BusinessPublisher: Commerce Dept., Economics and Statistics Administration, Census Bureau Description: BR/02-A. Current Business Reports. Provides national estimates of annual and monthly sales for retail and food service establishments. Year/Pages: 2003: 94 p. Price: $13.00 Publisher: Commerce Dept., International Trade Administration, Good Governance Program Description: Provides a practical guide to assist owners and managers in meeting emerging global standards and expectations for an effective business ethics program. Year/Pages: 2004: 355 p.; ill. Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Item 572-C. Year/Pages: 2004: 8 microfiche, 24X. Price: $4.00 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Item 572-C. Year/Pages: 2004: 7 microfiche, 24X. Price: $4.00 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Item 572-C. Year/Pages: 2004: 9 microfiche, 24X. Price: $4.00 Effects of Imports of Plastic Injection Molding Machines on the National Security, January 1989 Publisher: Commerce Dept., Bureau of Export Administration Publisher: Commerce Dept., International Trade Administration Description: Monthly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 6 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $6.00; foreign single copy, $8.40. Former titles: Commerce Today; Commerce America; Business America. EXPAM. File Code 2D. Item 127-A. Price: $58.00 Financial Management: How to Make a Go of Your Business Publisher: Small Business Administration, Office of Business Development Description: Small Business Management Series 44. Produced in cooperation with the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges. Designed as a teaching aid for instructors of the National Business Training Network course "Financial Management: How to Make a Go of Your Business". Contains information required to familiarize the small business owner-manager with the basic concepts of financial management. Item 901-C. Year/Pages: 1986: 77 p.; ill. 1991-repr. Price: $4.00 Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: 1992 Benchmark Survey, Final Results Publisher: Commerce Dept., Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Economic Analysis Description: Provides detailed data on the financial structure and the operations of United States affiliates of foreign companies. Includes information on: balance sheets; income statements; sales of goods and services; external financial position; employment and employee compensation; United States merchandise trade; research and development expenditures; United States lands owned or leased; foreign direct investment in the United States; and balance of payments transactions between United States affiliates and their foreign parent companies. Item 130-D-01. Year/Pages: 1995: 306 p. Price: $7.00 Publisher: Commerce Dept., Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Economic Analysis Description: Presents revised estimates covering the financial structure and operations of nonbank United States affiliates of foreign direct investors in 1996. Item 130-D-07. Year/Pages: 1999: 100 p. Price: $4.20 Publisher: Commerce Dept., Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Economic Analysis Description: Presents preliminary estimates covering the financial structure and operations of nonbank United States affiliates of foreign direct investors in 1999. Item 130-D-07. Year/Pages: 2001: 115 p. Price: $6.40 Joint Logistics Commanders Department of Commerce Bearing Study, June 1986 Publisher: Commerce Dept. Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: Monthly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 12 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $15.00; foreign single copy, $21.00. Articles are on employment, labor force, wages, prices, productivity, unit labor costs, collective bargaining, workers' satisfaction, social indicators, and labor developments abroad. Regular features include a review of developments in industrial relations, significant court decisions in labor cases, book reviews, and current labor statistics. MLR. Formerly LR. File Code 2D. Item 770. Price: $49.00 Investment Castings: a National Security Assessment, December 1987 Publisher: Commerce Dept. Personal Security for the American Business Traveler Overseas Publisher: State Dept., Overseas Security Advisory Council Description: State Department Publication 10303. Quick Security Guidelines. Publication measures 9 x 4 in. Provides specific security guidelines for Americans who travel abroad on business. Year/Pages: 1996: 20 p.; ill. Publisher: Commerce Dept., Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Economic Analysis Description: Monthly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 12 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $29.00; foreign single copy, $40.60. Each issue contains national income and product statistics, including the Gross National Product, the GNP implicit price deflator and corporate profits and articles about trends in industry, the business situation, and outlook. SCUB. File Code 2D. Item 228. Publisher: Commerce Dept., Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Economic Analysis Description: Presents revised estimates that cover the financial structure and operations of nonbank United States multinational companies (MNCs) and their nonbank foreign affiliates for the fiscal year 1998. Year/Pages: 2002: 112 p. Price: $5.79 United States Direct Investment Abroad: Preliminary Results From the 1999 Benchmark Survey Publisher: Commerce Dept., Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Economic Analysis Description: Presents preliminary estimates covering the financial structure and operations of nonbank United States multinational companies for fiscal year 1999. Item 130-D-6. Year/Pages: 2002: 148 p. Price: $8.40 United States Global Trade Outlook, 1995-2000: Toward the 21st Century Publisher: Commerce Dept., International Trade Administration Description: Highlights growth and trade trends in key countries and sectors. Includes sections on: Assessing our best markets; and Expanding opportunities for industry. Provides data on European Union, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Canada, Japan, Argentina, Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and South Africa. Also covers medical equipment and supplies, computer equipment, computer software, motor vehicles, automotive parts, paper products, and information services. Year/Pages: 1995: 222 p.; ill. Price: $26.50 [ Top ]
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