Advertising, Marketing, & Press Materials
VERB surrounded tweens — at home, at school, and in the
community — through television, radio, print, the Internet, and out-of-home
outlets such as movie theaters, billboards, and city buses. The result was an
impressive level of brand awareness among tweens. VERB was perceived as
multicultural, inspirational, motivational and a source of great ideas for
activities that get tweens’ bodies moving.
Materials to Reach Parents and Other
Adult Influencers
Promote the importance of youth physical activity to parent and adult influencer
audiences in your community. Place articles in your local newspapers,
newsletters and other publications to reach community leaders and parents. This
section includes downloadable brochures, articles, and press materials to assist
you in these efforts.
Materials to Reach Tweens
Help make physical activity
cool for tweens. Download creative program ideas that present physical activity
as fun and engaging. Order posters, stickers, and temporary tattoos to bring
VERB to your facility and reward kids for being active.
Press Room
Fact sheets and press releases about the issue of youth physical activity.
Includes background information; materials for parents, tweens, educators, and
the media; as well as the VERB Newsletter Archive.
Page last reviewed: August 1, 2007
Page last modified: August 1, 2007
Content source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention
and Health Promotion, Division of Adolescent and School Health |