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  Author: GREGG
PubID: YFCS-0002-2.3
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YCFS-2/2.3 BUILDING A POSITIVE YOU! Express Your Creative Self

YFCS-2/2.3, New Nov 2000. Molly Gregg, Extension 4-H Program Specialist

Wellness Education Project
Building a PositiveYou!
"Express Your Creative Self"
Self-discovery and the development of your talents should be a lifetime adventure. Everybody has a creative self; they just don't always use it or have not been encouraged to use it. Lots of times when people think of creativity, they think of people who are great artists, musicians, or writers. There is a lot more to being creative. There are creative thinkers, scientists, teachers, leaders, neighbors, communities, schools--the list goes on and on.

Think about somebody you know who has a really cool bedroom. Why do you like it? Is it because you like the colors? The posters on the wall? Often, a bedroom is a reflection of someone's creative self. What does your bedroom say about you? Is it filled with CDs? If it is, then it would be safe to guess that you express part of your creative self through music. Is your bedroom full of trophies from sports events? If it is, then it would be safe to say that you express part of your creative self through your participation in athletics.

Part of expressing your creative self is discovering ways to use your talents in positive ways when you are bored. Think of the times you have been home on a weekend and all of your friends have been off with their families doing things. You walk around your house moping and complaining that you are bored. If you are bored, then you are not being your creative self. There are many things that you can do to express your creative self that can benefit your own development as well as your family and community.

This part of the 4-H Wellness Education Project is designed to provide suggestions on how to explore your interests and how to be more aware of your talents. The project provides ideas and instructions on how to do creative projects, which will help you learn positive ways to express your creative self and explore your interests.

Make a gift for a friend, a member of your family, or someone you know who has helped you. Make a gift for someone you want to get to know, someone you respect, someone you want to say you're sorry to, or for someone for no reason at all other than you care about them.

Project Ideas and Instructions

CD Photo Frame

You Need:
Old Compact Disk
Flour/Salt Dough
Double-Stick Tape
Adhesive-Backed Felt
Tacky Glue
Scrap of Cardboard


Use flour/salt dough to mold a base for your photo frame. Make sure that it is at least 1 inch deep and 2 inches around. Make it any shape you want. Use cardboard or a table knife to make a slot in the base. Go at least halfway down through the base and wiggle the cardboard or table knife back and forth a little to widen the slot. Bake or air-dry. Paint.

Cut photo into a 3 inch circle. Attach it to CD with double-stick tape.

Cover the back of the CD with adhesive-backed felt. Use tacky glue to secure it into slot in base.

Photo Business Card Holder

Made from an empty cassette case!

You Need:
Empty Cassette Holder
Double-Stick Tape
Glue Stick
Card Stock


Open empty cassette case and fold top all the way back, as shown. Business cards will fit in the pocket created by the open top.

Mount photo on card stock and cut it out in an interesting way. Use a piece of double-stick tape to attach to the open lid.

Helping Hands for Mom and Dad

Make a tree, bouquet, or potted plant from helping hands that can be redeemed for help around the house and yard.

You Need:
Pink and/or Green Paper
Tacky Glue
Straws or a Stick (optional)
Plastic Flower Pot (optional)
Styrofoam or Flour/Salt Dough
Helping Hand Artwork
More Helping Hand Artwork


Trace and cut around your hand six times on colored paper. Use green for a tree or a potted plant, pink for a bouquet. For bouquet also make 6 leaves on green card stock. Create and draw cutouts of chores like those above. Select 6 of these and glue them on the helping hands. Glue hands to straws or tree branch. Add leaves if desired. Place Styrofoam or dough in flower pot. Poke in straw stems or just form a mound of dough.

Photo Cube

Terrific for Mom's or Dad's desk at work or home!

You Need:
6 Old 3 inch Floppy Disks
Blank Index Stock
6 Photos You Can Cut
Low-Temp Glue Gun
Double-Stick Tape


Lay one disk face down on your work space. Use a low-temp glue to attach one disk to each side and a disk on the top. Cut 6 pieces of index stock to 2-1/2 x 2-3/4 inches. Use double-stick tape to attach one to each floppy. Cut photos to 1 -7/8 x 2 -1/2 inches. Use double-stick tape to attach photos in the center of rectangle index leaving a white border around each picture.

Hemp Friendship Bracelet

You Need:
6 Yards Hemp
Miscellaneous Beads
Masking Tape


Preparing your cord: Cut hemp into two 3-yard lengths. Fold both pieces 18 inches from the end. Gather the folded strands together. You now have two 18 inches strands and two 7 inches strands. Tie all together into a knot 4 inches from the fold. Secure by taping to tabletop at fold. You could also use a clipboard or slip loop made by folding around a chair leg. Pull both 18 inch strands taut and tape down ends. These will become strands 2 and 3 in the diagrams below.

Making the Knots:

  • Cross strand 1 over strands 2 and 3 and under strand 4.
  • Bring strand 4 under strands 2 and 3, then up through the loop created by strand 1. Tighten.
  • Bring strand 1 over 2 and 3 and under strand 4.
  • Bring strand 4 under strands 2 and 3, then up through the loop created by strand 1. Tighten.

Adding Beads:

Beads can be added at any point on the bracelet. You can string them on one, two, or all four strands. On the bracelet shown above, beads were strung only on strands 2 and 3.


When you reach the desired length, make a knot to match the other end. Remove tape. Trim ends, leaving enough to tie on wrist. Make a knot on each strand end to keep from fraying, adding a bead if desired.

Time Capsule

You Need:
Empty Clean Coffee Can, Tennis Ball Can, or Large Jar With a Lid
Decorative Paper
Duct Tape
Items to Put in Your Capsule


Cover and decorate your can with decorative paper. You can also use wrapping paper, scrapbook paper, aluminum foil--anything. Decorate the outside with paint or markers. Write your name and the day's date on the capsule lid.

Fill with interesting things such as photographs, trading cards, a cassette you recorded, finished homework, drawings, information about you and your family, fast-food meal toys, your favorite recipe, or anything you think someone in the future might be interested in. Securely tape the lid on the capsule and write instructions on the outside explaining when the capsule should be opened. Now, all you have to do is find a good place to hide your capsule. You can bury it in the woods or hide it in your attic.

Denim Pocket Beanie Display

This display was made for a teeny beanbag animal from McDonald's. It uses a child's pair of jeans and red, white, and blue beads. For regular-sized beanbag animals, use adult jeans. If using a different beanbag animal, use beads that match or compliment the beanbag animal you choose.

You Need:
Pony Beads
Old Jeans
6" Lace
12" Ribbon or Cord
Tacky Glue or Hot Glue Gun
Beaded Beanbag Animal from "E" Beads (optional)


Cut around one back pocket of child's jeans. Cut close to stitching on both sides and the top but not through the stitching. For the fringe, cut 6" from the bottom of the pocket. Cut this section into 1/4 inch strips.

Lace pony beads onto each strip at different heights. Knot to hold beads in place. String beads onto a piece of ribbon or cord. Glue an end to each side of the back of the pocket. Glue lace along top edge. Make a Beaded Beanbag Animal from "E" Beads and glue onto the front of the pocket.

Tie Dye Socks Using Permanent Markers

You Need:
Permanent Broad Tip Markers
White or Light Socks
Rubber Bands
Rubbing Alcohol
Spray Bottle


Loop rubber bands tightly around socks about 1 inch apart. Press marker tip on socks, leaving some areas white. Spray rubbing alcohol on socks. This will blend the colors. Set aside at least two hours to let color spread. Remove rubber bands. Iron, using a damp press cloth to set the color. Dry overnight. Wash in cold, gentle cycle, and dry in the dryer.

Craft images and instructions used by permission. See the Web site for more creative and fun stuff to do.

Trade names are used only to give specific information. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System does not endorse or guarantee any product and does not recommend one product instead of another that might be similar.

For more information, contact your county Extension office. Visit or look in your telephone directory under your county's name to find contact information.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work in agriculture and home economics, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, and other related acts, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University) offers educational programs, materials, and equal opportunity employment to all people without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, veteran status, or disability.
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