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Sustainable Agriculture Activities at Land-Grant Universities

Every land-grant university has some research, extension, and/or education activities in sustainable agriculture. At some universities, these activities are organized through a center, institute, or other formal administrative unit. At others, they are woven into the activities of broader administrative units. Some universities take both approaches.

Examples of sustainable agriculture activities at some land-grant universities (but by no means a complete list) include:

  • California: The statewide Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program of the University of California was established in 1986 as the first land-grant university-based sustainable agriculture program in the country. UC SAREP offers competitive grants, educational opportunities, and information in both print and electronic forms.

  • Iowa: Iowa State University's Leopold Center operates competitive grants, interdisciplinary research issue teams, and educational programs statewide. The Sustainable Agriculture Extension page maintained by ISU Extension offers information on publications, training, funding sources, and other links of interest to producers, educators, and researchers.

  • Minnesota: The Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture is a unique partnership between the College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences at the University of Minnesota and the Sustainers' Coalition, a group of individuals and nonprofit organizations.

  • North Carolina: The Center for Environmental Farming Systems, a partnership of North Carolina State University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, and the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, operates a farm dedicated to sustainable agricultural systems and offers information about sustainable agriculture in the state.

  • Pennsylvania: Cooperative Extension at Penn State offers information on production, management, and marketing alternatives at its Web site, Sustaining Pennsylvania Agriculture.

  • Washington: The Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources of Washington State University focuses on facilitation and networking, funding, and education in several program areas: agricultural systems, biologically intensive and organic agriculture, community capacity building, professional development, and small farms.

To find out about sustainable agriculture activity in your state, see the Partners map and do a search.


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Last Updated: 08/01/2008