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Major Releases & AnnouncementsNew Releases for December 29, 2008 - January 2, 2009A Decade of Discovery (Hardcover) Publisher: Energy Dept. Description: EST. DELIVERY DATE 02/15/09. Provides a fascinating account of some of the most significant scientific discoveries and technological innovations coming out of the U.S. Department of Energy's National Laboratories. This remarkable book illustrates how the men and women of the National Laboratories are keeping us on the cutting edge. America's Beautiful National Parks Quarter Dollar Coin Act of 2008, Public Law 110-456 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: EST. DELIVERY DATE 02/08/09. H.R.6184. An Act to provide for a program for circulating quarter dollar coins that are emblematic of a national park or other national site in each State, the District of Columbia, and each territory of the United States, and for other purposes. Publisher: National Labor Relations Board Description: Covers Board decisions and orders issued from September 20, 2007 through December 31, 2007. Year/Pages: 2008: 1451 Publisher: National Labor Relations Board Description: Covers Board decisions and orders issued from January 16, 2008 through August 29, 2008. Year/Pages: 2008: 1302 p. Dr. Walter Carl Gordon, Jr. Post Office Building, Public Law 110-454 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: EST. DELIVERY DATE 02/09/09. Effective Child Pornography Prosecution Act of 2007, Public Law 110-358 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: EST. DELIVERY DATE 11/17/08. Public Law 110-358. H.R. 4120. An Act To amend title 18, United States Code, to Provide for More Effective Prosecution of Cases Involving Child Pornography, and for Other Purposes. Approved October 8, 2008. Year/Pages: 2008: 4 p. Indian Pueblos in the State of New Mexico, Public Law 110-453 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Public Law 110-453. EST. DELIVERY DATE 01/05/09. Publisher: House, Committee on Foreign Affairs ; Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations Description: Jacket 28-784 PS. Year/Pages: 2008: 1932 p. Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians, Public Law 110-383 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: EST. DELIVERY DATE 11/17/08. Publisher: Environmental Protection Agency Description: EST. DELIVERY DATE 01/05/09. EPA-740-F-08-02. Marzo 2008. March 2008. Spanish edition of : Renovate Right. Year/Pages: 2008: 17 p. Renovate Right: Important Lead Hazard Information for Families, Child Care Providers and Schools Publisher: Environmental Protection Agency Description: EST. DELIVERY DATE 01/03/09. Year/Pages: 2008: 20 p. Secretary of State, Public Law 110-455 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: EST. DELIVERY DATE 02/08/09. Public Law 110-455. S.J.Res. 46. joint resolution ensuring that the compensation and other emoluments attached to the office of Secretary of State are those which were in effect on January 1, 2007. Short-Term Analog Flash and Emergency Readiness Act, Public Law 110-459 Description: EST. DELIVERY DATE 02/08/09. Public Law 110-459. S. 3663. An Act to require the Federal Communications Commission to provide for a short-term extension of the analog television broadcasting authority so that essential public safety announcements and digital television transition information may be provided for a short time during the transition to digital television broadcasting. Technical Correction, Public Law 110-460 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: EST. DELIVERY DATE 02/08/09. Public Law 110-460. S. 3712. An Act to Make a Technical Correction in the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008. Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Public Law 110-451. EST. DELIVERY DATE 01/05/09. United States Army Commemorative Coin Act of 2008, Public Law 110-450 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Public Law 110-450. H.R. 5714. Approved Dec. 1, 2008. EST. DELIVERY DATE 01/05/09. Year/Pages: 2008: 4 p. William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, Public Law 110-457 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: EST. DELIVERY DATE 02/08/09. Worker, Retiree, and Employer Recovery Act of 2008, Public Law 110-458 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: EST. DELIVERY DATE 02/08/09. |
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