


On the web and in print

The resources on this page have been collected from around the web and the globe. Most are publications developed by universities and Cooperative Extension programs around the US. The resources are divided among the following categories. In addition to these be sure and check the links page for more web resources in these areas.

  Do it yourself Aquaculture system ideas

General Aquaculture

Aquaculture Enterprises Considerations and Strategies
At a crossroads: Will aquaculture fulfill the promise of the Blue Revolution?
Fish Farming - Is it safe for humans and the environment?
FAO - State of the world fisheries and aquaculture 2006
The Blue Revolution - By Jeffery Sachs - July 2007 Scientific American

FAO - 2006 State of World Aquaculture

2005 US Census of Aquaculture

The History, Status, and Future of Aquaculture in the United States

General Aquaculture Timeline

Aquaculture Outlook 2006

Farming the Waters Agriculture Eduation Video with sample clip

The Basics of Aquaculture Production U. of IL Extension

 Do it yourself Aquaculture system ideas

Constructing a Simple and Inexpensive Recirculating Aquaculture System for Classroom Use

Build a biological pond/tank filter using 55 gallon barrel from Blondie's Water Garden Web site

Do it yourself  (DIY) bead filter using 30 or 55 gallon barrel

DIY combination wet/dry filter using 30 gallon barrel

Link to 340 DIY aquarium and filter ideas

DIY aquarium cave

More do it yourself (DIY) aquarium projects

Aquaponics - find more on aquaponics in the links section

Fresh Water Institute (FWI) Adding aquaponics system to 880gal RAS

FWI Linking aquaponics system to 880gal RAS

Update on the tilapia and vegetable production in the UVI aquaponic systems (James Rakocy)

A Primer on Solar Aquculture (New Alchemy)

Aquaponics - the integration of hydroponics with aquaculture (ATTRA)

Aquaponics - the integration of hydroponics with aquaculture: Horticulture Systems Guide

Natural Gas Powered Aquaponic System - Design Manual (The Freshwater Institute)

Build a Mini Aquaponic System

Barrel-Ponics (a.k.a. Aquaponics in a Barrel)


Business Planning/Marketing

A Basic Overview of Aquaculture (IL-IN-SG-102)
Is Aquatic Farming For You? (NRAC# 101)
Aquaculture: Realities and Potentials When Getting Started (SRAC# 441)
Considering an Aquaculture Venture?
Should You Attempt Fish Farming? Considerations for Prospective Fish Growers (VT420-897)
Business Planning For Aquaculture - Is It Feasible? (NRAC# 150)
Keys to a Successful Business Plan
Developing Business Proposals for Aquaculture Loans (SRAC# 381)
Marketing Options for Small Aquaculture Producers (AL-ANR-962)
Making Wise Choices When Direct Marketing Your Aquaculture Products (AS-464)
Economics of Recirculating Tank Systems: A Spreadsheet for individual Analysis (SRAC 456)

[Back to Top]

Species - for more species information and publications click here

Trout: Manual For Rainbow Trout Produciton on the Family-Owned Farm (George Klontz)

Tilapia Life History (SRAC 283)
Tank Production of Tilapia (SRAC 282)
Catfish Biology & Life History (SRAC 180)
Processing Catfish (SRAC 184)
Production of Hybrid Catfish (SRAC 190)

Production of Hybrid Catfish Fry - workshop manual - (MS State/USDA)
Largemouth Bass Life History (SRAC 200)
Baitfish Life History (SRAC 120)

Crawfish Production Manual - LSU

Trophy Bass Production in East Texas Ponds and Small Lakes - TX

Establishing and Ornamental Aquatic Plant Culture Facility - NJ
Aquaculture Species for the Northeast (NRAC# 130)
Common Freshwater Ornamental Fish Cultured in Florida (IFAS)
Seaworld's All About Fish
Fish Anatomy

Yellow Perch - Species Profile (SRAC 7204)

Production Technologies

Constructing a Simple and Inexpensive Recirculating aquaculture System ( RAS ) for Classroom Use ( SRAC 4501 )

Spawning Jars for Hatching Catfish

Artificial propigation of warm water finfish species- a manual for extension (FAO 201)

Aquaculture Systems for the Northeast (NRAC# 120)
Recirculating Aquaculture Tank Production Systems: An Overview of Critical Consideration (SRAC# 451)
Recirculating Aquaculture Tank Production Systems: Management of Recirculating System (SRAC# 452)
Recirculating Aquaculture Tank Production Systems: Component Options (SRAC# 453)
Recirculating Aquaculture Tank Production Systems: Integrating Fish and Plant Culture (SRAC# 454)

The Economics of Recirculating Tank Systems- A Spreadsheet for Individual Analysis (SRAC# 456)

Basic Principles of Biofiltration and System Design ( Southern Illinois University )

Low-cost Biofiltration Systems ( Sea Grant- Hawaii )

Recirculating Aquaculture Systems: An Overview of Waste Management ( University of Maryland )

Principles of Water Recirculation and Filtration in aquaculture ( IFAS )

Sanitation Practices for Aquaculture Facilities ( IFAS )
What is Cage Culture? (SRAC# 160)
Caged Fish Production in Alabama (ANR 957)

Trout Culture in cages (KY Ext)
Florida Ornamental Fish Production (IFAS)
Raceway Production of Warmwater Fish (IFAS)

Integrated Agri-Aquaculture Systems - A resource handbook (4Mb)

[Back to Top]

Facility Design

Site Selection of Levee-Type Fish Production Ponds (SRAC# 100)
Watershed Fish Production Ponds- Site Selection and Construction (SRAC# 102)
Pond Recirculating Production Systems (SRAC# 455) Comparison of Energy Needed to Heat Greenhouses and Insulated Frame Buildings Used in Aquaculture (IFAS# 1198)
Heat Pump for Heating and Cooling Water for Aquacultural Production (IFAS# 1096)
Evaporative Cooling System for Aquacultural Production (IFAS#EES-100)
Calculating Area and Volume of Ponds and Tanks (SRAC# 103)
Calculating Treatments for Ponds and Tanks (SRAC# 410)
Piping Systems (SRAC# 373)
Selecting the Proper Pump (SRAC# 372)
Airlift Pumps in Recirculating Systems (Technical article T-9-621 of the College of Ag. Sciences, Texas Tech University)

Microcontrollers in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems

Water Quality

HACH FF1A Water Quality Kit - Instructions in Plain English

Water Quality Power Point - What you need to know to keep your fish alive (U. of  Idaho)

Water Sources Used in Aquaculture (AS-486)
An Introduction to Water Chemistry in Freshwater Aquaculture (NRAC# 170)
A Fish Farmer's Guide to Understanding Water Quality (IL-IN-SG-97-2)
Ammonia in Fish Ponds (SRAC 463)
Nitrite in Fish Ponds (SRAC 462)
PH, Alkalinity, CO2, and Hardness (SRAC 464)
Ammonia (IFAS)
Beginners Guide to Water Management - Nutrients (IFAS)

The Worlds Water - Information on the Worlds Freshwater Resources

Pond Dynamics

Disease Management

What to do when your fish are sick, (including how to ship samples)

Introduction to Fish Health Management (IFAS 921)
General Fish Health Management (NRAC 111)
The Role of Stress in Fish Disease (SRAC 474)
Use and Application of Salt in Aquaculture (NCRAC 105)
Fish Health Inspections: What are They? (NRAC 113)
Ich or White Spot Disease (SRAC 476)
Aeromonas (SRAC 478)
Aeromonas Infections (IFAS)
Columnaris (SRAC 479)
Submitting a Sample for Disease Analysis (SRAC 472)
Use of Medicated Feeds for Food Fish (SRAC 473)
Bath Treatment for Sick Fish (IFAS)
Fish Health Mgt. in Recirculating Systems Part 1 - Introduction and General Principles (IFAS)
Fish Health Mgt. in Recirculating Systems Part 2 - Pathogens (IFAS)
Fish Health Mgt. in Recirculating Systems Part 3 - General Recommendations and Problem-Solving Approach (IFAS)
Fungal Diseases of Fish (IFAS)
Ich Infections (IFAS)
Introduction to Viral Diseases (IFAS)
Introduction to Fresh Water Fish Parasites (IFAS)
Iridovirus in Gouramis (IFAS)
Management of Hexamita in Ornamental Fish (IFAS)
Molds in Fish Feeds and Aflatoxosis (IFAS)
Monogenean Parasites of Fish (IFAS)
Mycobacteriosis in Fish (IFAS)
Nematode (roundworm) Infections in Fish (IFAS)
"Red Sore" Disease in Game fish (IFAS)
Sanitation Practices for Aquaculture Facilities (IFAS)
Spring Viremia of Carp (IFAS)
Streptococcal Infections in Fish (IFAS)
Use on Antibiotics in Fish Disease (IFAS)
Use of Formalin to Control Fish Parasites (IFAS)
Use of Salt in Aquaculture (IFAS)
Vibrio Infections in Fish (IFAS)
Use of Copper in Freshwater Aquaculture and Farm Ponds (IFAS)

Sustainable Aquaculture/ Environmental Issues

Environmentally Friendly Digital Aquaculture Library

Guidelines for Ecological Risk Assessment for Marine Fish Aquaculture - NOAA

200 Years of Troubled Water for the Atlantic Salmon

Exotic Aquatics on the Move CD - U. of IL Sea Grant


US Aquaculture Society Fall 2006 Newsletter

US Aquaculture Society Spring 2006 Newsletter

National Warm water Aquaculture Center - June 2006

Alabama Fisheries Association - Jan. 2007


Fish Nutrition


Streaming Video Resources 3/4/08

Aquaculture Quality Assurance Videoconference (1993)
Aquaculture Quality Assurance Videoconference (1994)
Cooking Crawfish (1993)
Fish Pond Management Satellite Videoconference (1992)
How to Clean Fish (1996)
Introduction to Inland Shrimp Farming in Alabama - Short Version (2007)
Inland Shrimp Farming in Alabama - Complete Version  (2007)
Management of Recreational Fish Ponds (1991)
More Ag related streaming resources


If you know of other resources that could appropriately be added to this list please contact.

David Cline, Extension Specialist
Alabama Cooperative Extension System
203 Swingle Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849
Email -

Last modified: October 28, 2008

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