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Technology Transfer in Action...

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Lower Colorado Region
Water Conservation Field Services 
George E. Brown Jr. Salinity Laboratory
Soil and Water Chemistry 
Management Unit
In 1997 the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation created the Water Conservation Field Services Program.  This program represents a firm commitment by the USBR to:
  • Encourage water conservation through voluntary and cooperative means
  • Assist water agencies to develop and implement effective water management and conservation plans, and
  • Coordinate with other state and local conservation program efforts which foster improved water management practices
In the Lower Colorado Region, the USBR works in partnership with local sponsors by contributing technical and financial assistance for water conservation measures.  Financial assistance can be provided for up to 50% of project costs.  Acceptable projects must be related to one or more of the following four categories:
  • Water management planning
  • Conservation education
  • Demonstration of new technology
  • Implementation of conservation measures
The financial and technical support of the LCRSAN represents the Bureau's commitment to demonstrating new technology and implementing conservation measures within the agricultural sector, specifically with respect to improving salinity management and irrigation water management.
The George E. Brown Jr., Salinity Laboratory is the nations primary facility dedicated to the basic research on salinity problems in agriculture.  The laboratory is operated by the USDA Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS).

The mission of the Salinity Laboratory is to develop research, knowledge, and technology solutions to the problems encountered on salt effected lands.  Research areas include improving crop production under saline conditions, promoting the sustainability of irrigated agriculture, and preventing the degradation of surface and ground-water resources by salts, toxic elements, pesticides, and pathogens.  The scientists and technical staff at the Salinity Laboratory work under three research units:  Plant Science, Soil Physics & Pesticides, and Soil and Water Chemistry. 

The mission of the Soil and Water Chemistry Management Unit is to pursue research and develop technology transfer applications within the following three subject areas: (1) the quantification of salt related chemical processes operating in salt affected and/or sodic soils, including toxic trace elements, (2) the development and implementation of instrumentation and technology for soil salinity assessment and monitoring, and (3) the development of control practices and agricultural management technologies for substaining irrigation while conserving soil and water resources.  The Chemistry Management Unit actively supports the LCRSAN via the transfer of R&D technologies from all three of these subject areas.

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The Lower Colorado Region Salinity Assessment Network
LCRSAN Website hosted by the USDA-ARS George E. Brown Jr. Salinity Laboratory