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Welcome to the Kansas Water Office home page.  The Water Office coordinates the Kansas water planning process in concert with the Kansas Water Authority.  The Authority's 24 members include representatives from diverse water use interest groups and leaders of the state's natural resource agencies.

Advice on policy development comes from Basin Advisory Committees in each of the state's 12 river basins and other local stakeholders.  The Authority, in turn, advises the Governor and Legislature on water issues to be considered for policy enactment.

Water planning in Kansas is an open process.  Keep coming back to this web site for the latest in policy proposals and schedules of the basin advisory committees and Kansas Water Authority meetings.

Tracy Streeter, Director

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Exploring remarkable sites

in three Kansas Counties

The Kansas Scenic Byways Program was formed to identify and designate scenic roadways in Kansas that possess outstanding natural, social, cultural and/or economic values. The program is a cooperative effort among private citizens, local groups, local governments and state government agencies. Some Kansas Scenic Byways, like the Wetlands & Wildlife National Scenic Byway, receive additional recognition as National Scenic Byways.


Online HydroGRAM Graphic

December Articles

  • CREP Benefits Landowners and Aquifer Resources

  • New Stream Mitigation Guidelines are now in Effect in Kansas


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 Kansas Water Office, 901 S. Kansas Avenue, Topeka, KS  66612, 785-296-3185; Toll Free 1-888-KAN-WATE(R) (1-888-526-9283)
 For problems or questions regarding this Web site contact Kelly.Freed@kwo.ks.gov   
Last updated: 01/16/2009 01:13 PM