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You Are Here Sunflower Magazine > Archive > Irrigation/Water Use

Sunflower Magazine

Irrigation/Water Use
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Irrigating ‘Flowers: When Less Can Mean More April 2006
Stretching the H20 January 2006
Tale of the (Buried) Tape February 2005
Subsurface Drip Irrigation: A Primer February 2005
Sunflower Efficient Water User February 2004
Manage Water by Rotating Irrigated, Dryland Crops February 2003
Benefits of Limited Irrigation January 2003
Ltd Irrigation: 'Flowers Fit Well into Drought-Hit Rotations January 2003
Efficient Water User April 2001
Limited Irrigation Farming January 2001
Sunflower Water Use Relationships April 1999
PAM Benefits for Irrigated Cropland April 1997
Winter Waterland March 1996
High Plains Soil & Moisture Conservation Evangelist March 1996
Timely Surge Of Moisture December 1995

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