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Admissions Information







For Counselors

The University of California is one of the finest research universities in the world. Its academic offerings span 150 disciplines, with more departments ranked in the top 10 nationally than at any other public or private university. And the rewards of a UC education extend beyond the University's classrooms. UC graduates enjoy high acceptance rates at graduate and professional schools and compete successfully in the job market with graduates of other top universities and colleges.

This site is designed for high school and community college counselors who help students apply to UC's nine undergraduate campuses. It includes comprehensive information on admissions policies and procedures for freshmen and transfer students, as well as on academic preparation programs and financial aid.

In addition, counselors can find links to news about UC and college admissions, information and materials for counselor events, and admissions resources for students and advisers.

Prospective UC students can get information on the application and admissions process at UC's admissions website.

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Last updated: January 7, 2009

Admissions site for Students