University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Extension Publications

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Waste Management


Residential On-site Wastewater Treatment: Conducting a Soil Percolation Test, G1472
Discusses the importance of and recommended methods for conducting a soil percolation test.

Residential On-site Wastewater Treatment: Gravelless Drainfield Systems for Effluent Treatment, G1480
Discusses recommended practices for the design and installation of residential onsite gravelless effluent treatment systems.

Residential On-site Wastewater Treatment: Lagoon Design and Construction, G1441
Discusses recommended practices for the design and construction of lagoon systems for treatment of residential wastewater.

Residential On-site Wastewater Treatment: Lagoon Maintenance, G1423
Discusses recommended practices for the operation and management of residential on-site lagoon wastewater treatment systems.

Residential On-site Wastewater Treatment: Mounds for Effluent Treatment, G1475
A mound wastewater treatment system may be right for lots that have slowly permeable soils, sandy soils, or a high water table. Learn the advantages, disadvantages and maintenance considerations of a mound system.

Residential On-site Wastewater Treatment: Septic Tank and Drainfield Maintenance, G1424
Discusses recommended practices for the operation and management of residential on-site septic systems for wastewater treatment.

Residential On-site Wastewater Treatment: Septic Tank Design and Installation, G1473
Describes types of septic tanks, selecting the correct tank size, placement and installation.

Residential On-site Wastewater Treatment: The Role of Soil, G1468
Discusses how soil can affect onsite wastewater treatment systems.

Residential On-site Wastewater Treatment: Traditional Drainfield Systems for Effluent Treatment, G1479
Discusses recommended practices for the design and installation of traditional residential on-site effluent treatment systems.

Residential Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Constructed Wetlands for Effluent Treatment, G1474
Recommended practices for the design and installation of a constructed wetland as part of a residential onsite wastewater treatment system.

Residential Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Site Evaluation, G1469
Discusses evaluation of a site to determine the type and size of treatment system best suited to it. Explains why the wastewater treatment plans should be finalized before house and well placement.

Septic System Maintenance: Nebraska Homeowner's Guide, EC775
Custom-designed file folder to store septic system records; includes graph space for system plan; maintenance record, forms to record system specifications and pockets to store related information.


Abandonment Planning for Earthen Manure Storages, Holding Ponds, G1370
The purpose of this NebGuide is to define some critical issues to be addressed by an abandonment plan of an earthan manure storage, anaerobic lagoon or runoff holding pond.

The CAFO Fact Sheets from the Midwest Plan Service are a collection of 24 publications that address questions that educators and producers are most likely to have about what the CAFO regulations mean, how they will affect livestock and poultry production facilities, and what producers must do to comply with the regulations.

Calculating the Value of Manure for Crop Production Spreadsheet Instructions, EC192
Instructions for using the spreadsheet, Nebraska Manure Value Calculator, ver 1.33. The spreadsheet is an electronic version of the process described in the NebGuide 1519, Calculating the Value of Manure for Crop Production. Both the spreadsheet and NebGuide calculate the value of a manure source for a specific field, including the value of manure nutrients used between manure applications. The value of other benefits of using manure, such as an expected yield increase, also can be estimated and included in the calculations. The instructions guide the user through the eight linked worksheets and document details that are not included in the software or NebGuide. Download the companion software at

CNMP Core Curriculum, MWPSCNMP
From the Midwest Plan Service, this two CD-ROM set includes topics on conservation planning and biosecurity, land treatment practices, manure and wastewater storage and handling, nutrient management, feed management, record keeping, air quality, alternative treatment and utilization, and TSP certification.

Composting Manure and Other Organic Residues, G1315
Composting is becoming more common in Nebraska because of the many advantages it offers. This NebGuide provides information on the composting process.

Determining Crop Available Nutrients from Manure, G1335
This NebGuide discusses the availability and use of manure nutrients for field crop production and includes an on-line calculator to estimate crop available nutrients from manure.

Emerging Ethanol Industry: Implications of Animal Manure Management, RP192
Ethanol industry growth offers both options and challenges to producers feeding distillers grains. This publication offers more information on how ethanol industry growth impacts nutrient waste management.

Estimating a Whole Farm Nutrient Balance: Spreadsheet Instructions, EC189
Instructions for using the Estimating a Whole Farm Nutrient Balance spreadsheet to estimate an individual farm's nutrient balance by identifying the sources of nutrient inputs and outputs. This measure provides an "environmental yardstick" for measuring nutrient performance of a livestock or poultry farm.

Feed Nutrient Management Planning Economics, EC198
Instructions for using the FNMP$ software, which connects feed decisions with crop nutrient management plans, are given.

Impact of Feeding Distillers Grain on Nutrient Management Planning for Beef Cattle Systems, RP190
Feeding distillers grains to cattle involves changes in land, time and other costs. This guide explains more about what's involved in manure nutrient management.

Impact of Feeding Distillers Grains on Comprehensive Nutrient Management Planning for Poultry Layer Production Systems, RP194
Feeding distillers grains to poultry can impact land, time and labor costs. This guide talks about how changes in diet resulting from feeding distillers grains impacts poultry producers.

Impact of Feeding Distillers Grains on Nutrient Management Planning on Dairy Farms, RP193
Feeding distillers grains to dairy cattle involves changes in land, time and other costs. This guide explains more about what's involved in manure nutrient management.

Impact of Feeding Dry Distillers Grains on Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans for Swine, RP191
Feeding distillers grains to swine involves changes in land, time and other costs. This guide explains more about what's involved in manure nutrient management.

Manure Application Workbook, EC720
Includes forms and instructions relevant to developing a manure land application plan as part of the Nebraska Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP). This is one of three related workbooks.

Manure Characteristics, MWPS18S1
This first book of the "Manure Management System Series" from the Midwest Plan Service includes explanations on how to handle manure in liquid, slurry, semisolid, and solid states and how to sample, test, and identify content relevant to disposal or land application, and instructions for making a manure sampler.

Manure Nutrient and Land Requirement Estimator: Spreadsheet Instructions, EC190
Instructions for using the Manure Nutrient and Land Requirement spreadsheet to estimate excretion of nutrients and solids and land requirements for using these resources. Includes link to downloadable spreadsheet.

Manure Storage Management Workbook, EC722
Forms and instructions relevant to manure storage, including runoff holding ponds, will help producers create a management strategy as part of the Nebraska Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP). This is one of three related workbooks.

Manure Testing: What to Request, G1780
Manure testing is necessary to make optimum use of manure while protecting water resources. This publication is a guide to providing information on a Manure Sample Submission Form to ensure reliable interpretation of results.

Manure Use Plan for Nebraska: Spreadsheet Instructions, EC191
Instructions for using the Manure Use Plan for Nebraska spreadsheet to estimate the nutrient value of manure and accurately credit those nutrients against the nutrient requirements of a crop. Includes link to on-line download of the spreadsheet.

Nutrient Management Plan: Records Checklist and Samples for Animal Feeding Operations, RP188
Sample records and a guide as to which records can be used for Manure Management Plans (MMP), Nutrient Management Plans (NMP), and Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans (CNMP). An electronic copy of the forms that can be customized for individual farms is available online at, click on Record Keeping.

Sludge Management for Anaerobic Lagoons and Runoff Holding Ponds, G1371
The purpose of this NebGuide is to define critical issues to be addressed by a sludge and sediment management plan for anerobic lagoons and outdoor lot holding ponds.

The Nebraska MMP-AMUP Document Generator, EC194
Guide to using the Nebraska MMP-AMUP Document Generator to develop part of the comprehensive nutrient management plan (CNMP). Download the companion software at

The Nebraska MMP-CNMP Document Generator, EC193
Guide to using the Nebraska MMP-CNMP Document Generator to develop part of the comprehensive nutrient management plan (CNMP). Download the software at

The Nebraska Phosphorus Index (2007): Background and Users Guide, EC195
Basis and procedures for using a phosphorus (P) index to assess risk of P delivery from agricultural land to surface waters. The P index is intended for planning as well as regulatory and educational purposes. Download the companion software at


Residential Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: An Operation and Maintenance Service Provider Program, MWPSCIDWT
From the Midwest Plan Service, this manual was developed by the Consortium of Institutes for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment (CIDWT), with partial funding by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Water Environmental Research Foundation (WERF), and features an up-to-date introduction to residential wastewater issues, complete descriptions, step-by-step instructions, definitions of terms, and reviews of mathematical processes.


Odor Management Plan Workbook , EC721
Forms and instructions relevant to assessing odor risk and creating an odor management strategy as part of the Nebraska Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP). This is one of three related workbooks.


Calculating the Value of Manure for Crop Production, G1519
This NebGuide provides criteria and guidelines to determine the market value of manure for crop production.

Demonstration of Yard Waste Compost to Control Soil Erosion from Steep Slopes on Construction Sites, G1625
This NebGuide reports on a demonstration using LinGro yard waste compost on 3:1 construction site slopes to determine its effectiveness and relative cost for preventing soil erosion. LinGro yard waste compost is a trademarked product produced from municipal grass cuttings and leaves by the city of Lincoln, Neb., and processed through a 0.5-inch screen for use as a soil amendment sompost. LinGro is commercially available. Other composts with familiar composition also should be effective.

Managing Livestock Manure to Protect Environmental Quality, EC179
Managing livestock manure as a nutrient resource for land application so as to reduce environmental hazards; includes how storage and handling practices affect nutrient availability.

Sampling Manures for Nutrient Analysis, G1450
Guidelines for sampling manure for nutrient content to improve crop and soil management.

Using Yard Waste Compost to Control Soil Erosion from Steep Slopes on Construction Sites, G1624
This NebGuide presents recommendations for using yard waste compost to control soil erosion on steep slopes.