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News Release
For Immediate Release
May 24, 2001
Contact: Nancy White
P: 215-513-7300 ext 225
F: 215-513-1713

Published in Cooperation with the Organic Trade Association (OTA)

Harleysville, PA – Forty three percent of U.S. consumers use organic products according to Organic Consumer Trends 2001 (OCT). This research study, a cooperative effort of the Natural Marketing Institute (NMI) and the Organic Trade Association (OTA) examines one of the fastest growing segments in consumer packaged goods – organics. Retail sales of organic products have grown steadily for the past ten years, showing compounded annual growth (CAG) of 22.74% over that period. Growth rates are similar over the most recent five year (22.61%) and three year (24.72%) periods. Assuming steady growth at a rate of 20% annually, retail sales of organics in 2001 are projected at $9.3 billion. By 2005, sales are expected to reach nearly $20 billion.

Source: Organic Consumer Trends 2001
©2001 The Natural Marketing Institute

OCT was generated from 2,000+ consumer households nationwide and is balanced to U.S. census/general population, nationally projectable to within +/- 2%. It contains attitudinal and behavioral findings across relevant consumer segments including all organic users, new users, core users, and non-users. This segmenting of consumers by duration and frequency of use allows comparisons between and among the user groups and non-users, in an effort to search out opportunities within the marketplace for conversion of new users into long-term users, and non-users into users. For example, while 43% of the general population have used organic products in the past year, 7% of the general population tried them for the first time. In addition, core users, which represent 6% of the general population, have been using organic products more than 3 years and once per week or more. Heavy users, those who use more than once a day, account for 5% of the general population.

OCT presents the most recent data on organic consumers in an understandable and relevant format, and also generates insightful reasons and extrapolations behind and beyond the facts. It explores organic entry points, as well as attraction, conversion, retention, and penetration of consumer segments. Product usage, sources of influence, and brand awareness/loyalty are presented across all retail channels. Each page offers actionable findings via charts, graphs, and tables, which are accompanied by textual analysis explaining organic market trends and identifying future organic opportunities. This study contains 100+ pages of essential data for strategic planning, opportunity analysis, and product development.

In the face of changing demographics, socioeconomic factors, lifestyle adaptation, and inherent idiosyncrasies, an insightful review of the organic product consumer is vital to any business activity in this field. OCT also lays the foundation for customized analysis across a variety of specific brands, product categories, sales channels, and a host of other measures. Please contact the publisher for customization information.

The cost of the report is $995. All sales benefit the OTA. For further information or questions please contact Pamela Smith at 215-513-7300 ext 225.


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