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The University of Tennessee | Institute of Agriculture

Department of Agricultural Economics

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Field Crop BudgetsX

This publication contains short-term planning budgets for corn, cotton, grain sorghum, soybean, and wheat enterprises. These budgets should be used for short-run or annual plans developed for 2009. Budgets for 2009 include cost estimates for 12 & 16 – row machinery complements only.

The fertilizer recommendations in the crop budgets are generally for soils that have a medium soil test. Farmers should have their soils tested in order to get maximum return for money spent for fertilizer. As crop programs are planned, the fertilizer applications can be adjusted to the soil test recommendations.

The 2009 row crop budgets are available as an EXCEL Spreadsheet. By clicking the link below, users can work in or download the spreadsheet file. Within the file, first go to the "introduction" tab for the table of contents and spreadsheet explanation.

Open or download the Budget Spreadsheet

Field Crop Budgets 2009 Full Publication - AE09-11

*No direct government program benefits are included in the budgets. Adjust the estimates as appropriate.
*Trade Names and Pesticide Caution

Corn - 2009

Cotton - 2009

Grain Sorghum - 2009

Soybeans - 2009

Wheat-Soybeans 2009