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Library of the Year Award PDF Print E-mail
Written on Friday, October 17, 2008
Last Updated on Monday, November 10, 2008

The Federal Depository Library of the Year award provides special recognition for a library that furthers the goal of the Federal Depository Library Program by ensuring that the American public has free access to its Government's information through:

  • Outstanding service to meet the Federal government information needs in the library's service area;
  • Creativity and innovation in developing specific community programs for use of Federal government information or a dramatic increase in their community's usage of Federal government information;
  • and Leadership in creating public service programs that can be emulated by other Federal Depository Libraries.

Nominations typically run from January 1st-June 30th and the winning library will be notified by the end of July each year.

The Federal Depository Library of the Year demonstrates the following attributes:

  1. Outstanding public services, including significant promotion of the depository collection and services in the library and in the community;
  2. Documented knowledge of the Federal government information needs in the library's service area;
  3. Knowledgeable depository staff to assist patrons in the identification and use of the Federal government information that best meets their needs;
  4. Access to a well-defined collection of Federal depository tangible and electronic resources adequate to meet the needs of the library's service area;
  5. Excellent bibliographic control practices that enhance public access;
  6. Substantial cooperative efforts with other depository and non-depository libraries to share knowledge and resources with a larger community;
  7. Exceptional care and preservation of the depository collection.

The nomination should focus on the above attributes. You are encouraged to discuss any innovations, collaborations with other libraries and community organizations, and other accomplishments that greatly enhance access to Federal government information at the nominated library. You are welcome to reference supporting online information by providing Web addresses. You may also submit copies of policies, testimonials, promotional materials, or other information that document superior service within the past 12 to 18 months. The U.S. Government Printing Office will retain the nominations and any attachments.

Each entry must include the following information:

  1. Name, address and phone number of nominated library and the name of the person to contact should the library become a finalist, as well as contact information for the submitter if different from the library contact.
  2. A few paragraphs, or a list of bulleted narrative points, that clearly enumerate how the library's accomplishments fit the criteria for the award listed above. Please ensure your submission addresses the attributes listed above. Entries that describe programs and their effects on the community will be especially helpful to the judges in rendering a decision. While supporting materials, such as brochures, testimonials, press clippings, etc., may be included and are helpful, they are less important than the written narrative.
  3. Statistical data, if available, including the population served; number of staff dedicated to the use of Federal government information; percentage of the dedicated staff who are professional librarians; and usage of the Federal government information collection by the community. Judges do not make selections based on numbers, though they are helpful in giving context to the written submission.

All nominations MUST be submitted online.

Learn more about the Library of the Year recipients:

  • 2008: Law Library for San Bernadino County
  • 2007: Middendorf-Kredell Branch Library
  • 2006: Benton Harbor Public Library
  • 2005: New Mexico State Library
  • 2004: Southern Oregon University's Lenn and Dixie Hannon Library
  • 2003: Tulsa City-County Library

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