Circular 810
June 1988
Alternative Enterprises for Your Forest Land: 
Mary L. Duryea, Editor 
Highlights Contributors
Highlights Contributors

| Introduction | Forest Grazing | Christmas Trees | Hunting Leases | Pine Straw | Fee Fishing | Firewood |

 By  Mary L. Duryea 

In the past, managing your forest land usually meant managing the trees to produce the maximum amount of wood mass for a given pulp or sawtimber species. However, in addition to managing for these timber products, there are other enterprises which can diversify a forest resources management program and also may provide financial return to the landowner. In this publication we highlight six of the major enterprises which the landowner might incorporate into a forest resource management scheme. These enterprises include forest grazing, Christmas trees hunting leases, pine straw, fee fishing and firewood. 

Why add other enterprises to your land? Timber is a long-term investment with returns available only after 20 or more years. In many circumstances additional, shorter term income from the forest land would be beneficial. For instance, a grazing lease on the land might provide additional income during the early years of a plantation. In other cases, other enterprises might be added for aesthetic reasons or as a hobby. Persons who love wildlife and/or hunting might want to manage parts of their forest land for wildlife. Many landowners might want to manage their land for several products at once, resulting in a mosaic of different enterprises. 

Adding and managing a successful forest resource enterprise, like any other business, involves planning and decision-making prior to its establishment and throughout the life of the enterprise. Some of the general steps that need to be followed to successfully begin and manage an alternative enterprise are: 

  1. Define your objectives and level of involvement in the enterprise that you desire. 
  2. Investigate the marketing potential of the product/enterprise in your area. 
  3. Investigate the biological and management potential of carrying out this enterprise on your land. 
  4. Identify any major factors (for example, financial, taxation, marketing, labor) which may limit the success of your forestry enterprise. 
  5. Decide what kind of assistance you need to begin and manage this enterprise; for example, financial, taxation, legal, forestry, and marketing assistance. 
  6. Plan the enterprise with professionals; for example, a certified public accountant, professional forester, attorney-at-law, etc. 
  7. With the help of professionals, develop a written management plan for your new enterprise. 
  8. Always consider safety as an important component of your forestry enterprise. 
  9. Develop a timetable for implementing your new enterprise. 
  10. Keep good records at every phase of the establishment and management of the enterprise. 
The purpose of this circular is to describe some alternative enterprises in addition to timber for your forest land. Each enterprise is addressed individually in the following format: 
  1. Introduction - What is the enterprise and what is its purpose ? 
  2. Steps for adding each enterprise 
  3. Costs and Returns for the enterprise 
  4. Advantages and Disadvantages of managing for this enterprise 
  5. Conclusions 
At the end of the circular, we provide a list of publications to obtain additional information on enterprise.
| Introduction | Forest Grazing | Christmas Trees | Hunting Leases | Pine Straw | Fee Fishing | Firewood |

 Navigation map    

Forest Grazing 
George W. Tanner


The pine forests of the southeastern United States have been grazed by cattle for approximately 400 years. Prior to state-mandated fence laws, cattle were allowed to roam over the “open range” seeking forage wherever it could be found. Ranchers used frequent burning to keep fresh forage available for the cattle, often without regard to the ownership of the land. Today livestock are required to be fenced, and prescribed fire is managed to keep young pine stands protected until the trees are sufficiently mature to withstand fire. 

Timber and cattle production on the same area can be very compatible. However, the combination of the two enterprises requires advanced planning and increased management. Herbaceous understory vegetation, which is the primary forage for livestock, and overstory trees compete for the available sunlight. Therefore, the amount of forage being produced within a forest stand will depend upon the age, density, and planting configuration of the overstory trees. In general, the greater amount of sunlight reaching the forest floor, the greater amount of forage that can be produced. Newly planted pine plantations will produce maximum levels of forage regardless of tree density or planting configuration. As the trees age and their crowns develop, forage production will decline unless the trees are planted in a configuration that will allow open spaces to exist in the forest canopy (Figure 1). Such configurations are called "wide-row spacings," and are designed to provide adequate timber production and sustained forage production throughout the rotation age of the tree stand. 

Owners of forest land who do not own cattle may wish to lease their forage resources in the understory to a cattle owner. Many functional leases are arranged and secured by verbal agreement and a hand shake, but a written lease document is suggested to reduce potential confusion or misunderstandings between the two parties. 

Steps to Add Grazing to a Pulp or Saw Timber Enterprise 

  1. Establish trees in wide-row spacings. Widerow spacings are installed by planting two or more rows of trees closer together than usual and then providing a wider-than-normal unplanted space before planting another set of closer rows. A wide-row spacing that is receiving increasing acceptance and use in Florida is the 4 feet x 8 feet x 40 feet configuration. This configuration calls for planting trees 4 feet apart in two rows spaced 8 feet apart, then skipping 40 feet and planting two more rows. Some landowners are planting three to five rows and skipping 80 feet to allow farming of crops between the rows. Trees can be planted in widerow spacings on cutover forest land or on tame grass pastures. 
  2. Establish grass. Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Fluegge) is the most shade-tolerant pasture grass. but it may be very competitive with young pine seedlings for moisture. Therefore, to aid initial tree survival in case of drought, disk or apply herbicide to the strip of sod where the trees are to be planted. 
  3. Stock with cattle. Cattle should not be allowed to graze the site until sufficient forage has developed and the trees have become established (approximately 1 year on cutover forest or 6 to 8 months on bahiagrass pasture). Cattle should be stocked at about one-half the normal stocking rate during the first growing season that they graze, then at normal rates thereafter. 
  4. If you are leasing your land... A grazing lease should specify the partial(s) of land to be grazed, the period of time cattle are allowed on the land, the maximum number of cattle, provisions for young plantation protection, fencing responsibilities (construction and maintenance), liability for any damages or vandalism that occur on the property, and provisions for breaking the lease. Forage production, and consequently cattle stocking rate, will change as forest stands mature and are harvested. Therefore, lease costs should be based on the estimated amount of forage available and not on a per-acre basis. Since it is known how much a cow will eat for a given month or year, forage availability estimates can be converted to allowable cattle numbers, and the lease based on a per-head charge. 
Costs and Returns 

Wide-row tree spacings have not been commercially used to an extent which will allow an estimate of comparative costs. Costs of site preparation will vary according to the extent of the treatment (total cutover area or actual strips where trees will be planted) and to the intensity of treatment. At any given level of site preparation intensity, costs for strip treatment should be proportionally reduced from that of total area treatment. 

Lease costs for forest grazing are extremely variable. A survey of prices paid in 15 Florida counties in 1984 averaged $1.84 per acre, but ranged from $0.25 to $9.41 per acre (Tanner and Gates [In Press]). Depending on whether the leased forest land is all young plantation or all mature plantation, the average cost of $1.84 per acre will equate to a cost range of approximately $20.00 to $100.00 per head of cattle per year. This hypothetical example should support the benefit to the forest and cattle owner of establishing a lease price according to the amount of forage available. 


  1. Forest grazing is a means of securing annual income while a forest stand is growing to a merchantable size. Wide-row spacing will allow forages to be produced at near open-field levels while simultaneously growing a crop of timber. 
  2. Also, wide-row spacing is anticipated to improve wildlife habitat when compared to uniformly spaced plantations. 
  3. Cattle grazing will reduce roughage accumulation thereby lowering the fire hazard, especially in young stands of trees. 
  4. Leasing forest land for grazing allows the landowner to receive annual income from the property without having to own and manage the cattle directly. 
  5. Developing a written lease provides the landowner legal security that the timber and forage resources will be protected and not abused. 
  1. Combining timber and cattle production requires an increased amount of management to optimize profitability from both commodities. 
  2. Careful management and inventorying of available forage must be employed to avoid overstocking and overgrazing of the land. 

Forest land often supplies a relatively inexpensive source of cattle forage. Proper use of this resource may provide additional income to the landowner over that of growing timber alone. Technical and educational information concerning forest grazing can be obtained from county Cooperative Extension Service offices. Technical field assistance can be obtained from the Florida Division of Forestry for tree-related matters and from the U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service for forage and livestock-related matters. It is suggested that consultation with a certified public accountant and an attorney-at-law be obtained in developing a grazing lease contract. 

| Introduction | Forest Grazing | Christmas Trees | Hunting Leases | Pine Straw | Fee Fishing | Firewood |

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Christmas Trees 
Roger S. Webb 


A profitable Christmas tree operation in Florida demands intensive cultural management to produce well-shaped, high-quality trees over a short rotation (usually 3 to 4 years). The traditional northern conifer will not grow well in the Florida climate; however, certain species native to Florida, if tended properly, may grow well and provide a less expensive Christmas tree. Combating the few major diseases and insects of native Christmas tree species will reduce the likelihood of poor quality trees due to pest damage and increase the financial return and success of Christmas tree plantings. 

Northern conifers such as Scots pine, balsam fir, and Norway spruce traditionally have been the Christmas tree species preferred by Florida consumers. When energy costs were inexpensive, these trees could be grown in the north and midwest over a long rotation (8 to 9 years), shipped to southern markets, and growers could still make substantial profits. However, with the increase in fuel and labor costs, it is now almost as expensive to ship a tree to Florida from northern and mid-western areas as it is to grow it. The increased prices of northern conifers have stimulated new interest in producing native trees in Florida for local markets. 

Northern conifers managed for Christmas trees require long, cold winters during which the trees enter a period of dormancy as a part of their natural development. In Florida, the growing season may extend throughout the year, not enabling northern trees to become dormant. As a result, the desirable spring and summer flushes of foliage which are critical for shaping of high-quality trees do not occur. Certain native trees adapted for the Florida climate do not need as much cold to become dormant, and so they routinely produce the spring and summer foliage needed for local Christmas tree production. 

Three native tree species are recommended for Christmas tree production in Florida but care must be taken to match each species with the characteristics of the soil where each will be planted: 

Sand pine
There are two varieties of sand pine [Pinus clausa (Chapm.) Vasey] in Florida. The Choctawhatchee variety occurs naturally in the western Florida panhandle and is preferred for Christmas tree production due to its straighter stem form and better outplanting survival than the Ocala variety. The needles are short and twisted, and when properly sheared, sand pines resemble the form of more traditional northern Christmas tree species. Choctawhatchee sand pine has evolved on deep, welldrained, infertile sandy soils. Hence, seedlings will not survive in appreciable numbers when planted on moist, fertile sites characteristic of other southern pine species. 
Southern redcedar
This species [Juniperus silicicola (Small) Bailey] is widely distributed in Florida and is adapted to a wide variety of climatic conditions and soils. Southern redcedar grows best on moist, heavier-textured soils but may perform well on drier, sandy soils, except on those soils characteristic of the sand pine native habitat. 
Virginia pine
This species (Pinus virginiana Mill.) does well in northern Florida on heavier-textured soils where the brief cool temperatures of winter reflect its more northerly natural range. It is similar in growth form to sand pine but produces much heavier wood. 
Christmas tree production in Florida is comprised mainly of small (1 to 5 acre) "choose-and-cut" plantations (Figure 2). The most successful of these operations are located within 50 miles of a metropolitan area and depend upon a return trade of satisfied customers. Trees which are not sold during the Christmas season may be reworked by intensive shearing or selective removal of lower branches to improve the appearance and keep the trees within an acceptable height range for the next year. 

More than 32 million living trees are cut and sold from retail lots or "choose and cut" operations in the United States each year. In Florida, approximately 700,000 are shipped to retail lots from out-of-state while an additional 50,000 trees are grown in-state. Florida producers of Christmas trees are seeking to expand their share of the statewide market through the "choose and cut" system which maximizes tree freshness and minimizes grower losses. Unfortunately, Christmas tree species grown in Florida do not experience severe winters and may not become dormant. When cut, the trees tend to dry out quickly and not retain acceptable moisture in the branches and needles for an attractive appearance. 

Customers prefer trees in the 5 to 7 foot height range due to limitations of house or apartment space and cost of the tree. Florida-grown trees in this height range sold retail for $18 to $24 each in 1987 while out-of-state trees on retail lots sold for 25% to 50% higher. Florida producers also sell large numbers of trees wholesale to in-state retailers for $10 to $11 per tree. 


The labor required for many of these steps is summarized in Table 1 (below). 

  1. Prepare the site. A smooth, level soil surface is best for Christmas tree plantings so site preparation is necessary to clear the land. Woody plants and their root systems should be removed and the cover vegetation burned and/or disked. Disking at least several months prior to planting allows settling of the soil before seedlings are planted. The best time to plant Christmas tree seedlings in Florida is late December or January. 
  2. Control weeds. Herbicides should be considered if the soil structure is loose and the ground covered with annual weeds. Use extreme caution when using any pesticide and follow label directions for proper and safe application. 
  3. Fertilize. While fertilizers are not usually necessary for Christmas tree production, particularly on old-field sites, new time-release fertilizer tablets with residual activity of 1 to 3 years may be advantageous for growing trees in our sandy Florida soils. However, further testing is needed before specific recommendations can be made. This may mean reduced fertilizer losses due to leaching and a prolonged presence of fertilizer constantly in the root zone, where it needs to remain for maximum effectiveness. A soil test performed by the county extension office should be done routinely to identify nutrient problems and recommend corrective fertilization. 
  4. Know your seedlings. The seed source should be local whenever possible to obtain seedlings adapted to the southern United States, or preferably the Florida environment. Purchase only seedlings that carry a certificate of state inspection for the absence of pests. 
  5. Purchase high quality seedlings. Only high quality seedlings should be purchased from experienced nurseries. Most seedlings sold for Christmas tree production will be one year old and are designated by the nursery as “1-0". Bareroot seedlings are sold in bundles of 500 or 1,000; the root systems should be packed in moisture retaining materials and wrapped in water repellent kraft paper. Containerized seedlings may also be purchased from certain nurseries, and although they are usually more expensive than bareroot stock, they have root systems already growing in soil media. 
  6. Discard seedlings which are too small. Within each lot of seedlings, whether bareroot or containerized, there exits a range of seedling sizes. Discard the very small seedlings, since these will never produce high-quality trees in a reasonable period of time and so are comparatively unprofitable. Ideally, seedlings to be planted should have tops ranging from six to ten inches in height with an equal root system size, and have a ground-level stem diameter of approximately 1/4 inch. 
  7. Do not let seedlings dry out. Seedling bundles must not dry out either during shipment or be left open and exposed during planting, as this reduces the likelihood of post-planting survival. Water seedlings as soon as possible after receiving them, and if planting is not accomplished within several days, store the wet bundles in a cold (not freezing), dark place but only for as short a time period as possible. Once in the field, seedlings must be kept moist. 
  8. Establish spacing. Trees are generally spaced at 6 x 6 feet, or 1,210 trees per acre. Planting seedlings at regular intervals at intersections of rows and columns facilitates mowing and pesticide applications. Also, "neatness counts" for choose and-cut operations -- an orderly, well-kept Christmas tree plantation impresses potential customers. In large plantations where equipment access is critical, consider leaving every tenth row vacant as a roadway to ease transport. 
  9. Plant seedlings. For the small grower, either a planting bar ("dibble") or spade is ideal for planting seedlings. Plant seedlings at the depth at which they grew in the container or nursery bed, which is determined by examining the lower stem for the interface between the top portion and the beginning of the root system. 
  10. If possible, water. Watering can help the trees become established and it will also settle the soil and remove air pockets which could reduce seedling survival. 
  11. Shear. Shearing in Florida should begin at the end of the first growing season after planting. At this time, more intensive shearing should be directed at reducing the height of the terminal leader while allowing the lower laterals to grow proportionately more (Figure 3). A shorter tree is preferred even through the second year of growth to ensure more compact foliage. Height can be "added' during the third year during the shearing process by favoring growth of the terminal more than the lateral branches. 
  12. During the second and subsequent years, the first shearing of the season should occur first in the spring, after bud break but before the new shoots are 4 to 6 inches long. A mid- to late summer shearing is necessary, and early fall shearing may be needed to force as much energy as possible from height growth back into the conical form for growth of the foliage. 
    Prune the terminal leader to about 50 percent of original height and at a 45-degree angle to balance the form as well as to favor formation of only one bud to maintain growth of a single terminal. Symptoms of pest damage such as dead branch tips from pine tip moths or flagging branches due to the pitch canker fungus, especially among Virginia pines, should be mechanically removed or burned. 
    Various shearing tools are available for the small grower such as hand pruners, hedge clippers, pruning knives, and an array of gasoline or battery powered, backpack-mounted shearing rigs. Since user safety is the prime consideration, hand pruners or hedge clippers are recommended to provide maximum safety to the user and other persons in the immediate area of shearing operations. Severe wounds can be quickly inflicted when shearing with knives or mechanical devices, so gloves and shin guards are recommended. Kits of bandages and simple wound dressings also should be kept close at hand to treat the inevitable accidents that are likely to occur during shearing operations. 

Table 1. Labor required per year during three years of a Christmas tree operation. 
Labor Required (Person-Hours)a 
Operations 1st year 2nd year 3rd year total

Site preparation  5 -- -- 5
Planting 20 -- -- 20
Mowing 20 20 20 60
Shearing 1 2 3 6
Pest Control 2 2 2 6
Herbicide application 4 4 4 12
Harvesting -- -- 10 10

Total 52 28 39 119
a Values will vary depending upon economics of scale and level of mechanization.

Following these simple rules for planting and shearing will increase the likelihood that top-quality trees will be produced. As Florida Christmas tree growers improve their skills, the quality of trees will improve, and in a competitive market place, the trees with optimal form and thickness should sell first. Values will vary depending upon economies of scale and level of mechanization 

Costs and Returns 

        The costs and returns for growing Christmas trees in Florida in 1987 are shown in the following table: 
 Table 2.  Per-acre profit of Florida-grown Christmas trees 
                             (1987) based on 1,210 trees per acre (6 x 6 ft. spacing). 

Estimated number of salable trees per acre
Average wholesale price per tree
Estimated maximum gross return, per acre   (@$10.00 x 800 trees sold)
Estimated maximium operating cost (for "choose-and-cut" operations, excluding land rent and management cost), per acre
Estimated maximum net profit, per acre
Estimated maximum net return per acre per year (4-year rotation), excluding land rent and management cost



  1. Christmas tree species are available which are suitable to the Florida soils and climate. 
  2. The cultural system is easy to learn and practice. 
  3. Input costs (excluding land costs) are low relative to potential profits. 
  4. Market potential in Florida is steadily shifting in favor of high-quality, fresh, "choose-and-cut" trees produced locally. 
  5. The business may be conducted as an intensive, full-time business on large acreages or as a second-income, family-oriented operation on smaller areas. 
  1. The availability of local markets determines the profitability of  "choose-and-cut" operations, and these markets may be easily overestimated, especially when production sources may increase in any one area for a brief period of time. 
  2. Although easy to manage, Christmas tree farms must be inspected frequently to prevent small problems with pests or weeds from becoming large, expensive ones. 
  3. Growers must be diligent in the timing and quality of their cultural applications. 
  4. High-quality trees sell best but are usually not produced initially by inexperienced growers; this may dampen grower enthusiasm and result in below-normal early cash flows. 
  5. Three to four years are necessary before the first crop of trees is sold which may create a financial burden. 

Christmas tree production in Florida may be a profitable alternative enterprise for either the full-time or part-time grower provided an adequate local market exists. The grower should start small (1 to 2 acres per year) and expand slowly to satisfy the local market without exceeding the number of trees to be sold in any one season. The production of only the highest quality trees should be the guiding principle of the operation since poor-quality trees do not sell well and weaken the reputation of Florida grown trees. 

| Introduction | Forest Grazing | Christmas Trees | Hunting Leases | Pine Straw | Fee Fishing | Firewood |

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Hunting Leases 
Wayne R. Marion 


Demands for outdoor recreational opportunities in the United States tripled from 1962 to 1983 and this trend is expected to increase in the future, particularly in a tourist-oriented state like Florida (Doig 1986). Leasing of private lands for recreational uses such as hunting, fishing, hiking, and camping, which normally have minimal impact on the land is becoming an increasingly popular alternative that may be supplemental to other land uses and income. Leases for hunting in the southeastern United States have expanded in popularity and extent in the last two decades; Florida experienced an estimated 16 to 25 percent growth in the use of hunting lease systems in the decade 1975 to 1985 (Wiggers and Rootes 1987). This section will describe the status of hunting leases in Florida and their potential as a source of revenue for landowners. 


Prior to deciding whether or not to lease private land for hunting, it may be useful for the landowner to consider the following: 

  1. Inventory game species and habitats. It is important to know what wildlife resources you have on your property prior to trying to "sell' them. Therefore, having an inventory of game species and available habitats for these species on your property is a good place to start. Some expertise is necessary to recognize wildlife habitat characteristics and /or signs of wildlife population abundance; this is best accomplished by requesting technical assistance from regional offices of the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission located in Panama City, Lake City, Ocala, Lakeland, and West Palm Beach. 
  2. Evaluate characteristics of your land and its game population. It is useful to recognize that the amount of income realized from hunting leases depends upon several things, including number of acres leased, abundance of game on the land, the location of the leased property, and management skills and goals of the landowner. In general, people with larger tracts of land in closer proximity to population centers and with high game populations tend to receive the most income from hunting leases. 
  3. Decide on time commitment. A serious assessment of the time commitments and the abilities of the landowner in dealing with people is essential. This enterprise, like most others, does take some time and work in order to be successful. The preferred way of dealing with people is for the landowner to lease to one or a very few hunting clubs and to negotiate and interact with only a few selected representatives of these clubs. If followed, this strategy results in fewer total interactions between hunters and the landowner and tends to reduce frustration levels. Try to choose hunters or hunting clubs who will respect property rights of landowners.

  5. Advertise. Advertising in newspapers, sportsmen's magazines and in regional publications will stimulate interest in leasing a parcel of land and will often increase the prices you can receive if different hunting clubs begin to compete for the same property. For the best net returns from the land, try to keep advertising costs modest relative to expected revenues. 
  6. Develop a hunting lease agreement. Develop and sign a written hunting lease agreement which explains legal and liability aspects of the lease. If possible, involve an attorney who is familiar with the legal aspects of these arrangements. 
  7. Encourage safety. Safety in the hunting experience should be encouraged at all times. Landowners may be able to promote safety in a number of ways, such as (a) establishing buffer zones near buildings and roads; (b) requiring hunters to have a hunter safety course before hunting; (c) restricting the number of hunters at any one time; and (d) restricting the use of alcoholic beverages, fires, or other hazards. 
Costs and Returns 

Of the many alternative enterprises for forest lands with potential for producing income, hunting lease arrangements involve relatively low cost unless the land is managed extensively for wildlife or advertising and marketing costs become extreme. Usually, access to the land is about all that is provided by the landowner, and the costs associated with this are minimal. If major improvements to facilities are made or if intensive management to enhance native wildlife populations is begun, the expenses are often cost-shared with or handled completely by the hunting club. 

Returns or income per acre resulting from hunting leases are highly variable, and data on these returns have been difficult to accurately estimate, depending not only on the factors listed in Step 2 above, but on the willingness of landowners who operate hunting leases to share accurate information. Private landowners often are reluctant to share information on the magnitude of "extra" income, and hunting leases are a good example of an enterprise where survey results must be considered conservative. A survey was conducted in 15 counties in Florida in 1984 that indicated an overall average of $2.29 per acre per year (range of $1.32 to $2.73 per acre). Currently, average hunting lease prices for typical land where white-tailed deer are the primary species hunted are expected to be in the range of $2.50 to $3.00 per acre. Extremes of average prices charged in 1987 appeared to be $0.34 per acre paid to landowners by the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission (for lands included in Wildlife Management Areas) up to a high of $5.74 (range $3.08 to $8.53) per acre for lands leased for hunting by Deseret Ranches, Inc. near Melbourne, Florida. In addition to "per acre" income from hunting leases, it is common for landowners to gain additional income from "trophy" animals taken on the property (up to $500 to 600 for a large white-tailed buck). Overall, the returns per acre for leased lands in Florida are lower than those in the adjacent states of Georgia and Alabama. The potential exists for substantial increases in Florida in upcoming years as a result of increased urbanization and recreational use trends. 

  1. The main advantage is that the landowner may gain annual, supplemental income with a minimal investment of time and money. The "annual" nature of this income provides certain "cash-flow" advantages not offered by many other enterprises on forest land. 
  2. Hunting leases restrict access to the land by the general public; this is considered by some landowners to be an advantage. By restricting access to only a few individuals, the landowner benefits by knowing who is on the property, and these hunters frequently develop a vested interest in caring for and protecting the land. Liability aspects of "access to trespass" are generally covered by written agreements or insurance policies and are a reduced burden for the landowner. 
  3. If the landowner-lessee arrangement exists for several years, often a sense of trust or even comradery develops between the two groups and this certainly has advantages for the landowner. Often times, hunt clubs are willing and able to contribute both time and money to improve facilities and/or enhance wildlife populations. 
  1. Establishment and maintenance of hunting leases requires some time and effort, as do most moneymaking endeavors. It is desirable for the landowner to keep careful records of income and expenses and to run this enterprise more as a business than as a hobby. 
  2. The wildlife resources on the property do not necessarily improve with lease hunting as over exploitation of game species may occur. Also, it is rare for landowners to significantly alter land use or improve habitat conditions for wildlife, so hunting leases are not necessarily in the best interest of the wildlife resources. 
  3. From the average hunter's perspective, the hunting lease system may be pricing many users out of affording recreation on private lands and forcing them onto the already over-crowded public lands. 

A growing need exists for outdoor recreation in Florida and public lands are not able to handle the numbers of people and provide the necessary quality recreational experiences. Private lands have and will increasingly continue to be used for recreation; charging for access to these lands is becoming "the rule" in many areas of the state and nation. A recent publication reported that over 50 percent of private lands in Florida are leased for hunting and the future trend is for expansion of this activity (Wiggers and Rootes, 1987). Hunting leases offer landowners a low-cost alternative enterprise in which they can annually make an average of $2.00 to $4.00 or more per acre by allowing access to their lands. The advantages for the landowner seem to overshadow the disadvantages; however, wildlife resources and lower-income hunters do not necessarily benefit from this system.

| Introduction | Forest Grazing | Christmas Trees | Hunting Leases | Pine Straw | Fee Fishing | Firewood |

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Pine Straw 
James C. Edwards 


Longleaf and slash pine trees, greater than six years old, annually deposit a blanket of needles on the forest floor. Landowners can substantially increase their income by selling these needles as pine straw mulch to nurseries and homeowners. Stanton (1986) stated that retail sales of North Carolina longleaf pine straw bales exceeded $10 million in 1985. Also, he reported that sales could be doubled and tripled if owners are made aware of the financial returns and markets are expanded into northern states. 

In Florida, 27,633 acres of longleaf pine and 355,671 acres of slash pine were planted in the three-year period 1985 through 1987. In six years, these plantings could supply a great deal of pine straw and add to the income of the landowners. Longleaf and slash pine grow well in sandy, acidic soils with low organic matter in the surface layer. Most of the soils in central and north Florida are of this type and have potential for pine straw as a forestry enterprise. One precaution, however, is that repeated removal of pinestraw from the forest floor may reduce the long-term productivity of the soil and forest stand. 

Steps to Establish a Pine Straw Site: 

  1. Select and prepare a site. Select a site (10 acres minimum) that has been previously used for crops and is level. If the site has not been used for a number of years turn and harrow the area at least two months prior to planting trees. 
  2. Purchase seedlings. Purchase slash or longleaf seedlings from a state nursery or other nursery that has a good reputation for producing pine seedlings. 
  3. Plant trees. Prior to planting (in January), mark rows 10 feet apart and plant trees within the rows 6 feet apart. Trees may be planted with a planting bar or machine. However, best results are obtained by machine planting. (For more information on planting, see Duryea and Edwards 1987) 
  4. Control weeds. While trees are growing, be sure to control underbrush and other trees that may compete with pines and cause problems later with the raking of the pine straw. 
  5. Fertilize pine trees. Fertilizer may be used to aid tree growth; a few studies have shown an increase in the number and size of needles with N and P fertilizer. (More information on fertilization can be found in Kidder et al. 1987) 
  6. Rake pine straw. When trees are six or more years old needles may be raked (Figure 5). Raking may be done by hand or machine. Prior to raking, be sure to remove cones, branches, and hardwood leaves. 
  7. Bale pine straw. Baling pine straw is labor intensive when done by hand. One person pitchforks the straw into the baler, another ties the wire that binds the bale and another stacks. This three-person crew can bale between 250 and 300 bales per day. If a tractor driven baler is used, higher production is realized because the machine picks up the straw, ties the bale, and pushes the bale out the side. When this method is used, production can reach 1,000 bales per day (Stanton 1986). To increase ease of storage and handling, use wire for tying bales. The average bale is 28 to 36 inches long and weighs from 30 to 60 pounds. Average yield from a six-year-old site ranges from 50 to 70 bales per acre. From a 15 year old site, average yield is 200 bales per acre. To obtain the fresh, non-decomposed needles desired by customers, no more than two years should pass between rakings. 
  8. Selling pine straw. Pine straw bales may be sold on a per-bale basis or through a sealed bid/boundary basis. The latter is recommended for most landowners since (a) payment is made before harvesting, (I)) competitive bids bring higher prices, (c) there is better utilization of straw, and (d) there is the relief of not having to keep up with every harvested bale (Stanton 1986). 
To Rake an Established Pine Stand: 

The biggest challenge with raking pine straw in an established pine stand is weeds. If there is an abundance of grass, brush, and/or hardwoods it may be impossible to rake the pine straw. If the understory is fairly clean, vegetation control may permit raking. After controlling vegetation, follow steps 5 through 8 above to rake, bale, and sell pine straw. 

Costs and Returns 

The following tables give estimated costs (Table 3) and estimated returns (Table 4) for ten acres: 

Table 3.  Estimated costs to establish 10 aces in pine straw production. 


Cost ($) 
Pine seedlings
Hay baler (used)
Truck for transporting
Storage shed
Hay rake (used)


Table 4. Estimated returns for 10 acres in pine straw production. 

Age of 
Per Acre  
Per Bale 
Per Year 
(10 Acres)
< 6 years 100 $2.00 $2,000
< 15 years 150 $2.00 $3,000

These costs and returns are based on the landowner not owning any equipment to bale the pine straw or to transport the bales to a store for marketing. If pine straw is sold to a company which comes in and bales it and hauls it, the income may be at least $30 per acre per year from that company. 


  1. Production of pine straw will provide a source of income while trees are being grown for timber. 
  2. Production of pine straw provides an opportunity to obtain relief from a portion of taxes. 
  3. By removing weeds and other understory vegetation, the landowner may improve the aesthetic appearance of the forest stand. 
  4. The business is not too time-demanding, especially if the landowner contracts with a baling company which will harvest the pine straw. 
  1. Removal of pine straw may affect the nutrient balance and reduce the long-term soil productivity in addition to decreasing the growth of the trees. 
  2. Wildlife which normally reside in forest stands may be adversely affected by lack of cover and food supply. 

Pine straw production has the potential to supplement the income of landowners during the years when no income will be received from a timber harvest. The production of pine straw is a natural process and requires very little management to produce an adequate supply for the market. However, if the landowner decides to purchase the equipment needed to bale pine straw and transport it to a market, expenses may exceed income for many years of pine straw production. The method that provides the most profit immediately to the landowner is contracting with a baling service company which will pay per acre for baling the forest stand. The landowner should be aware that baling for a long period of time on a partial of land may drastically reduce the long-term soil productivity of that land.

 | Introduction | Forest Grazing | Christmas Trees | Hunting Leases | Pine Straw | Fee Fishing | Firewood |

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Fee Fishing 
Charles E. Cichra 


The number of resident anglers in Florida is rapidly increasing due to the growing interest in fishing and Florida's rapidly growing population. In addition, millions of non-resident anglers vacation in Florida each year. Fishing pressure on our public waters is increasing, with many people looking for alternative places to fish, often closer to home. Fee fishing -- paying for the right to fish and/or paying for any fish that are caught -- is becoming popular among anglers. Many ponds are seldom fished by their owners; these can be turned into alternative sources of revenue. 

Fee fishing is appealing to a wide variety of individuals including those anglers who like to fish, but are limited by time or resources (such as not owning a boat). Fee fishing can be attractive to tourists or individuals who fish on an occasional basis because no license is required to fish in a private pond that is owned by a single individual. Owners of ponds which are operated for fee fishing and which are larger than 20 acres are required to obtain a permit from the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission. The cost is $3.00 per acre per year. No permit is required for smaller ponds. 

There are three basic types of fee fisheries: long-term leasing, day-leasing, and fish-out operations. The steps, costs and returns, and advantages and disadvantages of each type of fishing are described below. 

Long-Term Leasing 

Long-term leasing generally involves exclusive fishing rights to a private pond or lake leased on a long-term basis to an individual or group of individuals such as is done with hunting leases. Management of the pond is often the responsibility of the lessee. Long-term leasing generally involves quality fishing for largemouth bass or panfish. Location and aesthetics are often the most important selling points. Many people fish to relax, to escape the hustle and bustle of their daily life. They desire a quality fishing experience. 

Unlike hunting leases which require a large quantity of land to support adequate game, fishing leases can be rather small in size. One acre of water can naturally produce 300-400 pounds of harvestable size fish with proper management. So a minimum number of acres of water can produce many hours of productive fishing. 

Long-Term Leasing - Steps 

  1. Find an interested individual or group. Individuals interested in leasing fishing rights are usually located through advertising or word-of mouth. The amount of effort and money that is expended in locating possible lessees for the property should depend upon the quality of the fishery and the location and visual attractiveness of the pond. These factors will also determine the value of the lease, for example a trophy bass fishery, in close proximity to a large metropolitan area, and at an attractive site will be a prime enterprise. An adequate effort should be expended to ensure that the best price is obtained by the property owner. 
  2. Develop a lease agreement. A written lease agreement should be prepared with the help of an attorney-at-law and a fisheries biologist and should include legal liability statements. The lease should include who will have access/fishing rights to the pond, the length of the lease, the price per year, under what conditions the lease can be broken, any fishing limits or regulations that are to be followed, other privileges that are included such as camping or swimming, what management practices will be followed (i.e. aquatic weed control, lake drawdown, and stocking), who will provide the cost of management practices and liability insurance, and what privileges will he retained by the owner. 
Long-Term Leasing - Costs and Returns 

The major costs to the pond owner will be locating a suitable lessee and having the lease prepared. Advertising costs can be highly variable. The cost of having the lease prepared by an attorney should be minimal. Any work requested by the lessees should be paid for by the lessees. Liability insurance is usually obtained and paid for by the lessee. 

Returns vary substantially from less than $100 per year to almost $100,000 per year. For example, a 3,600-acre reservoir in central Florida currently leases for $70,000 per year. Access is limited to 60 individuals. The amount of the lease increases each year with the CPI (Consumer Price Index), not to exceed a 5% increase in any one year. The members must jointly pay for liability insurance. 

Long-Term Leasing - Advantages 

  1. The pond owner needs only to deal with one or several individuals on an occasional basis, minimizing his labor. 
  2. The landowner will have someone on the property looking after it, decreasing problems with theft, vandalism and fire. This should be particularly appealing for absentee landowners. Often the lessee will “post” the land for the landowner which will limit trespass problems. The pond owner may also require the lessees to pay for liability insurance. 
Long-Term Leasing - Disadvantages 
  1. One disadvantage to this form of fee fishing is that not all ponds have suitable fisheries, locations, or aesthetics to interest someone in desiring to lease the fishing rights. 
  2. Leased ponds also tend to be larger in size than those that many land owners have available on their property, thus restricting this form of fee fishing to landowners who own large ponds. 

Day-leasing involves collecting a daily use fee from the fisherman. Pond management is the responsibility of the operator. Ponds of at least an acre in surface area, but commonly closer to 5 to 10 acres in size are good prospects for day-leasing. Most are located in close proximity to a public road, having good visibility to individuals traveling by. Harvest by fishermen relies primarily on natural production of the pond. Most fishing is for species such as the largemouth bass, bluegill (bream), redear sunfish (shellcrackers), and crappie (speckled perch). Channel catfish can be supplementally stocked to attract fishermen. Much of the fishing pressure is in the spring of the year when these species are close to shore and easily caught. 

An aesthetically pleasing pond or one that offers good fishing tends to attract the interest of local fishermen. Many fishermen will ask the landowner for the right to fish such a pond, while others may trespass to gain access. Such an "attractive nuisance” may be considered a liability, but such a situation can be turned into an alternative source of income. Instead of allowing free fishing for all, a pond owner can charge a nominal fee for a day of fishing. Hence, the term "day-leasing”. Family and friends can still be allowed free access to the pond. A number of ponds, particularly in north Florida are operated in such a manner. Ponds located near travel trailer parks and overnight camping areas may attract a number of non-resident fishermen. 

Day-Leasing -- Steps 

  1. Advertise. Advertisement of such an operation can be as simple as by word of mouth. This method will generally restrict use to local fishermen, and thus a small group of anglers will use the pond and a small income will likewise result. Larger numbers of fishermen can be attracted by posting an attractive sign along the roadside. 
  2. Make collection of fees simple. Location of a day-lease pond should be close to the manager's residence to assure that all anglers pay the entrance fee. The simplest way to collect the entrance fee is to have the fishermen drop it off in a deposit box as they enter the property. This reduces the time expended by the manager in collecting fees. This method works well when dealing with small numbers of local anglers who can be trusted. 
  3. Regulate entrance to the pond. One way to regulate access to the pond is to require anglers to check in with the manager before going to the pond. This can sometimes prove to be inconvenient when it disrupts work or family life. Limiting the hours of operation and even the seasons of the year when the pond is fished can relieve some of this inconvenience. Another method of keeping track of those who use the pond is to allow anglers open access to the pond. The manager can then simply stop by the pond on an occasional basis to collect an entrance fee. If large numbers of anglers frequent the pond, a dated receipt, ticket, or permit could be given to those who have paid. This could be obtained directly from the manager or through a nearby store that could retain a portion of the fees as a handling charge. This last method greatly simplifies knowing who has or has not paid the entrance fee. 
  4. Maintain the pond site. An aesthetically appealing pond site helps attract users. The site must be kept clean of litter. Trash containers should be located on-site and emptied regularly to ensure their use by patrons. Any litter on the ground must be picked up. Added features such as pavilions, a picnic area with tables, and shade trees will help increase the attractiveness of the site. Minimal toilet facilities are encouraged, but are usually not supplied. Access to the water should be maintained by mowing the banks and managing aquatic vegetation. 
Day-Leasing -- Costs and Returns 

The costs of maintaining a day-leasing enterprise are intermediate to those of long-term leasing and operating a fish-out enterprise. One major cost is collecting the daily use fee or checking fishermen for current permits. Moderate travel expenses may incur if the pond is remotely located. Another major cost is liability insurance. Current costs for such insurance run from $350 to $1500 per year for $2 to $3 million of insurance. 

Management input into the pond is usually minimal because the pond owner can rely upon the natural production and carrying capacity of the pond to produce the fish that are harvested. Supplemental stocking can increase the catch by the anglers and their interest in returning to the pond. The cost of such a program varies with the quantity and cost of the fish stocked. Returns from a stocking program can far outweigh its cost. Additional costs that may be incurred are those associated with properly managing the pond for fishing. These include such practices as aquatic weed control, fertilization, liming, and supplemental feeding. 

Daily fees in Florida generally range from $2.00 to $7.00 per day for adults for bass/bream ponds, but can go as high as $50.00 per day for ponds with quality bass fishing. Children should be accompanied by an adult and are often admitted free or at half of the adult fee. Senior citizens are sometimes given a discounted price. Several individuals in north Florida are managing their large (>50 acres) ponds for "trophy bass" fishing. Catching a single bass of 10 pounds or larger may net the pond-owner $1000. Currently, it is illegal to sell black bass; however, fishermen may be charged for the right to fish for bass. 

Day-Leasing - Advantages 

  1. One advantage of a day-leasing operation over that of a long-term lease is that in a day-leasing operation no long-term commitment is made, allowing the pond owner to be more flexible in the use of the pond. 
  2. The day-lease relies on natural fish production and can have minimal input of time and expenditures on the part of the manager -- a distinct advantage over that of a fish-out operation. 
Day-Leasing -- Disadvantages 
  1. Day-leasing requires more time on the part of the pond owner than is required in long-term leasing of a pond. Time must be spent policing the pond area for litter and for collecting the access fee. 
Fish-Out Ponds 

"Fish-out", "put and take", or "pay by the pound" fisheries involve stocking a pond with fish and then charging the angler for each fish that is caught. Consequently, fish populations in this type of operation must be maintained at artificially high levels by regular stocking of catchable-size fish, usually channel catfish. Fish-out ponds involve the highest level of management, the highest costs, and potentially the highest returns to the pond owner of any type of fee fishing enterprise. They provide the excitement and challenge of fishing with improved chances of catching fish. Fish-out ponds are appealing to families with small children and singleparent families because of the likelihood of catching fish. They can be an excellent place to take someone who is learning to fish because of the ease of catching fish. 

Fish-Out Ponds -- Steps 

  1. Stock pond. Catchable-size fish are stocked at densities well above the standing stock which would be present in the pond by natural production. Anglers are allowed to fish the pond for the stocked fish. Currently, the only fish that is available in quantity for use in fish-out ponds in Florida is the channel catfish. They can be purchased locally or out-of-state. Other species are difficult to obtain in abundance or do not survive having and stocking. The tilapia or Nile perch would make an excellent hot weather fish, but this species can only be possessed in the state by special permit of the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. 
  2. Collect fee. A minimal entrance fee is usually charged. An additional charge is then paid for any fish that are caught. Price is based either on the number or weight of fish in the angler's creel. 
  3. Maintain two ponds. A minimum of two ponds should be at the site. This allows the fishermen to select the pond where they would like to fish. Having more than one pond will allow the fishery to continue in operation should a disease outbreak occur in one of the ponds. When the fish become "smart", they can be removed from the pond with a net (seined) and placed into another pond to stimulate them to bite. 
  4. Establish practically sized ponds. Ponds should ideally be of a variety of shapes and sizes to give the fishermen the feeling of a natural setting. The pond bottoms should be smooth and the margins not so irregular as to prevent the ponds from effectively being seined The ponds should be about one half acre in size. This will accommodate a fairly large number of people who will be able to "reach" most of the fish, but will be small enough to allow seining. 
  5. Control depth of the ponds. Ponds should be about 4 to 5 feet in depth. This will allow easy seining of the ponds and good survival of stocked fish. If water level in the ponds fluctuates, this should be the minimum depth encountered during the year. Well water can be supplied to maintain water level and water quality. 
  6. Have an alternative use for non-biting fish. One problem with catfish fish-out ponds is that only about 60-70% of the fish are caught before fishing success drops off to less than a profitable margin. You must, therefore, have a market for those fish that will not bite the hook. These fish can be seined from the pond and placed into live tanks and sold to individuals who do not want to fish or to those who do not catch enough fish to meet their needs. You must manage your inventory and keep the fish flowing through the operation as fast as possible. You may have to arrange for some restaurant outlets to market these fish. These extra fish will not result in much profit, and may even cause a net loss, but you must get rid of them in order to keep the best biting fish in large enough quantities in the ponds. 
  7. Collect dead fish. Dead fish should be collected from around the perimeter of the ponds each morning. Records of their weight should be kept, so that this loss can be recorded. 
  8. Promote fishing during the best seasons. Spring (February through May) is usually the best sales period of the year in Florida. People have the urge to fish, and catfish are generally most willing to bite during this time. Sales as high as 3000 pounds per week have been recorded during the spring at fish-out operations in Florida. Both anglers and fish slow down in the heat of the summer. An upswing in sales will occur in the autumn as temperatures begin to cool. Florida has an advantage over other states to the north in that catfish will often bite during the winter, especially if it is mild. Fish-out operations are generally open on weekends, and some are open seven days a week. Daylight hours are common, but many remain open after dark, especially on weekends. 
  9. Provide other services. A shaded area, picnic tables, food and beverages, bait, tackle, rental equipment, ice, and a fish cleaning service all improve the business opportunity and customer satisfaction. 
  10. Advertise. Advertising does not have to be limited to word-of-mouth, but can include billboards, printed fliers, newspaper advertisements, and even radio and television commercials. Prizes can be given to anglers who catch extremely large fish or specially tagged fish. 
Fish-Out Ponds -- Costs and Returns 

It is difficult to determine costs of operating fish-out ponds because many management alternatives are available. The major expenditure will be for fish. Live catfish can be purchased in Florida for $0.75 to $1.10 per pound. An entry fee of $1.00 or more per person should be charged. The price per pound of fish caught varies from $1.25 to $2.00 per pound live weight. 
Another major cost is liability insurance. 

Labor is a major expenditure because someone must be at the site during all hours of operation to rent and sell concessions, to weigh fish and collect the appropriate fees, to keep the facilities free of litter, and to minimize the loss of fish by theft. Other costs include construction of an office and concession area and toilet facilities, fencing or natural barriers to keep trespassers out and fish in, fish feed, and monitoring and maintaining proper water quality. 

The return from a fish-out operation is limited only by the number of pounds of fish that can be sold. A 7-acre fish-out operation located in Escambia County, Florida has sales as high as 80,000 pounds per year. Channel catfish are obtained at $0.75 per pound delivered and sold for $1.35 per pound live weight. Of these, 16% are sold out of holding tanks. This operation has 11 small ponds. 

If fish are cleaned on the premises, county health department requirements should be followed. This usually requires a triple stainless steel sink with hot running water to be on the premises. Fish cleaning service runs around $0.30 per pound live weight. 

Several operators have indicated that they make more money from selling drinks, food, bait, and tackle than from the fish that are sold. 

Fish-Out Ponds -- Advantages 

  1. A distinct advantage of fish-out operations is in pond size. Small ponds are quite amenable to such operations. Ponds can also be located within city limits and at major highway intersections. 
  2. Fishing does not have to rely on natural production, but upon artificially maintained populations. 
Fish-Out Ponds -- Disadvantages 
  1. Fish-out operators must have a heavy commitment to public relations, marketing, promoting, and a sensitivity to public wants and behavior. Such operations need to be near large population centers and highly visible to the public. A lot of time is required on the part of the manager, who must deal with "people problems" such as litter and theft. 

Fishing has a different meaning for different people. Fee fishing is a means through which Florida pond owners can supply fishing opportunities to the increasing number of anglers in the state and simultaneously use an under-utilized resource for economic gain. Fee fishing is both a form of entertainment and a source of fresh fish for the user. 

Fee fishing operations in Florida are rapidly increasing in number, but vary substantially in their success. Little is known as to why this variation occurs and what attracts anglers to these facilities Moderate to large-size ponds with controlled access are best suited for long-term leasing, while small to moderate-size ponds can be day-leased or stocked and used in fish-out operations. Pond construction costs are not listed above and can be substantial. 

Fee fishing can be a source of additional income, but the most important thing to remember about fee fishing is that it involves people management more than fish management. If an individual does not want to take the time to deal with people, yet wants to use his pond as a source of revenue, then he or she would be best advised to lease it on a long-term basis to minimize the amount of contact with people. 

For additional information on fee fishing and pond management, contact your local county agricultural extension agent, your county Soil Conservation Service agent, or the nearest regional office of the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. Local phone numbers for these agencies are listed in the government section of your phone book. 

| Introduction | Forest Grazing | Christmas Trees | Hunting Leases | Pine Straw | Fee Fishing | Firewood |

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Nancy A. Pywell 


Firewood businesses are viable alternatives in many Florida counties, especially in areas adjacent to suburban and urban population centers. If you already own land with trees on it, the harvesting and marketing of firewood can bring extra income, as well as provide an opportunity to improve your woodland management. If you have a commercial timber harvest planned, firewood may also be available in the tops and branches left on site. 

Tree species are critical in determining the price of firewood. Many people are reluctant to burn pine due to the impression that it generates large amounts of creosote. Any wood produces this flammable substance if not burned properly and you should be able to successfully market mixed loads of hardwood and pine, especially if the hardwoods dominate. Oaks, hickory, dogwood, ash, beech, red maple, sycamore and cherry are all woods of high to medium density and will burn well (For information on wood characteristics see Flinchum 1980). 


  1. Find and determine your wood supply. Determine whether or not you have sufficient wood on your property or property that you might lease to result in a successful business. A reasonably productive hardwood site in Florida can produce about two cords of wood per year on a sustained basis -- with enough wood for annual harvests and to leave trees growing for other uses (Figure 6). 
  2. Consider safety first. Firewood can be harvested with a minimum of equipment, but to make the venture economical, investment in safety equipment is essential. A chainsaw, pickup truck and axe or maul and wedge for splitting are the essentials for work. Steel-toed boots, a hardhat with screen, strong gloves and chaps are the minimum required for safety. 
  3. Maintain your chainsaw in good working condition. Dull saws are a safety hazard as well as a drag on productivity. 
  4. Select trees to be cut. Properly chosen trees will improve the value and visual quality of your woodland. Poor selection may degrade your forestland value. (See Flinchum 1981, for advice on tree selection). 
  5. Fell and cut your trees properly. If you cut birch, beech, maple, cherry or sweetgum leave the branches on until the leaves are dried out. This will speed up drying of these species. Oaks, ash and most other species may be limbed immediately following felling. Be sure to cut wood to a length of approximately 18" as this will fit most fireplaces and woodstoves. (See Flinchum 1980 for information on gathering, preparing and storing firewood). 
  6. Season wood properly. In Florida, wood must be seasoned (air dried) for a minimum of 6 to 8 months prior to burning. To enhance drying, and prevent rot and insect damage, stack wood at least six inches above the ground. Cover the top of each stack and leave plenty of space for air to flow between logs. The smaller the wood is cut, the faster it will dry, so split wood before seasoning. 
  7. Advertise. Firewood has been successfully marketed by all of the following means: newspaper ads, yellow pages listings, fliers on doorknobs in suburban neighborhoods, signs on roadsides, and door-to-door sales. If you add an extra marketing tool (free lighterwood, information on how to burn wood efficiently, free or low cost delivery and/or stacking), you may gain a competitive edge. In urban areas, packaging wood in small bundles for apartment-dwelling residents to purchase at grocery or convenience stores can be very lucrative. 
  8. Consider selling “cut-your-own” firewood. While this will eliminate your investment in time, labor and materials, you must consider possible liability if someone is injured while cutting on your property. 
Costs and Returns 

If you own your land, chainsaw, and truck, then fuel, safety equipment and time are your only costs. If you do not own the basic equipment there is a substantial investment involved. You may expect to cut about 1/2 cord of wood from the trunk and branches of a tree with a 12-14 inch base. An acre of good hardwood land should be able to produce about 2 cords of wood per year. 

Your returns will vary regionally and locally and according to your marketing techniques and skills. Current prices vary from $80 to $115 per standard cord (seasoned, delivered and stacked) in Alachua County to $115 to $125 (unstacked) in St. Petersburg. Some businesses in the Tampa Bay area are charging $125 to $150 per cord if the buyer picks it up and 
$160 to $180 delivered (not stacked). Near Tallahassee seasoned oak is selling for $90 to $115 per cord. In rural areas prices will generally be lower, but unseasonably cool weather or rises in fuel-oil cost generally result in increases in fuelwood prices. 

Measures of wood vary. Ethical business persons will advertise full (or standard) cords or face cords depending on what they sell. 


  1. Firewood sales can not only increase your income, but permit you to remove dead, crowded or poorly formed trees which are competing with potentially valuable timber trees. 
  2. Fuelwood harvests can be conducted throughout the year during slack seasons of other ventures. 
  3. Firewood can be stockpiled for several years so its prices are not subject to market fluctuations as are perishable crops. 
  4. There are abundant supplies of hardwoods in many stands which are often considered weeds among the highly preferred pine timber species. Removal of some of these trees can increase ease of pine harvest in the future without adversely affecting wildlife habitat. 
  1. If you have small holdings and cannot provide continuous supplies, you may still have trouble developing a market. 
  2. Firewood is a labor-intensive business. 
  3. Unsafe cutting and splitting techniques can result in serious injury or death. 

Firewood production and marketing can provide a steady supplement to income of many forest landowners in Florida. However, unless there are large acreages involved, it is unlikely that Floridians could depend on a firewood business as a sole income. A well-devised forest management plan for your land should provide a marketable supply if you own eight acres or more. Firewood production requires substantial work and should not be undertaken without planning for markets, returns on your investment, and the impact on your forest land. 

The advantages of firewood production in terms of management benefits may outweigh the monetary returns in the early stages of the business, but alter becoming an established business, firewood production can be a viable source of supplemental income. 

Literature Cited 

Doig, H.E. 1986. The importance of private lands to recreation. Pages 7.10 In: Recreation on Private Lands: Issues and Opportunities. Washington. D.C. 

Duryea, M. L. and J. C. Edwards. 1987. Planting southern pines. Florida Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS, University of Florida Circular 767.14 p. 

Tanner, G. W. and C. A Gates. (In Press). Survey results of grazing leases in Florida, 1984. Florida Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS. Wildlife and Range Sciences Circular 781. University of Florida, Gainesville. 

Kidder, G., N. B. Comerford and A V. Mollitor. 1987. Fertilization of slash pine plantations. Florida Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS. University of Florida, Gainesville. Circular 735. 5p 

Marion. W.R, and J. A. Hovis. 1985. Developing a hunting lease in Florida. Florida Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS, Wildlife and Range Sciences Fact Sheet WRS-1. University of Florida, Gainesville. 3 p. 

Stanton, W.M. 1986. Longleaf pine straw production. Woodland Owner Notes. North Carolina Agriculture Extension Service. Raleigh, North Carolina. No.18.4 p. 

Wiggers, E. P., and W. Rootes. (1987). Lease hunting: Views of the nation's wildlife agencies. Trans. North Amer. Wildl. Nat. Resour. Conf. 52:525-529.

| Introduction | Forest Grazing | Christmas Trees | Hunting Leases | Pine Straw | Fee Fishing | Firewood |
** Click here for ADDITIONAL READING**
 Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences