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Legal   Legal  Easy-to-understand facts, and where to go to get help.

Iowa Flood Recovery

Rebuild Iowa office


Volunteer or need volunteers?

Project Recovery - counseling and outreach workers available. Contact Iowa Concern at 800-447-1985

Call Iowa Concern for additional resources - we can help.

Finance   Finance Helpful tips about your family finances, what to do if you've been laid off, and more.
Caring   Caring for Yourself and Others Test your stress, and learn about depression, parenting, and more.
Crisis/Disaster   Crisis/Disaster  Links and helpful information relating to homeland security, serious illnesses, and divorce.
Overcoming Adversity   Overcoming Adversity  Inspiring stories from those who have been there and made it through.
Learn More   Learn More About Iowa Concern Additional information on our service, marketing tools, and monthly reports.

Date last updated: December 24, 2008
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Funding for development of this website was made possible from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA), grant no. 1 H79 SM53456-01, "Iowa State University Extension to Families for Rural Outreach."