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Acreage Living

A monthly newsletter for rural residents highlighting timely topics on country living. Iowa State University Extension

January 2009 issue:

Techniques to Improve Your Success at Farmers Market

Emerald Ash Borer: A Menace Not Needed in Iowa

Blade? Loader? Blower? What’s the Best Option for Snow Removal



Welcome to Acreage Living!
By Gerald A. Miller, Associate Dean, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Director, Ag & Natural Resources Extension

Welcome to Acreage Living! For some of you, this is a welcome back to a newsletter you’ve seen before. To others, this may be your first look at Acreage Living. Either way, we are glad to have this opportunity to bring you news and information about living at a rural residence.
Our purpose in offering Acreage Living is to help you manage your country home and land and to enhance your rural living experience. Rural residents face some unique issues, and we want to provide you answers and information from Iowa State University Extension and other land grant universities across the nation. Each month Iowa State University faculty and staff and other authors will share brief articles on a variety of topics related to home maintenance, water and wastewater, safety and emergency preparedness, grounds management, natural resources, machinery, business enterprises, animals, public affairs, and family life. Authors will provide basic information and will connect you to further resources or expert assistance.
Our web site will connect you to the current issue along with six years of back issues packed with useful articles. Access to the online newsletter is offered at no charge and we hope you will share Acreage Living with friends and family. If you want to be notified by email when the latest issue is posted, please send an email message to Shawn Shouse at requesting email notification.

Our editors and authors are always open to your suggestions for topics, so let us know what questions you have about acreage living. Thank you for joining us!


Previous issues: see Table of Contents at top left of page

Managing Editors:

Paul W. Brown, Assistant Director, Agriculture & Natural Resources Extension, 109 Curtiss Hall, Ames, IA 50011-1050, Ph. 515/294-7801, Fax. 515/294-5099, and Shawn Shouse, ISU Extension FS/Ag Engineering, SW Area Extension, 53020 Hitchcock Avenue, Lewis, IA 51544, Ph: 712/769-2600
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