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  Fuel cells: A real option for base load electricity
At this public lecture on 3 February, Mr Brendan Dow will discuss solid oxide fuel cells and their potential to turn houses into virtual power stations, producing low to zero emission and competitive base load electricity. (Posted 12 January 2009)
Further information

A sense of things to come – smart sensors and the environment
Latest Nova: Science in the News topic. (Posted 16 December 2008)

Academy Newsletter
The Academy's latest Newsletter (December 2008) is now available online. (Posted 9 December 2008)

Academy welcomes new CRC guidelines
The new guidelines for the Australian Government’s CRC program, which include the re-instatement of public good in its assessment criterion, have been welcomed by the Academy. (Posted 1 December 2008)
Media release

Taking measure of our universe
The transcript from Brian Schmidt's public lecture is now available online. (Posted 26 November 2008)

Interviews with Australian Scientists
Interview transcripts, teachers notes and DVDs are now available for Professor Richard Stanton, Professor Robert Street and Professor Brian Anderson. (Posted 26 November 2008)
Interview transcripts

Australian scientists receive grants to strengthen international collaboration
Over a hundred leading Australian scientists have been awarded scientific grants to undertake important international collaborative research under the International Science Linkages – Science Academies Program. (Posted 5 November 2008)
Media release

Prime Minister’s Prize for Science goes to Academy Fellow
The Academy congratulates Academy Fellow Professor Ian Frazer on receiving the prestigious 2008 Prime Minister's Prize for Science. (Posted 17 October 2008)
Media release

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Interviews with Australian scientists
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The Sir Mark Oliphant Conferences
International Frontiers of Science and Technology.

National Academies Forum
The peak organisation for Australia's four learned academies.