Office of the Inspector General
The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) was created by the Government
Printing Office Inspector General Act of 1988, Title II of Public
Law 100-504 (October 18, 1988). The mission of the GPO OIG is to
provide leadership and coordination, and to recommend policies to
prevent and detect fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement, as well
as to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in GPO's programs
and operations. The OIG offers an independent and objective means
of keeping the Public Printer and the Congress fully informed about
problems and deficiencies relating to the administration and operations
of the GPO. To meet these responsibilities, the OIG conducts audits,
evaluations, investigations, inspections, and other reviews. The
OIG is dedicated to acting as an agent of positive change to help
the GPO improve its efficiency and effectiveness as it undertakes
its unprecedented transformation.