Computer Programs Useful in Developing Allowable Properties for a Single Species Under ASTM D1990

ASTM D1990, "Establishing Allowable Properties for Visually-Graded Dimension Lumber from In-Grade Tests of Full-Size Specimens," is the concensus standard used to make submissions to the Board of Review (BOR) of the American Lumber Standards Committee (ALSC) of allowable properties for many U.S., Canadian and foreign species. Recently, it has become apparent how difficult it is to make the calculations for such a submission. Some of the calculations are clearly specified in the standard. But in some cases, the standard just indicates you need to make an adjustment, but does not tell one how to do so.

Evans, Kretschmann, Herian and Green (2001) discuss in detail how one can develop design values under this standard that are consistent with how past species have been done. Since many of the calculations in the standard are difficult and therefore easy to make mistakes on, particularly when trying to do the calculations in a spreadsheet as most recent submission have been done, they introduce a set of computer programs that handle some of the calculations and can reduce the difficulties and potential errors in the process.

This web page links to computer programs that can be run over the web and the Fortran versions of the programs that can be downloaded, compiled and run on your computer.

Go to interactive programs

For further information on this program, contact James Evans or call him at (608) 231-9332.

For problems with this web page, please contact Vicki Herian or (608) 231-9236.

[Forest Service] [Forest Products Lab] [FPL Statistics Unit]

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