Office of
Congressional Relations
GPO’s Office of Congressional Relations communicates information and advocates GPO’s initiatives to Congress, including GPO’s oversight and appropriations committees. The Office serves as an expert resource on GPO for Congress and helps facilitate and resolve the needs of Members of Congress, congressional committees and staff, and their constituents on behalf of GPO. The Office provides high-quality, fact-based, and timely information products and services to support the goals of GPO management and respond to congressional inquiries and requests. All information products and services provided meet the highest standards for accuracy, integrity, fairness, and professionalism.
Services of the Office of Congressional Relations:
- Liaison with the
Joint Committee on Printing
The Office of Congressional Relations is responsible for maintaining liaison with the congressional Joint Committee on Printing, GPO's oversight committee. Liaison with the JCP is conducted under the requirements of the provisions of Title 44, U.S.C., and the following two JCP resolutions: JCP Resolution 1 | JCP Resolution 2. Federal printing and publishing activities in general are conducted in compliance with the Government Printing & Binding Regulations, published by the Joint Committee on Printing.
- Liaison with the appropriations committees of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives
The Office of Congressional Relations is responsible for providing testimony and other information to Congressional appropriators in support of GPO's appropriations requests. GPO has provided testimony in support of its FY 2009 appropriations request before the House Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee and the Senate Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee. Current status of the FY 2008 Legislative Branch Appropriations bill can be viewed here.
- Congressional Communications
All communications from congressional offices
in conjunction with official business
or constituent requests or concerns should
be addressed through this office.
Legislative Information
All official information regarding legislation
affecting the GPO is obtainable through
this office.