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Interpretation & Education

The mission of the Interpretive Services is to provide information and offer interpretive experiences with Indiana's natural and cultural resources to visitors, staff and a diverse public.

Featured Programs

Share Your Memories and Memorabilia
Your help is needed to make history come alive for Indiana State Parks! We are collecting stories, photos, video, postcards and memorabilia in preparation for a DVD about the history of Indiana State Parks. Our Centennial Celebration is in 2016, but this media production will be released in the fall of 2009. If you have an item you are willing to loan for copying or donate permanently to our collection, check out the details in the news release below, complete the donation/release form and send it to the address provided. We look forward to hearing from you!

State Parks and Reservoirs Centennial Collection News Release
State Parks and Reservoirs Donation/Release Form

Guided hikes, crafts and demonstrations, talks, historic home tours and interpretive center exhibits are at the core of our Interpretive Services.
The people who make this happen are our interpretive naturalists. These outdoor educators, first called “nature guides” when the program began in 1923, have been providing Hoosiers with information and interpretive experiences for more than 80 years.