US Army Corps of Engineers,
     Portland District, Reservoir Regulation and Water Quality Section


"Simulation of the Regulation of a Reservoir"

SimRes is a simulation of the regulation of a reservoir. This simulation takes into account several factors that regulators must consider in real life. These are:

In addition to this the simulation incorporates random weather patterns, so the user of SimRes cannot cheat by learning a specific pattern. You must adapt to the changing conditions, such as, heavy rain, drought etc.

The simulation is very easy to use; however, it requires a java-enabled browser.

To operate the simulation, you must adjust the gate which controls the flow of water through the dam. You can increase or decrease the flow of water through the dam by using the up and down arrows on the simulation's control panel. As you open the gates the amount of power generation increases and the power meter registers this increase in generation. Also changes in water elevation will result in a bad environment for the fish and may cause them to die. River navigation and boating are also affected by the height of the water.

To run the simulation simply click here.

You can also download a zip file of the java applet for offline use.

If you decide to use it, then send us some email telling us what you think.

Link to Portland District Reservoir Regulation Home Page

This page last updated on Wednesday, 9-Jun-2004. Send questions or comments about this web site to Pagemaster.