1017-B (MF)* Y 4.F 76/1-19: List of Content of Bound Volumes A 1018-A (P) or 1018-B (MF)* Y 4.H 81/3: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on House Administration (House) 1018-A (P) or 1018-B (MF)* Y 4.H 81/3-10: Rules of Procedure of the Committee on House Administration 1018-A (P) or 1018-B (MF)* Y 4.H 81/3-11: Calendar of Business ^ 1019-A (P) or 1019-B (MF)* Y 4.EN 2/3: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Energy & Commerce (House) ^ 1019-A (P) or 1019-B (MF)* Y 4.EN 2/3-10: Legislative Calendar ^ 1019-A (P) or 1019-B (MF)* Y 4.EN 2/3-11: Rules ^ 1019-A (P) or 1019-B (MF)* Y 4.EN 2/3-12: Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations of the Committee on Energy & Commerce 1020-A (P) or 1020-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/1: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Judiciary (House) 1020-A (P) or 1020-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/1-10: Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure with Forms 1020-A (P) or 1020-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/1-11: Rules of Civil Procedure for the U.S. District Courts 1020-A (P) or 1020-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/1-12: Rules of Criminal Procedure for the U.S. District Courts 1020-A (P) or 1020-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/1-13: Federal Rules of Evidence 1020-A (P) or 1020-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/1-14: Index to Reports on Private & Public Joint & Resolutions Favorably Reported by the Committee in the --th Congress Showing Their Status as of the Date of Final Adjournment 1020-A (P) or 1020-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/1-15: Rules of Procedure 1020-A (P) or 1020-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/1-16: Legislative Calendar ^ 1021-B (P) or 1021-C (MF)* Y 4.M 53/11: Rules. Committee on Merchant Marine & Fisheries (House) ^ 1021-B (P) or 1021-C (MF)* Y 4.M 53/12: Legislative Calendar ^ 1021-B (P) or 1021-C (MF)* Y 4.M 53: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Merchant Marine & Fisheries (House) ^ 1022-B (P) or 1022-C (MF)* Y 4.P 84/10: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Post Office & Civil Service (House) ^ 1022-B (P) or 1022-C (MF)* Y 4.P 84/10-11: Annual Report of the Federal Labor Relations Authority ^ 1022-B (P) or 1022-C (MF)* Y 4.P 84/10-12: Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory Committee ^ 1022-B (P) or 1022-C (MF)* Y 4.P 84/10-13: Legislative Calendar ^ 1022-B (P) or 1022-C (MF)* Y 4.P 84/10-14: Rules of House Committee on Post Office & Civil Service ^ 1022-B (P) or 1022-C (MF)* Y 4.P 84/10-15: Current Salary Schedules of Federal Officers & Employees ^ 1023-A (P) or 1023-B (MF)* Y 4.IN 8/14: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Interior & Insular Affairs (House) ^ 1023-A (P) or 1023-B (MF)* Y 4.IN 8/14-11: Report to the Committee on the Budget Views & Estimates of the Committee on Interior & Insular Affairs ^ 1023-A (P) or 1023-B (MF)* Y 4.IN 8/14-12: Legislative Calendar ^ 1023-A (P) or 1023-B (MF)* Y 4.IN 8/14-13: Rules for the Committee on Interior & Insular Affairs ^ 1024-A (P) or 1024-B (MF)* Y 4.P 96/11: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Public Works & Transportation ^ 1024-A (P) or 1024-B (MF)* Y 4.P 96/11-10: Committee Rules (House) ^ 1024-A (P) or 1024-B (MF)* Y 4.P 96/11-11: Legislative Calendar 1025-A-01 (P) or 1025-A-02 (MF)* Y 4.SCI 2/11: Legislative Calendar 1025-A-01 (P) or 1025-A-02 (MF)* Y 4.SCI 2/12: Rules Governing Procedure of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology 1025-A-01 (P) or 1025-A-02 (MF)* Y 4.SCI 2: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Science & Technology (House) 1025-B-01 (P) or 1025-B-02 (MF)* Y 4.ST 2/3: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Standards of Official Conduct (House) 1025-B-01 (P) or 1025-B-02 (MF)* Y 4.ST 2/3-11: Rules of Procedure 1025-B-01 (P) or 1025-B-02 (MF)* Y 4.ST 2/3-10: Code of Official Conduct AL 1025-C (P) or 1025-D (MF)* Y 4.R 86/1: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Rules (House) 1025-C (P) or 1025-D (MF)* Y 4.R 86/1-10: Rules 1025-C (P) or 1025-D (MF)* Y 4.R 86/1-11: Legislative Calendar 1025-C (P) or 1025-D (MF)* Y 4.R 86/1-12: Rules Adopted by the Committee of the House of Representatives 1027-A (P) or 1027-B (MF)* Y 4.V 64/3: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Veterans' Affairs (House) 1027-A (P) or 1027-B (MF)* Y 4.V 64/3-10: Report to the Committee on the Budget from the Committee on Veterans' Affairs 1027-A (P) or 1027-B (MF)* Y 4.V 64/3-11: Legislative Calendar 1027-A (P) or 1027-B (MF)* Y 4.V 64/3-12: Rules of Procedure 1028-A (P) or 1028-B (MF)* Y 4.W 36: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Ways & Means (House) 1028-A (P) or 1028-B (MF)* Y 4.W 36:10 Legislative Calendar 1028-A (P) or 1028-B (MF)* Y 4.W 36:10-3/ Compilation of the Social Security Laws 1028-A (P) or 1028-B (MF)* Y 4.W 36:10-4/ Background Material & Data on Programs within the Jurisdiction of the Committee on Ways & Means 1028-A (P) or 1028-B (MF)* Y 4.W 36:10-5/ Manual of Rules 1028-A (P) or 1028-B (MF)* Y 4.W 36:10-6/ Legislative Record 1030-A (P) or 1030-B (MF)* XJH: House Journal. Congress 1031-A (P) or 1031-B (MF)* Y 4.SM 1: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Small Business (House) 1031-A (P) or 1031-B (MF)* Y 4.SM 1:10 Rules of the Committee on Small Business 1031-A (P) or 1031-B (MF)* Y 4.SM 1:11 Legislative Calendar 1032-C (P) or 1032-D (MF)* Y 4.AG 8/3: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry 1033 (P) or 1033-A (MF)* Y 4.AP 6/2: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Appropriations (Senate) 1034-A (P) or 1034-B (MF)* Y 4.AR 5/3: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Armed Services (Senate) 1035-A-01 (P) or 1035-A-02 (MF)* Y 4.B 85/2: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Budget (Senate) 1035-B-01 (P) or 1035-B-02 (MF)* Y 4. B 85/3-12: Legislative Calendar A 1035-C (P) or 1035-D (MF)* Y 4.B 22/3: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Banking, Housing, & Urban Affairs (Senate) 1035-B-01 (P) or 1035-B-02 (MF)* Y 4.B 85/3: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Budget (House) 1035-B-01 (P) or 1035-B-02 (MF)* Y 4.B 85/3-10: Rules of Procedure 1035-B-01 (P) or 1035-B-02 (MF)* Y 4.B 85/3-11: Views & Estimates of Committees of the House... on the Congressional Budget for Fiscal Year 1037-B (P) or 1037-C (MF)* Y 4.G 74/9: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Governmental Affairs (Senate) 1037-B (P) or 1037-C (MF)* Y 4.G 74/9-10: Organization of Federal Executive Departments & Agencies 1037-B (P) or 1037-C (MF)* Y 4.G 74/9-11: Proliferation Watch 1038-A (P) or 1038-B (MF)* Y 4.F 49: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Finance (Senate) 1039-A (P) or 1039-B (MF)* Y 4.F 76/2: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Foreign Relations (Senate) 1039-A (P) or 1039-B (MF)* Y 4.F 76/2-10: Legislation on Foreign Relations A 1039-A (P) or 1039-B (MF)* Y 4.F 76/2-11: Fiscal Year...Arms Control Impact Statements A 1040-A (P) or 1040-B (MF)* Y 4.EN 2: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Energy & Natural Resources Committee (Senate) A 1041-A (P) or 1041-B (MF)* Y 4.C 73/7: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation (Senate) A 1042-A (P) or 1042-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/2: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Judiciary (Senate) AL 1042-A (P) or 1042-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/2-10: Rules of Procedure AL 1043-A (P) or 1043-B (MF)* Y 4.L 11/4: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Labor & Human Resources (Senate) A 1045-A (P) or 1045-B (MF)* Y 4.P 96/10: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Environment & Public Works (Senate) A 1046-A-01 (P) or 1046-A-02 (MF)* Y 4.V 64/4: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Veterans' Affairs (Senate) 1046-B (P) or 1046-C (MF)* Y 4.R 86/2: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Rules & Administration (Senate) 1047-A (P) or 1047-B (MF)* XJS: Senate Journal. Congress ^ 1049-D Y 3 AD 9/8:20/ Catalog of Federal Grant-in-aid Programs to State & Local Governments ^ 1049-D Y 3.AD 9/8:10 Bibliographies & Lists of Publications ^ 1049-D Y 3.AD 9/8:11 Intergovernmental Perspective ^ 1049-D Y 3.AD 9/8:17 Changing Public Attitues on Governments and Taxes ^ 1049-D Y 3.AD 9/8:18/ Significant Features of Fiscal Federalism ^ 1049-D Y 3.AD 9/8:2 General Publications. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations ^ 1049-D Y 3.AD 9/8:8 Handbooks, Manuals,Guides ^ 1059-A-02 Y 3.EQ 2:18-4/ Equal Employment Opportunity Management Directives/Bulletins 1061-F Y 3.L 61:1 Annual Report. NCLIS 1061-F Y 3.L 61:2 General Publications. NCLIS 1063-K Y 3.P 31: Electronic Products. U.S. Institute of Peace 1063-K-01 Y 3.P 31:1 Biennial Report 1063-K-02 Y 3.P 31:10 Directories 1063-K-02 Y 3.P 31:2 General Publications ^ 1063-K-04 Y 3.P 31:4 The Essay 1063-K-05 Y 3.P 31:17 Bibliographies 1063-K-05 Y 3.P 31:8 Handbooks, Manuals,Guides ^ 1063-K-07 Y 3.P 31:15 Journal ^ 1063-K-08 Y 3.P 31:16 IN Brief 1070-K-01 Y 3.H 74:11/ Directories 1070-K-01 Y 3.H 74:13 Bibliographies & Lists of Publications ^ 1070-M Y 3.T 22/2:1 Annual Report. Technology Assessment Office 1070-K-01 Y 3.H 74:2 General Publications. U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council 1070-K-01 Y 3.H 74:8 Handbooks, Manuals, Guides 1070-K-01 Y 3.H 74:9 Posters ^ 1070-M Y 3.T 22/2:2 General Publications. Technology Assessment Office 1075 Y 3.SE 4:10-2 Handbooks, Manuals, Guides. Selective Service System 1076 Y 3.SE 4:1 Report to Director ^ 1077-C Y 3.SE 4:25 Draft Information Series ^ 1089-C (P) or 1089-D (MF)* Y 4.SE 2/11: CSCE Digest 1089-C (P) or 1089-D (MF)* Y 4.SE 2: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Commission on Security & Cooperation in Europe A 1089-C (P) or 1089-D (MF)* Y 4.SE 2/10: Annual Report. Commission on Security & Cooperation in Europe 1089-J Y 3.H 62/4:2 General Publications. White House Historical Association 1089-J Y 3.H 62/4:8 Handbooks, Manuals, Guides 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:1/ Annual Report. Federal Election Commission 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:11/ Federal Election Commission Record 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:13 Campaign Guide ^ 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:14/ Election Directory 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:14/2 Combined Federal/State Disclosure Directory 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:15/ FEC Reports on Financial Activity 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:16/ Federal Elections 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:18 Innovations in Election Administration 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:2 General Publications 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:2-10/ Campaign Finance Law 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:5 Federal Election Campaign Laws 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:6 Regulations, Rules & Instructions 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:8 Handbooks, Manuals, & Guides ^ 1093 J 24.22: Narcotics Intelligence Estimate   ^ indicates this item number is no longer active as of July, 2007 Suggested Core Collection for Law Libraries L 0002 A 1.116: Rural Telephone Bank L 0002 A 1.58/A: Agriculure Decisions L 0233-A FMC 1.10: Reports (decisions). Federal Maritime Commission L 0233-A-01 FMC 1.1: Annual Report ^ L 0233-A-02 C 39.226: Decisions of the Maritime Subsidy Board L 0251 C 21.1/2: Annual Report of Commissioner, Patent & Trademark Office L 0262-A C 21.9/2: Attorneys & Agents Registered... before U.S. Patent Office L 0262-A C 21.9: Roster of Attorneys & Agents Registered... before U.S. Patent Office ^ L 0283 CC 1.1: Annual Report. Federal Communications Commission ^ L 0284 CC 1.12/2: FCC Reports: Second Series L 0284 CC 1.12/3: FCC Record ^ L 0285-B CC 1.50: Major Matters before the Federal Communications Commission L 0288-A CR 1.1: Annual Report. Civil Rights Commission L 0288-A CR 1.2: General Publications. Civil Rights Commission L 0288-A-01 CR 1.8: Hearings & Conferences before Civil Rights Commission L 0288-A-05 CR 1.10: Clearinghouse Publications L 0288-A-05 CR 1.15: Civil Rights Update L 0311-A D 1.19: Annual Report of Court of Military Appeals ^ L 0327-F D 101.22: Pamphlets: 27-50-(nos.) Army Lawyer L 0327-G D 101.22: Pamphlets: 27-100-(nos.) Military Law Review L 0408-A D 208.207: International Law Studies. Naval War College L 0427-B D 302.9: Air Force Law Review ^ L 0427-C D 302.11: The Reporter L 0447-A-08 HE 1.1005: Laws. Aging Administration ^ L 0512-A-24 HE 22.15: HCFA Rulings on Medicare, Medicaid, Professional Standards Review & Related Matters L 0512-A-24 HE 22.37: HCFA Common Procedure Coding System (Non-CPT-4 Portion) L 0512-A-24 HE 22.38: HCFA Rulings L 0512-A-24 HE 22.40: HCFA Fact Sheet ^ L 0518-B HE 3.5/3: Legislative History of Titles I-XX of the Social Security Act L ^ L 0523 HE 3.3/5: Author, Title, & Subject Index ^ L 0523 HE 3.3: Social Security Bulletin ^ L 0523-A HE 3.44/2: Social Security Rulings, Cumulative Bulletins ^ L 0523-A HE 3.44: Social Security Rulings ^ L 0533 FT 1.1: Annual Report. Federal Trade Commission L 0534 FT 1.11: FTC Decisions ^ L 0538 FT 1.7: Rules of Practice ^ L 0539 FT 1.13: Court Decisions L 0539-A FT 1.5: Laws ^ L 0544 GA 1.5/A: Decisions of the Comptroller General of the U.S. (separates) ^ L 0544 GA 1.5: Decisions of Comptroller General ^ L 0546 GA 1.5/3: Index-Digest of Published Decisions of Comptroller General ^ L 0546-J GA 1.5/14-2: Digests of Decisions of the Comptroller General of the U.S. L 0548 GP 1.1: Annual Report. Government Printing Office L 0552-A GP 3.22/2: Subject Bibliographies ^ L 0552-B GP 3.22/3: Publications Reference File ^ L 0552-B GP 3.22/3-4: Cumulative Price & Status Change Reports ^ L 0553-A GP 3.28: Final Cumulative Finding Aid, House & Senate Bills L 0554 GP 3.9: U.S. Government Subscriptions ^ L 0556-A GP 3.17/5: U.S. Government Books ^ L 0556-B GP 3.17/6: New Books L 0557-A (P) or 0557-B (MF)* GP 3.34: U.S. Congressional Serial Set Catalog: Numerical Lists & Schedule of Volumes ^ L 0557-A (P) or 0557-B (MF)* GP 3.8/5: Monthly Catalog... Periodicals Supplement ^ L 0557-A (P) or 0557-B (MF)* GP 3.8: Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications L 0572 AE 2.106/3-2: CFR Index & Finding Aids L 0572-B (P) or 0572-C (MF)* AE 2.106/3: Code of Federal Regulations ^ L 0573 AE 2.106/4: Privacy Act Issuances Compilation L 0573-C AE 2.106/2-2: List of CFR Sections Affected (cumulative) L 0574-A AE 2.114: Public Papers of the Presidents of the U.S. ^ L 0574-A-01 AE 2.113: Codification of Presidential Proclamations & Executive Orders L 0577 AE 2.108/2: U.S. Government Manual L 0602 I 1.69/2-3: Decisions of Dept. of Interior: Cumulative Index-Digest of Unpublished Decisions ^ L 0602 I 1.69: Decisions of Dept. of Interior ^ L 0602-A I 1.69/A: Decisions of Dept. of Interior (separate preprints) ^ L 0602-B I 1.69/9: Opinions of the Solicitor of the Dept. of Interior Relating to Indian Affairs ^ L 0602-C I 1.69/2: Decisions of Dept. of Interior Index-Digest ^ L 0627-J I 1.107: Kappler's Indian Affairs, Laws & Treaties ^ L 0673 IC 1.1: Annual Report. Interstate Commerce Commission ^ L 0676 IC 1 ACT.5/2: ICC Acts, Annotated. ^ L 0677 IC 1.6/10: Interstate Commerce Commission Reports (2nd series) ^ L 0679 IC 1.11: Rules of Practice L 0717 J 1.2: General Publications. Justice Dept. ^ L 0717 J 1.33/2: LEAA Grants & Contracts Dissemination Documents L 0717-A J 1.8: Regulations, Rules, Instructions ^ L 0717 J 1.33: LEAA Grants & Contracts L 0717-A-01 J 1.7: Register of the U.S. Dept. of Justice & the Federal Courts L 0717-A-01 J 1.8/2: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides ^ L 0717-A-01 J 1.8/4: Technical Assistance Guide L 0717-B-04 J 32.15: Juvenile Court Statistics L 0717-B-07 J 1.56: Freedom of Information Case List ^ L 0717-B-11 J 1.58: FOIA Update ^ L 0717-B-13 J 1.87: Annual Report of Justice System Improvement Act Agencies ^ L 0717-B-14 J 1.88: Legal Activities ^ L 0717-C J 26.1/2: Annual Report of the National Institute for Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention ^ L 0717-C-01 J 1.1/7: Financial Litigation Annual Report L 0717-C-01 J 1.1/8: Attorney General's Advisory Committee of U.S. Attorneys Annual Report L 0717-C-01 J 1.1: Annual Report of the Attorney General of the U.S. L 0717-C-04 J 1.5/4: Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel L 0717-G J 1.20/2: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications L 0717-G J 1.20/3: Library Book Catalog ^ L 0717-K-01 J 28.22: NCJRS: Document Retrieval Index L 0717-T JU 10.8: Federal Probation ^ L 0717-W J 1.47: Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention: Annual Report L 0717-X JU 10.14: Federal Court Management Statistics ^ L 0717-X-01 JU 10.15: Directory of U.S. Probation & Pretrial Services Officers L 0717-Y JU 10.13: Grand & Petit Juror Service in U.S. District Courts ^ L 0717-Y-02 JU 10.17: U.S. Court Directory ^ L 0717-Y-04 JU 10.18: U.S. District Courts Sentences Imposed Chart ^ L 0717-Y-05 JU 10.12: U.S. Courts, A Pictorial Summary L 0717-Y-06 JU 10.20: Telephone Directory ^ L 0718 J 1.5/A: Opinions of Attorney General (separate opinions) L 0718 J 1.5: Official Opinions of Attorney General ^ L 0718-A-22 J 1.101: Justice ^ L 0718-A-22 J 1.96: Report to the Attorney General L 0722 J 1.14/7: Uniform Crime Reports ^ L 0722-A J 1.14/7-4: FBI Uniform Crime Reports L 0722-A J 1.14/7-6: Law Enforcement Officers Killed & Assaulted L 0722-A J 1.14/7-7: Uniform Crime Reports--Bomb Summary L 0722-A-01 J 1.14/16: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides L 0723 J 21.11: Administrative Decisions Under Immigration & Nationality Laws ^ L 0723 J 21.22: Immigration Issues ^ L 0723-A J 21.1: Annual Report. INS L 0723-A-01 J 1.102/2: OCAHO Files L 0723-A-01 J 1.102/3: Quarterly Update, Index of Administrative Law Judge & Chief Administrative Hearing Officer Decisions (OCAHO) L 0723-A-01 J 1.102/4: OCAHO Subpoenas L 0723-A-01 J 1.102/5: Interim Decisions (OCAHO) L 0723-A-01 J 1.102: Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer Cases L ^ L 0724-A J 21.10/2: INS Reporter ^ L 0726 J 21.5/2: U.S. Immigration Laws, General Information ^ L 0726 J 21.5: Laws & Regulations L 0728 JU 10.1/2: Reports of the Proceedings of the Judicial Conference of the U.S. & Annual Report... Director of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts L 0728 JU 10.1: Annual Report. Administrative Office of U.S. Courts ^ L 0728-A JU 10.11: Federal Offenders in the U.S. District Courts L 0728-B JU 10.3/2: The Third Branch, Bulletin of Federal Courts L 0729 JU 10.10/2: Reports of Proceedings of Special Sessions of Judicial Conference of U.S. ^ L 0729 JU 10.10: Reports of Proceedings of Judicial Conference of U.S. L 0729 JU 10.2: General Publications.Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts L 0729-A JU 10.6: Regulations, Rules, Instructions L 0729-B JU 10.6/2: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides L 0729-D JU 10.21: Federal Judicial Workload Statistics L 0731-B JU 3.10/3: Regulations, Rules, Instructions. Court of Claims L 0731-B JU 3.10/4: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides L 0731-B JU 3.10: Rules of the U.S. Claims Court L 0733 JU 7.5/2: Cases Decided in U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit L 0735 JU 7.8: Rules L 0736 JU 9.5/2: U.S. Court of International Trade Reports L 0738 JU 6.2: General Publications. Supreme Court ^ L 0738-A JU 6.12: Docket Sheet L 0739 JU 6.9: Rules & Orders L 0740 JU 6.11: Regulations, Rules, Instructions L 0740-A JU 6.8/B: Supreme Court Decisions (decisions in individual cases) L 0740-B JU 6.8/A: Supreme Court Decisions: (preliminary prints-advance parts) L 0741 JU 6.8: U.S. Reports L 0742 JU 11.7/A 2: Reports (separates, individual issues, monthly compilations) L 0742 JU 11.7: Reports. Tax Court L 0742-A JU 11.2: General Publications. Tax Court L 0742-A-01 JU 13.1: Annual Report. Federal Judicial Center L 0743 JU 11.8/2: Rules, Regulations, Instructions. Tax Court L 0743 JU 11.8: Rules of Practice. Tax Court L L 0743-C-01 JU 13.2: General Publications. Federal Judicial Center L 0743-C-02 JU 13.8/2: Bench Comment L 0743-C-02 JU 13.8: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides ^ L 0743-C-03 JU 13.10/2: FJC Staff Papers ^ L 0743-C-03 JU 13.10/3: Report FJC-M ^ L 0743-C-03 JU 13.10/4: FJC-SES ^ L 0743-C-03 JU 13.10: Report FJC-R L 0743-C-03 JU 13.13/2: State-Federal Judicial Observer ^ L 0743-C-03 JU 13.13: FJC Directions L 0743-C-03 JU 13.14: Directories. Federal Judicial Center ^ L 0743-C-04 JU 13.9/2: Catalogue of Audiovisual Media Programs ^ L 0743-C-04 JU 13.9/3: Connections ^ L 0743-C-04 JU 13.9: Education & Training L 0743-C-05 JU 13.11/2: Catalog of Publications L 0743-C-05 JU 13.11: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications ^ L 0743-C-06 JU 13.12: Innovations in the Courts, A Series on Court Administration ^ L 0743-C-06 JU 13.15: Court Historian L 0744 L 1.1: Annual Report. Labor Dept. ^ L 0745-G L 1.5/2: Decisions... Office of Administrative Law Judges & Offices of Administrative Appeals L 0749-B L 28.9: Digest & Decisions... Employees' Compensation Appeals Board ^ L 0762-D-12 Y 3.F 31/21-3:10-3/ Subject Matter Indexes to Decisions of the FLRA L 0785 LC 1.1/2: Brief Summary of the Major Activities for Fiscal Year L 0785 LC 1.1: Annual Report. Library of Congress L 0785-A-01 LC 3.1: Annual Report of the Register of Copyrights L L 0785-B LC 1.32/2: Federal Library Committee Publications L 0785-B-02 LC 1.47: Annual Forum, Federal Information Policies L 0785-C LC 1.18: Library of Congress Information Bulletin L 0785-D LC 1.34: Letters of Delegates to Congress 1774-1789 ^ L 0790 LC 3.3/2: Decisions of the U.S. Involving Copyright & Literary Property ^ L 0790 LC 3.3/3: Decisions of the U.S. Courts Involving Copyright ^ L 0790 LC 3.3: Bulletins. Copyright Office ^ L 0807 LC 14.6: Digest of Public General Bills ^ L 0807-A-01 LC 14.18: Major Legislation of the Congress L 0818-J LC 42.2: General Publications. LC Law Library L 0818-K LC 42.9: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications LC Law Library L 0824 LR 1.1: Annual Report. National Labor Relations Board ^ L 0825 LR 1.14: Court Decisions Related to National Labor Relations Board Act L 0826 LR 1.8/6: Classified Index of National Labor Relations Board Decisions & Related Court Decisions L 0826 LR 1.8/6-2: Classified Index of Decisions of Regional Directors of National Labor Board in Representation Proceedings L 0826 LR 1.8/7: Classification Outline for Decisions of NLRB & Related Court Decisions ^ L 0826 LR 1.8/9: Supplement to Table of Cases Decided L 0826 LR 1.8: Decisions & Orders ^ L 0826-B LR 1.8/8: Classified Index of Dispositions of ULP Charges by the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board L 0832 NMB 1.1: Annual Report. National Mediation Board L 0833 NMB 1.7: Emergency Board Reports ^ L 0864-A S 7.12/2: Digest of International Law (Whiteman Series) ^ L 0864-A S 7.12/3: Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law ^ L 0903-A SE 1.27: Directory of Companies Filing Annual Reports Under Securities Exchange Act ^ L 0908 SE 1.11/2: Supplement to Index to Commission Decisions L 0908-C SE 1.29: SEC Docket L 0908 SE 1.11: Decisions & Reports ^ L 0950-D T 17.6/3-4: Customs Bulletin L 0955 T 22.1: Annual Report. Internal Revenue Service L 0960 T 22.25: Internal Revenue Cumulative Bulletins ^ L 0960-A T 22.25/5: Index-Digest Supplement System: Service 1, Income Tax ^ L 0960-A-01 T 22.25/6: Index-Digest Supplement System: Service 2, Estate & Gift Tax ^ L 0960-A-02 T 22.25/7: Index-Digest Supplement System: Service 3, Employment Tax ^ L 0960-A-03 T 22.25/8: Index-Digest Supplement System: Service 4, Excise Taxes ^ L 0968-H-06 J 29.9/3: Supplements to the State Court Model Statistical Dictionary L 0968-H-12 J 29.10: Privacy & Security of Criminal History Information ^ L 0968-H-12 J 29.11/13: National Corrections Reporting Program L 0968-H-13 J 29.11: Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin L 0968-H-12 J 29.9/8: Criminal Justice Information Policy L 0968-H-13 J 29.11/10: Criminal Victimization L 0968-H-13 J 29.11/11: Felony Sentences in State Courts L 0968-H-13 J 29.11/14: Pretrial Release of Felony Defendants L 0968-H-13 J 29.11/2: Justice Expenditure & Employment L 0968-H-13 J 29.11/2-2: Justice Expenditure & Employment Extracts ^ L 0968-H-13 J 29.11/2-3: Justice Expenditure & Employment in the U.S. L 0968-H-13 J 29.11/3: Capital Punishment L 0968-H-13 J 29.11/4: Telephone Contracts ^ L 0968-H-13 J 29.11/5: Jail Inmates L 0968-H-13 J 29.11/6: Probation & Parole L 0968-H-13 J 29.11/7: Prisoners L 0968-H-13 J 29.11/8: Crime in the Nation's Households ^ L 0968-H-13 J 29.11/9: Tracking Offenders L 0968-H-24 J 29.17: Correctional Populations in the U.S. ^ L 0968-H-25 J 29.18: Felony Laws of the Fifty States & the District of Columbia ^ L 0968-H-49 J 29.9/2: Criminal Victimization in the U.S. L 0993-A (MF)* X 1.1:: Congressional Record (Bound) L 0996-A (P) or 0996-B (MF)* Y 1.1/3: Senate Documents L 0996-A (P) or 0996-B (MF)* Y 1.1/4: Senate Treaty Documents L 0996-A (P) or 0996-B (MF)* Y 1.1/7: House Documents L 0996-B (MF) or 0996-C (P) Y 1.1/2: Serial Set (House & Senate Documents, Including Senate Treaty Documents) (dividers) L 0998 Y 1.2/6: List of Standing Committees ... House of Representatives L 0998 Y 1.2/8: Cross-References Within the Internal Revenue Code L 0998 Y 1.2: General Publications House of Representatives L 0998-A Y 1.2/2: Calendar... House of Representatives & History of Legislation L 0998-A-01 Y 1.3/9: List of Standing Committees. Senate L 0998-A-01 Y 1.3: General Publications. Senate L 1002-A (P) or 1002-B (MF)* Y 4.T 19/4: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Joint Committee on Taxation L 1002-A (P) or 1002-B (MF)* Y 4.T 19/4-10: Estimates of Federal Tax Expenditures for Fiscal Year L 1006-A Y 1.4/1: Senate Bills L 1006-A Y 1.4/2: Senate Resolutions L 1006-A Y 1.4/3: Senate Joint Resolutions L 1006-A Y 1.4/4: Senate Concurrent Resolutions L 1006-A Y 1.4/5: Senate Printed Amendments L 1006-A Y 1.4/6: House Bills L 1006-A Y 1.4/7: House Resolutions L 1006-A Y 1.4/8: House Joint Resolutions L 1006-A Y 1.4/9: House Concurrent Resolutions L 1008-C (P) or 1008-D (MF)* Y 1.1/5: Senate Reports L 1008-C (P) or 1008-D (MF)* Y 1.1/6: Senate Executive Reports L 1008-C (P) or 1008-D (MF)* Y 1.1/8: House Reports ^ L 1008-D (MF)* or 1008-E (P) Y 1.1/2: Serial Set (dividers) L 1009-B-04 (P) or 1009-C-04 (MF)* Y 4.ET 3/4: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Select Committee on Ethics (Senate) L 1015-A (P) or 1015-B (MF)* Y 4 ED 8/1-10: Legislative Calendar L 1015-A (P) or 1015-B (MF)* Y 4.ED 8/1: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Education & Labor (House) L 1015-A (P) or 1015-B (MF)* Y 4.ED 8/1-11: Views & Estimates of the Committee on Education & Labor Together with... Views on the Budget for the U.S. Government... L 1015-A (P) or 1015-B (MF)* Y 4.ED 8/1-12: A Compilation of Federal Education Laws L 1020-A (P) or 1020-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/1: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Judiciary (House) AL L 1020-A (P) or 1020-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/1-10: Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure with Forms L 1020-A (P) or 1020-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/1-11: Rules of Civil Procedure for the U.S. District Courts L 1020-A (P) or 1020-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/1-12: Rules of Criminal Procedure for the U.S. District Courts L 1020-A (P) or 1020-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/1-13: Federal Rules of Evidence L 1020-A (P) or 1020-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/1-14: Index to Reports on Private & Public Joint & Resolutions Favorably Reported by the Committee in the --th Congress Showing Their Status as of the Date of Final Adjournment L 1020-A (P) or 1020-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/1-15: Rules of Procedure L 1020-A (P) or 1020-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/1-16: Legislative Calendar L 1025-B-01 (P) or 1025-B-02 (MF)* Y 4.ST 2/3: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Standards of Official Conduct (House) L 1025-B-01 (P) or 1025-B-02 (MF)* Y 4.ST 2/3-10: Code of Official Conduct AL L 1025-B-01 (P) or 1025-B-02 (MF)* Y 4.ST 2/3-11: Rules of Procedure L 1030-A (P) or 1030-B (MF)* XJH: House Journal. Congress L 1042-A (P) or 1042-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/2: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Judiciary (Senate) L 1042-A (P) or 1042-B (MF)* Y 4.J 89/2-10: Rules of Procedure ^ L 1049-G Y 3.AD 6:1 Annual Report. Administrative Conference of U.S. ^ L 1049-G-01 Y 3.AD 6:2 General Publications. Administrative Conference of U.S. ^ L 1049-H Y 3.AD 6:10/ Studies in Administrative Law & Procedure ^ L 1049-H Y 3.AD 6:11/ Resource Papers in Administrative Law ^ L 1049-H Y 3.AD 6:9 Recommendations & Reports of Administrative Conference of U.S. ^ L 1049-H Y 3.AD 6:9-2/ Administrative Conference News L 1049-J (P) or 1049-J (MF)* Y 4.SM 1/2: Hearings, Prints, & Miscellaneous Publications. Committee on Small Business (Senate) L 1051-J Y 3.N 88.11: N.R.C. Issuances, Opinions & Decisions of the N.R.C. with Selected Orders L 1051-J-01 Y 3.N 88:11-2/ Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issuances ^ L 1059-A-02 Y 3.EQ 2:18/ EEOC Decisions, Federal Sector ^ L 1059-A-02 Y 3.EQ 2:18-2/ Indexes... EEOC Decisions ^ L 1059-A-02 Y 3.EQ 2:18-3/ Related Publications EEOC ^ L 1059-A-02 Y 3.EQ 2:18-4/ Equal Employment Opportunity / CFR Title 29... ^ L 1059-A-02 Y 3.EQ 2:18-4/ Equal Employment Opportunity Management Directives/Bulletins L 1061-F Y 3.L 61:1 Annual Report. NCLIS L 1061-F Y 3.L 61:2 General Publications. NCLIS L 1061-G-01 Y 3.F 31/21-3:10-4/ Decisions of the Federal Labor Relations Authority L 1061-G-01 Y 3.F 31/21-3:13 Regulations, Rules, Instructions L 1061-G-01 Y 3.F 31/21-3:14/ Information Announcement L 1061-G-01 Y 3.F 31/21-3:14-11/ Case Information Sheets L 1061-G-01 Y 3.F 31/21-3:14-3/ FSIP Releases L 1061-G-01 Y 3.F 31/21-3:2 General Publications. Federal Labor Relations Authority L 1061-G-01 Y 3.F 31/21-3:9/CAS Report of Case Decisions L L 1061-G-01 Y 3.F 31/21-3:9-3/ Administrative Law Judge Decisions L 1061-G-01 Y 3.F 31/21-3:9-4/ Citator L L 1061-G-01 Y 3.F 31/21-3:9-5/ Federal Register Proposed Amendments ^ L 1061-G-06 Y 3.F 31/21-3:10/ Supplemental Digest & Index of Published Decisions... ^ L 1061-G-06 Y 3.F 31/21-3:10-2/ Decisions & Reports on Rulings of Assistant Secretary of Labor for Labor Management Relations... L 1061-H-01 Y 3.M 66:9/ Decisions. Federal Mine Safety & Health Review Commission L 1061-H-02 Y 3.M 66:9-2/ Federal Mine Safety & Health Review Cumulative Index ^ L 1061-K-01 Y 3.R 31/2:1/ Resolution Trust Corporation Annual Report ^ L 1061-K-01 Y 3.R 31/2:15 Real Estate Asset Inventory ^ L 1061-K-01 Y 3.R 31/2:16 Silver Lining ^ L 1061-K-01 Y 3.R 31/2:17 RTC Review L 1062-C-05 Y 3.C 76/3:1 Annual Report. Consumer Product Safety Commission L 1062-H Y 3.F 31/21-3:1/ Annual Report. Federal Labor Relations Authority ^ L 1070-L Y 3.OC 1: Reports & Publications. Occupational Safety & Health Review Commission Center L 1070-L-01 Y 3.OC 1:6 Rules, Regulations, Instructions L 1070-L-01 Y 3.OC 1:10-2/ Occupational Safety & Health Review Commission Decisions L 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:1/ Annual Report. Federal Election Commission L 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:11/ Federal Election Commission Record L 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:13 Campaign Guide ^ L 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:14/ Election Directory L 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:14/2 Combined Federal/State Disclosure Directory L 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:15/ FEC Reports on Financial Activity L 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:16/ Federal Elections L 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:18 Innovations in Election Administration L 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:2 General Publications L 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:2-10/ Campaign Finance Law L 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:5 Federal Election Campaign Laws L 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:6 Regulations, Rules & Instructions L 1091-A Y 3.EL 2/3:8 Handbooks, Manuals, & Guides L 1094 Y 3.SE 5:1 Annual Report. U.S. Sentencing Commission L L 1094 Y 3.SE 5:2 General Publications L 1094 Y 3.SE 5:8 Handbooks, Manuals, & Guides ^ L 1094-A Y 3.SE 5/3:1 Annual Report. National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors ^ L 1094-A Y 3.SE 5/3:2 General Publications. National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors   ^ indicates this item number is no longer active as of July, 2007 Suggested Core Collection for Public Libraries 0001 A 1.47: Agricultural Statistics 0004 A 1.75/2: Financial Characteristics of U.S. Farms ^ 0009 A 1.9: Farmers' Bulletins 0011 A 1.77: Home & Garden Bulletins 0013-A-01 A 1.38/2: Facts about U.S. Agriculture ^ 0017 A 1.10: Yearbook ^ 0021-H A 93.16/3: Food Review 0042-C A 1.107/2: Food Cost Review 0042-C A 1.107/3: Food Marketing Review 0042-C A 1.107: Agricultural Economics Reports 0042-M A 93.10/2: Agricultural Outlook ^ 0074-A-03 A 98.11: Food & Nutrition 0074-E-02 PE 1.11: Core Curriculum 0074-E-02 PE 1.8: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides. Peace Corps ^ 0088-B A 77.245: Family Economics Review ^ 0090-B A 1.121: Agriculture Fact Sheets ^ 0091 A 107.12: Lists (of publications). Governmental & Public Affairs Office ^ 0122 A 57.9/2: Soil & Water Conservation News ^ 0125-A-08 AC 1.16: World Military Expenditures ^ 0126-C-03 C 1.79: Minority Business Today ^ 0126-D-13 C 61.31/2: Franchising in the Economy ^ 0127 C 1.24/3: Commerce Publications Update 0127-A C 61.18: Business America ^ 0128-J C 1.84: The U.S. Automobile Industry 0128-L C 1.88: National Trade Data Bank (CD) (SEE ALSO STAT USA) ^ 0128-N C 1.88/2: National Economic, Social & Environmental Data Bank (CD) 0130-D-04 C 59.18: Local Area Personal Income 0130-U C 59.24: Regional Economic Information System (CD) ^ 0131-F C 3.252: Factfinder for the Nation 0131-H C 3.253: Economic Censuses: Reference Series ^ 0132 C 3.250: Women-Owned Businesses ^ 0132-A-(nos.) C 3.255/2: Census of Retail Trade: Geographic Area Series ^ 0132-A-(nos.) C 3.255/5: Census of Retail Trade: Major Retail Centers Statistics ^ 0132-B-(nos.) C 3.256/2: Census of Wholesale Trade: Geographic Area Series 0132-C-(nos.) C 3.257/2: Census of Service Industries: Geographic Area Series 0133-A-(nos.) C 3.204/3-(nos.): County Business Patterns [States] 0133-E C 3.204/4: County Business Patterns (CD) 0134-A C 3.24/9-6: Annual Survey of Manufactures, Value of Product Shipments 0134-A C 3.24/9-7: Annual Survey of Manufactures, Statistics for Industry Groups & Industries 0134-A C 3.24/9-9: Annual Survey of Manufactures, Geographic Area Statistics 0136 C 3.24/4: Census of Manufactures: Industry Series 0137-A-(nos.) C 3.24/3: Census of Manufactures: Geographic Area Series ^ 0138 C 3.163/3: Census Catalog & Guide 0138 C 3.163/4: Bibliographies & Lists of Publications. Census Bureau 0138 C 3.163/7: Monthly Product Announcements ^ 0138 C 3.163/8: Product Primers ^ 0138 C 3.163/9: College Curriculum Support Project Updates 0140-A-06 C 3.215/9: Construction Reports: New One-Family Homes Sold & for Sale 0140-A-06 C 3.215/9-3: Characteristics of New Housing 0140-A-06 C 3.224/3-8: 1990 Housing Highlights ^ 0140-B C 3.62/5: Congressional District Atlas 0141-A C 3.215: Current Housing Reports 0141-A C 3.215/16: Annual Housing Survey, Supplementary Report, No. 1, Summary of Housing Characteristics for Selected Metropolitan Areas 0142-A C 3.158: Current Industrial Reports 0142-A C 3.158/2: Advance Report on Durable Goods, Manufacturers; Shipments & Orders 0142-A C 3.158/3: Current Industrial Reports: Manufacturing Technology 0142-C C 3.186: Current Population Reports 0142-C-01 C 3.186:P-20/ Current Population Reports, Population Characteristics 0142-C-01 C 3.186/3: Voting & Registration in the Election of... Advance Report 0142-C-01 C 3.186/3-2: Voting & Registration in the Election of... 0142-C-01 C 3.186/6: Marital Status & Living Arrangements 0142-C-01 C 3.186/9: Households, Families, Marital Status, & Living Arrangements 0142-C-01 C 3.186/10: Fertility of American Women: Current Population Reports 0142-C-01 C 3.186/12: School Enrollment Social & Economic Characteristics 0142-C-01 C 3.186/12-2: School Enrollment Social & Economic Characteristics of Students (Advance Report) 0142-C-01 C 3.186/14: The Hispanic Population in the U.S. (Advance Report) 0142-C-01 C 3.186/14-2: The Hispanic Population in the U.S. 0142-C-01 C 3.186/17: Household & Family Characteristics 0142-C-01 C 3.186/18: Geographical Mobility 0142-C-02 C 3.186/4: Child Support & Alimony 0142-C-02 C 3.186/5: Household After-Tax Income 0142-C-02 C 3.186/8: Population Profile of the U.S., Current Population Reports 0142-C-02 C 3.186:P-23/ Current Population Reports, Special Studies, Series P-23 0142-C-03 C 3.186/15: Projections of the Number of Households & Families 0142-C-03 C 3.186/21: State Population & Household Estimates, with Age, Sex, & Components of Change 0142-C-03 C 3.186/26: Projections of the Population of Voting Age, for States 0142-C-03 C 3.186/7: Estimates of the Population of the U.S. 0142-C-03 C 3.186/7-2: Estimates of the Population of the U.S. by Age, Sex & Race 0142-C-03 C 3.186/7-3: Estimates of the Population of the U.S. & Components of Change 0142-C-03 C 3.186:P-25/ Current Population Reports, Population Estimates & Projections 0142-C-04 C 3.186/20: Provisional Estimates of the Population of Counties 0142-C-04 C 3.186/20-2: County Population Estimates 0142-C-04 C 3.186:P-26/ Current Population Reports, Federal-State Cooperative Programs for Population Estimates ^ 0142-C-05 C 3.186/25: Farm Population of the U.S. ^ 0142-C-05 C 3.186:P-27/ Current Population Reports, Farm Population 0142-C-07 C 3.186/11: Money Income & Poverty Status of Families & Persons… 0142-C-07 C 3.186/13: Receipt of Selected Noncash Benefits 0142-C-07 C 3.186/16: Characteristics of the Population below the Poverty Level 0142-C-07 C 3.186/2: Money Income of Households, Families, & Persons in the U.S. 0142-C-07 C 3.186/22: Poverty in the U.S. 0142-C-07 C 3.186:P-60/ Current Population Reports, Consumer Income 0142-C-10 C 3.186/23: Educational Attainment in the U.S. ^ 0142-C-11 through 0142-C-15 C 3.186/27-(nos).: [Region] Population & Per Capita Income Estimates for Counties & Incorporated Places ^ 0145-A C 3.261: Special Demographic Analyses 0146 C 3.2: General Publications. Census Bureau 0146-K C 3.62/4: U.S. Maps, GE-50 series 0146-K C 3.62/8: U.S. Maps, GE 70 series 0148-A C 3.140/2: Government Employment 0148-A C 3.140/2-3: City Employment in ... 0148-A C 3.140/2-4: Public Employment in ... 0148-A C 3.140/2-5: County Government Employment 0148-A C 3.140/2-6: Local Government Employment in Major County Areas 0148-A C 3.145/4: Census of Governments 0148-A C 3.145/5: Census of Governments: Preliminary Reports ^ 0148-C C 3.238/4: National Clearinghouse for Census Data Services Address List 0148-C C 3.238/5: Telephone Contacts for Data Users 0148-C C 3.238/7: Data Developments 0148-C C 3.238: Census & You 0150 C 3.134/5: State & Metropolitan Area Data Book 0150 C 3.134: Statistical Abstracts of the U.S. 0150-B C 3.134: Statistical Abstract of the U.S. (CD) ^ 0150-B-01 C 3.134/6: USA Counties (CD) 0151 C 3.134/2: County & City Data Book 0151 C 3.134/2-2: USA Statistics in Brief 0151-D C 3.134/2: County & City Data Book (CD) ^ 0152-A-(nos.) C 3.31/4: Census of Agriculture: State & Area Reports ^ 0152-B-(nos.) C 3.31/7: Census of Agriculture, Preliminary &/or Advance Reports [States] 0154 C 3.223/12: Census of Population: Supplementary Reports 0154 C 3.223/16: Census of Population: Evaluation & Research Reports 0154 C 3.223/22:90-R 2 Census of Population & Housing: History 0154 C 3.223/22:90-R 3 Census of Population & Housing: Alphabetical Index of Industries & Occupations 0154 C 3.223/22:90-R 4 Census of Population & Housing: Classified Index of Industries & Occupations 0154 C 3.223/22:90-R 5 Census of Population & Housing: Geographic Identification Code Scheme 0154 C 3.223/22:90-R Census of Population & Housing: Reference Reports 0154 C 3.223/7-5: 1990 Census Profile (numbered) 0154 C 3.223: Census of Population: General Publications ^ 0154-A-01 C 3.223/6-2: Census of Population: General Population Characteristics for American Indian & Alaska Native Areas ^ 0154-A-01 C 3.223/7-2: Census of Population: Social & Economic Characteristics for American Indian & Alaska Native Areas ^ 0154-A-02 C 3.223/6-3: Census of Population: General Population Characteristics for Metropolitan Statistical Areas ^ 0154-A-02 C 3.223/7-3: Census of Population: Social & Economic Characteristics for Metropolitan Statistical Areas ^ 0154-A-03 C 3.223/6-4: Census of Population: General Population Characteristics for Urbanized Areas ^ 0154-A-03 C 3.223/7-4: Census of Population: Social & Economic Characteristics for Urbanized Areas 0154-B-01 C 3.275: Electronic Products 0154-B-01 C 3.281: Census of Population & Housing, PL 94-171 Data 0154-D C 3.278: Foreign Trade Data (CD) 0154-G C 3.286: Subject Reports (CD) 0155-A C 3.224/10: Census of Housing: Subject Reports 0155-A C 3.224/11: 1990 Census of Population & Housing Content Determination Reports 0155-A-01 C 3.224/3-2: Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics for American Indian & Alaska Native Areas 0155-A-01 C 3.224/3-5: Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics for American Indian & Alaska Native Areas 0155-A-02 C 3.224/3-3: Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics for Metropolitan Statistical Areas 0155-A-02 C 3.224/3-6: Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics for Metropolitan Statistical Areas 0155-A-03 C 3.224/3-4: Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics for Urbanized Areas 0155-A-03 C 3.224/3-7: Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics for Urbanized Areas 0156-B-(nos). C 3.224/3:90-CH-1 Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics [States] 0156-B-(nos.) C 3.224/3:90-CH-2 Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics [States] ^ 0156-K-(nos.) C 3.223/11: Census of Population & Housing: Population & Housing Characteristics for Census Tracts & Block Numbering Areas [States] 0156-M-(nos.) C 3.223/23: Census of Population & Housing: Summary Social, Economic & Housing Characteristics [States] 0159-B-(nos.) C 3.223/18: Census of Population & Housing: Summary Population & Housing Characteristics [States] 0159-B-(nos.) C 3.223/19: Census of Population & Housing: Advance Reports [States] 0159-C-(nos.) C 3.223/20: Census of Population & Housing: Population & Housing Characteristics for Congressional Districts of the 103rd Congress [States] 0159-C-(nos.) C 3.223/5: Census of Population & Housing: Population & Housing Unit Counts [States] 0159-C-(nos.) C 3.223/6: Census of Population: General Population Characteristics [States] 0159-C-(nos.) C 3.223/7: Census of Population: Social & Economic Characteristics [States] 0159-G C 3.223/10: Census of Population: Population Subject Reports ^ 0160-E C 3.258: Survey of Minority-Owned Business Enterprises ^ 0183-A C 31.249: Handbook of Airline Statistics ^ 0191-A I 19.65: Earthquakes & Volcanoes ^ 0208 I 19.65/2: U.S. Earthquakes ^ 0215-L C 61.34: U.S. Industrial Outlook ^ 0219 C 61.37: Construction Review ^ 0228 C 59.11/3: Business Statistics ^ 0228 C 59.11/4: Supplement (special) to Survey of Current Business ^ 0228 C 59.11/5: National Income & Product Accounts of the U.S. 0228 C 59.11: Survey of Current Business. Economic Analysis Bureau ^ 0231-B C 61.12: Overseas Business Reports 0231-B-04 C 1.108/2: Franchise Opportunities Handbook 0231-B-14 C 61.28/2: U.S. Foreign Trade Highlights 0231-B-14 C 61.28: US. Trade Performance in... & Outlook ^ 0231-G-03 C 1.76: Commerce Business Daily ^ 0231-I C 61.11: Foreign Economic Trends & Their Implications for the U.S. ^ 0231-M-(nos.) C 61.30: State Export Series 0254 C 21.2: General Publications. Patent & Trademark Office 0256-A-01 C 21.26: General Information Concerning Trademarks 0256-A-02 C 21.26/2: General Information Concerning Patents 0262-A C 21.9/2: Attorneys & Agents Registered... before U.S. Patent Office 0262-A C 21.9: Roster of Attorneys & Agents Registered... before U.S. Patent Office 0265-B TD 2.23/2: Highway Statistics, Summary to (year) 0265-B TD 2.23: Highway Statistics ^ 0265-H TD 2.20: Fatal & Injury Accident Rates on Federal... Highway Systems 0268 TD 2.19: Public Roads ^ 0271-B-08 C 47.16: USTS Travel Folders 0288-A CR 1.1: Annual Report. Civil Rights Commission 0288-A CR 1.2: General Publications. Civil Rights Commission 0288-A-02 CR 1.6/2: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides 0299 PM 1.10/2: Federal Civilian Work Force Statistics: EEO Statistics 0299 PM 1.10/2-3: Affirmative Employment Statistics 0299 PM 1.10/3: Employment by Geographic Areas Annual Report 0299 PM 1.10/4: Work Years & Personnel Costs, Executive Branch 0306-A-02 D 1.1/4: Your Defense Budget 0306-A-02 D 1.1: Dept. of Defense Annual Report 0310-E-16 D 1.57/2: 500 Contractors Receiving the Largest Dollar Volume of Prime Contract Awards for Research... 0310-E-16 D 1.57/2-2: Top Five Contractors Receiving the Largest Dollar Volume of Prime Contract Awards in Each State 0310-E-16 D 1.57: 100 Companies Receiving the Largest Dollar Volume of Prime Contract Awards 0312-B D 2.15/3: Defense ^ 0321-A D 101.47: Army Aviation Digest 0322 D 101.12: Soldiers ^ 0322-F D 101.74: Vietnam Studies 0327-J D 101.22: Pamphlets: 550-(nos.), Country Studies 0399-A D 207.10: Dictionary of American Fighting Ships ^ 0399-A-02 D 207.10/2: Historical Publications ^ 0399-A-02 D 207.10/4: Contributions to Naval History 0431-C-14 TD 4.20: FAA Statistical Handbook of Aviation ^ 0431-I-02 EP 1.5/2: Environmental Laws, Highlights ^ 0431-I-66 EP 1.67: EPA Journal ^ 0435-E-35 E 3.50: Annual Outlook for U.S. Electric Power ^ 0435-E-36 E 3.51: Commercial Nuclear Power: Prospects for the U.S. & the World ^ 0444-A HE 1.1015: Aging ^ 0444-K-08 HE 1.58: Report to the President & Congress on the Drug Abuse, Prevention, & Treatment Functions 0445-L-01 HE 23.1210: National Center on Child Abuse & Neglect: Publications 0445-L-01 HE 23.1211: Child Abuse & Neglect Programs ^ 0445-L-05 HE 23.1210/2: Child Abuse & Neglect Research: Projects & Publications ^ 0455-A-02 ED 1.12: Annual Report, Right to Read. Education Dept ^ 0455-B-17 ED 1.84: Disability Statistics Report ^ 0455-F-03 ED 1.132: Trends in Education ^ 0455-F-04 ED 1.132/2: Trends in Bachelors & Higher Degrees ^ 0455-J ED 1.41: Progress of Education in the U.S. of America ^ 0460-A-22 ED 1.119: Revenues & Expenditures for Public Elementary & Secondary Education ^ 0460-B-02 ED 1.122/2: Statistics of Public Libraries ^ 0460-C-02 ED 1.18/4: Library Programs, HEA Title II-B ^ 0460-C-02 ED 1.18/5: Library Programs, HEA Title II-B ^ 0460-C-02 ED 1.18/6: Library Programs, Library Programs for the Handicapped ^ 0460-C-02 ED 1.18/7: Library Programs, Public Library Construction ^ 0460-C-02 ED 1.18/8: Library Programs, Library Services for Individuals with Limited English Proficiency ^ 0460-C-02 ED 1.18: Library Programs, HEA (Higher Education Act), Title 2-C ^ 0460-C-03 ED 1.18/2: Library Programs, Library Literacy Programs, Abstracts of Funded Projects 0461-A-12 ED 1.109/2: Education Indicators 0461-A-12 ED 1.109: The Condition of Education 0461-A-15 ED 1.121/3: College Costs, Basic Student Charges, 2- & 4-Year Institutions 0461-A-16 ED 1.111/3: Education Directory: State Education Agency Officials 0461-A-16 ED 1.111: Education Directory: Colleges & Universities 0461-B ED 1.32/4: Handicapped Children's Early Education Program 0461-B ED 1.32: Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Education of the Handicapped Act ^ 0461-D-09 ED 1.326: Digest of Education Statistics ^ 0467-A-11 HE 20.8219/2: Highlights from Student Drug Abuse in America ^ 0467-A-11 HE 20.8219: Drug Use Among American High School Seniors, College Students & Young Adults 0474 HE 20.4001: Annual Report. Food & Drug Administration 0475-H HE 20.4010: FDA Consumer ^ 0475-J J 24.10: Fact Sheets. Drug Enforcement Administration ^ 0483-A-08 HE 20.6223: Health U.S. ^ 0483-E-15 EP 4.22/2: National Air Quality & Emissions Trends Report 0483-L-06 HE 20.7615: Reports of the Surgeon General 0484-D-03 HE 20.102: General Publications. President's Council on Physical Fitness & Sports 0497 HE 20.30: Public Health Reports 0498-D-01 HE 23.1301: Annual Report. Family & Youth Services Bureau 0498-D-01 HE 23.1309/2: Runaway & Otherwise Homeless Youth, Fiscal Year ^ 0504-P HE 20.7011/38: HIV/AIDS Surveillance ^ 0506-C HE 20.8137: Mental Health, U.S. PA ^ 0506-C-04 ED 1.211: American Rehabilitation P ^ 0506-H HE 20.3038: The Search for Health ^ 0507-B-13 HE 20.8114/3: Crime & Delinquency Issues 0507-G-42 HE 20.3186: Annual Cancer Statistics Review ^ 0516-A-01 HE 3.88/2: Your Social Security Rights & Responsibilities, Retirement & Survivors Benefits ^ 0516-A-01 HE 3.88: Your Social Security Rights & Responsibilities, Disability Benefits ^ 0516-A-03 HE 3.90: What You Have to Know about SSI ^ 0516-A-04 HE 3.89: Your Social Security ^ 0516-C-01 HE 3.6/8: Social Security Handbook ^ 0533 FT 1.1: Annual Report. Federal Trade Commission 0557-A (P) or 0557-B (MF)* GP 3.34: U.S. Congressional Serial Set Catalog: Numerical Lists & Schedule of Volumes ^ 0557-A (P) or 0557-B (MF)* GP 3.8/5: Monthly Catalog... Periodicals Supplement ^ 0557-A (P) or 0557-B (MF)* GP 3.8: Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications ^ 0558-A-02 GS 2.16: Consumer Information Series 0572 AE 2.106/3-2: CFR Index & Finding Aids 0572-B (P) or 0572-C (MF)* AE 2.106/3: Code of Federal Regulations 0574-A AE 2.114: Public Papers of the Presidents of the U.S. ^ 0611-M-52 I 49.98: National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, & Wildlife-Associated Recreation (U.S. Summary) ^ 0613 I 49.24/2: Summary of Federal Hunting Regulations 0621-C I 19.1: Annual Report. USGS 0627-A I 20.51/2: Indians (various subjects) 0627-A I 20.51: Indians of (various states) 0639 I 28.37: Minerals Yearbook 0648-B I 29.74: Historic American Buildings Survey ^ 0648-S I 29.120: Catalog of National Historic Landmarks 0651-A I 29.8: Maps 0717-C-01 J 1.1: Annual Report of the Attorney General of the U.S. 0717-C-05 J 1.14/8: FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin ^ 0717-C-17 J 1.14/18: Crime Laboratory Digest ^ 0717-C-17 J 1.14/22: Terrorism in the U.S. ^ 0718-A-18 J 28.3/3: AIDS Bulletin 0722 J 1.14/7: Uniform Crime Reports ^ 0722-A J 1.14/7-4: FBI Uniform Crime Reports 0722-A J 1.14/7-6: Law Enforcement Officers Killed & Assaulted 0725-B J 21.2/10: Statistical Yearbook of the Immigration & Naturalization Service 0744 L 1.1: Annual Report. Labor Dept. 0749-E L 29.16: Foreign Labor Trends ^ 0766 PREX 1.10/3-3: Work Life ^ 0766-J L 35.11/3: Fatal Facts: Accident Report 0768-A-03 L 2.3/11: Occupational Injuries & Illnesses in the U.S. by Industry 0768-A-04 L 2.3/9: Relative Importance of Components in the Consumer Price Indexes 0768-A-05 L 2.3/10: Employee Benefits in Medium & Large Firms 0768-A-06 L 2.3/12: Geographic Profile of Employment & Unemployment ^ 0768-A-07 L 2.3/13: National Survey of Professional, Administrative... & Clerical Pay ^ 0768-A-07 L 2.3/13-2: National Survey of Professional, Administrative... & Clerical Pay: Private Service Industries ^ 0768-A-08 L 2.3/16: Occupational Employment in Manufacturing Industries ^ 0768-A-09 L 2.3/20: Productivity Measures for Selected Industries 0768-B L 2.41/2: Employment & Earnings 0768-C-02 L 2.3/4: Occupational Outlook Handbook ^ 0768-C-03 L 2.3/5: Handbook of Labor Statistics ^ 0768-F-04 L 1.20/8: Women & Work 0768-G L 2.125: Major Programs, Bureau of Labor Statistics 0783-C-03 L 36.114/3: Facts on Working Women ^ 0807 LC 14.6: Digest of Public General Bills ^ 0807-A-01 LC 14.18: Major Legislation of the Congress ^ 0818-G-07 LC 39.14: Folklife Annual ^ 0837-J-01 P 1.54/2: Mint Set of Definitive Stamps 0837-J-01 P 1.54: Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps ^ 0840 P 4.10: Postage Stamps of U.S. ^ 0848 PR 42.9: Economic Report of the President ^ 0850 PR 42.2: General Publications. President of the U.S.A 0853 PREX 2.8/7: Budget Revisions 0853 PREX 2.8/8: Historical Tables, Budget of the U.S. Government ^ 0853 PREX 2.8/9: Management of the U.S. Government, Fiscal Year 0853 PREX 2.8: Budget of the U.S. Government 0853-A-01 PREX 2.20: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance 0856-A-07 PREX 3.15: World Factbook ^ 0863 S 1.1/6: Annual Report, Inspector General, State Dept. & Foreign Service 0876-A-06 S 1.138: Patterns of Global Terrorism 0900-A S 9.14: Treaties in Force 0910-P SI 1.42: Smithsonian Studies in Air & Space ^ 0910-T SI 1.43: Smithsonian Folklife Studies 0921 SI 3.10: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides 0921 SI 3.2: General Publications. National Museum of American History/ National Museum of Natural History 0922-A-01 SI 9.2: General Publications. National Air & Space Museum 0922-B SI 11.2: General Publications. National Portrait Gallery 0922-B-01 SI 13.2: General Publications. Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden 0922-C SI 7.2: General Publications. Freer Gallery of Art 0922-D-02 SI 14.2: General Publications. National Museum of African Art ^ 0923 T 1.1/4: Annual Report, Treasury Executive Institute ^ 0928-F T 63.101/2: U.S. Government Annual Report 0960 T 22.25: Internal Revenue Cumulative Bulletins ^ 0968-H-06 J 29.9/4: Prosecution of Felony Arrests 0968-H-06 J 29.9/6: Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics ^ 0968-H-09 J 26.14: Criminal Justice Perspectives 0968-H-13 J 29.11/10: Criminal Victimization 0968-H-13 J 29.11/11: Felony Sentences in State Courts ^ 0968-H-13 J 29.11/2-3: Justice Expenditure & Employment in the U.S. 0968-H-13 J 29.11/3: Capital Punishment 0968-H-13 J 29.11/4: Telephone Contracts ^ 0968-H-13 J 29.11/5: Jail Inmates 0968-H-13 J 29.11/6: Probation & Parole 0968-H-13 J 29.11/7: Prisoners 0968-H-13 J 29.11/8: Crime in the Nation's Households ^ 0968-H-13 J 29.11/9: Tracking Offenders 0968-H-24 J 29.17: Correctional Populations in the U.S. ^ 0968-H-25 J 29.18: Felony Laws of the Fifty States & the District of Columbia ^ 0968-H-49 J 29.9/2: Criminal Victimization in the U.S. ^ 0982-D-24 TD 8.30: Fact Book 0993-A (MF)* X 1.1:: Congressional Record (Bound) ^ 1061-K-01 Y 3.R 31/2:1/ Resolution Trust Corporation Annual Report
Tuesday, 25 November 2008 | 31 hits
Depository Administration/FDLP Handbook
These sections have been compiled from the “Important for Library Administrators” section of each chapter to allow for easier access to information of interest to library administrators. From Chapter 1: Library Services and Content Management (LSCM) Organization The  FDLP Desktop gathers important announcements of interest to the FDLP community. askGPO is LSCM's customer relationship management and online help system. You are encouraged to use it as your first point of contact with LSCM From Chapter 2: Legal Requirements You are the designated official responsible for ensuring the legal requirements of the FDLP are met. As mentioned above, related Title 44 Chapters that affect depository libraries are Chapters 17 and 41. Chapter 17 authorizes GPO’s Cataloging and Indexing Program (CIP) and Chapter 41 authorizes GPO Access and allows Government Printing Office (GPO) to provide access to Federal electronic information through it. From Chapter 3: Federal Depository Status In today’s increasingly electronic library environment, the depository program is as much about access and expertise as it is about tangible publications. Federal depository libraries MUST provide free public access to depository materials in all formats. Free public access does not mean a depository MUST grant circulation privileges to groups outside of the library’s primary user community, although they may choose to do so. Free public access need not equal free printing or copying if your library users MUST pay for printing and copying of other library materials or resources. Free access does not necessarily mean access at all times. GPO permits various actions by administrators to ensure the security of their facility and personnel. Such actions may include asking users for identification, or asking users to sign a guest register, and even escorting users to the depository library. Even though most Federal Government information is now freely available on the World Wide Web, accessing it efficiently can be a daunting task if one depends solely on Internet search engines. Much information is in the “deep Web” and in statistical databases. Depository status ensures that a library has access to the training and support that will become increasingly important to navigate the complexities of Federal Government information sources. See details on the number of opportunities for training all staff in depository libraries listed in chapter 4 of this Handbook. From Chapter 4: Public Services The Federal Depository Library Program was established to provide the residents of the United States with access to government information. Public access to this information remains the highest priority of all Federal depository libraries. Your depository library has a fundamental obligation to provide free public access to depository information resources and to minimize other barriers to public access to the library’s depository facilities, collections, and services. In general, access to and services in the use of depository information resources should equal or exceed those applicable to your other library collections and services. Your depository library MUST offer the general public free access to online Federal Government information provided through the FDLP. Such access shall be provided to any library user free of fees or other restrictions such as age or residency status. Filtering software may restrict access to official FDLP information, for example in the health or biological sciences fields. Therefore, the depository library MUST allow users the option to use workstations without filtering software or have the capability of turning off the filter while searching FDLP information resources. If your library provides reference services using methods other than in-person contact for your primary user groups (such as through phone, mail, fax, email or chat), these same or comparable methods of obtaining reference service should also be available to members of the public using the depository collection and government information. Your depository library should have a written policy regarding public services for government information in electronic formats that includes provisions for no-fee access to electronic government information in tangible format and on the Internet for all users. Signage throughout the library and other library policies MUST be in accordance with these policies. Your depository library has the option of establishing its own circulation policies for use of depository materials outside the library. However, the principle of comparable treatment in public services of depository and non-depository collections should be used in determining circulation policy for depository materials. The general public MUST be able to access your depository’s collections and services outside standard business hours if the library’s primary clientele is able to do so. Comparable service to both depository and non-depository materials can be provided through the integration of depository services into an overall reference policy to ensure assistance is available at all times. Your depository library SHALL post signage or the depository emblem in a prominent location, preferably visible from the exterior of the library, indicating that your library is a Federal depository and that government information resources and services in the use of those resources are available from your library for your primary users and the general public without charge. Remember the FDLP logo should also be placed in a prominent location on your library web site or web pages. This informs online users that your library is a Federal depository and that government information resources and services in the use of those resources are available at your library or through the Web. From Chapter 5: Depository Collections Your depository library is expected to have the titles in the Basic Collection accessible to patrons. How this is accomplished is your local decision, however, merely linking to GPO Access or the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) does not provide sufficient access to all of these titles. Your library MUST still collect publications to support the needs of the community you serve. Relevant print and electronic indexes should be available in your depository to facilitate access to the resources of the documents collection. As electronic items are added to the depository collection, ensure you're providing users the ability to locate these items which may be through a database, index, or web site search. If your depository library is served by a regional depository, you may withdraw publications retained for the statutory minimum period of five years from receipt after securing permission from the regional library for disposal. Publications distributed through the FDLP are, and remain, U.S. Government property. From Chapter 6: Technical Services Libraries are encouraged to mainstream government publications into the overall library collection, as appropriate; government publications collections to do not have to be maintained in Superintendent of Documents number order. Library administrators should consider requesting and reviewing statistics concerning their depository and government publications collections. Among the statistics commonly found on library-related surveys are: Number of monographic titles cataloged by format, i.e., paper, microform, tangible electronic, and others Number of monographic volumes added by format Number of serial titles cataloged by format Number of serial issues added by format Number of records maintained or updated From Chapter 7: Public Access Assessments LSCM is establishing a regular individual library assessment schedule beginning in winter 2009 but may also perform some assessments outside of this schedule to accommodate or address individual library needs. The process selected by your depository library to meet public access requirements continues to be a local determination. If your depository library follows the legal and program requirements as outlined in Title 44 of the U.S. Code and the Federal Depository Library Handbook to ensure free public access, it will be in compliance with the law and shall be successful in a Public Access Assessment. From Chapter 8: Preservation Depository libraries are REQUIRED to maintain depository material at the same level as commercially purchased publications. Preservation of tangible U.S. Government publications distributed through the FDLP is one of the responsibilities of a regional depository library. A written preservation policy is the key to an effective preservation program. From Chapter 9: Housing Because all Government publications supplied to your depository library under the FDLP remain the property of the U.S. Government, publications MUST be housed in a manner that facilitates access, preservation, and protection from theft. Your depository library MUST, at a minimum, provide the same care and maintenance of depository materials as it gives to commercially purchased publications. Your depository library MUST post the depository emblem in a prominent location, preferably visible from the exterior of the library, indicating the library is a Federal depository and Government information products are available for use by the general public without charge. All facilities housing depository materials should meet the standards set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). From Chapter 10: Staffing Your depository library MUST have one staff member designated as the depository coordinator. This staff member’s responsibilities are detailed above in the section on staff responsibilities. Keep your regional librarian and GPO informed of any changes in depository responsibilities and operations within your library. Despite the fact that depository libraries are receiving fewer tangible publications, the need for staff is not decreasing. Staff are needed for many important tasks: To integrate electronic records into library catalogs; To integrate government information into library Web resources and user education; To train all library staff to use government information resources effectively; and To provide public service in person and remotely, as finding government information becomes more complex in the electronic environment. Staff with depository responsibilities should receive library support for attendance at appropriate local and national meetings. Equally, you, as a library administrator, are encouraged to attend the annual Federal Depository Library Conference to learn about the FDLP. From Chapter 11: Collaborative Efforts Partnering with GPO If your staff is considering a partnership with GPO, the administration of the larger library or parent institution MUST give specific approval. You may be asked to write a letter on behalf of your depository indicating that you are aware of the staff and financial commitments involved and the benefit that this collaboration has for your library and library community. You will be consulting with your depository coordinator during all phases of planning. An effective business plan will be REQUIRED and will demonstrate the support and understanding for the partnership by the library administration. State Plans The state plan provides guidance and procedures concerning the FDLP that are specific to the state. The state plan is an agreement between the regional depository library’s administration and the selective depository libraries in the state. Selective housing agreements or collection development agreements between or among depositories can also be incorporated into the state plan. From Chapter 12: Regional Services Regional designation is a special designation by a U. S. Senator or Resident Commission. Participation in the FDLP is voluntary. However, the FDLP is a statutorily-mandated program with legal requirements for regional depository libraries as well as for selective depository libraries. Over the years, professional practices have also created some mandatory or professionally essential responsibilities that are expected of regional depositories by LSCM. Regional depository libraries MUST have a collection development plan, provide public access and assist other libraries in acquiring or relinquishing status as depository libraries. Additionally, regional depositories are strongly encouraged to provide and to coordinate training, outreach, promotion and communication. Ongoing communication between you and your regional depository coordinator is important to the success of the depository operation. All government information is not available online. This makes the tangible collections of regional depository libraries all the more important for permanent public access. Decisions you make to house a regional depository collection have ramifications for the entire region. Communication with the selective depositories in the region is important. The state plan, developed by your regional depository coordinator in coordination with other depositories in the region or state, provides guidance and procedures concerning the FDLP that are specific to the state or region. Once a state plan is signed and approved, this becomes an agreement between your library, the GPO, and the selective depository libraries in the state or region. Selective housing agreements or collection development agreements between or among depositories can be incorporated into the state plan. Encourage your regional depository library staff to initiate or participate in inter-regional depository training, outreach promotion, and other programs. From Chapter 13: Transitioning Depository Libraries No single depository can meet all potential community needs, especially in a digital environment. Frequent communication among neighboring depositories is encouraged. Depository collection development, promotional activities, and continuing education activities should be accomplished in conjunction with neighboring depositories. From Chapter 14: Disaster Preparedness and Recovery It is important for you to communicate with the staff as soon as possible after a disaster about the status of their workplace. This communication should continue on a regular basis throughout the recovery process. Publications received through the Federal Depository Library Program remain the property of the Federal Government. However, your library is responsible for the treatment and replacement of all publications damaged or destroyed in a disaster and should keep LSCM informed about the extent of the losses and the replacement efforts being made. You will also have to work with insurance companies and adjustors who may have little experience working with libraries and/or Government publications. Your decision on whether to use an outside disaster recovery service or library staff and management can depend on the extent of the disaster. For example, if staff are dealing with losses at home and come to the workplace to deal with the same type of losses, it can be demoralizing to the employees. If a disaster recovery service is responsible for the recovery process, your library NEEDS to be aware that some of its recovery methods and processes may not be suitable for library materials. For example, there are several processes and products available for removing smoke odors that would actually damage library materials. Working with a disaster recovery service or temporary workers is different from working with regular library staff, and adjustments will NEED to be made in a variety of procedures. From Chapter 15: Federal Libraries Federal libraries MUST still grant access to the general public to use depository materials, both physical and electronic. In the spirit of cooperation, Federal libraries are encouraged to participate in local meetings and other depository-related activities. All materials distributed through the depository library program remain the property of the U.S. Government Printing Office.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008 | 7 hits
Depository Administration/FDLP Handbook
Maps have been a part of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) since its inception. As an integral part of the FDLP, information regarding the treatment of and access to maps of all kinds has been included in several chapters of the Handbook. Those sections have been compiled to allow for easier access to map-related information. A list of resources related to map librarianship has also been included in this appendix. From Chapter 5: Depository Collections Selection of Maps The selection of maps for your depository library will fall under the same general collection development policies that have been established for your larger institution. However, there are factors in the development of map collections which should be considered and which are specific to maps as a format. The following factors impact the development and use of a map collection in a depository. Circulation of the map collection; Security of the map collection; some maps are rare and valuable and as such, they have been targeted for theft from some libraries; Extra clerical help REQUIRED for processing the number of maps which may be seasonal depending on the frequency of map distribution; Care in handling maps; Specialized supplies, equipment or furniture REQUIRED for processing, handling, storing, servicing, and using maps; Map cabinets, wall hangers, pigeon hole or other shelving devices may have to be purchased. For collection development purposes, maps of a library's local area and region are always in higher demand than those of other states and regions. If it is possible to select a series by state, a library in, for example, New Jersey should consider whether it really needs detailed coverage of Texas or other far away states. Would state maps alone serve your library users' needs? Consider the scale of the maps that you are considering for selection. A large scale map, such as the 1:24,000 topographical map, will have many more sheets and require more map case space than a map at the scale of 1:100,000 to cover the same geographic area. The availability of electronic maps MUST also be considered. The advent of the “digital age” has led many Federal agencies to shift their map publishing and distribution efforts from print to a combination of print and electronic resources. Government-issued cartographic materials are now increasingly—and in a growing number of cases, exclusively—available in electronic format as scanned images and digital maps (both of which can be viewed online, printed or downloaded as an image file), or maps produced on-the-fly with Web-based mapping applications, also known as Geographic Information Systems (GIS). A list of maps available for selection by depositories can be created using Documents Data Miner 2 by conducting a title search for “map” in the List of Classes database. Your depository may wish to consider providing GIS services to your patrons. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a computer-based system that stores geographically referenced data linked to textual attributes (a database) and allows for mapping, display, analysis, and modeling. The majority of GIS data from the Federal Government is available for selection in CD-ROM form. These CDs are divided into three main types 1) those with an internal GIS, 2) those with GIS files that can be used with third party software without the need to be processed, or 3) both. In addition, GIS data is available through online resources. Prime examples include Geodata.gov and The National Map. Software by various companies can be used to view, analyze and display data. As with most technology, GIS is not useful without people to manage the system/software or to utilize it. One of the most challenging aspects of having a GIS service is staffing. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Some depositories may wish to consider providing GIS services to their patrons. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a computer-based system that stores geographically referenced data linked to textual attributes (a database) and allows for mapping, display, analysis, and modeling. The majority of GIS data from the Federal Government is available for selection in CD-ROM format. These CDs are divided into three main types 1) those with an internal GIS, 2) those with GIS files that can be used with third party software without the need to be processed, or 3) both. In addition, GIS data is available through online resources. Prime examples include Geodata.gov and The National Map.  Software by various companies can be used to view, analyze and display data. As with most technology, GIS is not useful without people to manage the system/software or to utilize it. One of the most challenging aspects of having a GIS service is staffing. From Chapter 6: Technical Services Map Processing This record keeping requirement does not mean that a shelflist card must be generated for each piece. For instance, the holdings record for some map series could be comprised of a basic shelflist record for the map series plus checking-off the appropriate quadrangles of maps received on the index map. Your depository should also mark all out of date or superseded material that is retained in the collection as “superseded” or “not current”. Aeronautical and nautical charts should also be stamped "Not to be used for navigational purposes." Map Shipments Maps from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) are sent in shipments separate from the regular depository boxes. Shipping lists or packing slips just for the maps are enclosed. There are five sequential numbering schemes for the materials distributed from GPO: paper (P), microfiche (M), separates (S), and electronic publications (E). USGS ships maps directly from their distributor and provide their own shipping lists, which indicate the GPO item number, map title, and scale information. Claiming Maps To file a claim for missing microfiche or USGS maps, circle the missing titles on the microfiche or USGS shipping list and provide your depository number and mailing address. Then mail or fax the shipping list to the appropriate microfiche contractor or USGS. From Chapter 8: Preservation Identification of valuable publications takes time and effort. While there are no quick lists, there are several starting places. First, give special consideration to materials pertaining to your own state or locale. If you can encapsulate only a few maps, select those of your own state. Select reports and other volumes on the same basis; and don't forget small circulars, etc. as they are the most likely to be lost over the years. From Chapter 9: Housing If your depository selects and receives maps, they are subject to the same processing procedures as other depository materials. Whether the maps are housed directly in the library or housed off-site, it is your library's responsibility to ensure that maps which arrive through the FDLP are handled according to the practices established in this Handbook. You can house sheet maps and charts in sturdy, acid-free map cases. The best method of storing maps is flat in map cabinets or vertically in plain files. Rolling maps is acceptable but makes access and use more difficult. Only those maps pre-folded by the publisher may be stored folded. As with any paper materials, maps NEED year-round temperature and humidity control with proper air circulation and limited exposure to ultraviolet light. Clearly labeled and well-arranged maps can be identified and selected from map cabinets with the least wear and tear. In most situations, your will want to keep map indexes near the maps. In situations where the maps are not directly accessible to the user, you might want to house the map indexes along with other reference materials. Map drawers that are too full increase the weight on each map as they are pulled out, filed, and re-filed increasing the chances that maps may be torn or damaged. Maps will receive better care by making sizeable workspaces available to users using the maps, as well as providing sufficient space for staff to re-file the maps. You should take care not to obscure important images or information when labeling and stamping maps. Also avoid applying adhesive labels, security strips, or stamps on the back of a map where it can bleed through and obscure information on the front of the map. The lower edge is an ideal place to record call numbers. Searching through a stack of maps labeled at the bottom edge is more efficient and distresses maps the least. Your depository maps are sometimes housed in a different location some distance from the rest of the depository collection. If the location of the map collection is not under the administrative control of your depository library, a selective housing memorandum of understanding MUST be initiated between your depository and the selective housing site. See Appendix D in this Handbook for more information. Maps are sometimes housed in a different location some distance from the rest of the depository collection. If the map collection’s location is not under the administrative control of the depository library, a selective housing memorandum of understanding MUST be initiated between the depository and the selective housing site. See appendix D of this Handbook for more information. Selective Housing Ownership of the material and the responsibility for meeting FDLP standards remain the same, whether the publications are routed through your depository library or mailed directly to the selective housing site, as can be the case with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maps. Additional Resources Books Andrew, Paige and Mary Larsgaard. Map and Related Cartographic Materials: Cataloging, Classification and Bibliographic Control. Binghamton: Haworth Information Press, 1999 IS U.S. Serial Set Index. Part 14, Index and Carto-Bibliography of Maps, 1789-1969. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Information Service, 1975-1998. Demers, Michael N. Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2005. Drazniowsky, Roman. Map Librarianship: Readings. Metuchen, N.J., Scarecrow Press, 1975. Guide to U.S. Government publications. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group. Larsgaard, Mary. Map Librarianship: An Introduction. Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1998. Moffat, Riley Moore. Map Index to Topographic Quadrangles of the United States, 1882-1940. Santa Cruz: Western Association of Map Libraries, 1985. U.S. Geological Survey. Publications of the Geological Survey 1879-1961. Washington: Government Print. Office, 1964. Thompson, Morris M. Maps for America: Cartographic Products of the U.S. Geological Survey and Others. Reston, Va.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1987. Journals and Newsletters Baseline. Map and Geography Round Table Meridian. Map & Geography Round Table. Coordinates. Map & Geography Round Table. Bulletin. Special Library Association, Geography and Map Division. Information Bulletin. Western Association of Map Libraries Cartographic perspectives: Bulletin of the North American Cartographic Information Society Bulletin. Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives. Journal of Map and Geography Libraries. Binghamton: Haworth Information Press. Organizations American Library Association: Map and Geography Round Table Special Library Association: Geography and Map Division Western Association of Map Libraries North American Cartographic Information Society Cartographic Users Advisory Council Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives Electronic Discussion Forums MAPS-L SLA-DGM Miscellaneous Resources Western Association of Map Libraries Map Librarian’s Toolbox Army Map Service Indexes National Needs and Offers List
Wednesday, 26 November 2008 | 3 hits
Depository Administration/FDLP Handbook
Below is a sample of a selective housing agreement your depository library may use when a portion of its current or retrospective collection is transferred to another library, institution, or agency through an arrangement called shared or selective housing. A formal agreement between the parties MUST be signed if the host site is not under the administrative purview of the depository offering the material for selective housing. A copy of this agreement MUST also be filed with LSCM. For more information about selective housing agreement, see chapter 9 in this Handbook. Sample Agreement Agreement for Selective Housing of U.S. Government publications distributed through the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) This agreement is made on (date) by and between (Lending) Library and (Receiving) Library. This agreement is entered into for the purpose of: (specify). The publications are lent for (specify time) but remain the property of the U.S. Government Printing Office under the control of (lending) Library. In pursuance of this agreement, the (Receiving) Library agrees to: Assign the responsibility for carrying out the provisions of this agreement for the U.S. Government publications deposited or loaned by (Lending) library to the (Reference, Medical, etc.) Librarian of the (Receiving) library. Make available for free and unrestricted use all U.S. Government publications to the general public. Lend to (Lending) Library any U.S. Government publication that is selectively housed for a period up to (specify length of time). Maintain all U.S. Government publications selectively housed in compliance with Title 44, United States Code, the Federal Depository Library Handbook, and etc. Inventory, identify, and maintain a public record of the U.S. Government publications selectively housed under this agreement. Retain any classification numbers, stamps, and notes as supplied by (Lending) Library. Return to (Lending) Library all U.S. Government publications which were selectively housed and which are no longer considered useful. Replace any lost publication. (Lending) Library agrees to: Transfer and continue to send publications which include, but are not limited to (specify publications of agencies, series, subjects, etc.) to (Receiving) Library. Keep records indicating the location of publications involved in this agreement. Abide by any borrowing agreement made with (Receiving) Library. Provide selection lists and surveys and assist the (Receiving) Library with development of the collection. Accept all publications upon termination of this agreement. This agreement may be terminated by written notice from either party (specify) days in advance before all publications are returned to (Lending) Library. (Lending) Library Library Director: (signature)(date) (Receiving) Library Director: (signature)(date)
Wednesday, 26 November 2008 | 1 hit
Depository Administration/FDLP Handbook
AACR2 Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd edition ADA Americans with Disabilities Act AdNotes Administrative Notes ANSI American National Standards Institute ANTS Administrative Notes Technical Supplement CD-ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory CGP Catalog of Government Publications CRM Customer Relationship Management system DLC Depository Library Council DDM/DDM2 Documents Data Miner DVD Digital Video Disc E Tangible electronic format EC FDLP Electronic Collection EL Online electronic format FAQ Frequently Asked Questions FBB Federal Bulletin Board FDLP Federal Depository Library Program FDLP-L Federal Depository Library Program Discussion List FDsys Future Digital System FTP File Transfer Protocol GIS Geographic Information Systems GODORT Government Documents Roundtable (of ALA) GPO U.S. Government Printing Office ILL Interlibrary loan ILS Integrated Library System JCP Joint Committee on Printing LSCM Library Services and Content Management MARC Machine Readable Cataloging MF Microfiche format MOA Memorandum of Agreement MOCAT Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications MOU Memorandum of Understanding MTR Minimum Technical Requirements NET New Electronic Titles list OCLC Online Computer Library Center OPAC Online Public Access Catalog PURL Persistent Uniform Resource Locator RS Recommended specifications RSS Really simple syndication; or Rich Site Summary; or RDF site summary SHA Selective Housing Agreement SL Shipping List SOD Superintendent of Documents URL Uniform Resource Locator USB Universal Serial Bus USGS U.S. Geological Survey USPTO U.S. Patent and Trademark Office 1909 Checklist: (Checklist of United States Public Documents, 1789 - 1909) is an index of government documents titles that were published from 1789 – 1909. A good source of information for finding titles published during the 18th and 19th centuries. Access: providing for free public access to Federal Government information products regardless of format. Access involves making Federal Government information products available and usable for all users, including those with disabilities. It also involves but is not necessarily limited to bibliographic, physical building, tangible collection, Internet, and onsite computer access. It is the degree to which the public is able to retrieve or obtain the information products, either through the FDLP or directly through a digital information service established and maintained by a Government agency or its authorized agent or other delivery channels, in a useful format or medium, and in a time frame whereby the information has utility. Accessibility: making tools and content available and usable for all users including those with disabilities; the degree to which the public is able to retrieve or obtain Government publications, either through the FDLP or directly through an digital information service established and maintained by a Government agency or its authorized agent or other delivery channels, in a useful format or medium and in a time frame whereby the information has utility. Administrative Notes: bimonthly FDLP newsletter of the FDLP (GP 3.16/3-2:) providing information on topics related to Federal Government information. Administrative Notes Technical Supplement (ANTS): bimonthly newsletter containing updates and corrections for item numbers, SuDocs classification numbers, etc. (GP 3.16/3-3:). Andriot’s (Andriot’s Guide to U.S. Government Publication): an index that gives a history of the organization of the U.S. Federal Government. The index, published annually by Gale, details the birth and end of government agencies, agency relocation (including its publications) when an agency is disbanded or transferred, and SuDoc call numbers for each publication or series. Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules: rules designed for use in the construction of catalogues and other lists in general libraries of all sizes. The rules cover the description of, and the provision of access points for, all library materials commonly collected at the present time. Annual: a title published once a year ANSI standard: American National Standards (ANS) facilitates the development of standards by accrediting the procedures of standards developing organizations. These groups work cooperatively to develop voluntary national consensus standards. Accreditation by ANSI signifies that the procedures used by the standards body in connection with the development of American National Standards meet the Institute’s essential requirements for openness, balance, consensus & due proces. askGPO: the contact web page from the Government Printing Office (GPO) that allows depository coordinators and members of the public to ask questions of or send comments to GPO staff. Assessments: see Public Access Assessments Atlas: a bound collection of maps often including illustrations, informative tables, or textual matter Biannual: twice a year (e.g. a title published twice a year) Biennial: every two years (e.g. a title published every two years) Biennial Survey: survey of conditions in depository libraries conducted every two years. Bimonthly: every two months (e.g. a title published every two months) Catalog of U.S. Government Publications(CGP): finding tool for federal publications that includes descriptive records for historic and current publications and provides direct links to those that are available online; continues the Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications. Cataloging and indexing: cataloging is comprised of the processes involved in constructing a catalog - describing information or documents to identify or characterize them and providing "entry points" (terms) peculiar to the information or document (e.g., author, title, subject, and format information, by which the information can be located and retrieved). The immediate product of cataloging is a bibliographic record. Bibliographic records compiled to create catalogs. Indexing is the process of compiling a set of identifiers that characterize a document or other piece of information by analyzing the content of the item and expressing it in the terms of a particular system of indexing. In the GPO context, cataloging and indexing is the statutory term for the processes that produce the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) and its indexes. Cataloging and Indexing Program: program, mandated by 44 USC§1710-1711, to develop a comprehensive and authoritative national bibliography of U.S. Government Publications to increase the visibility and use of Government information products, and to develop a premier destination for information searchers. CD-ROM: (Compact Disc Read-Only Memory) is a compact disc containing data that can be read by a computer. Census: an official, usually periodic enumeration of a population, often including the collection of related demographic information. Claim: depository library’s request for an item rightfully due if selected under the FDLP but either not initially received or damaged in shipment. See also Web Claim form. Classification: a system devised to categorize publications. In the case of the Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs) classification system, the publishing agency is used as a way to organize Federal documents. Collection Development: the systematic process, usually described in a collection development policy, by which the depository library will select materials to be added to their collection in order to satisfy user needs. Collections: collection development and maintenance of the Federal Government information products, including those entrusted to the individual depository’s care, so they are accessible and meet the Federal Government information needs of the general public. Congressional Serial Set, U.S.: is the permanent historical collection of the U.S House of Representatives and U.S. Senate documents and reports. Cooperative Publication: Government publication required to be self-sustaining (cost recovery) through sale or published in cooperation with a non-governmental author; not available for free distribution through the FDLP. Core Collection: lists of suggested titles for academic, public, and law libraries selecting in all subject areas in order to provide the necessary service to the general public (see appendix A of this Handbook). Cumulative Title Index to U.S. Public Documents, 1789 – 1976: an index of government documents that can be found by looking up the title of the documents (GP 3.812:1-16). Decennial: every ten years (such as the census). Deep web: content that is not part of the “surface web” i.e. indexed by search engines. Deep web consists of databases that are constructed by webcrawlers or spiders. Depository Library Council (DLC): group of information professionals selected to assist the Government Printing Office in identifying and evaluating alternatives for improving public access to government information through the Depository Library Program (DLP) and for optimizing resources available for operating the Program. Depository Library Number: Unique number assigned to each depository library to record selections, distribute materials, maintain directory information, etc. Designation: the process by which a library or institution is made an official Federal Depository Library. See chapter 3 in this Handbook for a discussion of Federal depository status or the Designation Handbook for Federal Depository Libraries. Direct Mail: Depository material mailed directly to the library from the printing contractor, i.e., not in shipment boxes or listed on a shipping list. Discards: unwanted materials disposed of through a regional depository after retaining 5 years or superceded. Discontinued: a title that is no longer distributed to depository libraries or published by the publishing agency. Documents Data Miner (DDM/DDM2): a search engine combining files from the latest version of the List of Classes of United States Government Publications available for Selection by Depository Libraries, the Item Lister's Current Item Number Selection Profiles for Depository Libraries, and the Federal Depository Library Directory. DVD-ROM: (Digital Video Disc): a high-capacity optical disk format or an optical disk using such a format and containing especially a video recording (as a movie) or computer data Electronic Collection (EC): the digital Government publications that GPO holds in storage for permanent public access through the FDLP, or that are held by libraries and/or other institutions operating in partnership with the FDLP. These digital publications may be remotely accessible online publications, or tangible publications such as CD-ROMs maintained in depository library collections. The four categories of publications in the EC include core legislative and regulatory publications which reside on GPO servers, available through GPO Access; products directly managed for other agencies on GPO servers, or through formal agreements with other institutions, and available through GPO Access; publications identified, described, and linked to through GPO services, but which remain under the control of originating agencies, with access through GPO's locator tools and services; and tangible electronic products (such as CD/ROM, DVD, or others) distributed to Federal depository libraries. Essential Titles for Public Use in Paper or Other Tangible Format: list containing publications that will remain available for selection in paper format, so long as they are published in paper by the originating agency. Federal Bulletin Board (FBB): a free electronic bulletin board service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO). The FBB enables Federal agencies to provide to the public self-service access to Federal information in electronic form. Federal depository library: library designated under the provisions of 44 U.S.C. §19 which maintains a depository collection for use and local access by the general public and which offers professional assistance in locating and using Government information products and services. Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP): program established by Congress to ensure that the American people have access to its Government's information. Federal Government information products: discrete units of Government information in all formats. File Transfer Protocol (FTP): a communications protocol governing the transfer of files from one computer to another over a network. Five Year Retention Rule: (see Retention, 5-Year). Format: a particular physical presentation of an item. Free public access: perpetual, no fee, and ready access to Federal Government information products without impediments is available to the general public. Fugitive documents (LostDocs): those documents of public interest or educational value, and not classified for reasons of national security, which have not been acquired for distribution to Federal depository libraries or disseminated through the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP). Future Digital System (FDsys): system to allow federal content creators to easily create and submit content that can then be preserved, authenticated, managed and delivered upon request. FDsys will form the core of GPO’s future operations. Geographic Information Systems (GIS): a computer-based system that stores geographically referenced data linked to textual attributes (a database) and allows for mapping, display, analysis, and modeling. Government publication: a work of the United States Government, regardless of form or format, which is created or compiled in whole or in part at Government expense, or as required by law. Government publications not distributed though the FDLP include: those which are required for official use only, are for strictly operational or administrative purposes having no public interest or educational value, or are classified for reasons of national security. GPO Access: a service of the U.S. Government Printing Office, required by 44 U.S.C Chapter 41, to provides free electronic access to a wealth of important information products produced by the Federal Government. Guidelines for the Federal Depository Library Program: program and performance goals for Federal depository libraries and GPO. Inactive: 1) a title that has been discontinued, ceased, replaced, deemed non-depository; 2) a title that hasn't been published in a long time but not linked to a formal statement from the publisher about discontinuation, cessation, replacement, or out-of-scope; one reason for inactivity could be due to lack of funding for printing; 3) item numbers and SuDocs classes can also be inactive Instructions to Depository Libraries: Superseded official rules and regulations of the FDLP (GP 3.26: D 44/) replaced by the Federal Depository Library Handbook. Integrating Resource: bibliographic resource that is added to or changed by means of updates that do not remain discrete and are integrated into the whole; integrating resources can be finite or continuing. Examples of integrating resources include updating loose-leafs and updating Web sites. Internet Use Policy Guidelines: depository libraries should have a written access policy that addresses issues regarding obtaining FDLP information on the internet. Item Lister: web collection management tool that lists an individual library’s selected (or non-selected) item numbers. Item Number: Control number assigned by GPO to titles or groups of titles (by agency) that are available for selection in the FDLP Item selection mechanism: the process and tools used by depository libraries to select tangible and electronic titles Joint Committee on Printing: the Congressional committee that oversees the activities of the Government Printing Office and the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) Journal: A publication, issued on a regular basis, which contains scholarly research published as articles, papers, research reports, or technical reports. Knowledge Base: a database system that is part of askGPO that contains information of use to depository coordinators and includes information about the FDLP system List of Classes: List of current titles and/or categories arranged by SuDocs number including item number and format that are available for selection by depository libraries (GP 3.24:) "Locate in a Library": functionality incorporated into the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications which allows users to find a Federal depository library that has a particular publication Loose-leaf Publication: an integrating resource that consists of one or more base volumes updated by separate pages that are inserted, removed, and/or substituted Machine Readable Cataloging (MARC): acronym for MAchine-Readable Cataloging. MARC provides the mechanism by which computers exchange, use, & interpret bibliographic information; its data elements make up the foundation of most library catalogs used today Memorandum of Agreement (MOA): formal document outlining the terms of a selective housing agreement, including the respective responsibilities of the depository library and the recipient library agreeing to house depository materials under its care Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): formal document used by GPO to describe the responsibilities of each party in a partnership Microfiche: length of film bearing a number of micro-images in linear array Modem: computer hardware that connects our computer to other computers through a telephone line and appropriate software Monograph: bibliographic resource that is complete in one part or intended to be completed within a finite number of parts Monthly: a title published every month Nautical charts: graphic portrayal of the marine environment showing the nature and form of the coast, the general configuration of the sea bottom including water depths, locations of dangers to navigation, locations and characteristics of man-made aids to navigation and other features useful to the mariner. Nautical charts are published by the National Ocean Service (NOS). Needs and Offers: a tool used by depository librarians for collection development purposes; a regional or national list for libraries seeking to dispose of publications withdrawn from their collections, place publications with other depositories, or replace missing publications with publications from other depository collections New Electronic Titles (NET): lists are produced by a set of predefined searches of the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications for new titles, both electronic and tangible, which have been cataloged for the FDLP during a specified period of time. The lists contain new, not updated titles. OCLC(Online Computer Library Center): a commercial vendor that provides a database of bibliographic records that libraries can download and include in their library online catalogs Partnership: an official agreement between GPO and one or more parties that may include government, corporate, educational, or other institutions in joint projects that benefit the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) Patent: property right granted by the Government of the United States of America to an inventor “to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States” for a limited time in exchange for public disclosure of the invention when the patent is granted. The government agency that oversees patents is the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Periodical: material published regularly such as magazines, journals, and newspapers Preservation: The activities associated with maintaining publications for use, either in their original form or in some verifiable, usable form. Preservation may also include creation of a surrogate for the original by a conversion process, wherein the intellectual content and other essential attributes of the original are retained. For digital materials, preservation includes the management of formats of information (including possible migration to newer versions), the storage environment, and the archival arrangement of information to facilitate preservation. Public Access Assessments: Review by GPO of individual Federal depository conditions focusing on public access to Federal Government information products PURL (Persistent Uniform Resource Locator): a URL that instead of pointing directly to the location of an Internet resource, points to an intermediate resolution service. The PURL resolution service associates the PURL with the actual URL and returns that URL to the client. The client can then complete the URL transaction in the normal fashion. In Web parlance, this is a standard HTTP redirect. (http://purl.oclc.org/) Quadrangle: size of topographic maps published in the United States. Each map covers a four-sided area of 7.5 minutes of latitude and 7.5 minutes of longitude. The United States has been systematically divided into precisely measured quadrangles, and adjacent maps can be combined to form a single large map. The 7.5-minute quadrangle map series is popular as a base for maps of many different types and scales. Quarterly: a title published every three months or four times each year Quinquennial: a title published every five years RSS (Really Simple Syndication): allows users to keep updated on frequently changing content. RSS employs an XML-based structure that includes a title, date, brief description, and a link to the full text of content. RSS can be used to automatically deliver lists, or feeds, of noteworthy content and descriptive information to users who subscribe to a feed. Feeds can be read through a program called a news reader or aggregator, which can be found through the following DMOZ Open Directory Project, Google, or Yahoo. Re-districting: Redistricting is the process of redrawing state legislative and congressional district boundaries every 10 years by state legislatures following the U.S. Census. When congressional redistricting occurs in a district with two existing depositories and the redistricting includes the geographical area covered by another depository, the district may have three depositories in that district. The district losing the depository, however, will have a new depository vacancy. This affects only Representative-designated depositories. Regional Depository Library: depository library designated by a U.S. Senator to maintain responsibility for the integrity and comprehensiveness of a state or region’s depository collection of U.S. Government information Retention, 5-Year: statutory minimum period of time depositories must keep materials received under the FDLP unless superseded or replaced by another format Ribbed Shelving: Ribbed shelves used in libraries provide additional strength and minimize shelf deflection by the way they are constructed. Scale: the relationship between distance on the map and distance on the ground. A map scale usually is given as a fraction or a ratio—1/10,000 or 1:10,000. These "representative fraction" scales mean that 1 unit of measurement on the map—1 inch or 1 centimeter—represents 10,000 of the same units on the ground. If the scale were 1:63,360, for instance, then 1 inch on the map would represent 63,360 inches, or 1 mile, on the ground (63,360 inches divided by 12 inches equals 5,280 feet, or 1 mile). The first number (map distance) is always 1. The second number (ground distance) is different for each scale; the larger the second number is, the smaller the scale of the map. "The larger the number, the smaller the scale" sounds confusing, but it is easy to understand. A map of an area 100 miles long by 100 miles wide drawn at a scale of 1:63,360 would be more than 8 feet square. To make the map a more convenient size, either the scale used or the area covered must be reduced. Secondary Copies: those depository items that are duplicates, superseded, or sent by GPO in error; also depository holdings of the highest state appellate courts and Federal agencies that are not bound by the 5-year retention rule Selective Depository Library: Federal depository library that can select only those item numbers that fulfill government information needs of primary clientele and the public within a geographic area Selective Housing Agreement (SHA): agreement accompanying the extended loan of depository materials from a designated library to one that is not a depository, formalized through a signed Memorandum of Agreement Selection Profile: an individual depository's composite profile of its selected item numbers Self-Study: once used methodology for a depository’s self-assessment, i.e., a review of its operation and compliance with standards typically undertaken in advance of a possible on-site inspection Separate Shipments: those depository items deemed inappropriate for shipment in regular depository boxes and whose shipping lists follow in regular shipment boxes Serial: continuing resource issued in a succession of discrete parts, usually bearing numbering, that has no predetermined conclusion. Examples of serials include journals, magazines, electronic journals, continuing directories, annual reports, newspapers, and monographic series. Series: group of separate items related to one another by the fact that each item bears, in addition to its own title proper, a collective title applying to the group as a whole. The individual items may or may not be numbered. Service: activities and professional expertise oriented to the Federal Government information needs of the local community and surrounding areas and provided to support the visibility and use of the Federal Government information products of the depository library Shipping List: itemized list that accompanies all items sent to a regional or selective depository in one regular shipment; a list of items sent to a depository library as a separate shipment where those items arrived separately from the list Shipping Lister: service from which a user can retrieve an official depository shipping list in portable document format (pdf) (http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/tools/sl/slister.html) State Plan: statewide guidelines agreed upon by the regional depository library's administration and the selective depository libraries in the state for cooperative collection development, resource sharing, disposition, promotion, and other services for depository libraries. Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs): government official appointed by the Public Printer to oversee GPO’s FDLP and sales program Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs) Classification: a system of classification by publishing agency of Government publications for their management and control by libraries, authorized by the Superintendent of Documents Superseded List: list of document titles or series that are replaced by new editions (GP 3.2: Su 7/) Superseded Materials: depository titles updated whose old editions may be discarded without prior approval and before 5 years have elapsed Surface web: web content that is accessible by conventional search engines. Title 44, U.S.C., Chapter 19: part of the United States Code, a federal law authorizing the Federal Depository Library Program Topographic Map: a map that shows three dimensional characteristics in a two-dimensional surface. A topographic map shows elevations by using contour lines and shows both natural and man-made structures; used by the general public in a number of ways including hiking, biking, camping, etc. The most common scale is 1:24,000 for 7.5 minute series maps. Alaska topographic maps are published as 15 minute series at a scale of 1:63,360. Topographic maps are published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Trademark: means for protecting words, names, symbols, sounds, or colors that distinguish goods and services from those manufactured or sold by others and to indicate the source of the goods. Trademarks, unlike patents, can be renewed forever as long as they are being used in commerce. The government agency that oversees trademarks is the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Virtual Reference: form of reference service initiated electronically, often in real-time, where patrons employ computers or other Internet technology to communicate with reference staff without being physically present. Communication channels used frequently in virtual reference include chat, videoconferencing, Voice over IP, co-browsing, e-mail, and instant messaging. Web Claim form: web management tool used by depositories to make claims for titles rightfully due them WebTech Notes: interactive online resource to locate information that has appeared in an Administrative Notes Technical Supplement Weeding: regular maintenance program whereby a depository’s unwanted publications are identified, listed, and approval is sought for their disposal Weekly: title published once a week Workstation Specifications: minimum standards for computer workstations for the depository system
Wednesday, 26 November 2008 | 1 hit
Depository Administration/FDLP Handbook
Change Control Log August 08 Revision Chapter Change Page 4 Added language to clarify mediated vesus filtered searching pp. 4-2, 4-9 9, 12 Changed language to clarify regionals' responsibilities vis-à-vis microfiche duplicator pp. 9-3, 12-4 Appendix E Added definition of "ribbed shelving." 12 Table of Contents Added page numbers to the Table of Contents pp. iii - vi 4 Added language to address deficiencies explanation of depository libraries responsibility during periods of time when there is a disruption of service 4-7 3 Changed text to read "over 1,250" instead of "almost 1,300" 3-1 5 Added language to emphasize to administrators that the purpose of the collection is to meet the gov. information needs of the community 5-29 4 Added language to address the question of access and patron behavior 4-6 3 Deleted the clickable library location map and replaced it with a link to the FDLP Directory 3-3 4 Added text to include cooperative publications as ineligible for inclusion in the FDLP 4-4 Throughout Added chapter number and revision date to the footer of the handbook Every page 1 Added language to discourage users from contacting LSCM Director for "general inquiries" 1-4 5 Added language emphasizing the need to consult the FDLP Guidelines for Determining Superceded Materials and the FDLP Guidelines on Substituting Electronic for Tangible Versions of Depository Publications 5-19 5 Added language emphasizing the need to examine replacement copies of electronic for tangible publications before substituting 5-25 7 Added Chapter 7 7-1 through 7-5 10 Added language to clarify need for formalization of partnerships with LSCM 11-1 5 Added language to expand upon transitioning to an electronic depository 5-5 5 Added language to clarify dissemination of electronic selections 5-9 4 Added text to emphasize service must be provided during periods of disruption of normal service 4-7 5 Modified language to refer to the FDLP Guidelines on Substituting Electronic for Tangible Versions of Depository Publications Various 6 Language added to emphasize statistics in record-keeping 6-11 & 6-12 7 Added language regarding submission by LSCM of a post-assessment written report 7-2
Monday, 01 December 2008 | 1 hit
The Depository Library Council to the Public Printer meets twice a year, in the spring and fall. These 3-day meetings, attended by Federal depository library staff and other information professionals, are the largest gatherings devoted to U.S. government information in the country.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008 | 2 hits | Read more
Usually held in Washington, D.C. in the late summer, the Interagency Depository Seminar is a wonderful opportunity to see how Federal agencies work in conjunction with Federal depository libraries. The seminar is targeted for new and experienced documents staff. Presentations on training and updates on the latest information products and activites as they relate to Federal depository libraries are given by representatives from various Federal agency representatives. This is a great networking opportunity as well as an opportunity to gather ideas to implement for the improvement of your library.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008 | 2 hits | Read more
Collection Management/Distribution
A misdirected depository shipment box is one you receive that: Does not have your library number on it. Has your library number on it but the contents are not items that you select. Has your library number on it and the contents are duplicates of items you have already received.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008 | 6 hits | Read more
Collection Management/Distribution
2009-0001-P   2009-0007-P 2009-0002-P   2009-0008-P 2009-0003-P   2009-0009-P 2009-0004-P   2009-0010-P 2009-0005-P   2009-0011-P 2009-0006-P  
Tuesday, 14 October 2008 | 14 hits | Read more
Collection Management/Building Collections
The list of Essential Titles for Public Use in Paper or Other Tangible Format, or as it is more commonly known as, the Essential Titles List, is a list of publications developed by the FDLP community that were deemed essential for the public and to Federal Depository Libraries for the continuation of the print format.
Monday, 24 November 2008 | 3 hits | Read more
Collection Management/Building Collections
There are several databases available to Federal Depository Libraries for free. Current databases available to all FDLs include: STAT-USA/ USA Trade Online, National Climatic Data Center Online Library, NTIS DARTS (Depository Access to Reports, Technical & Scientific), and Homeland Security Digital Library GPO recommends that libraries catalog or otherwise advertise the availability of these services. Libraries may link to a Web page listing online subscription services accessible through the FDLP to depository libraries at no cost. Individual Federal agencies are responsible for assigning passwords to interested libraries. To find out more about each of these databases and to get signed up for passwords, read more.
Monday, 24 November 2008 | 6 hits | Read more

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