APA Mission Statement

To promote and protect the standard-bred poultry industry in all its phases.
To continue the publication of the American Standard of Perfection with the breed and variety descriptions for all the recognized purebred fowl.
To encourage and protect poultry shows as being the show window of our industry, an education for both breeders and public, and a means of interesting young future breeders in taking up poultry.
To assist, encourage and help educate the junior poultry man to the sound and practical value of standard-bred poultry and pure breeding.

Toward these goals the APA supports sanctioned meets at poultry shows all over the US and Canada, including an Annual meet and a Semi-Annual meet. Individual members earn points at these shows toward becoming a Master Exhibitor as well as receiving awards from the association.

The APA publishes a quarterly newsletter and an annual yearbook. The newsletter is sent to all members and the yearbook is sent to individual members and Endowment Trust members. The yearbook features many different articles, membership listings, advertisements, APA licensed judges and master exhibitor information.


Check out  our new hats and t-shirts more info-->
APA 2008 Annual Meet
Oct 25-26th, 2008, Ventura CA
more info-->

 2008 APA Inaugural Canadian National Poultry Show
Nov 1-2, 2008, Abbotsford, British Columbia
more info-->

2009 APA Semi Annual Meet
May 16-17, 2009 , Hamburg NY
more info-->
2009 APA Annual Meet
Sept 12-13, 2009, Belvidere IL
more info-->
Save our Hobby
Avian Health and BioSecurity Guidelines

Our President
Dave Anderson- 1947 Grand Ave. Fillmore, CA 93015
805.524.4046 (H) 805.524.5588 (W)

Our Vice-President & Internet Contact
Sam Brush--1009 Hillview Drive  Keller, TX 76248
817.379.6475~~ 817.229.1915 (C) Email

APA Secretary-Treasurer (for all membership Info)
Pat Horstman-PO Box 306, Burgettstown PA  15021
724-729-3459.  secretaryapa@yahoo.com 

Website-Tech Support Issues
Patti Salmon- psalmon@cafes.net

APA/ABA Youth Program
Doris Robinson-National Director-Coordinator --
Youth Program


Membership Information : Individual Annual membership 1yr $15/3 yr $40--Outside US 1yr $25---Junior (18/under) 1yr $10---Endowment Trust Life Individuals $220 US, $440 international members
Associate Membership (clubs) 1yr $25.~~~ In addition to the quarterly newsletter, these memberships earn points in the Master Exhibitor's program and receive the annual yearbook.  Please note you can pay for your membership in our virtual shopping mail with paypal.

American Poultry Association   PO Box 306 Burgettstown PA  15021 (724) 729-3459