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Optometrists Network

Contact Information

93 Bedford Street
Suite 5D
New York, NY 10014

Internet Resources


The Optometrists Network educates the public about visual health and spreads the word about unique aspects of optometric care. The Network aims to help people find eye doctors who can help them, inform the public about their visual health care choices, and provide patient education. Additional aims include (1) connect optometrists with the people they serve and (2) increase communication and collaboration between optometrists, teachers, and therapists in the best interests of the patient and/or student. The Optometrists Network maintains an online doctor directory that gives immediate free referrals only. Doctors listed in this directory provide vision therapy.


The Network presents information about eye care and vision care, such as vision therapy or visual rehabilitation for special needs, lazy eye, crossed eyes, learning related vision problems, head trauma, and more. The Network also provides resources about visual health, including education links and web pages to address the information needs of patients served by optometric care.


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Date Entered:
Date Edited: 2/9/2006
Date Revised:
Health Referral Number: HR3750
Accession Number:

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