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UC Multicampus Research Units

The University of California is home to a wide range of research programs, both system-wide and campus-specific.

Multicampus Research Units (MRUs) are interdisciplinary research programs formally established through Academic Senate review and approval. They serve the entire UC system, cutting across departmental, college, and campus boundaries. A number include branches at one or more of the three Department of Energy laboratories managed by the University. Other MRUs are administered by the systemwide division of Agriculture and Natural Resources and are located at off-campus sites. MRUs facilitate multidisciplinary and collaborative research by faculty, professional researchers, post-doctoral scholars and scientists. With core budgetary support from the University, MRUs leverage external funds from governmental agencies, private and corporate foundations, and industry. Although they do not administer courses, they contribute to graduate training and education through the involvement of students in faculty research and through direct sponsorship of graduate student research. Many MRUs also offer opportunities for undergraduate students to participate in research activities, enriching the undergraduate learning experience at UC.

MRU Organizational Chart

List of UC Multicampus Research Units (MRUs) and Programs

Search the Universitywide Research Center Database

MRU eNews (PDF) -- An electronic Newsletter for MRUs

A Guide to UC Multicampus Research Units (PDF)

Search UC Systemwide Funding Opportunities

University of California eScholarship Repository for MRUs




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