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On September 10, 1992, the United States Government (USG) and the Government of Israel (GOI) in the Israel-U.S. FTAA Joint Committee working group on Agriculture agreed to specific compensation for reduced import access for U.S. raisins and prunes in Israel:

1. For 1993 and beyond, the GOI will issue import licenses for the importation from the United States of five hundred (500) metric tons (MT) of raisins and six hundred (600) MT of prunes. As agreed upon in previous FTA communication, import licenses will be issued no later than mid-September of the year prior to the actual import period. The import period will be open from February through September with the specific opening and closing dates announced when import licenses are issued. The GOI will ensure that import licenses will be made available in commercially viable amounts.

2. The tariff for U.S. products on all nut categories in the Harmonized System, Chapter 08.02 except all categories of almonds, will be reduced from twenty-two (22) percent to ten (10) percent no later than January 1, 1993. As stated in the U.S./Israeli Free Trade Area (FTA) Agreement, on January 1, 1995, the tariffs for these categories will drop to zero along with all other tariffs. No other measures, including quotas or agricultural variable levies, shall be implemented by the GOI to impair the improved market access gained by the reduction of tariffs. The revised measures apply only to imports from the United States. Measures applied to imports from other countries will remain unchanged.

3. In the event of a successful Uruguay Round, access terms on the above items for the United States will be the better of this agreement or the terms of the Uruguay Round.

This agreement will also be attached to the September, 1992 Protocol.


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/S/For the Government of Israel /S/For the Government of the United States

Last modified: Friday, November 18, 2005