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Virginia Cooperative Extension, Knowledge for the Commonwealth

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Virginia Cooperative Extension responds to the needs of individuals, families, groups and organizations with educational programs in the three broad areas of agriculture and natural resources, family and consumer sciences, and 4-H youth development. Residents of Virginia can participate in our programs through their local Extension office.

Visit Virginia 4-H Educational Programs & Resources

Crops and Grains Fruits and Vegetables Health, Nutrition and Foods Livestock, Poultry and Dairy Housing and Farm Structures Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife Home Gardening

Financial Management Natural Resources and Environmental Management Seafood and Aquaculture Parenting and Families Farm Business Management and Marketing Commercial Greenhouse, Nursery and Landscape Disasters - Preparation and Response

Agriculture and Natural Resources
Agriculture and Natural Resources programs help sustain profitability of agricultural and forestry production, while protecting and enhancing the quality of our land and water resources.    ANR Publications

Family and Consumer Sciences
Family and Consumer Sciences programs improve the quality of life for individuals, families, and communities, and support economic self-sufficiency and family stability and emphasize appropriate and safe food and nutrition choices, encourage physical activity, and improve health literacy.    FCS Publications

4-H Youth Development
4-H is the comprehensive youth development program of Virginia Cooperative Extension. Young people from ages 5 to 18 engage in hands-on learning experiences under the guidance of 4-H agents and trained adult or teen 4-H volunteers.

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