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History of the New World Garden activities for all seasons Learning about each other

The Smithsonian Institution's Natural Partners Initiative Presents...Seeds of Change Garden

Gateways to the Seeds of Change Garden


Inch by inch, row by row,
Gonna make this garden grow...

(The Garden Song, words by David Mallett)
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This web site funded in part by the Smithsonian Women's Committee
and the U. S. Department of Agriculture.

Parents and Teachers, click here!

Take yourself on an adventure. An adventure that will help you get to know yourself, your family, your friends, and the earth. Take a new look at history. How can the past help us into the future?

Right this minute, people all over the world are eating, or shopping for food or preparing food to be eaten. It is a way of life. Everyone must eat to survive.

What are they eating? Often times that depends on where they live. What plants and animals live in that area? What kinds of transportation are available to the area? Can planes, ships, or trucks deliver food that was grown in another part of the world?

Long ago, people could eat only what they grew or what they could catch. They couldn't just go to the grocery store and buy whatever was on the shelf! In 1492, when Christopher Columbus came to America, he saw plants and animals he had never seen before. He took them back with him to Europe. Columbus' trips were the beginning of an exciting time in the history of food. People would be able to taste different foods; foods with flavors, shapes, and textures they had never experienced before!

Come and explore the world of 1492 with us! Find out what the world was like 500 years ago! Find out how you can move both forwards and backwards in history at the same time. You can do it all, and along the way, you will learn about yourself, your family, your friends, and the earth!

Welcome to our Seeds of Change Garden project!

[Teacher/Parent Note] For an introduction to this web site from Herman J. Viola, Curator Emeritus of the National Museum of Natural History, see his overview called Commemorating the Columbian Exchange. There is also a Bibliography.

What is a Seeds of Change Garden?
Begin your garden in Activities for all Seasons.
Use your garden to Learn about Each Other.
Explore the History of the New World through food crops.
Make some Delicious Recipes from the plants in your garden!
Visit other sites about gardening on the Garden Webring.

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