Electronic Records Archives (ERA)

ERA Presentations, Papers and Related Research Publications

ERA has sponsored numerous presentations, papers, and research publications related to the preservation of electronic records.


Below is a list of presentations given by NARA's administration, management, staff and partners about the technological and archival aspects of preserving electronic records. All available presentations are in PDF format Adobe Acrobat PDF unless otherwise indicated.



  • Thibodeau, Kenneth. Keynote address at the East Asian Branch of the International Council on Archives Annual Conference. Tokyo, Japan. October 25, 2007.

  • Conrad, Mark. "Getting a Seat at the Table to Leverage Other People's Money." Society of American Archivists annual meeting. Chicago, Il, August 2007.

  • Conrad, Mark. SDSC/SAA "Electronic Records Summer Camp." San Diego Supercomputer Center. August 6-10, 2007.

  • Cacas, Rita, and LePore, Gregory. "Building the Archives of the Future: An Overview of the ERA Program." eRecords Forum, Indianapolis, IN, August 1, 2007.

  • Thibodeau, Kenneth. "The Creation of Wealth in Archives: Lessons from NARA's ERA Program." NAGARA, July 19, 2007

  • Thibodeau, Kenneth. "The Electronic Records Archives at the National Archives and Records Administration." AALL Town Meeting, New Orleans, July 16, 2007.

  • Cacas, Rita and Conrad, Mark. "ERA Updates" at the NDIIP Partners meeting, University of Maryland, College Park. June 26, 2007.

  • Cacas, Rita. "Digital Preservation for the Nation: An Introduction to the Electronic Records Archives (ERA)." 2007 Special Libraries Association Annual North American Convention, Denver, CO. June 5, 2007.

  • Phillips, Megan. "An Overview of the Electronic Records Archives (ERA) Program." E-Records Forum: Austin, Texas. April 17, 2008 .

  • Cacas, Rita and Conrad, Mark. "Introduction to ERA" and "ERA Research Lab Demonstrations." NARA "Know Your Records" Series, Archives I, April 24 and Archives II, April 26, 2007.

  • Thibodeau, Kenneth. "Archival Interoperability: The Intersection of Stability and Change." National Institute of Standard and Technology Interoperability Week, Plenary Session, April 24, 2007.

  • Thibodeau, Kenneth. "Critical Competencies for Digital Curation: Perspectives from 30 Years in the Trenches and the Mountain Top." The DigCCur2007 Conference, University of North Carolina, April 20, 2007.

  • Phillips, Megan. "Building the Archives of the Future: An Overview of the ERA Program." eRecords Forum, Austin, TX. April 19 2007.

  • Cacas, Rita. "The Electronic Records Archives (ERA) Program: A Progress Report. 2007" ARMA Southeast Region Educational Conference, Tampa, FL, April 3, 2007.






  • Chadduck, Robert. "Knowledge-Based, Grid-Enabled, Persistent Archives Applied Research and Development Program."
    NSF NPACI Meeting, February 2001.

  • Bellardo, Lewis. "Preserving our Federal Heritage in the Digital Era: What is NARA's Role in Creating the Government's Digital Archive?."
    Federal Library and Information Center Committee, March 2001.

  • Carlin, John. "Building the Archives of the Future."
    IEEE Mass Storage Technologies Symposium, April 2001.

  • Chadduck, Robert. "Knowledge-Based, Persistent Archives Applied Research and Development Program."
    Federal ERM Conference, April 2001.

  • Thibodeau, Kenneth. "Building the Electronic Records Management Information Infrastructure."
    ARMA Presentation, April 2001.

  • Thibodeau, Kenneth. "Envisioning the Future: The Electronic Records Archives Program."
    RACO Conference, May 2001.

  • Thibodeau, Kenneth. "The Unsteady State of the Art of Preserving Electronic Records."
    VI European Conference, May 2001.

  • Woods, Adrienne. "Toward Building the Archives of the Future."
    Society of California Archivists' Annual Meeting, April 2001.
    NARA's Records Management Conference, May 2001.

  • Cummings, Susan. "Records Management: Management Now and in the Future."
    CENDI/National Library of Medicine, June 2001.

  • Jansen, Daniel, "Archiving E-Mail & Public Records: Challenges, Strategies, & NARA's Electronic Records Archives", SLA Presentation, June 2001.

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Page Last Updated: 11/04/08

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