Research at the National Archives

Digital Cartographic Data Holdings in the National Archives

Electronic and Special Media Records Services Division Reference Report


Record Group 22: Records of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • National Wetlands Inventory Electronic Map Files, 1974-2004
Record Group 29: Records of the Bureau of the Census
  • Geographic Reference Files and Related Computer Programs from the 20th Census of Population and Housing, 1972-1983
  • Geographic Reference Files from the 21st Census of Population and Housing, 1990-2003
  • Geographic Reference Files from the 22nd Census of Population and Housing, 2000-2003
Record Group 49: Records of the Bureau of Land Management
  • Forest Inventory Operations (FOI) Data Files for Oregon, 2000 - 5/31/2006
Record Group 57: Records of the U.S. Geological Survey
  • Digital Line Graph (DLG) Files, 1980 - 1992
Record Group 370: Records of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Nautical Chart Databases Files, 1970 - 1976
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This reference report provides information about electronic records containing digital cartographic data in the custody of the Electronic and Special Media Records Services Division. The data files contain some or all vector format data, wherein linear features are identified by directional pairs of x,y coordinates. The data is suitable for use in Geographic Information Systems for purposes of displaying and allowing for analysis of spatial attributes and characteristics.

Many electronic records series, not listed here, include data elements that are geographic in nature. Such files may also be used as input to Geographic Information Systems. They include files that identify latitude and longitude, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTMs), census tracts, cities/towns, counties, states, or ZIP codes, etc.

Researchers may order copies of the computerized data files on removable media for a cost-recovery fee and analyze the records directly, using whatever hardware and software they have. For more information on ordering data files, see: Ordering Information for Electronic Records. Full descriptions of some of the data files listed in this report are in NARA's Archival Research Catalog (ARC), which can be searched by title, ARC identification number (ARC ID), type of archival material, or keyword.

Record Group 22: Records of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

  • National Wetlands Inventory Electronic Map Files, 1974-2004
    ARC ID: 784038
    Data Files: 26,843
    Technical Documentation: 873 pages; 432 electronic documentation files; 34 pages supplemental documentation

    The National Wetlands Inventory Electronic Map Files contain records that map the locations and classifications of wetlands in the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico, Saipan, and the Virgin Islands of the United States.

Record Group 29: Records of the Bureau of the Census

  • Geographic Reference Files and Related Computer Programs from the 20th Census of Population and Housing, 1972-1983
    ARC ID: 593968

    This series contains files with political and/or census geographic referencing relating to the 1980 Census. This series includes the following digital cartographic data files:

    • Geographic Base File / Dual Independent Map Encoding (GBF/DIME) Files
      ARC ID: 594203
      Data Files: 338 (one per Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area)
      Technical Documentation: 110 pages

      The GBF/DIME Files provide computerized representations of the Metropolitan Map Series (MMS) and includes streets, address ranges, and other geographic codes for metropolitan areas. Each records in the files identifies a segment of a feature on a map by its node points (intersections or terminations of selected map features), address ranges, and associated geographic codes. These files were digitized by determining x,y coordinate values for each node point. Some of the computer files used in preparing the GBF/DIME Files are also available as part of the series Geographic Reference Files and Related Computer Programs Files from the 20th Census of Population and Housing.

  • Geographic Reference Files from the 21st Census of Population and Housing, 1990-2000
    ARC ID: 626739

    This series contains the geographic reference files the Bureau of the Census used to administer the 1990 Census of Population and Housing. This series includes the following digital cartographic data files from the Census' Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) database:

    • TIGER/Line Files, 1990 Issuance
      ARC ID: 626755
      Data Files: 36,346
      Technical Documentation: 137 pages; 28 electronic documentation files

      The TIGER/Line, 1990 Issuance Files are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census TIGER database. The files consist of line segments representing physical features and governmental and statistical boundaries. The boundary information in the files are for statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only.

    • TIGER/Line Files, 1992 Issuance
      ARC ID: 626769
      Data Files: 39,911
      Technical Documentation: 232 pages; 20 electronic documentation files

      The TIGER/Line, 1992 Issuance Files are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census TIGER database and contain the same data as the TIGER/Line, 1990 Issuance (see above). The TIGER/LINE, 1992 Issuance files also include records that show additions, corrections, and updates made to the geographic entities and codes since the 1990 census.

  • Geographic Reference Files from the 22nd Census of Population and Housing, 2000-2003
    ARC ID: 297379

    This series contains the geographic reference files the Bureau of the Census used to administer the 2000 Census of Population and Housing. This series includes the following digital cartographic data files from the Census' Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) database:

    • TIGER/Line Files, 108th Congressional District Census 2000
      ARC ID: 597386
      Data Files: 53,445 (one for each county or statistical equivalent)
      Technical Documentation: 349 pages (agency documentation also in electronic format)

      The TIGER/Line, 108th Congressional District Files are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census TIGER database. The files consist of line segments representing physical features and governmental and statistical boundaries. The boundary information in the files are for statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only.

Record Group 49: Records of the Bureau of Land Management

  • Forest Inventory Operations (FOI) Data Files for Oregon, 2000 - 5/31/2006
    ARC ID: 961699
    Data Files: 6
    Technical Documentation: 13 pages; 3 electronic documentation files; 34 pages supplemental documentation

    The Forest Inventory Operations Data Files for Oregon contain records describing the status of forests in Oregon managed by the Oregon State Office of the Bureau of Land Management.

Record Group 57: Records of the United States Geological Survey

  • Digital Line Graph (DLG) Files, 1980-1992
    ARC ID: 609031
    Data Files: 177
    Technical Documentation: 83 pages

    The Digital Line Graph Files contain data that are digital vector representations of cartographic information derived from the sectional maps of the 1970 National Atlas of the United States of America. These files are in the Optional distribution format, which contains topological linkages that are explicitly encoded for node and area elements as well as for line elements.

Record Group 370: Records of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

  • Nautical Chart Database Files, 1970-1976
    ARC ID: 604443
    Data Files: 876
    Technical Documentation: 76 pages (2 microfiche)

    The Nautical Chart Database Files contain topographic and hydrographic records. The topographic records cover the U.S. Gulf coast and the Atlantic Coast south of Georgia. The hydrographic records include 90% of the U.S. coast to a depth of 200 feet. The records contain coded references to the source document, date of observation, and a coded description of the observation itself.

Related Information

Electronic and Special Media Records Services Division Reference Report, 1980 Census (20th Census) of Population and Housing

Electronic and Special Media Records Services Division Reference Report, 1990 Census (21st Census) of Population and Housing

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February 2007

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