StatisticsPublisher: Agriculture Dept., National Agricultural Statistics Service Description: Contains reliable information on agricultural production, supplies, consumption, facilities, costs, and returns. Its tables of annual data cover a wide variety of facts in forms suited to most common use. Item 0001. Year/Pages: 2002: 536 p. Publisher: Agriculture Dept., National Agricultural Statistics Service Description: Contains reliable information on agricultural production, supplies, consumption, facilities, costs, and returns. Its tables of annual data cover a wide variety of facts in forms suited to most common use. Item 0001. Year/Pages: 2003: 532 p. Digest of Education Statistics, 2002 Publisher: Education Dept., Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics Description: Education Department Publication NCES 2003-060. 38th edition. Thomas D. Snyder, Project Director. Charlene M. Hoffman, Production Manager. Provides a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of American education from kindergarten through graduate school. Includes a selection of data from many sources, both government and private. Draws especially on the results of surveys and activities carried out by the National Center for Education Statistics. Year/Pages: 2003: 599 p.; ill. Price: $54.00 Publisher: Congress, Joint Economic Committee and Executive Office of the President, Council of Economic Advisers Description: Monthly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 6 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $5.00; foreign single copy, $7.00. Gives pertinent economic information on prices, wages, production, business activity, purchasing power, credit, money and Federal finance. ECIN. File Code 2G. Item 997. Federal Court Management Statistics, 2000 Publisher: Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Statistics Division Description: Contains statistical profiles for the 12 regional United States courts of appeals and the 94 United States district courts for the year 2000. Provides historical information for each court. Presents caseload data in a slightly different format from annual and semiannual reports. Data are presented based on the number of judgeships authorized by statute. Leonidas Ralph Mecham, Director. Year/Pages: 2001: 175 p.; ill. Federal Court Management Statistics, 2003 Publisher: Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Office of Human Resources and Statistics, Statistics Division Description: Contains statistical profiles for the 12 regional United States courts of appeals and the 94 United States district courts for fiscal years 1998 through 2003. Provides historical information for each court. Presents caseload data in a slightly different format from annual and semiannual reports. Data are presented based on the number of judgeships authorized by statute. Leonidas Ralph Mecham, Director. Year/Pages: 2004: 175 p.; ill. Federal Judicial Caseload Statistics, March 31, 2002 Publisher: Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Office of Human Resources and Statistics, Statistics Division Description: Provides statistical information on the caseload of the federal Judiciary for the 12-month period ending March 31, 2002. Presents data on the work of the appellate, district, and bankruptcy courts and on the work of the probation and pretrial services system. Year/Pages: 2002: 132 p.; ill. Price: $18.00 Handbook of International Economic Statistics, 1998 Publisher: Central Intelligence Agency Description: OSS 99-10001. Provides basic worldwide statistics for comparing the economic performance of major countries and regions. Includes data for 1970, 1980 and individual years in the period 1990-97. Year/Pages: 1999: 121 p.; ill. Price: $22.00 Health United States, 1999 With Health and Aging Chartbook Publisher: Health and Human Services Dept., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics Description: DHHS Publication PHS 99-1232. 23rd edition. Overall responsibility for planning and coordinating content under the general direction of Diane M. Makuc and Jennifer H. Madans. Presents national trends in health statistics. Major findings are presented in the highlights. Includes a chartbook on health and aging and detailed tables on trends. Item 483-B-02. L.C. card 76-641496.DSL Year/Pages: 1999: 352 p.; ill. Price: $18.00 Health United States 2003 With Chartbook on Trends in the Health of Americans Publisher: Health and Human Services Dept., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics Description: DHHS Publication 2003-1232. 27th edition. Prepared under the general direction of Kate Prager. Presents national trends in health statistics. Major findings are presented in the highlights. Includes a chartbook on urban and rural health, trend tables, extensive appendixes, and an index. L.C. card 76-641496. Year/Pages: 2003: 478 p.; ill. Price: $65.00 Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970, Pt. 1-2 Publisher: Commerce Dept., Census Bureau, Data User Services Division Description: Bicentennial edition. 3d in a series. Provides a compendium of more than 12,500 statistical time series, largely annual, on American social, political, and economic development, covering periods from 1610 to 1970. Intended to supplement the annual: Statistical Abstract of the United States. Also issued as House Document 93-78, Pt. 1-2. L.C. card 75-38832. 2 parts, sold as a set. Item 151. Year/Pages: 1975: 2 bks. (1296 p.) 1989-repr. Price: $114.50 Judicial Business of the United States Courts, 1999 Report of the Director Publisher: Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Statistics Division Description: Leonidas Ralph Mecham, Director. Contains statistical data on the business of the federal judiciary during fiscal year 1999. Compares the caseload for this year to those of prior fiscal years. Explains why increases or decreases occurred in the courts' caseload. Consists chiefly of tables. Item 728-C-01. Year/Pages: 2000: 396 p.; ill. Price: $4.00 Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: Monthly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 12 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $15.00; foreign single copy, $21.00. Articles are on employment, labor force, wages, prices, productivity, unit labor costs, collective bargaining, workers' satisfaction, social indicators, and labor developments abroad. Regular features include a review of developments in industrial relations, significant court decisions in labor cases, book reviews, and current labor statistics. MLR. Formerly LR. File Code 2D. Item 770. Price: $49.00 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Publisher: Health and Human Services Dept., Office of Scientific and Health Communications, Division of Public Health Surveillance and Informatics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Description: Weekly periodical plus summaries, Recommendations, Supplement, and index. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Includes copies of the latest 52 weekly issues, index, and special studies. Recommendations and Reports are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copies: Weekly & Annual Index, $4.25 each; Surveillance Summaries, $4.50; Recommendations and Reports, $5.00; Summary of Notifiable Diseases, $13.00. Foreign single copies: Weekly & Annual Index, $5.95; Surveillance Summaries, $6.30; Recommendations and Reports, $7.00; Summary of Notifiable Diseases, $18.30. MMWR. File Code 2B. Item 508-A. Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations Publisher: Commerce Dept., Census Bureau, Economics and Statistics Administration, Economic Surveys Division Description: Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations, Income Statements, Balance Sheets, and Selected Ratios by Industry and Asset Size. Quarterly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. No single copies sold by GPO. Single copies are available from: Customer Services (Publications), Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233. Shows the financial characteristics and operating results for United States manufacturing corporations. QFR. File Code 2Q. Item 536-A. Price: $58.00 Publisher: Commerce Dept., Economics and Statistics Administration, Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division Description: Issued December 2006. Looseleaf for updating. On cover: U.S. Foreign Trade. Subscription service consists of the basic manual and supplements entitled "Public Bulletin" issued irregulary for an indeterminate period. Back issues will be furnished, but single copies will not be sold. Contains the official schedule of commodity classifications to be used by shippers in reporting export shipments from the United States. Also to be used to compile official statistics on exports of merchandise from the United States. 2 volumes, sold as a set. SCHB. File Code 1A. State and Metropolitan Area Data Book, 1997-98, A Statistical Abstract Supplement Publisher: Commerce Dept., Economics and Statistics Administration, Census Bureau. Administrative and Customer Services Division Description: 5th edition. Presents a wide variety of statistical information on States and metropolitan areas in the United States. Includes source notes and explanations and a subject index. L.C. card 52-4576. Year/Pages: 1998: 275 p.; ill. Price: $9.00 Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2001: The National Data Book (Clothbound) Publisher: Commerce Dept., Economic and Statistics Administration, Census Bureau Description: 121st edition. Provides tables and graphs of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States. Each section has an introductory text. Each table and graph has a source note. Appendix 1 includes guides to sources of statistics, State statistical abstracts, and foreign statistical abstracts. L.C. card 4-18089. Item 150. Year/Pages: 2001: 1001 p.; ill. Price: $50.50 Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2001: The National Data Book (Paper) Publisher: Commerce Dept., Economic and Statistics Administration, Census Bureau Description: 121st edition. Provides tables and graphs of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States. Each section has an introductory text. Each table and graph has a source note. Appendix 1 includes guides to sources of statistics, State statistical abstracts, and foreign statistical abstracts. L.C. card 4-18089. Item 150. Year/Pages: 2001: 1001 p.; ill. Price: $40.00 Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2002: The National Data Book (Cloth) Publisher: Commerce Dept., Economic and Statistics Administration, Census Bureau Description: 122nd edition. Provides tables and graphs of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States. Each section has an introductory text. Each table and graph has a source note. Appendix 1 includes guides to sources of statistics, State statistical abstracts, and foreign statistical abstracts. L.C. card 4-18089. Item 150. Year/Pages: 2002: 1013 p.; ill. Price: $20.39 Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2002: The National Data Book (Paper) Publisher: Commerce Dept., Economic and Statistics Administration, Census Bureau Description: 122nd edition. Provides tables and graphs of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States. Each section has an introductory text. Each table and graph has a source note. Appendix 1 includes guides to sources of statistics, State statistical abstracts, and foreign statistical abstracts. L.C. card 4-18089. Item 150. Year/Pages: 2002: 1013 p.; ill. Price: $16.39 Publisher: Treasury Dept., Internal Revenue Service Description: IRS Publication 1136. Quarterly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Copies of the latest 2 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $39.00; foreign single copy, $54.60. Also cited as: SOI Bulletin. Provides information and statistics on the operation of internal revenue laws. SOIB. File Code 2Q. Item 964-C. Status of Public and Private School Library Media Centers in the United States: 1999-2000 Publisher: Education Dept., Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics Description: Education Department Publication NCES 2004-313. National Center for Education Statistics, E.D. Tabs. By Barbara Holton, et al. Examines the state of public and private school library media centers in the United States in 1999-2000. Data came from the 1999-2000 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS). Composed of tables providing an overview of school library media center data. Year/Pages: 2004: 135 p. Price: $19.00 Publisher: Commerce Dept., Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Economic Analysis Description: Monthly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 12 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $29.00; foreign single copy, $40.60. Each issue contains national income and product statistics, including the Gross National Product, the GNP implicit price deflator and corporate profits and articles about trends in industry, the business situation, and outlook. SCUB. File Code 2D. Item 228. Transportation Statistics Annual Report, 2000 Publisher: Transportation Dept., Bureau of Transportation Statistics Description: 7th annual report. Editor: Marsha Fenn. Provides a summary of the state of the nation's transportation systems and the state of transportation statistics. Year/Pages: 2001: 303 p. and map.; ill. Price: $20.00 Crime in the United States, 1995-2001 (CD-ROM) Publisher: Justice Dept., Federal Bureau of Investigation Description: Uniform Crime Reports for the United States. Gives a nationwide view of crime based on statistics contributed by State and local law enforcement agencies. Uses population size as the only correlate of crime. Consists chiefly of tables and statistics. Generates a reliable set of criminal statistics for use in law enforcement administration, operation, and management. Item 0722. Year/Pages: 2002: CD-ROM in plastic case. Price: $8.00 Publisher: Central Intelligence Agency, Office of Public Affairs Description: In general, information available as of 1 January 2004 was used in the preparation of this edition. Provides brief information on the geography, people, government, economy, communications, and defense of countries and regions around the world. Contains information on international organizations. Designed to meet the specific requirements of United States Government Officials in style, format, coverage, and content. Includes 3 unattached maps. Item 856-A-07. Year/Pages: 2004: 730 p.; ill. 11 maps. 3 maps, folded. Price: $90.00 World Population Profile: 1998 Publisher: Commerce Dept., Economics and Statistics Administration, Census Bureau, and Agency for International Development, Bureau for Global Programs, Field Support, and Research Description: WP/98. Presents the United States Census Bureau's updates of population estimates and projections for all the countries and regions of the world. Contains information on population composition, population size and growth, fertility, mortality, international migration, and use of contraception. Includes a chapter on HIV/AIDS in the Developing World, by Karen A. Stanecki and Peter O. Way. Item 146. Year/Pages: 1999: 178 p.; ill. Price: $10.00 [ Top ]
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