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Briefing Rooms

Organic Agriculture: Recommended Readings

Readings on this page are organized by topic:

Organic Farming

U.S. Organic Farm Sector Continues to Expand—Organic agriculture is expanding rapidly in the United States, as consumer interest continues to gather momentum and new organic production and marketing systems evolve. This article looks at changes in organic crop acreage from 1997-2003. Amber Waves (3/06).

Risk and Risk Management In Organic Agriculture: View of Organic Farmers—Organic farmers from different regions of the United States identified a wide range of risks to their operations in a series of focus groups during 2001and 2002 facilitated by the University of Maryland in cooperation with USDA's Economic Research Service. Focus group participants saw contamination of organic production from genetically-modified organisms as a major risk. Participants who had used crop insurance, mostly grain and cotton producers, expressed the need for insurance to reflect the higher prices received for organic crops. Participants with small fruit and vegetable farms were skeptical about the usefulness of crop insurance for their type of operation. (6/04).

U.S. Organic Farming in 2000-2001: Adoption of Certified Systems—U.S. farmland managed under organic farming systems expanded rapidly throughout the 1990s, and that pace has continued as farmers strive to meet consumer demand in both local and national markets. An increasing number of U.S. farmers are adopting these systems in order to lower input costs, conserve nonrenewable resources, capture high-value markets, and boost farm income. This report updates USDA estimates of land farmed with organic practices during 1997 with estimates for 2000 and 2001, and provides new estimates on the number of certified organic operations in each State. AIB-780 (4/03).

Organic Agriculture: Gaining Ground—Organic agriculture is expanding rapidly in the United States, as consumer interest continues to gather momentum and new organic production and marketing systems evolve. In the wake of USDA's implementation of national organic standards in October 2002, continued growth in the industry is expected. Amber Waves (2/03).

U.S. Organic Farming: A Decade of Expansionpdf—American farmland under organic management has grown steadily for the last decade, with acreage for major crops more than doubling between 1992 and 1997, and again between 1997 and 2001. Certified organic pasture (including ranchland) also doubled between 1997 and 2001. USDA's national organic standards, which took effect in October 2002, incorporate an ecological approach to farming and are expected to generate further interest in organic products. Agricultural Outlook (11/02).

U.S. Organic Farming Emerges in the 1990s: Adoption of Certified Systems—Farmers have been developing organic farming systems in the U.S. for decades. State and private institutions also began emerging during this period to set organic farming standards and provide third-party verification of label claims, and legislation requiring national standards was passed in the 1990s. This report updates U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates of land farmed with organic practices during 1992-94 with 1997 estimates, and provides new State- and crop-level detail. AIB-770 (6/01).

Organic Wheat Production in the United States: Expanding Markets and Suppliespdf—Describes the emerging markets and price premiums for organically grown wheat crops, as well as the production and distribution challenges posed by these crops. The article also examines the competition for international organic wheat markets and other U.S. organic export and policy issues. Wheat Situation and Outlook Yearbook (3/01).

U.S. Organic Agriculture Gaining Groundpdf—Presents data on U.S. organic crop acreage and livestock numbers in 1997, an update from earlier estimates for 1992-94. During the 1990's, certified organic cropland more than doubled, while an organic livestock sector began to emerge. Agricultural Outlook (4/00).

Organic Fruit Growers Surveypdf—Shows the results of a USDA survey of certified organic fruit growers in the United States in 1995, including the size of their operation, use of various pest and nutrient management practices, marketing channels, and information sources. Resources and Environmental Indicators Update (6/97).

Organically Grown Vegetables: U.S. Acreage and Markets Expand During the 1990's (text only; the special article is toward the back of the report)—Reports on the increase in organic acreage in top vegetable-producing States and the limited amount of publicly available wholesale price information on organic produce. Vegetable Situation and Outlook (5/97).

Organic Vegetable Growers Surveyed in 1994pdf—Shows the results of a USDA survey of certified organic vegetable growers in the United States in 1994, including the size of their operation, use of various pest and nutrient management practices, marketing channels, and information sources. More detail is contained in a 1998 American Journal of Alternative Agriculture article (vol. 13, no. 2), "Organic vegetable production in the U.S.: Certified growers and their practices." Resources and Environmental Indicators Update (5/96).

Organic Markets and Price Premiums

Organic Price Premiums Remain High—Recent trends in price premiums for broccoli and carrots suggest that even though certified organic acreage is rising rapidly, demand appears to be growing fast enough so that farmers and wholesalers are maintaining a large organic premium for these products. Amber Waves (9/05).

Price Premiums Hold on as U.S. Organic Produce Market Expands—Price premiums for organic products have contributed to growth in certified organic farmland and, ultimately, market expansion. Fresh produce has long been an important component of the organic food sector, and a significant contributor to the organic industry's growth over the last decade. This article explores price premiums and market margins for a limited set of fresh produce items—carrots, broccoli, and mesclun mix (5/05).

Organic Food Industry Taps Growing American Marketpdf—American consumer interest in organically grown foods has opened new market opportunities, leading to a transformation in the organic foods industry. Organic food is currently sold in a wide variety of venues, including farmers' markets, natural foods supermarkets, conventional supermarkets, and club stores. New national organic standards will facilitate the marketing of organic products to consumers. Agricultural Outlook (10/02).

Recent Growth Patterns in the U.S. Organic Foods Market—As consumer interest in organic foods continues to gather momentum in the U.S., many firms are specializing in growing, processing, and marketing an ever-widening array of organic products. This report provides economic research on recent growth patterns in the U.S. organic sector, by market category, and a description of the marketing channels for major organic commodity groups. It summarizes USDA research, regulatory, and other ongoing programs on organic agriculture. AIB-777 (9/02).

Tracking Wholesale Prices for Organic Producepdf—Organic agriculture is one of the fastest growing segments of the U.S. food sector. But collection of data (e.g., on prices) for this segment has lagged the industry's growth. Wholesale prices for organic produce are occasionally provided in Market News Service reports published daily by USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service covering terminal markets in 15 U.S. cities. A more complete picture of industry price patterns will emerge if and when data become available for other terminal wholesale markets. Agricultural Outlook (10/01).

National Demand for Organic and Conventional Baby Food—Analyzes sales of organic and conventional baby food in mainstream supermarkets during the 1990s. National-level scanner data are used to assess market shares and price premiums, as well as to estimate price and expenditure elasticities (7/01).

Demand for Organic and Conventional Beverage Milk—Examines the sale of organic and conventional milk in mainstream supermarkets. National-level scanner data for 1996-99 are used to assess market shares and price premiums, as well as to estimate price and expenditure elasticities (7/00).

Organic Foods: Niche Marketers Venture into the Mainstreampdf—The organic industry has grown at a remarkable rate during the past several years. Average annual growth in organic food sales is expected to continue at 20-24 percent into the next decade. Rapid growth in demand presents the organic industry with a major challenge--to ensure an adequate supply while maintaining product integrity as commodities move along the marketing chain. USDA’s proposed national organic standards, expected to be finalized this year, will provide a national definition of organic production, which is among the essential elements for assuring product integrity. Agricultural Outlook (6/00).

Organic Food Markets in Transitionpdf—For the past several years, the organic foods industry has been growing at a remarkable rate of 20 to 24 percent annually. Such growth has led to a transformation in the organic foods industry. A major focus of this report is to determine how new and established firms are faring in this entrepreneurial climate, and whether they can expect to coexist and thrive in what is a unique market (4/00).

Demand for Frozen Vegetables: A Comparison of Organic and Conventional Products (text only; the special article is toward the back of the report)—Presents analysis on sales growth, market share, and price premia of organic frozen broccoli, green beans, green peas, sweet corn, and french fries as compared with their conventional counterparts. Vegetables and Specialties Situation and Outlook (11/98).

Demand for Organic and Conventional Frozen Vegetables—Compares the market shares and prices of organic and conventional frozen vegetables (broccoli, green beans, green peas, and sweet corn) using national supermarket scanner data for 1990-96. Price and expenditure elasticities are estimated using the almost ideal demand system (8/98).

Consumers Pay a Premium for Organic Baby Foodspdf—Presents results from an economic study on what product characteristics consumers consider important when they purchase baby food. Organic was a major characteristic consumers value in baby food, as was the lack of added fillers such as modified starches. FoodReview (5/97).

Direct-to-Consumer Markets

Organic Produce, Price Premiums, and Eco-Labeling in U.S. Farmers' Markets—The popularity of farmers' markets in the United States has grown concurrently with organic production and consumer interest in locally and organically produced foods. This research, based on interviews with 210 market managers, describes the significance of these markets as outlets for many organic farmers, and recent shifts in relationships between organic growers, market managers, and customers (4/04).

Organic Marketing Features Fresh Foods and Direct Exchangepdf—Examines the trends in organic food sales through various marketing channels, including the direct-to-consumer markets, which are used by a higher proportion of organic farmers than other farmers. FoodReview (1/01).


EU and U.S. Organic Markets Face Strong Demand Under Different Policies—Many European Union (EU) countries have "green payments" available for transitioning and continuing organic farmers. By contrast, the U.S. Government has largely taken a free-market approach to the organic sector. Despite the different approaches, both regions have large retail markets for organic foods. For the full report, see Market-Led Growth vs. Government-Facilitated Growth: Development of the U.S. and EU Organic Agricultural Sectors. Amber Waves (2/06), WRS-0505 (8/05).

The 2002 Farm Bill: Organic Agriculture Provisions—Presents a summary of the provisions to assist organic crop and livestock producers with production and marketing, which include several first-time provisions for research and technical assistance (6/02).

The Economics of Food Labeling—Traces the economic theory behind food labeling and presents three case studies, including organic agriculture, in which the government has intervened in labeling decisions. AER-793 (1/01.)

2008 Farm Act Program Provisions

Clarkson, Lynn. 2007. Statement of the President of Clarkson Grain Co., Inc. Subcommittee on Horticulture and Organic Agriculture—Public Hearing. 2007. "Review of economic impacts of production, processing, and marketing of organic agricultural products." 110th Congress 2007-2008, Witness Opening Statements, House Committee on Agriculture, April 18.

Drinkwater, L.E., P. Wagoner, and M. Sarrantonio. 1998. "Legume-based cropping systems have reduced carbon and nitrogen losses," Nature 396: 262-265.

Duram, L. A. 2006. Organic farmers in the U.S.: Opportunities, realities and barriers. Online. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2006-0921-03-RV.

Mäder, Paul, Andreas Fliebach, David Dubois, Lucie Gunst, Padruot Fried, and Urs Niggli. 2002. "Soil Fertility and Biodiversity in Organic Farming," Science, Vol. 296. no. 5573, pp. 1694 – 1697, May 31.

Reganold, John P., Jerry D. Glover, Preston K. Andrews and Herbert R. Hinman. 2001. "Sustainability of Three Apple Production Systems," Nature 410, 926-930, April 19.

Sooby, Jane, Jonathon Landeck, and Mark Lipson. 2007. "2007 National Organic Research Agenda—Soils, Pests, Livestock, Genetics: Outcomes from the Scientific Congress on Organic Agricultural Research (SCOAR)," Organic Farming Research Foundation, Santa Cruz, CA.

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service. 2000. "National Organic Program; Final Rule, 7 CFR Part 205," Federal Register, December 21.


For more information, contact: Catherine Greene (farming) Carolyn Dimitri (marketing)

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Updated date: November 21, 2008